Valkyria Chronicles Thread

Weeb WW2 Xcom.


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Final mission is so shit, I'll probably never finish it.

Also best non-jew dying makes me mad, rather than sad, cause it occurs in such improbably circumstances.

How's your dead series, fam?

Do you mean it's difficult or that it is poorly done?

So, how's the remake? Is it worth a buy?

it just came out today as a reboot or whatever.

from what i've seen its just an upscaled version of the original. i dont think they added anything.

3 is the best.
3 has the best plot, the best characters, and the best premise.

It's not a remake, it's just a re-release.
It's good, but useless if you've already played the game on other systems.

Is the PS4 release the same as the PC version?


A best

Better than most living IPs surprising.

they are also planning a re release of the sequel.

2 is absolute shit.
One of the worst games i've played in my life.
If they re-release 3 on PS4 i'll buy 50 copies of it.

i ordered the ps4 version even though i have a working PC and the ps3 version because i'm a fucking retard

hopefully it comes in later today, it's been ages since i played it

miitomo was in the works well before Iwata passed, quit spewing this retarded meme

2 is a fucking bloated mess where you have to replay the same maps hundreds of times

a shame cuz i like some of the new classes and characters but fuck highschool settings and fuck repeating shit

I skipped the PS3 version, so I might be getting this one. I heard it includes all the DLC too, which would be a plus.

Yeah, in that case it's probably a good purchase.
I'd get it myself but i'm short on cash and Odin Sphere takes precedence.

Great gameplay and graphical style. Uneven story and it handles heavy themes with weird anime silliness. Story is all over the place in terms of quality. Shame it had some real potential.

That sounds like garbage, seriously?

That's the point.
It's basically supposed to be a war anime, ala girls und panzer, it's deliberate.
Not to say it doesn't have serious moments, but the overall approach is deliberately "animu" by design.

Yes, 2 is horrible.

3 is the best in the series and was released after it so it makes up for it.

Wish they'd gone and made 3 a full anime series as well, instead of just two episodes.

damn. 3 was that good?

is 1 worth picking up at full price?

any confirmation of this?

anyone who's played it will likely vouch for it

the one credit i'll give it over VC1 is all your units get their own little side story, but those side stories are just playing the same fucking maps again

If you've never played it before, yes.
Yes, the PS4 release includes all DLCs.

No i got that, i just think it wasn't really done well. There are animes that do that silliness in a great way, like welcome to the NHK. This one just kind of falls flat in many story areas.


what does the cuckstation 4 version add

Nothing, just in HD and with all the DLCs.

its got the dlcs, i think the pc version has it too

Hmm, i'll pick this up. it's only $30.

its a fun game, more so if you don't go into the scoutrush meta too fast

It is the PC version set at the hardware equivalent of the PS4.

Pretty much. The mission structure, especially later on, does punish you for not playing it in that vein. A-rank strategies always boil down to either orders buffing Alicia or damage boost/piercing on a shocktrooper.

The game's biggest flaw was how you were graded entirely on "how many turns did it take you to win".

A lot of fun strategies and gameplay was basically nonviable because the only way to get the best result was to just clear a path for Alicia.

At least best girl got some use.



i hate when games do that… its like how alot of speedrunning is just skipping the game instead of playing it interestingly or well.

but i'd mostly play this to fill a hole where xcom used to be.

What the hell are you talking about, Imca doesn't die.

This game would actually be pretty decent if not for all the fucking cutscenes

The mission was easy once you got the hang of where to put your lancers.

The scene itself would require magic bullets, the assumption that my squad is literally the 5-6 main characters, and a bunch of other factors that I as a player would have not overlooked.

It's the worst kind of cut-scene nonsense I've encountered in my life.

welcome to weeb games. this is what they do, though theyre usually skippable.

I know with her being a serial arsonist and all that the game tries to push you into making her a ShockTrooper with a flame thrower, but she had pretty decent accuracy and movement, so I made her a sniper.

Trophies and all DLC iirc

pretty nice box too, mine just came in the mail

Maximilian did nothing wrong.

I only played this game for her.


Don't save samples of your waifu, user.

Don't forget! The DLC only has Japanese voicework.

Something called Valkyria: Azure Revolution is planned for release later this year. Anyone have any info on this?

The actual gameplay is just dealing with strategic placement of troops and could just as well be on blank background, so yeah, no slideshow of pretty sceneries for you casual faggots out there.

Only a million skippable Visual Novel cutscenes about your harem like in FE.


games alright I guess. Fuck all of these cut scenes though.

yeah i'm getiting a chortle out of some of these lines i forgot about since i last played the game

honestly if you think this is bad, never touch VC2


i love this game but damn its funny looking back at some of this stuff

It looks really bland. There is some gameplay n youtube.

Stuff like this just makes me love the game even more.

>VC 2 port when? fuck you, i neede my VC fix

No RAITA designs either.

PPSSPP + fan translation

"look thats your home town!"

this is great.

already played VC2 in PSP like a good goy, havent got to play VC3 yet, was hoping for a port when they ported VC1 to pc.

i'm not sure if raita can be trusted with designs anymore

How so?

such heresy.

>the cute irish sniper girl has "pessimist" in their potentials

this game is a lot funnier since i last played it

VC1 did well on PC. I have a sliver of hope the rest of the series will get ported. Maybe the PS4 port will determine what happens next.

i dont remember selveria hating on the jews nips darscens.

Just got this today for PS4. Seems fun. Only played a bit of 2 up to this point.

best girl seems to be darcsen anyways so i can't hate them

Is this game worth it?

I played like 2 hours and it looks okay, but I have doubts about the gameplay. I think it's badly balanced. I want to have a team of regulars, I don't want to switch people every mission. And I don't want to run a scout only group. Can some people tell me if the gameplay is balanced and fun? Because it seems to be just tedious glitching though every mission that breaks my immersion.

Black hair doesn't mean Darcsen. Has to be blue-black which is hard to distinguish in-game. Only a few units in VC1 are Darcsen:

Jane is my favorite too. I gave the absolute madwoman Selvaria's rifle once I unlocked it.

It could have been, but the turn limit and the scoring system value speed over efficiency and as a result every mission becomes a rush to complete the objective rather than having any kind of calculated strategy to take the objectives with minimal friendly loses.

The worst part is they didn't even realise their mistake with either of the sequels.

Even if you don't scout rush it basically becomes a puzzle game in an underutilised SRPG engine. It's like FFXII in that you can feel the failed potential as you play through it in a state of semi enjoyment, thinking things like "this would have been amazing if they did so and so etc".

guess I won't pick it up then. Such a shame, the mechanic seemed fun.

>European PS4 release comes with a poster of best girl Selveria and artbook all for under £20

Very nice, I must say. Third time I've bought this game though. Here's hoping for the third game to come out over here, along with the fourth. Fucking japs.

Is that some kind of weird kick that Sega was on? Seems like a lot of their games for a while had a strange focus on Time Attacks, which I can only attribute to Sonic Autism and Sega trying to spread that cancer throughout all of their games because they mistakenly believed that's what people liked about Sonic, and that people actually liked Sonic.

Make your own objective of killing everyone as quickly as possible.

Also, you can't scout rush straight away. That's only possible because of the orders you receive later in the game.


good taste nigga

wendys good too

game has a reverse difficulty curve because of the orders

Come to think of it, the special missions in the DLC are a challenge because of no tanks and no orders. Really, it's the orders that break everything.

i hadn't played the dlc before back on the ps3, so new version was a good excuse to replay and hit those DLCs

almost worth the price of getting it on my bloodbornebox just for the nice case

So the ps4 version is 2 and not 3?

Not to mention the terribad AI that underutilizes or outright wastes command points doing practically nothing because the game was seemingly coded by amoebas and tailored for retards.

Or that you can't really speed up enemy actions (maybe because of how the gameplay is designed? Not sure, but it ends up being a drag anyway).

I honestly have no idea how such a garbage game could garner so much acclaim from most people. Is it the pretty visuals?

Partially, RAITA is a very popular character designer (hell, I imported his limited edition militaria artbook) and he did both the character and vehicle designs. The canvas engine both captured the anime look better than 99% of those that attempt it and presented an aesthetically consistent and pleasing game world.

The game concept was itself solid, the design was flawed which meant that the execution was doomed. You can taste a good game beneath it, it's not like it's horrible, it's always on the verge of being something special. There's also the fact that there is nothing else quite like it so even though it fails it leaves you wanting more.

Don't forget the default Imperial weaponry. Seriously, those things have a wider firing range than a Star Wars Stormtrooper's rifle. They just can't hit shit!

Oh, this is neat.
Oh.. okay..
The fuck is this?
Fucking stupid, stopped there. They fucked up a great premise. God dammit, Japan, stop it.

Who approved this scene without recognizing how fucked this all is


That's hilarious, considering I seldom if ever really used orders in my playthroughs. I just beef'd my people and learned who/what to kill and how.

strong words, but it was a pretty new thing at its time and honestly its a fun little title

the issue is it didn't expand in a way it deserved, all its good ideas were ignored and they pushed it onto psp

Clip is taken out of context. They reflect on being run out before bringing out the baby and end the scene with them hoping they'll come back someday:

The story never goes grimdark. It's meant to be light-hearted with the occasional somber moment.

God dammit.

the furshit costume is what bothers you, not the adolescent, fetish fueled butchering of her already ample proportions?

some out of context stuff in this game could make a 400 reply shitstorm thread real easy with how things are these days


I know the context, I played the game. My point still remains that this was intended to be a light-hearted, kinda sad moment, but when you stop and think you'll realize it's kinda fucked up because of what's going on and what happened in that town.

The whole "child soldiers" thing would've been great during that Kony bullshit.

and on the other side of the coin some one would be losing their cool because a degenerate like jann is usable in the game

but jann doesn't fuck around so only clown would bench him cuz he loves man ass

Yeah, but I do prefer vanilla, slim Selvaria.

Dallas Wyatt counters him with her man hater trait:

Audrey a best.
Jann close 2nd.

Why did Sega/devs of the old Valkyria Chronicles game decided to change this franchise from a tactical SRPG to a press x to win ARPG?

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that whenever the japanese portray WW2 it's from the opposing side from them, by that I mean the Allied Powers.

dallas can fuck off, i don't need a man-hater engineer when my tank pilots are men

i never even checked to see if that potential includes tanks, it annoyed me on principle

also i used herbert as my go to engineer cuz he cracks me up

You mean interested in the reasons for why they do that? Probably post-war propaganda. Just like Germans have been conditioned to resent their own history.


Fuck off halfchan

I guess XCOM and Jagged Alliance are also interactive movies.

You didn't even know the genre of the game before you posted did you?

Go back to your circlejerk nigger

you people are gonna reply to this guy, aren't you

Yep that's also an interactive movie user.

can i report people for bein' fuckin idiots?


I don't care if you dislike the game, I found the game flawed myself, it's that you are being a faggot who uses buzzwords you don't understand.
How is it an Interactive movie?

So basically every game is a movie then.


come out and say "lol trolled you gud" already, because god help you if you're that fucking stupid to clump VC into the interactive movie category

i really hope you aren't just throwing that buzzword around because you think it will help you fit in with the big boys here

When will they announce VC 4

same time they localize yakuza kenzan

sega is fuckin' horrible

I guess Star control is an interactive movie too lol you are a retard

Catherine is pretty great.

My niggas.

The potentials in this game are fucking hilarious. I love them. Never bothered using Dallas though. I don't need that shit in my army.

This looks terrible. What in the fuck.

001 looks FUCKING CUTE

maybe one day this will get a port in english into a home console or pc

no ones gonna buy it and sega'll pull the "OH GUESS YOU GUYS DON'T WANT MORE VC, OKAY"

and if you buy it, you get more of that shit

Why must the world be so cruel?


That is probably the most repetitive, most underwhelming gun audio I've ever heard.

Get a PSP emulator, it runs well even on smartphones.

for what it's worth if you're not autistic enough to NEED to A-rank every mission then you don't need to scoutrush. if you don't care about that shit VC has a fun story and I liked the combat a lot, although I do wish the Lancers - who are without a doubt the most heavy metal class i've ever seen in a weeb game - had mroe value/focus on them


I never cared about getting an A rank all that much, it just gives XP and money. I usually took every point on the way to the objective and took down everyone on the way
The game wants you to use them as an anti-armor unit, but I found it more enjoyable to plant a good headshot on an elite soldier with a lancer.

i just got so amped by that little cutscene with the Lancers, where their rocket pierce the enemy tank, the hole glows for a sec, then it explodes like a motherfucker. I was like FUCK YES BAD FUCKING ASS then in-game they're slow and almost worthless and I'd rather use the Edelweiss for everything they can do

That first battle… This combat system doesn't even make any fucking sense. Your characters are shooting the ever loving shit out of the enemies and they just run head-on into the bullets after you, then the actual battle starts and you're stabbing them with giant swords. What was wrong with the guns?

Second fight and they're hiding behind sand bags while the enemies strafe left and right, no where near cover just shooting back at the air.

This is fucking awful.

If they had added special attacks that turned the gameplay into several turns of SRPG on the fly this would look pretty neat, actually. Like you couldn't run up to the enemy under fire, but had to choose an appropriate closing-in preset that gives you an amount of turns to rout the enemy before it turns into real time again.


The guy had a hard life, lived on the street, and survived WW1 as a fucking trench runner.

Jesus Christ, if they wanted to go with a tactical TPS, why not have gameplay like The Bureau?

I suck monster cock at this game. How do I git gud?

Valkyria Chronicles PSA:
If you've already beaten the game and you want to play again but have no fun because scout rush just ruins it, consider this:
The "Gallian Crossfire" rebalance mod, key points:
- Interception fire power is greatly increased,
- command points moved off story characters so you're not forced to deploy rosie/largo/alicia every single map
– hidden characters now appear randomly with the rest of the cast
- AP restructured so that classes aside from scout can actually move
- Lancer and sniper early game accuracy improved
- Tank parts restructured to be actually useful, (boost body hp, defense, ap etc. instead of just tread stats)
- Alt weapon upgrades now actually significantly differentiated and actually provide opportunities to employ new and different strats
- also fun stuff like snipers (conditionally) and AT cannons being given interception fire!

and you're going to need all of that because Every single IMP is now on par statistically with squad 7 members

Actually quite difficult, but overall pretty well balanced and a lot of fun, don't be surprised if you lose due to the Edelweiss being destroyed a LOT though.

because we need another monhun game

Pretty sure bitch prince / shit tactician was getting his rod polished by her on the side.

fuck this, where is my online shooter with anime qt's?


What do you mean? Are you losing a lot of soldiers all the time or failing missions due to critical characters dying?

That game was surprisingly good and in my view did that squad mechanics better than similar games

he was to retarded and scared of penetrating best girl, because just maybe it would trigger valkirya mode.

just grind and level up qt soldiers and weapons

the Darcsens actually didn't do anything wrong at all the Jews did, though

They have Atlus to localize shit now at least.

How do you get good at the giant tank fight? It's like a wall or a casual filter