Nationality is a spook

Nationality is a spook.
Race is a spook.
Gender is a spook.
Hint: Spooks dont exist and are just figments of the human mind

extremely low energy and quite honestly, very embarrassing. reported


nice safe space



God empirically doesnt exist.
I believe in things based in reality
Does wanting to gas an entire nationality or race make you any different?

You know spook means nigger right leftypool?

leftypol is a bunch of larping autistis
collectivisation is the opposite of my self interest
Im not any ideology

Finally leftists will stop calling us racists.
After all, if race is a spook, how are they able to perceive that I am slandering someone from a different race?
I'm slandering someone just like me, I merely call them a kike or nigger because I love the sound of those words.

nationalism and racism are spooks as well
also stop calling me a fucking leftist

Okay then, move to Somalia.

I will move where my ego desires

You believe in whatever is convenient to you. Pretending things don't exist won't make them and the conflicts originating from them go away.

I am calling you something I like the sound of.
Why are you giving my spooky choices of words tangible effects?

Are our minds not worth considering? Is categorizing objects not worthwhile? the categories themselves don't exist as independent objects, but they're still usefull mind constructs.

Go ahead faggot, move wherever you 'want.'
I'm sure your ego is more real than bullets.

fuck me, forgot my sage.

Your bullets cant stop the egos of 7 billion people

Words are spooks yes but are essential to communication. Im not a leftist or rightist

spook is dumbest fucking buzzword since social construct

You have the ego of seven billion people now?


hearing leftists say spook is pretty funny. Not just because niggers, but also because lack of self awareness

Except that's where you are wrong, kiddo. You can only claim, given your limited knowledge, that God is unlikely to exist. That does not nullify a possible existence. An existence such as God is wholly possible given the scale of the universe at large and our limited understanding of it and of other dimensions mathematically proven to exist.

Stirner was a literal cuck

Spooks are a spook.
Communism is a spook.
Fucking hell, any abstract concept is a spook.

Communication is a spook
As if others have insight into my ego.

Why are you claiming to understand my intention?
You merely give meaning to the actions I do.
That doens't mean you're right.

What an awful stirnerfag you are.


Reality is a spook

Race is concrete, physical, and observable under both the naked eye and the microscope.

So is gender.

And if nationality is a spook then so is class, and Stirner is literally just Ayn Rand but with a funny picture, so I don't see how Stirnerposting took off on Holla Forums of all places.

Being able to call everything they dislike spooks is the only way leftypol can function.


Really makes me think.

I always thought that spooks were more along the lines of a trained reaction to what society dictates as a trigger.

Such as when a poor man looks at a rich man and feels cheated, rather than seeing the rich man and simply seeing a person with more material resources than him IN THAT MOMENT.

I have literally been trying to train myself to focus on my needs and ambitions rather than sliding down the emotional chute of illogical triggering and consumerism that most lemmings react to the world in.


You were using it far better than it was intended for, and there's no shame in that

the ego is a spook


Fuck off Dugin. Nazbol is just rebranded Fascism made to appeal to retarded Bydlo that worship the USSR.

A thread died for your limp-dick attempt to beg for (you)s; just that is report-worthy.


My man!
Years of debating this kind of shit has led me to the same conclusions.


Might as well kill yourself because the will to live is just a figment of the human mind.

This image is so retarded that it's actually brilliant. Only faggots like (((Dugin))) and other (((RIDF))) think this actually applies though.


that race IS pretty spooky though


we never should have stopped putting people on cucking stools it made them bold