Leftcucks will defend this
Open borders
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What liberals need to understand about open borders, they need to go both ways. If your country has open borders while other country doesn't, it only hurts you.
Nobody here defends "open borders" policies.
By the way, Americans didn't need any Muslims to ban alcohol from 1920 to 1933.
Someone link Zizek's channel 4 interview on multiculturalism I'm on my phone.
We believe in solidarity, OP. Borders are a spook. Not letting people live wherever they want is racism. We need to show solidarity with oppressed third-worlders by opening our hearts and letting them escape imperialist oppression (often due to our own governments) in their countries and come to ours. The first world is in a position of muh privilege over the third world due to imperialist exploitation, anyway - our lifestyle depends on brutal exploitation of the third world. If Western workers don't like reduced wages or backwards cultures, they need to suck it up and deal with it and show some fucking solidarity, because they're the ones that caused it in the first place through the governments that they enable, and it's what the third world deals with every day. Bringing the third world to the first world will do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people and will be the best way to decrease inequality.
Why would women dressing modestly and people being sober be such a bad thing?
Yea I thought all you Holla Forumscucks were against fun stuff.
Ah the fun filter got me I meant degenneracy
It's almost like an RPG game huh? You stop fortifying the wall and orcs stream in and fuck your women.
Muslims are a brown-skinned version of you, Holla Forums. We hate all versions of you, regardless of skin tone.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Holla Forums is too socially awkward to go around raping women.
Lol, stop reading the Daily Mail mate
Good goyim
Did you read the last sentence?
Damn Jewish tricks fooled a proud Aryan again
Allow a billion Muslims into the first world will just diminish all hopes of leftism.
1) it will lead to fascist uprisings from 1st worlders
2) Islam is anti workers rights - they fucking kill minorities etc
3) it will hurt the workers ( lower wages) while helping porky ( cheap labour)
This bit doesn't even make any sense.
Is Christianity or Judaism "anti-workers' right" too?
Yes. Bad thinking is anti-reality.
Honestly half this board has no problem solving skills.
Islam is the most fascist boot liking religion there is.
All the Muslims are slaves to their oil rich kings and kiss their feet
If you want workers rights - reject Islamic beliefs
2,5 Millions in Germany alone
You could go to Syria and abuse their social security system while evangelise Christian values on them.
Deus Vult!
Then they behead you
Believe it or not, but half the Turks we got legally here for cheap labour are even more insufferable than the refugees.
Unlike the refugees, the AKP-Turks have gained economic power and Erdogan uses and exploits them as colonists, regularly visits Köln to communicate with them (and going to Pasha, German's most famous brothel).
What fucking social skills do you think rape requires?
I'm genuinely curious. Go on, please.
pretty much nobody here wants open borders.
Depends where you are.
Only the Syrian government has a working security network. The worst thing they can do is throwing you into a dungeon and torture you for a bit.
Unless you are Russian orthodox, then they won't dare to touch you. Unless they get permission from Putin, then it's dungeon time again.
Confidence. Without any form a confidence you are intimidated easily even by weak people and you can only make empty threats.
The border between the US and mexico is more or less open but nobody seems to be flooding from the US to mexico.
Even the libs who dont like trump are threatening to move to Canadia not Mexico.
China makes all our goods. They are second world.
The middle east is where a lot of our energy comes. In this context Sunni countries are first world and Shiite countries are second world.
What do we get from the third world that our lifestyle depends on?
Which european country has forced women to where burkas and banned alcohol to appease muslims?
None of them. This guy is a Holla Forums plant.
Yeah, I'm sure it's illegal to get a beer in Birmingham and all women have to cover their faces because it's under Shariah law as we all know.
Yeah more than likely.
I know there are parts of Birmingham where you dont need to tax your car because the police dont venture in.
My mate got beaten up there for being thai.
no go zones dont fucking exist
Ive been in one m9.
Like I said its kinda cool that you dont have to tax your car or get insurance.
ANPR checks your insurance every time you're on the road genius, come up with a better fake example
Worse still, you can be taken advantage of by idiots.
Even if you were silly enough to leave the car registered in your name the police would send you tickets and you just ignore them, they would have to send someone to your home which in certain areas is just not safe for the policeman in question.
If you go to an area and you find all the cars on certain roads have no tax discs that means you are in a no go area for police. Precisely due to what I explained above.
Recently its gone electronic so its a bit harder to see that.
Opening borders before socialism is established worldwide won't really help at all. I'm all for open borders so long as economic conditions allow.
You still haven't proven it's under shariah law. I'm sure if you or anyone else had concrete evidence you'd be happy to share. Your friend got attacked in a sketchy area, but that's not the same as shariah or a no-go zone.
Leftycucks don't realize living in a large multiracial and multicultural city where you hear a thousand different languages on the street but don't understand any of them is alienating as fuck. It all fosters a situation where you can't carry on a conversation with your grocer or your tailor or your taxi driver because they don't speak 200 words of English and dismiss you as a rich white guy out of hand. Holla Forums will never realize how exhausting it all is because they never spent a day out of their Lilly white suburbs where 99% of the population are white and everybody else in the world is just like them with the same values but just a little darker.
Damn dude you're on fire today
Dude, thats literally not happening unless you yourself go to a place where they don't speak your language. All immigrants speak either english or learn the basics of the language where you live to get a job. Your grocer will be able to speak your language unless you are the foreigner.
Have you ever set foot outside of america?
Stop responding.
You're out of your mind if you actually believe this. I guess I'm just making shit up then…
Yes. They won't get hired if they dont speak a word of either english or the native language of where they live. You know, because they can't fucking be told what they must do. The only place where those people exist is near-enslaved polish field workers litterally held stuffed away in a barn in the outlands.
But muh Christian values!
Confirmed for never actually stepping foot in a multicultural city. Entire businesses are run and staffed by certain ethnicities where English is not required. NYC just recently eliminated the English test for taxi drivers (whose English was abysmal to begin with). Entire McDonald's are staffed by Mexicans who are incapable of speaking English beyond number 1 with fries.
You don't know what you're talking about suburbanite.