New Movie: GET OUT
It's a movie about how white people use magic to control black people.

This is a real fear that black people have. This would be a good time to push "spirit cooking" back into public discourse. Force a schism in the political left between the satan-worshiping elites and normie blacks

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I always found hilarious how niggers think you need magic to control them, when all you've ever needed for centuries is some gibs and made-up fairytales to keep them tight in your pocket

I actually saw this on Holla Forums today

Why do people keep making thread about this movie ?

Have you seen the trailer? It's blatant propaganda.

Yeah I've been seeing it for two months or something.


Magic? It isn't even a secret anymore.

pic related

Huh. This is actually not bad


Holy shit nigger there's been at least five threads in the past month on this movie, we fucking get it, jewlywood makes race propaganda

T-thanks kikes? Niggers are fucking infantile. Sometimes it's difficult comprehending how stupid they are.

Is this some kind of secret poison that blacks will try to consume and then die

because kek if so


Since we're talking about this shit we might as well talk about the new 7up commercial.

We aren't going to watch your gay movie, stop making threads about it.

This thread is not about talking about anti-white propaganda (since we know it's a thing) is about US pushing ANTI-JEW propaganda letting shitskin know about Spirit Cooking

Thank goodness.

IWhat about jewlywood trying to get some publicity by saying the "alt right" hates this movie !!" This thread has ben done and redone for the past one or two month now.

oh. this is why niggers love kfc.

This is the first thread I've seen about it

get out cuckchan



Why is someone trying to bury something as stupid as this?

Please tell me the twist is that the gf is in on it and sabotaged his escape at the end.

big words scare niggers

You sir, are a shill. You're misrepresenting OP in order to push your agenda.

OP does not suggest that you watch the movie

Nice try though.

How is a movie that teaches niggers to be afraid of whites bad?

You sir, are a shill. You're misrepresenting OP

OP does not say the movie is bad

OP says the movie is useful.

Only thing this reminds me of is

We thought they were white

Dumb niggers should have listened to Malcolm X, Michael Jackson, and Ice Cube on kikes.

A total piece of shit.


Go back to cuckchan with your cancerous maymay.

Are they all legitimately serious? I mean, I hope they are, but really? This almost makes me want to trudge through Nigger Twitter just to see how deep the idiocy runs concerning the movie.

Considering , is that a bad thing? Especially since it seems like the whites in the film are supposed to be ultra-progressive limo lib types.

Yes niggers are this stupid. It's unreal.

Just saw it, it was pretty lame but lots of black people were cheering when the whites were getting killed in the end of the movie.

Oh right the Stepford Negros came out didn't it?

The funniest part of this is that niggers think "racist" whites would be fine with him sticking his ape-dick in their daughter so long as he is housebroken.

This is retarded, obviously they'd covertly murder the niggers and brainwash the white girl. In fact why aren't we figuring out a way to do exactly that?


It's a movie about how JEWS use RELIGION to control PEOPLE.

fixed it

And MSG.

Things went better than expected.

How is it about RELIGION??



Does that nigger have jandice? His eyes are yellow.

Hungarians must also love KFC



Wtf I love Hollywood now.

No it's not bad but this thread has been done and redone and I'm wondering why.

I read the synopsis, they aren't actually racist, they kidnap the blacks because they want to move their minds into their "superior" bodies. The movie is retarded beyond words.


wtf I love Jordan Peele now

gtfo you shitty ad agency shills, no one here will give you shekels or waste their time watching your shitty propaganda.

It's CY+1. Everything they do now works in our favor. Make white people out to be scary dangerous murderous psychopaths.

where's the dried up fetus powder?

After seeing shit threads on this shit movie constantly I figured it was more cancer. I was serious about the 7up commercial but can't find it to webm.
It shows a white wife fawning over a rapper while the husband Vick's out hard.

Leave it to unfunny mulattos to accidentally redpill people on the dangers of racemixing

Reminder for anyone who didn't know or forgot that these guys were behind this movie


Well damn, they actually had a few funny skits, like the nigger draft picks names. Better get a few more feet of rope.

Their show was an unfunny mess trying to ride on the coattails of an actually funny nig comedian that their show could never hold a candle to. Not to mention that things got more hamfistedly political as it went on.

Trying to contain niggers with violence or logic was a mistake all along. All we need to do is convince them that every white guys is a fiery fucking wizzard capable of deepfrying any nigger on the spot.

The nigger of the left was in those anti trump videos

If the hollyjew is inclined to do that, the hollyjew will do that. What, you think if we ignore this the hollyjew wouldn't lie about it? You expect the hollyjew to be honest and play fair? Just how naive can you possibly be?

Niggers often have yellow and even brown "whites" of their eyes.


It's been years since I've seen their sketches but I thought they were pretty good at the time at least. Around the time when I was taking the redpill and I watched the opening sketch of their new season was some bullshit about Trayvon I immediately shut off the tv and never looked back.

Dave Chapelle on the other hand was very different. He's a total nig but at times he would have no problem calling others nigs out and most of the things he did rip on white people was just "stop being so uptight shieet" and nothing about being a bunch of rayciss.

Credit where credit is due, Dave Chappelle ran a good minstrel show. He made recognizing and laughing at typical nigger behavior a popular pastime for many white kids across the country.

It is called arse technica for a reason.

I would not call Chappelle red pilled, but the man appears to genuinely care about making people laugh instead of just blatantly shilling (well for the most part).


Of course, "Get Out" was written and produced by D&C Jews setting the races against each other, of course. Still, it's funny that this movie resonates with black people. This what passes for a horror flick among that culture. Apparently, what blacks most fear is a well-organized community of white folks.

Stop paying attention to Arse Technica many years ago. The (((bias))) made it unreadable.

This thread is about whatever we want it to be about nigger.

Stop bumping threads like this, it's fucking ad agencies promoting Jew propaganda.


For many of them *not all* that is considered YT JuJu Mojo.
They cannot help it.

Holy fuck. Never watched the entire trailer before. The darker nigger from Key & Peele thought this shit up? Damn, that nigger rayciss!
I hope every nigger dating a coalburner watches this movie.

Meanwhile, IRL, blacks killing blacks

I saw it last night, the whole audience was very urban and they yelled, "Oh hell no!" The whole movie. May have a positive effect on decreasing interracial couples, but may also increase distrust and suspicion of whites.

Like everything else under the sun, user.

What bothered me most was the dad's father in the movie was a track runner who got beat out to compete in the Berlin olympics by Jesse Owens, and the dad was like, "Hurr durr, really went against Hitler's Aryan race bullshit" but as far as I know Hitler was very kind to Owens and congratulated him. Owens spoke highly of him in his biography

Hitler dubs confirm even Adolf could be kind to lesser creatures and show empathy. Something nogs lack (much like a soul.)

Uncle Adolf noticed me

Even niggers should think, around blacks never relax.

What's wrong with paprika? I use it when I make fried chicken.

from the plot written in wikipedia, yes she did, dem hwhyte bishes be witshes mang

actually they should think that more than anyone else.

they are the primary victims of niggers.

of course none of this would be a problem if they lived in their own separated societies.

maybe they would even sort a thing or two out.

youtube com/watch?v=JgOtMrE2ZDk
the point at 2:10 was priceless

Other than this vid watching the niggers reaction to this trailer is showcasing what the mind of a nigger fears. I don't know about you guys, but the nigger reactions to this movie trailer has had me laughing my ass off. Absolutely shattered my sides.

While this may be some viral marketing OP shit, I thank em, the meme potential from what these idiots just handed us is not going to be forgotten. Much love nigga.

Holy shit, this is literally a horror movie about cucks, written by WEWUZKANGZ

but that's the magic user

It's a comedy done by one of the Key and Peele guys i think. But it's still gonna be propaganda i bet. Guy straight up said something like
or some such.

Score a triple double before going home to invent cutting edge tech.

Hopefully it'll prevent some of that shit now