Took me two readings.
PBF is always great.
Is the joke that the sound effects sound like racial slurs?
At least you got the joke.
The guy's name is "Slur" for fuck's sake.
It's loss
How "edgy" can a comic about onomatopoeia puns be?
How can I relate so much to a Jewish lobster?
you are a jew?
PBF will always be god tier
heres for 8
Is Gurewitch on our side
Don't act like we didn't saw you.
whats wop even supposed to mean
plz spoiler
It keeps getting better with every read.
I think so, he was at the end of some outrage a while ago iirc.
Slur for indians. That's dot, not feather.
is there a 2D version?
It's for Italians, you retard.
Here, this will do you better.
oh geez rollan
whoo boy
sage for template thread
You should see the PDF version.
There is no god
I thought it was funny.
>on my fetish
Get your filthy hands off my precious insect girls, mammaryfag.
I don't see any templates.
Subtle, as always, PBF.
Fucking based comic series.
what's his superpower, Holla Forums?
I see you are also a man of a well-mind.
Does dice even work here
Dice has to be enabled for every board. If it's enabled you'll see it on the [Show post options & limits] thing below the reply box
My niggas.
How problematic
Gas yourself
Every time
gonna get the donald one tbh
It doesn't even look like him. It's a fucking Kira mold, I'll bet.
Rolling sensibly, for sensible results
Rollan for shit tier
oh cool no dice on this board
thanks mark
That's not subtle, and those are warewolf arms. The ad specifically said "lobster-headed lycanthrope".
>being so simple-minded you cannot notice a subtlety
wew, also
It's not subtle, it's not there. It says right in the comic what it is.
Why is the art better than most western comics nowdays?
Except, just like how the comic at first does not reveal his jewcap, by hiding it with a poster in the back, it also makes you think he's a werewolf by having you read the ad, which he's responding to.
Of course, upon the reveal (which most people won't see), it becomes very obvious that his hairy arms are more like that of a rodent, than that of an actual wolf, as you can see by his non-digitigrade feet, as befitting for a Jew, who is most often more judgmental of others, than anything else.
I don't know why you insist on rending apart good humour. You read like a Jerry.
It's hidden because the punchline involves that reveal, you are just seeing what you want to see. Seriously, this is on par with the "Portal is a story about femininity" bullshit.
Or, maybe it's just a joke about somebody so insanely bizarre finding what seems like a perfect match, and then religion being a barrier.
It's not that complex, and it's not a statement about the Jews.
The only thing that is subtle is the fact that his yarmulke can't be seen in the first panel because it is the same place as the tire on the truck drawing behind him.
That's it. You faggots always overthink things. It's a lobster-headed werewolf finding somebody who is looking for a lobster-headed wereworlf, and then being blocked by religion.
Any link to that PDF version?
They're right, mate. You're twisting the comic to fit your own worldview.
Just another day on Holla Forums, I suppose.
Glad to see PBF is still going and it's still the only good webcomic. I thought he quit for good years ago.
Why wouldn't get something good then?
Instead of some deformed head shit that winds up in those "le nerd" crates.
where can I get this
There's a fucking ton on ebay now that he's running for president.
Took me a while to find it.
Thanks bro
PBF never fails me
I want reddit to leave
Why does the tranny look like a dude now?
Other than for the obvious reasons.
Tranny's brother.
I see it
Why does Marvel hate its fanbase/money so much ?
How far we have fallen
It is Trannys Twin brother.
BUT the Iraqi Peppermint Patty might also be a tranny since its name is Brunhilde, but goes by Brun rather then Hilde.
I just read this shit for the edits.
This raised more questions than it answered.
niggerman when ?
Rolly polly olly
After they conquered the fort they have to at least put out a few soldiers to defend it. These stupid tumblr/agenda comics only exist to remind everyone that comics are dead while they rake in movie money.
I don't even like comic books and this is making me nauseous
i thought this was supposed to be mirandas ass at first but its an airship for venus
But do you want these new questions answered?
I hope not.
Normalfag reporting in
No user, you are the only retarded around here
It's a fucking comic about a bizarre creature finding someone who might love him but then being upset because of religion
It got nothign to do with jewish rat arms
No, I'm a lobster
Oh shit,i finally got it. Wow i feel dumb.
I dont get it, please explain. Is the lobster an atheist?
Fuck me, i just got it. The lobster Jewish.
91. I was a cyborg last time I took it but I don't know what's changed.
maybe a KKK ghost will "spook" him to death
Of course not, don't be silly
About 45, I lost track at the bonus round.
For those interested >>>/ebola/28241
I can't tell if this is real or satire.
Surprisingly (or maybe not), most of that is in the physical department.
I'm a basket case and have fuckall to show for myself, but at least I have an SO, I know how to sew and I don't make people's eyes bleed?
Is the dice rolling even turned on for this board? I don't see anyone's results.
I'm just as lost
Physical 17
Mental 10
Social 23
Accomplishment 15
Bonus 7
Total 72
this is next level. rollin
Fuck off.
I got a 12
thought it would be worse
With nothing in Social until "Socialize once a week".
feels good
tons of bonus points for having made out with just one chick
122 reporting in
I was honestly surprised it didn't specify if the kiss/sex were with someone of the same gender.
I lost my virginity with another guy in the midst of watching Jesus Camp
I just want to die already. Why has nobody killed me yet?
you aren't worth the effort
May as well go all in and actually become a wizard.
The accomplishment section is what fucked me.
>said the cocksucker
Passing grade for wizardry. 24 on the dot.
I know that is the actual reason but it still hurts.
My brain is screaming that I should have been killed by now but I'm not even worth that much.
94. I didn't realize I was so normal.
Fuck 3D, but let's try this out anyway.
16: Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Higher than I thought I would be.
Guess my life isn't as shit as i thought it was.
I wonder if there's a /monster/ or /furry/ version as complete as this one.
He looks like a little fat man
Jesus christ, they're all white and ugly.
Everything checks out.
Anyone who got 30+ should seriously consider suicide
Sounds like a perfect match for you.
We're no longer in the waking world, are we?
You're fucking dead to me.
cancel that, 3 wizards other than me and second lowest score
Apparently I'm a normy
It was written by a Holla Forumsack in order to shill for that particular angle because most "journalists" do all their research on Twitter and copy-paste from other writers. Due to the fact that the 6000000 get went to Ebola-chan, there is now a raid to get the MSM to take the bait and write an article about a Nazi Ebola death cult being behind Trump's campaign. It is not really much different from last time /ebola/ was a top board but this time it's Nazi cultists
I'm not sure what i was expecting, but maybe i thought i would do a bit higher.
What if Donald Trump really does have a council of Ebola cultists somewhere in the trump tower and they're the cause of all of his success?
If it makes you feel better the Physical category screwed me out of the Grand Wizard category.
Apparently I'm a normalfag on the outside and a Grand Wizard on the inside.
Cyborg was my last result. Don't feel like taking it again
Do it faggot. If you haven't improved yourself by now then you must stare at that result until you do.
It's something
then id rather they put their witchcraft to better use instead of focusing on the joke of american politics
The description is accurate
I think they prefer the term blood magic
This is exactly the Hell I expected.
In the real world I'm a failure, but among you people I'm a golden god
feels great
Aztechnology pls
I'd feel sorry for cyborgs if I didn't hate them so much. Now kindly GTFO, all of you.
72, the physical column started strong then quickly went downhill.
user, you need to leave.
39. I sort of expected this.
48, most points scored in the mental department and thanks to my D&D weekly group.
Sometimes split screen party games can be fun, even if there's only one other person with a powerlevel close to mine.
Fucking normalfags all of you
More of a robot then I expected honestly
Where is Sarah Connor
My social was almost 0
That's too edgy, just use plants. They are everywhere and magical ones are relatively easy to find (at least in the upper hemisphere), like lavender (love), fennel and hemlock (white and black) or stinging nettle (hypocrite). The last one is pretty cool, because when you wear it it can protect you from spells or even return them to sender.
What the fuck are you talking about
Looks like I'm a full on normalfag by that scale. I take pride in the distance that puts me from frogposters and the other shitsucking scum from cuck9k
Huh, right where I expected myself to be.
You will never know the joys of autism sublime, nor that of the charismatic socialite.
You will forever be stuck wandering the mundane planes of the ambiguous, senseless, shapeless and superficial, never to find your place, always wondering what could be.
Anything you amount to will be exceeded almost obscenely in one dimension or the other by the two extremes.
You will forever be surrounded by the indistinct and unremarkable gray masses, for you are one of them.
Man, that Green Lantern paladin-looking guy in the background looks pretty cool. Too bad that Marvel and DC have been in the trash for at least a decade.
you're not supposed to put a funny comic in the OP of a LOL thread man
It doesn't matter, at this point it's just a dedicated shitposting thread
Holy shit, I got a 96. Really wasn't expecting that.
ROLLL 90000
let's roll
anything above is a faggot and wageslave
rollin rollin rollin
87. Slightly strange.
italian speech. flail your hand, point, and say "WOP WOP wop wop wop"
roll ing
i love roll threads
am I the cancer?
Could be worse, I guess
I guess I just gotta work twice as hard.
These metal joints still move after all.
Got slightly strange. I think the large amount of people in the middle(robot, cyborg and ss) here is the result of us working to better ourselves.
i hope i get somehting better than my hand
My man the distribution of numbers is probably more accurately interpreted as due to the lack of thought that went into the creation of that table. I'd also like to interpret it as our distance from the sick and contemptible r9k community but it's probably just not very well made.
I'm full neet and scored 103, they never should have taken the filter off that board
someone edited this. right? right?!
no wonder no one buys comics anymore.
Total: 131
Mental: 25
Social: 40
Accomplishment: 17
Bonus: 17
Wew lad, unfortunately for me that's about to change real quick.
I see the cliff, I feel the power.
mfw costanza
Fine, I'm slightly strange now. 86.
What a shame, I like cyborgs.
Forgot to add individual stats
Phy 30 - ment 16 - soc 19 - acc 15 - bonus 6
Physical = 26
Mental = 25
Social = 10
Accomplishment = 25
Bonus = 10
Total 96
smh tbh fam
I can barely figure this out, but gonna roll anyways.
same here family
There's this, although I'm not completely sure if it's up to date or not.
No one is stupid enough to fall for that.
I think it's time to kill myself.
At least I have my monstergirls, my vidya and JAVs.
I don't know man, I'm still more inclined to belivie it is legit then satire.
Did you even read the bio?
Might as well not even fucking bother, mate.
nigga look a dat thread :
>>>Holla Forums6008849
It's not finished, unless the person who made it wants you to come up with some convoluted way of picking the race.
30, I swear to god all you reddit normalfags need to get the fuck off of Holla Forums
Man, I thought pbf was closed.
50 points, half of them from physical
What do I win
Don't feel so bad weird anime bug chick. I like my weird bug girls with no tits.
Also no hair, because that's for faggots.
I'd also prefer less humanoid bodyshapes. I mean, you've literally got a human neckchestmeetwhatchamacall it going on there, not to mention your arms are pretty standard as well.
Might as well not even be a big.
Do you filthy goyim even know how many of Jehova's chosen people are born in Auschwitz every day
Just go fuck a grasshopper already, user
seriously what a fucking cuck I can't believe me eyes
damn, this is actually pretty accurate
Funny enough I hit wizard status a few months ago as well.
The d6s are for the stats. The race is done by rolling a 1d186 by using the "dice" function when posting. Doesn't seem to be an option on this board, though.
I fucking hate myself for participating.
Maddox literally said there's nothing wrong with seeing your partner being fucked and enjoying it, and that it's the same as porn.
I've seen it all today.
wait I didn't see it's a dice roll
Technically he's right you aren't harming anyone by being a cuck, but it is shameful and detestable like many fetishes
If you're into watching your girlfriend get fucked by another guy, it's whatever mate. I could never do that though. If I found out your sister was fucking around on me, I'd have to tell her to fuck off, doubly so if she wanted me to watch.
If it was big enough, female, of age, and had human-level or greater intelligence, you know I would.
Oh, also willing, I guess.
So is it like a lesbian bug, or what
To add to it, it is surprisingly accurate, Im basically Mr. Cellophane, kinda just drift through life without expecting people to notice me or care about me nor actually caring if they do or don't either.
That reminds me of that time when I was a kid running naked in the fields as all kids do and a grasshopper jumped on my dick and attacked it.
I can't believe this fucker is still alive.
Hell yeah faggot.
146 if my life is what counts as successful, then I should probably just off myself now
Clearly the bug is belittling you for your tiny feminine penis.
Did it feel good?
Well might as well give it a shot.
Just imagine, tarsal pad lubricated hand jobs. It'd be like each hand has a tongue on it.
Oops, forgot to roll
I be rollin
Bugs is hot, plain and simple.
Is this a retard news thread?
holy shit there's new PBF? I thought he was dead
It could had been worse right?
This ain't some hot chelicerata action. This is furfaggotry
It hurt. 3D definitely isn't for me.
So where is the racism aimed at the nigger ?
feels good
Physical: 16
Mental: 19
Social: 11
Accomplishment: 29
Bonus Round: 11
Total Score: 86, Slightly Strange
Surprised I scored so high, I think I was mostly carried through by the Accomplishment category.
Someone must have read the doujin about students getting high grades getting assigned sex slaves who were considered failures. ITS JUST LIKE MY CANTONESE CARTOONS
The doujin is call "dropout" or something like that.
I partially agree with him, specifically on the grounds that I am quite fucking tired of people spouting 'cuck.' Shit is just obnoxious.
His shit about 'cuckolds find love important' is pushing it, and I don't see why the title of strange sexual fetish cannot be an insult suggesting the subject is a sexually inadequate loser, to the point that their partner is having sex with someone else. As far as insults go, it makes sense.
What he is mainly trying to get at, I think, is that one is only a cuckold if they are actively getting off to the sight of their significant other getting taken to pound town, which I guess is technically correct, but cuck might as well be considered a slang word at this point, so actual definition can go right out the fucking window.
Weird. I'd never've guessed.
I guess being a "normalfag' is just being a healthy, forward-moving, decently smart fellow.
Social dragged me down. I also threw in 'healthy view of opposite sex', since the way the questions are phrased it feels more like a 'OH GOD WOMEN ARE EVIL' than a 'DOESN'T THINK WYMIN ARE OPPRESSED CIS SCUM' lot.
All this said, the guy what wrote this hasn't actually delt with any normalfags. Weed use, lack of education or drive, significant alcohol use, lack of cleanliness, stagnation, poor management of funds, and so on are, at least today sadly, fairly 'normal'.
I'd argue most folk I've met are solidly in 'cyborg' or 'slightly strange' territory.
Never noticed that. You are right. How disappointing.
It's such a bother to find good art on the lot, too.
Too many rolls needed, I'm not sure what monster Cancer is. Crab?
Goddamn I feel like a retard from failing my dice
You mean you don't make your own :^)
I forgot that was a thing. I should browse the smaller boards more often.
But it's not. You have a cuck fetish if you enjoy it. Doesn't make you more or less of a cuck however.
Pretty much a flat-chested crab-centaur. Congrats, buddy.
And yeah, it's a lot of rolls, all of which are pretty much optional. I just roll for the species and don't bother with the other stuff myself.
Physical: 13
Mental: 13
Social: 12
Accomplishment: 11
Bonus Round: 8
Total: 57 - Robot
I probably could have taken more in the physical column, but I hate myself too much to not find myself repulsive.
Actually, yeah. You are right. Just about every damn definition I am getting is just giving me 'husband/wife of an adulterer,' so his shit about it just being a fetish is wrong.
I'm a comfy little cyborg trying to get into college. What more could a man ask for?
The word cuck is more popular now because of all the gay, tranny, feminism and godzilla acceptance.
If it wasn't for feminism and gayness leaking out of the increasing internet today people wouldn't have a reason to use cuck so much. Cuckoldry is terrible because the moment you let someone fuck your beloved one it shows that you have 0 self respect, and you don't stand up for yourself. No MAN would keep staying with his girlfriend after seeing her choke on cocks for pleasure. Maddox was saying that cucks have a cuckold fetish and it's harmless, he was not arguing for people who had their partners cheating without knowing.
I've tried learning to draw, but doing fancy space critters iwth funky anatomy would require some pretty high grade skill when I can hardly draw a bird good.
That image is just a regular bug, you fuck. You wouldn't fuck that, I hope.
Gotta wait until it is capable of speaking the Queen's. g-get it? Cause it's an ant. I'm sorry
TBH don't listen to the normalfags that made that chart. They're exactly as bad as the facebook crew in terms of being obsessed with boring shit that no one wants to hear about, only they have nothing to show for it. They're people who became nerds because they were losers who needed somewhere to fit in, rather than people that became losers by virtue of being nerds.
See it from the positive side, user. If your life is shit enough for you to consider suicide at 146, then think of how long ago you would have killed yourself at a score of 20
Why is Sanzo so fucking good.
Physical: 15
Mental: 12
Social: 16
Accomplishment: 15
Bonus Round!: 9
Total score: 67. Cyborg
Just as I thought
Has to make up for how shit Korea is otherwise.
exactly what I was expecting, and quite an accurate description too.
I'm in a thread expressing a fetish for large 2D insects. As an entomologist by trade, it was a tongue in cheek statement implying that I am filming my own pornography. Hence the :^)
But byrds are fine too.
Can you give me some source for the first pic. All I have seen is some panels when one of those things snaps the neck of some chick. Is it a manga, or something?
This is a no spoonfeeding zone.
I got a 40 although i feel a cyborg fit my category
Physical: 22
Mental: 9
Social: 5
Accomplishment: 9
Bonus Round: 6
Total Score: 51 - Robot
The physical score would have been higher a couple months ago back when I was stalled in some ottermode rut, still better than being skinny
Terrorfor Europe
So is Maddox a goon or what?
Alien vs Predator 3
Nah He's a cuck
He's a jewish lobster, jews hate lobsters and anything that is related to Jesus, because they think he is a phony just like Muhamad.
61, feels good
well, sorcerer is almost as good as wizard.
>tfw 134
i'm one of you guys
trust me
Physical 17
Mental 29
Social 14
Accomplishment 13
Bonus 17
Total 90 just Slightly Strange
That's Alan Scott
what am i doing here Holla Forums i don't feel like a normalfag
Well fug
I am honestly no that surprised
It's getting better all the time, i'm rather proud of myself!.
i'll get better… i think
Description sounds about right.
73 - Cyborg
Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected.
Ok I guess
slur for Italians from 1910s. Means "Without Papers."
dice 8d64+0