Do we like Ta-Nehisi Coates?

Do we like Ta-Nehisi Coates?

I'm asking because I just realised he has a DuBois quote on his Twitter bio, but that might be just the classic liberal habit of quoting revolutionaries and then insulting everything they stood for later.

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he's meh, not much to say about it. he's a liberal.

All I know is he's writing the new Black Panther and it's pretty shit.

He's specifically argued against socialism of any sort and has mostly just written about mu reperashuns without any coherent way to get them.

no, he's just another black social liberal idpoler.

He's shit.
I remember him shitting on socialism not to long ago because "muh reparations"

post the article. i want to read this shit for myself

eh, the pacing is kinda bad but i like it.

He's pretty bad from what I remember. I think he should realize that no one is seriously interested in reparations. I'd be surprised if most African Americans wanted reparations even.

Most black Americans support reparations.

why? why wouldnt a group that has constantly been fucked over for their race not want some form of reparations?

Because everyone's been fucked over by capitalism at one point or another.
If reparations were to come from somewhere, it would be tax payers i.e. other working class people who had nothing to do with it.

this isn't an argument against reparations, especially when some groups have been fucked over a lot more than others.

im not sure where it would come from, that's for the people being paid and the people paying them reparations to figure out

No, but it is an argument against focusing on stupid peripheral.

You mean the working class?
Yeah, I already know.

Exactly my point.
Everyone acts like this is going to fall from the sky without thinking it through.
The people who are going to pay are the ones who likely had nothing to do with it.


no, like the general native american population or the general black population, not 'le working class xDDDD'

I know you've bought into the the leftypol narrative of this rainbow of people in america that have all equally been oppressed and exploited but it's simply not historically accurate.

Hm, I agree, there aren't many people with plans yet but I believe that will change once people become more accepting of the idea of reparations.

Because you're not attacking the thing that created the strife in the first place, and simply using the same mechanisms that maintain it. Unless your reparations include the complete annihilation of capitalism, I could care less.

Yeah, and generally speaking, they are all working class. What's your point? The Native Americans have received reparations and it's done fuck-all for them.

When did I say that?
My point is that who is and isn't oppressed more is as irrelevant as a capitalist shitting in the woods. There's nothing meaningful that comes from it.

Of course, because deep down they know what a scam it is.

cool, it isnt about you, it's about the groups that have been exploited and oppresses because of their race. I understand where you're coming from but including the end of capitalism as a part of reparations just isnt realistic.

not at all, lol where are you even getting this from?

My point is that you saying 'the working class has been oppressed' is a not too slick way of trying to take the racial aspect out of it.

it's implied here

which was in response to

it's very relevant when you're saying 'lol everyobe has been fucked over' in a discussion about race based reparations.

or because they're focusing getting people to even accept the idea of reparations?

I don't. Also reparations are a stupid meme that needs to die.



also, as a latino guy I'm as sure as hell not gonna support reparations. the only people who are are butthurt blacks and white quilt liberals.

so the group that has been exploited because of their race since the founding of this country and their allies are the people that support reparations? Wow, who knew?

and you're not doing shit for them by perpetuating the system that creates it.

Of course not, because you know real change isn't made up of piecemeal scraps. You don't care about people who were oppressed, you just care about carrying a grudge.

Their relationship to the means of production.
Unless you're saying that bourgeoisie minorities deserve reparations, in which case please find the nearest lawnmower and stick your head in it.

How? Capitalism needs an underclass to survive. It's interchangeable. All you're asking is that we switch that with some other group. I'm asking that we end it altogether.

Because everyone has been fucked over and it would be impossible to pay out reparations to every person, so focusing on reparations for one group of people is peripheral. If we're going to tally up things that have been done in the past, lets use it to end capitalism instead of letting it fester. The debt would be too high for any nation to pay anyway.

Which was a dumb idea to begin with and a huge liberal scam.

all the people who were enslaved are dead now. I'm for social programs that would bring all people out of poverty, but supporting measures based entirely on race is the very definition of idpol.

He's a liberal but does good things

I expect he'd support a revolution if it came