please use
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That gay ass filter is still being used?
Go back to reddit
Man, I'm glad that there are filters here. Look at all that shit in the link.
Please kill yourself.
That "gay as filter" is keeping idiots from clicking clickbait that keeps garbage sites alive. Go back to where you came from.
FUCKING normalfagS
Looks like the filter caught another normalfag. Go back to facebook yourself.
No user, you're the normalfag.
I bet you don't even know both terms originate from /r9k/.
>on my Holla Forums
oh shit I forgot my sage, my bad
You need to go back too.
An even better reason to tell you to leave. I bet you call imageboards "chans" as well.
With that many exclamation points I was expecting half life 3 not yet another sale
You definitely need to fuck off back to reddit.
Hey, dumbass, people just don't want to bump this garbage thread.
wew lad
wew lad
Jokes on you, there's literally nothing I want.
Fucking redditors.
Oh please you can't sit there and pretend that's not what every assblasted ">>>/reddit/ shill goon Holla Forums template thread" poster who sages uses it as
You'd be better off not responding to it or else you get autists like me who keep it alive no matter how blue your name is
Before I go, why are you keeping this thread alive, exactly?
I could have sworn normee came from wizchan.
>Buy games on steam.
Every time there's a new Steam Sale I simply realize how few good games there actually are on Steam.
It's all just Indie/Weeb shit by now, which is worth exactly nothing.
This fucking inbred cumstain
No, it means that you may understand its relevance, why it's used and why people dislike when you don't abide by the culture. This is the problem with you dipshit redditors and millenial fuckwads in general, you barge into a community you know nothing about, act like you're hot shit, piss off the locals and then throw a temper tantrum when people tell you to fuck off.
He's probably just mad that people can still spot redditors. Makes it harder for him. to post here.
Here in my garage, got these new doubles here.
Probably a combination of Wizardchan and /r9k/, they're both filled with the same kinds of people
To see how long it takes for people to stop responding instead of feeding somebody obviously messing with them attention, especially when the get inordinately upset at "sage is a downvote" even though the thread being actively bumped means it might as well be one at that point in time it has consistently taken longer for people to get the hint than it has any right to no matter the thread subject
Ignoring whatever the fuck has been going on in this thread until now, it's hard to care about Steam sales anymore. Almost everything worthwhile on Steam that will be on sale has already been on sale in the past, so they're only a great benefit to newcomers. Of course, there's the occasional missed game, but that's about it. I will probably buy pic related.
Like I thought, you're merely pretending to be retarded to get a rise out of people.
Good job, retard.
r9k is for fags in general
Wow, it's a good thing you were just pretending and understand that anyone who would say anything in your posts seriously would be a complete retard.
But of course you were just pretending.
Sorry boys but you're in the thick of it on this one, no backing out now after getting as upset as you did. We're all retarded here
I was never able to tolerate the board when I checked it out a couple times on 4chan years ago, is it as bad now as it was then or has it gotten even more pathetic?
Go back to reddit if you love talking about downvotes. Sage is for off topic shit.
Of course we are.
Did you misquote?
It's a good thing you're still responding and still validating me champ, maybe someday you'll get the clue to not give attention even when somebody's said they're actively fishing for it
Have you opened your buttcheeks for Gabe today?
Just because you're allowed here doesn't mean everyone is here because they fell through everything above
Sick burn, friend
It looks great, but the gameplay is pretty mediocre. That and they gouged PC gamers for a slightly upgraded version.
Steamsale is exactly why I despise PC gaming now.
All those casual normalfag consumer whores buying games for $5 that they will never even play. And then they go on neoFAG talking about their backlogs.
Fuck off.
why are you on Holla Forums? How much do they pay you to share ads? Do you still buy games? Did you fuck zoe too?
Don't make fun of the retarded, that's mean
In my time people had the decency to pirate games not give money to Jews.
Holy shit, even words are filtered now. The fuck happened to the board.
Do you know of a review that you agree with? I want to read more.
normee is for normalfags, just use normalfag.