So, is there an alternative to this piece of trash...

So, is there an alternative to this piece of trash? This thing keeps giving me random button presses in Demon's Souls and the like. Anything from Hori or something that's worth getting?

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Faulty controller or inappropriate handling.

Do you have fat fingers?

The Hori Gem Pad 3 is pretty good if you don't mind the lack of rumble (don't worry about the ricer leds you can turn them off).

Lunch pail hands, nigga. I wouldn't be surprised if the more anus clenching moments in my PS3 career crushed my DS3's innards a little due to my freakish hands.

Hmm. I'll give it a shot. Looks a little small though.

Actually, yeah, you can just use a PS4 controller.
90% of the PS3 library is compatible with it, however the PS button will NOT work on PS3, you will need to keep a PS3 controller around simply to open up the menu, and nothing else.
There's people that are keeping a continuosly updated list of all the PS3 games that are compatible with a PS4 controller, check any of the sites Holla Forums hates.

You can use a DualShock 4 to play Demon's Souls.

I did that recently. The only thing lacking is rumble.

1v1 me

There's nothing to argue, the PS3 controller is the worst controller sony ever made.
The PS2 and PS4 controllers are both better.

So you're saying I can use a PS4 controller on a PS3? Nice. So Dragon's Crown couch multiplayer CAN become a reality for me.

Yeah, try it out.
DC is compatible with it, i've played it myself using a PS4 controller recently, didn't notice any problems.
Also make sure to update your PS3 to the lastest firmware, this feature was patched in at some point.

Are there any reliable Dualshock 2 adapters that can plug into the PS3?

This is why you don't buy used

I have the same issue with my controller . sometimes when I click in right analog stick my character drinks estus.

They really did piss me off with the PS3 controller. I can't believe they thought that motion controls were more important than rumble. Some of those shoehorned gimmicks in games were pathetic too and shaking the controller is stupid.


I wonder how this thing is.

The structural integrity and components used on the PS2 controller were better.
The PS3 controller is cheaper overall, feels cheaper, falls apart more easily.
Not that the PS2 controller was sturdy or anything, but it was of high quality compared to the PS3 one.

I think it was. You can beat the shit out of those things and new it felt way higher quality than the PS3 one anyway.

Eh, it was pretty shitty.
If you compare it's integrity to a PSX controller or if we wanna talk contemporary, a GC controller, it didn't really hold a candle.

FANS! Holy fuck i need this controller.

Fucking what is this garbage

Who thought this was a good idea

I did.

Yeah I wonder how efficient it can be. Aren't your palms pretty much covering the air exhausts?

So there is no way you can use CFW and a DS4 at the same time?

I never had a controller with fans in it, so I have no idea if you're being serious or mocking me.

I dunno, my hands don't normally sweat, but even a light breeze might still feel nice.

Doesn't feel a lot higher quality than a DS3, but holy shit the sixaxis was wonky. OG DS felt quite sturdy but it's mostly because of the heavier weight. X360 controller feels almost as sturdy as OG DS IMO but it's probably just feel.

Depends on what version your PS3 is.
It was patched at some point, if your CFW works on later firmware perhaps it works.

I was being serious. My hands sweat like crazy and after every session with a mouse or controller i need to wash them. Sweaty hands are an absolute nightmare.

I thought it did, but maybe it was just the weight or something. I haven't used either for quite some time.

Damn, i would've thought the people who made the CFW would've made sure to add that.

Yeah, I guess the fans might be important then. I watched an episode of GameCenter CX where the controller was so wet from someone that it gave me the chills looking at it. Arino didn't like it either.


I was thinking about buying some "gamer gloves" to help out as they are advertised to help with sweaty hands but it seems a bit sketchy and silly. I know a fan would do the job for certain.

The DS3 is fine except for the flimsy shit plastic and the uber retarded connection between the flex and the pcb.

To fix it just put some foam or some other squishy thing underneath the original foam bit under the surface connection and reassemble it. That fixes it.

Yeah, that seems like it would get annoying. I'm guessing they absorb it too, so that's kind of gross anyway.

the wiiu pro controller is pretty great if you can get it to work. I can't get the bluetooth stack working properly on windows 7, but I had it working fine on windows 8.1

I had that problem too OP, fixed it using embed related and never had a problem with it again.

Oh, looks like you know what to do, I think.

What the fuck did you just do?

it makes some ratchet-ass chewing noises, but at least my character's keeping his dukes up instead of randomly eating herbs.


have fun putting in the flim flam flaps and then afterwards pressing the button it doesnt even input because lmao no padding

Does anyone know if any of those chatpads for PS4 aren't shit? I really liked the 360 one, but that was made by Microsoft and all the DS4 ones seem to be third party shit.

why not just plug in your keyboard

I might unless Sony makes one. The 360 chatpad was just so nice. (Although, it always pissed me off that I couldn't get it to work with my PC.) I just loved the weight and feel and everything and would like another one.

The fact that I can now kill Flamelurker without much trouble at all means the repair worked. Good.

You's smart OP

same thing but with these

the x360 controller A.K.A 'Who the fuck needs symmetrical hands anyway?"

also this thing

So there's something that's not done in video games as much as it should be. I don't even think there's a term for it. So let's just calling it "power creep" of a character; the getting more and more powerful, but not just like stronger attacks, spells, or guns. More like starting out as just a foot soldier and become a legendary warrior or starting out as a mage knowing little magic and becoming a warlock god. Not just that, but being able to feel your power difference in the game play (and maybe the cut scenes).

The greatest example I can give is the Kingdom Hearts series. (I'll keep this spoiler free). Sora starts somewhat super human. He can jump about his own height off the ground, he can pull himself up a ledge with one hand, etc., but nothing too out of the ordinary for a video game. One of the first bosses you fight is a tiger and he is a tough boss. By the end of the 3rd game in the series (Kingdom Hearts II) you are a fucking god. Sora is running up skyscraper, basically able to fly, causing magic explosions, and cutting buildings in half. This change did not come all at once, but was a slow, steady growth. Get and ability that makes you jump a little higher, level it up, get an ability that let's you close in on enemies, get an ability that let's you dash a little bit, and so one. These small things aren't much by themselves, but put them all together and you are a super hero.

Anyone else think more games should do this rather than just the traditional leveling up where your attacks just hit a little bit hard and you get some more armor/HP?

Woops, must of accidentally clicked a thread. Disregard.

You never owned an NES right? Or really any video game console prior to PS2.

I remember a time when something was broken, we didn't throw it away, we fucking fixed it. You children these days have it so easy and all you do is cry and complain any time any little thing inconveniences you.

My friend told me the dual shock 4 controller is good

Why do they still sell this piece shit in full price? Costs about as much a new game or even more in some cases.

its not that great though

please use archive.ism/wikis/playstation-4/DualShock_4_Compatible_PlayStation_3_Games

Get an Xbox Elite controller and a Cronus.

DeS was a joy to play.

DS2 also has a true analog d-pad, unlike the abomination that the DS3 has. DS3 has more precise sticks though.
I have to disagree, my launch controller broke one and a half years ago because I got drunk and accidentally stepped on it. Shit survived my controller throwing little brother tirades and years of fighting game abuse.

Huh, I never knew about that, though I'll probably never get a chance to use it as my PS3 phat now sounds like a fighter jet preparing for takeoff.

I ordered a Hori FPS Plus a few days ago, still waiting for it to be delivered because it's a JP import. It's compatible with both the PS3 and 4. There is also an additional button that lets you temporarily reduce the sensitivity of the right stick which might be pretty useful for games like MGS or Vanquish.

see >>9359702 and and learn how to read a thread before you post, you platinum faggot.


too bad thread wont live that long im very curious about your experience with it

I have YUGE hands and the DS3 is like my favorite controller, people complaining it's too small need to stop using the god awful xbox controller. Seriously why does it need to be so goddamn gigantic?

Most people hold dualshocks wrong by gripping the sides which makes it feel way too small.

Instead, index fingers resting between R1/R2 and L1/L2 and the controller 'floating' on your middle fingers.

Also besides the Duke, every Xbox controller has been average sized. The DS4 is actually bigger than the bone pad

Hell yeah, this nigga knows what's up

Wow I don't have a PS4 but Christ the touch pad on the DS4 makes it fucking huge, why did they even put that stupid fucking thing on there?

Has anyone here ever used or owned a Pokken Tournament controller before? I'm looking towards using it for 2D games since it works with PC. If not, how are Hori's d-pads in general? Rather dissatisfied with the d-pad on my DS4 since you have to tilt your thumb awkwardly to quickly change directions.

The larger size makes it pretty nice for those with larger hands, and it works as a laptop touchpad on PC in case you encounter a game without full controller support for menus.

Besides it being the most comfy controller the world has ever seen, I'm not sure if I suggest getting it for the 50$ pricetag. Everything feels rather mushy to use on it, sticks, buttons and the d-pad. The feeling is pretty comparable to a rubber domed keyboard, which isn't the most pleasant.

I only use it for emulation and souls games, but it's excellent for macros/volume control/etc. It's as close to the perfect pc gaming gamepad as I could find, and I've tried all of the big competitors.

As for the usefulness of the touchpad for actual PS4 users, I couldn't tell you.

Which driver are you using for the DS4?


Personally I prefer my index fingers on L1/R1 and my middle fingers on L2/R2, just feels comfier for me.

Some games (like Ace Combat 3) pretty much require you to hold it that way, so that's certainly a valid alternative, and floating it on your ring fingers is still infinitely better than gripping the sides like a mongoloid.

So, fuck everything I said about the Dualshock 3. A lot of the Dualshock 2s I just bought from the swapmeet have dead inputs, usually from the left side of the controller, and there's no amount of button, plastic and circuitry cleaning that's gonna change that from what I can tell.

Why they went with the "ribbon full of contact signals" after Dual Shock 1 I'll never understand.

Why would you want to use a controller that constantly kills its own battery life with a shitty light that no one really likes or trigger hinges that break easily.

the concave analog sticks fucking ruined the dualshock controllers imo

The hinges were fixed in later models, I recall an user mentioning to check for the letter U in the serial number. The light can be turned off, but only with third party PC drivers (that you have to use regardless for it to work).

Dual slocks are shit

My natural thumb placement is having the thumb parallel to my other fingers which is just about where the PS analog stick is. Placing my thumb too close or even on top of where my fingers are is extremely uncomfortable.

You must have the hands an 8 year old girl.

4 has convex, finally

anyway is it possible to have xbox through some converter and classic controller in, at the same time. I want to try some couch coop but now I think about it $60 for converter for that price I can get two gem pads

Im sorry but you have tiny child hands. For normal hands the natural resting position is close to 75~80 degrees of the index finger.

If you can't use the best gamepad that exists you should really just kill yourself fam
maybe your controller is broken dipshit