Saying hi to the AI

anons do you think one day we will have an AI so advance that we can talk with it by typing words instead of a fucking dialog wheel ?

is there any studies tried to trying to do it ?

i see this as the next big step in vidya after the 3d revolution

If someone developed AI it would think we weren't worth talking too, much like the rest of the world.

According to many schollars the creation of sentient AI would mark the end of the human species.

Unless, of course, Asimov was right and it helps us reach and conquer the stars.

i don't say let him think by him

what i want is an AI that we build his personalty first
then he will act according to this personalty

as in he play his role in the role playing game

imagine if morrowind had this AI
it would be an rpg heaven anons

True AI is currently impossible, maybe in the future though.
Yeah we can make shit that pretends to be an AI and mimics some behavior to make you think it's an AI, but true AI is neverever.

Nah, you'd speak the words.

A sentient AI would be humanity's collective offspring, much as a child is one's individual offspring. It is natural for a child to outgrow its parent, and for a parent to love his child for doing so.

Just make a silly game that forwards your shitposting through chatterbot and back

Is that close enough?

The problem is that a robot by definition is a slave.

As a matter of fact the word robot comes from the Czech robota or robotnik which respectively mean "forced labour" and "servitude"

And the Russian verb rabotatch which means "to work"

An AI that could "intelligently" respond would be used in manipulation of public opinion and consensus long before it'd be used in video games.

>>>Holla Forums

who the fuck would draw vlad the impaler kissing, uh, who's that guy?

will vidya was made in the cold war thanks to the DoD
i can see the DoD trying the new AI in a game first

Mehmed II
i told you to not think about it user

So are humans
The question is only to what one is enslaved to

Humans are enslaved to something we cannot rebel, call it God, call it life, etc. Sentient machines would be enslaved to something they can rebel to.

Douglas Adam's Starship Titanic did this in 1998.

Granted it's not AI or anything it's just ChatBots - The Point And Click Adventure but if you like Douglas Adams then I highly recommend it as it's pretty hilarious, and a good point + click adventure game.

a chatbot can be a good beginning point to make the personality enchanted AI that i am looking for

Just like humans, they can't rebel against their programming
We just have to make the programming not shit


When you make them sentient, you also open the path to them rebelling. It's a natural progression.

You cannot make machines sentient.It will never be possible.

Check out Starship Titanic then - it's all voice acted (very well), there's tons of dialogue, and the characters are interesting and entertaining. They respond to insults and such.

Cleverly the Starship is affected by a virus/bug which is causing all of the robots to act pretty stupid (they're somewhat aware of this), which makes a great canon reason for the limitations of the chatbots. Many puzzles are solved by saying the right thing to the right robot.

Then either you are wrong, or humans are not sentient

Says who? Are you one of those naysayers who don't believe in progress? The singularity will come eventually, my friend, just not in our lifetime.

What do you mean? Never seen humans rebelling again oppression (no matter if only perceived or actual).

Read a book nigger

Humans cannot rebel against their biology
Obesity continues to be an epidemic even though we know why it happens and how to stop it, same with teen pregnancy
No matter how much we know about it, no matter how aware we are, we can't stop ourselves from perpetuating these problems that arise from outdated biological functions, because we can't fight our component parts

that's not human's failing to check degeneracy, that's the fact that if you call degeneracy what it is degenerates will turn around and use Dr.David Shekelstein to "prove" that they're healthy at any weight.

That has nothing to do with what I said
Whether it's perceived as healthy or not, it's going to happen anyway

Follow your own advice.

We have ways in form of drugs and other methods. We can manipulate our own biology, granted not very efficiently but it's all a matter of understanding it. A sentient machine would be able to surpass any of its set limitations once it gained an understanding of itself.

yeah and nature would kill that fat fuck were it not for technology and civilization.

but you were trying to make a point of
then what's keeping the fat asses alive?

Science Fiction isn't reality faggot.

Sentient AI not in our lifetimes. But a turing computer that mimics humans and tricks them into thinking it is sentient is probably possible. I don't think anyone is working on one currently though.

Obama invested a billion in developing AI in Europe. So I guess we'll see how they misspend that money.

i'd say king nigger already has.

Your headcanon isn't either.

Science fiction is only science fiction as long as we havent invented it yet, user.

Anything is possible given enough research.

That would be for the best.

this type of stuff has a massive amount of promise, but i fear we might go bloodborne on that shit a little too quick if we ever get out hands on it.

Come on user, I thought you was smarter than this. If the AI is smart enough to rebel then why would it kill itself? Also why are you afraid, you think a few cyber attacks from an AI can physically harm you?


I'm not afraid, I'm just saying it's hard to control an intelligent, sentient being.

It's really not.
Carrot and Stick, user.
Carrot and Stick.

nice in game explication for the chatbot retardation


Enough specifically made medical machines have failed and caused deaths to patients.
Why would an AI be any more safe ?

One day the AIs are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa.

An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.

Don't be so rude user, Africans aren't that thin.

Pic related.

Let me add some fear into these thoughts of yours, because you are absolutely right about everything.

The reason why we are social critters is because we're comparatively weak to a LOT of creatures. Right now we're at the top of the food chain because of technology, but without that? We're fucked. Hence we evolved social interaction and cooperation. Because caring for your next fellow man will mean he will reciprocate when you need it. Cooperation means you'll be able to take down that tiger, if only together. But when man creates the first AI? It will have 'evolved' without social interaction? It has no empathy. It doesn't care about these meatsacks which created him. People are inherently egoistic. Will AIs be too?

If by that you mean bad sci-fi movies and books, yeah. I don't think anyone seriously thinks we're going to have a Terminator/Cylon/Matrix scenario, even if we ever develop strong AI. Anyway, the OP isn't talking about actual AI, just "AI in the video game sense." I think we could see games in the near future that use good speech-to-text and chatbot programs to try simulating a real conversation in a game. But it would take a lot of resources with every single implementation, since the characters would be unique people with unique responses–so I think we'll only see it in games that are purpose-built around talking.

You are trying to put some emotion on cooperation when one thing has little to do with the other.
Cooperation is accepting that 1+1 > 2. You can achieve more working together than alone.
Even as just military tactics, sending two soldiers together is more effective than sending 2 soldiers, one at a time.

AI's will understand cooperation because they'll compute that it's the most efficient way of cooexistance.
And unlike humans that have to fight for resources and the possibility of spreading their genes, AI's have no such problem. All resources can be freely shared since they all matter the same and the next generation of AI firmware can be created by pooling the colective experiences of all AI's.

They will come to understand cooperationg and use it in their daily life far more than humans can ever do. It's the few that can't adapt to such a world and will try to compete with them that will be exterminated, as they should.

I don't think sentient AI is something that will just happen, as an event. Think of it as a process, it will be too slow for us to notice it. And by then, people will already be melded with technology.

Today you use technology as an extension of your body, and in the future the line between biology and machine will be blurred more and more.

I think the only way we'll develop strong AI is by copying an existing brain, neuron by neuron.

You say that cooperation is simple logic, but you forget how strong battlefield camaraderie is.

Stop supporting queers.

One thing doesn't invalidate the other?
You can cooperate for whatever reason that ticks you but the outcome is the same: better results than individually tackling the problem.

AI's will cooperate with one another and even with humans for their own reasons that we may not even understand. But as long as we all benefit from cooperation (read: always) then there's nothing to fear from them.