Eugenic 01/03
Are you actually surprised?
Well, quads…
Is this supposed to be some weird ass backwards pro-abortions, anti-white-people-reproducing propaganda?
Yes, I'm surprised.
His master KEIKAKU was to turn every human being born from now on into a racially neutral ubermensch with horrifically randomized features so no one could be racist or sexist or prejudice.. Is he supposed to be the bad guy or the misunderstood hero of this story?
Well… That got really fucking dark really fucking fast.
I just like the fact that bot Holla Forums will support him because he created the superior race and hate him for eliminating the white race and turning us into a full globalized utopia.
SJW's will love him because as a gay married with rapefugee man he can't do wrong but will hate him for the reasons specified by the black guy.
And I love every second of it.
Well, this was it.
What are your thoughts?
It's shit.
Never change Holla Forums.
Would be worth a read if the art was actually good.
I think you don't really understand Holla Forums at all and I'm just now realizing I should have picked up on the gross body horror themes earlier on the cover alone. The overall theme is somewhat.. moronic. "I'm going to end racism by making the entire human race repulsive, but also mentally and physically better than us in every way!" which just doesn't fucking work. The guy who wrote this seems to have a passing understanding of genetics and evolution and he really doesn't seem to understand that beauty and sexual attraction aren't a game of make believe that humans invented. We are instinctively programmed to go after beautiful, desirable members of our species.
Saying "lol I made a gene that randomizes faces so everyone will be ugly!" is fucking dumb, but it's doubly dumb when you account for basic biological mechanics. Eyes don't work when they're on random spots on your head. Same with ears. A sideways mouth would make eating immensely difficult. Putting the mouth and throat above the brain makes no fucking sense… Who the fuck is this series even for?
Have you been there recently?
I tried posting a comic I thought they would like, the first reply was "the four-panel jew" without even seeing the content, then when I called them on it after having posted the first issue, they gave me the "No head pats" talk, since "Holla Forums is an argumentative place", so I asked them which argument where they talking about. And only then, nearly 40 minutes from the OP, I got banned.
Sounds like they made the right choice.
I'm saying Holla Forums wouldn't like this because of the "superior race" crap, you fuckwit. And clearly they didn't even want to see the rest of it because nearly all comics are bizarre propaganda or the shit writing of some faggot desperate to get bought out by hollywood.
It's from Boom studios, OP. What the fuck did you expect?
you expected good non-pozzed american comics? now?
Good idea with a lot of potential, but lackluster execution. Randomizing features was probably the dumbest part of the plan. At least it's not boring, doesn't cram in more words than necessary, and there is no cringy dialogue. Lack of over the top non-lefty bashing and not using characters as mouthpieces alone puts it ahead than most books today. Hopefully they will keep it up in following issues.
Drawings are still just Photoshop chicken-scratches, but at least they are better done than majority of similar art. Artist put more effort than most do today - there were no obviously reused images and most panels actually had backgrounds of some sort. Donovan can be a decent artist if he works on his skills. Perspective is probably the most glaring problem. This is an improvement compared to the work he did on Memetic. Speaking of which, Memetic was similar book with interesting premise but lacking in execution. Coincidentally, it also had a gay and disabled protagonist.
Not to mention that people with single eye would be at a disadvantage, due to limited ability for depth perception. Other than that, some trends in randomization will emerge, and people would segregate themselves based on shared traits. Making humans as uniform as possible would be a better choice.
should i keep reading? i dont know why i even read the first two pages when i say that fucking gay kiss.
What do you have to lose?
So this is pretty much if SJWs took up STEM?
is this shit for real? I guess the writer was to retarded, he could have let the DNA fucking shit after a generation or two so that people couldnt fix his solution.
>should i make everyone turn into best race aka brown nips?
also, why make everyone stronger and smarter? wouldnt it be better to make everyone dumb? dumb people are more happy and dont hate that much or maybe make everyone retarded.
Can you blame them?
The fucking state of American comics and cartoons today, I swear.
You'd think these deviants would take a hint already.
Huxley was right.
That's implying that children give a shit about comics and artoons. They usually don't.
And why do you think that is?
What the fuck did I just read? Make everyone a freak so they will be equal yet as some of these being will have better random physical advantages than others. Even with that, someone, somehow will find a way to discriminate against someone who is different.
Even now blacks criticize one of their own for acting "too white." South Koreans call out there own for not being uniform enough, such as being ugly (leading to lots of them getting surgery to look the same), being too fat (now they are one of the least fat countries in the world) or even if you start wearing summer clothes too soon after winter.
There is still no accounting for people with wealth, even if people all look like monsters, there will still be rich people and poor people. Also cosmetic surgery won't be going away.
To be fair, from what I remembered of my childhood (especially prior to about 9), I just sort of passively absorbed entertainment, I had no appreciation of the relative quality of writing or art at all.
On the one hand, this does mean it's easy for SJW's to slip thier messages to the very young and they'll just sit there and take it… but on the other, they might not actually give a shit about it. They're just watching a cartoon because it's what's on.
I think the reason it doesn't come off as overtly cringey is because the guy is talking about himself and not preaching down to someone for being a knuckle dragging wrongthinker who hasn't sold his soul to identity politics and embraced the gender and sexuality spectrum. Here, him gibbering about privilege is just accepted as a correct and intelligent statement… Also, the bit about no one being racist because they'll all be hideous is pretty fucking cringey.
SJW comic.
Ways this plan is garbage:
1. Unless his experiment somehow stops natural selection from happening then humanity will continue to form separate ethnicities (if not races) as they adapt to environments while having children among themselves who carry the genes for those adaptions.
2. Even if humans don't discriminate on ethnicity or sex they can still do so on religion or politics or anything that goes beyond immediate appearance.
3. What made Mr. Pinkhair figure making everybody totally lulrandum monstrosities was a better way to end waycism instead of just making everybody White or at least sorta White?
It's a comic written by a SJW. Knowing their ilk he endorses Fat Acceptance and Niggers being attractive.
Throw it in the tumblr pile.
Shit but not quite in the usual way.
The dialogue wasn't cringey as Hell (mostly), though I'm not going to praise it either. The art was… about what I expect these days. The premise was fantastic, humanity's impending extinction due to genetic stagnation is a scifi classic for a reason. And I really don't mind a doctor taking a license to edit the human genome to try and create a homo novus.
The doctor's conclusion was the worst part of the book. Eliminating humanity's genetic variability is to ruin what makes the homo genus so viable in the first place and any biologist worth his salt should be aware of this. I mean, from what he's describing, this homo novus would be wiped out by their first plague.
I imagine in true tumblr fashion the writer assumes universally smart=homogeneous opinions.
There is a lot of retardation in this book for reasons that multiple anons have already mentioned, so I'll just say that despite these points, I am interested in reading at least the next issue. Skipping ahead 200 years to a society filled with these monstrous 'numans' does pique my curiosity to see where thy go with it.
I'm guessing that the mention of the vaccine failing in some small percentages means there will still be an amount of normal humans left who only breed with each other.
They have phones and computers which gives them a lot more shit to do and for free.
While potentially interesting, the fact of the matter is that the entire premise congealed in a pool full of SocJus kool-aid. I doubt any potential this idea may have will amount to anything good.
and those humans would be the villains that need to be destroyed before they find a way to purge all the numans
That's why I'm only giving it til the next issue.
I wondered that myself too. If this ends up being true I will laugh.
He could basically achieve the same result by making everyone look exactly the same
Also, yeah they still could "fetishize" the differences. For example, head size, placement of the mouth, etc.
These two things look pretty simular. they would discriminate against other "numans"
Honestly it would make more sense if he made a gene that removed "racism".
racism isnt genetic, user.
It's actually a built in function of the brain based in the threat-assessing section.
Which garbage blog is your screencap even from
It's from The Independent, a "trustworthy" MSM shitpit that apparently doesn't archive very well. The tl;dr is that targeted magnetic pulses to the part of the brain the processes and decides how to handle threats and conflicts can weaken it's hold on your thought processes and temporarily change your opinions on certain matters.. In other words, making someone worse at assessing threats also happens to make them think people from a racial outgroup aren't so bad, when you would otherwise perceive them, rightfully as outsiders whose interests do not mesh with yours and may be a danger to your in-group.
It's not a 'racism gene' but rather the built in tribalistic nature of the human brain which is wired to care about family, offspring, and trusted individuals who have proven their loyalty to you and your family (friends). Removing racism means fundamentally altering the human brain in a way that's closer to lobotomy than anything else.
So basically all atheists and people who are pro-refugee have brain damage?
Or something close to it. Perhaps just some kind of imbalance, sort of like how they discovered all of Buzzfeed's male feminist contributors are all way, way below average on their testosterone. Average is around 600 and only one of them scored in the 300 range.
Wew this comic, pretty narrow minded to think that if everyone is a monster there wouldn't form tribes of monsters based on what kind of defects they have. Also natural selection is going to completely fuck those monsters over, sure they may be stronger and smarter, but that doesn't nullify the existence of outside dangers to their existence, if they are incapable of walking properly then they get eaten by fucking predators, if they don't have arms and fall into a fucking river they're going to drown. If you just let a roll of the dice decide what fucked up deformity they get it will completely impact their ability to survive and thus making most of them reliant on other monsters for survival, the other monsters being smarter would logically throw them to the wolves because they would be hindering their own existence by giving welfare to dead weight.
It says it weakens the ability to process threats, God and eternal damnation is a pretty big fucking threat, not as much as refugees though.
sounds like a load of bullshit. Any more studies about that?
Actually this comic reminded me of the perfect rebuttal to this entire fucking concept:
Fairly OddParents: The Same Game
Everybody is turned into a gray blob, but it doesn't change their shitty personalities, so the same characters pick on others for not being as "Gray or blobby as we are". This basically shits all over the idea that if everyone is the same, as in everybody being fucked up mutants, it wont prevent developing a shitty personality that brings them to segregate themselves.
And yet it would still make more sense
For some reason that reminds me of the Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price. Though I doubt the writing of this comic will be as good as that movie.
Wasn't there a Fairly Odd Parents episode where Timy wished everyone looked the same and it turned out people were still bigoted despite looking the same?
Did you mean to crosslink, or something?
The anal agony is real.
yes, people are bullies, that need a good rape to fix them up.
Is it you, Ramfag?
Look at diz git.
I like how the doctor spearheading the cure for the most lethal virus in humanity's history is a faggot, considering they're by far the demographic most responsible for spreading diseases (especially STDs).
you obviously don't understand either of the groups that you are talking about
Shit couldn't be any more cringy if it wanted to.
Orks are the only good thing to come out of warhammer honestly fam
So … a fag who can't have his own children destroys everyone elses. Motivated for a hatred of normalcy and a desire for equality, he maims and mutates half of humanity. This comic seems pretty woke to me.
With a spin like that, it's almost readable.
You have no idea.
It's a shame orks always have the shittier rules and can't really compete against Shitty Marines, regarding the chapter.
whatever happened to that show?, stopped hearing from it after the 1rst episode
A few more memes but not much.
My brother treat the show like if it was the most intelligent show in the world and gets butthurt when I call it ridiculous.
I've been watching it because it was funny, and now I just want to see how they end it, even though I'm sure it will be retarded. Your brother's an idiot, and you need to rub it in his face.
Ask him if he liked watching Lena Dunham get fucked in the car.
Isn't the position of facial features directly connected to the structure of the brain and having them set to random would result in malformed brains?
>Likes Orks
>Not liking Sisters of Battle
I know that feel boy…
Zog off 'oomie shite! But I wouldn't mind fighting them gals til the sun rises if you catch me drift
Nah, space marines are great
Somebody encoded a scene where the blue haired guy humping his television threw a bag of cheetos into a blender and smeared the dust on his face to antagonize his sister who was obviously for hillary.
There was another scene where he was singing that mexican tune "la cooca racha" or whatever in front of a bunch of mexicans, then he filled a condom with piss and threw it at them like a water balloon.
I think this all came after a few bernouts went out to kill republicans, so I don't know how they think this show can garner sympathy for the democrats.
Posting this webm because it makes me giggle.
You mean THE Lena, fists her baby sister, Dunham?
The very same Lena, user.
She plays Valerie Solanas, the woman who shot Andy Warhol (he survived) and authored the SCUM manifesto. Hilariously, in the episode, she is the one responsible for the Zodiac killings with a group of lesbians and two faggots, then dies alone and worthless in her apartment by falling and hitting her head on a table or something. In real life she died in a hospital in san francisco of pneumonia.
The entire episode is ridiculous and disgusting.
wait was that music actually part of the episode? This is hilarious?
So it's telling the future of Dunham and ever shitlib women?
No, but not because it has too much self awareness.
It's absolutely retarded. It present wanton murder and horrific torture as a viable consideration to the question of "how to make ppl b nicer omg".
Yeah, I get it, he's not presented as a perfect solution, but the idea is entertained.
I feel like the auther is trying to present Crane as doing "what is neccesary even though it isnt pretty". It all feels like a cop out, and reads like barely contained revenge fantasy.
Crane is overdesigned, both as a character and visually. He is a gay criple in an interracial relationship, who is a millionaire genius, but with a "wicked sense of humor", and looking at him is the visual equivalent to eating a mouthfull of animal fat.
He is also the only character in the world who has any sort of character at all, making the entire plot seem pointless, and the author seem solipsistic and self-involved. The story ultimately isnt about saving the world, or humanity, or politics, or babies. It's about the author insert- I mean, the dark knight- I mean, Dr. Crane.
My biggest gripe is here, , where a genius scientist has no idea what evolution is. The whole "not if you were different" spiel. It's grade school level of discourse, and it reeks of self-righteousness and self pity. You can do that in a story aimed at children, but considering the body horror and gore, I feel like someone missed the mark.
Reading this felt like hearing someone tell you about a dream they had, accidentially and obliviously exposing some extremely embarrasing personal weakness. It felt like having walked in on someone masturbating, without them noticing.
And again with the horrible pink and purple colour scheme.
Seriously, is this some kind of subliminal virtue signalling? I feel like a gerbil suffocating in Twilight Sparkle's asshole.
It is a revenge fantasy, I think its all about "muh VIH gay community" shit.
Every scientist specializing here who isn't a cuck more or less admits HIV came to be from Niggers making contact with syringes that weren't properly disinfected before being reused combined with Niggers muh diking in a post-colonial Africa (see prostitution). An American fucked a Nigger and it spread from there.
They didn't know the kid was a freak until it was born? The first vaccinated pregnancy for a fourteen year plague and they aren't giving it every scan imaginable at this hospital equipped with robot nurses?
Get the fuck out of here.
how original
It fails intellectually on a fundamental level because the writer is still a childish liberal faggot who doesn't realize that the difference between extant races is much more than "muh color". You cannot construct a accurate hypothetical when your base assumptions don't conform to reality, hence why scifi has sucked since the 40s when kikes and liberals took it over just like they did to other medium since then, and that is not a matter of paranoia we have records of these faggots who ran the publishing houses and magazines deciding as a group that they only wanted lefty propaganda and that Conan and other pulp staples had to go. They all operate on assumptions dictated by ideology and nothing else, hence unless you share that ideology their premises all seem like total shit to start with.
Not to mention that his randomization will still result in an arbitrary number of optimal individuals with optimal facial structure. And that the magic genes which code for this are as susceptible to mutation as any others, all it will take is one broken gene on one optimal individual to begin the process of natural selection for the optimal facial features all over again as the randomization will not longer be in effect. A race or races which has advantages over the ones with random features would develop and out compete the others. Likely exterminating them as they can interact with the environment and feed more efficiently.
He also seems not to realize that other behaviors(despite the insanity that is faggotry and tranny bullshit) are also dictated by genes. So certain races will still be violent shit-chucking apes, others will be very capable of war and violence in their interests, and others will be hardline communalists. So if anything he increased the selective pressure acting on behavior since that will not be the biggest difference between them.
His plan doesn't even work anyway. The character is a retard, seems the author was writing what he knows.
That's why the story should had been about turning humans into orcs, so no more black people and just dakka and choppa.
You mean like the French devolution
Read through the second volume. It was when the new brown, female main character turned out to be in a lesbian relationship with a fat cripple and then further got "unjustly" and gorely murdered in an exact eccho of what happened to the first MC, the term came to me.
It's victimisation porn.
The randomized faces gimmick only gets worse when you see how horrendously fucked up they look. It's like someone threw a Mister Potatohead in blender, then microwaved it into one molten chunk of plastic. These things wouldn't be able to form words, let alone see or hear or function on a basic sensory level.
This whole fucking series is such a fucking mess that the only reason to read it is to see what retarded thing they come up with next. The first issue had a twinky faggot mutlating babies with genetic tampering then releasing flesh eating bacteria on himself and everyone around him. The second one features a brown latina lesbian in a dystopian future where horrendous pink monsters breed humans into entertaining pets, kill the weak ones, and sterilize the rest. The next issue is apparently set 200 years after the rebellion she started.
Post it.
fair enough, I shouldnt be a cock tease.
e're we go
and here we have the wonderful glimpse into what the author thinks other men want women to look like.
more expository worldbuilding, and some much overstated totalitarianism. Good thing our brown beauty is on the case!
Now, my favorite two pages, and the introduction of the fat white crying cripple lesbian, who I just now realised probably lost her feet, hillariously, from diabetes
And of course, we need an author self-insert. But oh no! He made the MC a woman! what to do?
right right he can be the wizard who makes the plot weels turn just like before, and give him the same fucking hairpiece while we are at it
who wudda thunk it
and this brings an end to our harrowing tale about "racism and stuff, I guess", in what I feel like is the closest thing i've seen to public masturbation in a while. What a brave lesbian, to dare being murdered for no real reason beyond fetishism
Wait, didn't they promised us we'll jump to the barren wasteland of a post-apocalyptic earth governed by intelligent deformities after the setup?
What the fuck is this?
oh, the irony
What I'm trying to say was that I wanted a jungle Mad Max survival with monsters.
Goddamn somehow the art managed to get worse.
Dunno what to tell ya, beyond that I stand by my ealier description as victimisation porn. It's clear to me that this is the work of some poor schmuk trying to prosses the cool-aid he's been drinking, and that he is trying to tell all the cool girls what he thinks they want to hear.
check please
the author obviously has no idea what he's saying. It feels more like someone trying to process something, than any sort of coherent statement or message. like, he's trying to toe the party line, but reality keeps seeping in when he has to think about.
I looked into the creators, and this comes from the same "creative team" that brought us a comic about a spooky may-may that makes people go cray-cray.
I wanted to ask if you're joking but then I read your image.
I havent read it yet, but I probably will, because I'm a masocist. If it's any fun, I'll probably keep posting.
I'm just flabbergasted that what they chose to run with was a litteral "oooh youre getting hypnotised" graphic for the spooky meme. It's beyond stupid. like eugenics, its indistinguishable from self parody.
It reeks of someone seeing hypnotoad on futurama, and then deciding: "I made that."
Memetic is another decent idea with shit execution.
Memetic is like a bizzare mixture of internet social media, SJW crap, and zombie survival stories. It ends with impact-like apocalyptic event. At least it is less preachy than Marvel books.
I guess the lesson to take away from this is that the rule about how you cant write characters smarter than yourself also applies to concepts.
Holy fuck this sounds so bad, we should storytime it.
Skimming it, it doesn't bear that much similarity to NGE except for the last alien's design being not-sachiel.
>normal humans that are immune to the faggot's genetic fuckery live in slums under the constant watch of Big Brother The Central Genetic Authority being told that if their genes are good they can be bred and then sterilized to go live on a ranch in the countryside
>next issue: 200 years later again
The fuck is this shit? how did the sequel go so wrong?
Do they hate gay white men so much they turn the product of a crazy faggot into a Fourth Reich?
And that's why you don't turn humanity in Pink Horrors and instead you turn them into orks.
And the whole humanity molding into one unified being thanks to extraterrestrial influence and meddling of human scientists.
yeah, and that
and to top it all off, they are armed with rifles. I would love to see these things try to aim.
I don't know where the creator is going with this.
Do you think we can get Taylor Swift to tweet this?
where is the next issue
Aldous Huxley
Adolf Hitler
what the fuck!?
fuck this shit
wait, there is going to be more?!
Where's the third issue?
Jesus, I didnt even read that shit before posting.
>stagnated due to lack of (((diversity)))
So it's 400 years later after the giant faggot's fucking with human genetics ruined humanity, and they are suddenly going to find his notes and fix everything and then learn some kind of lesson about being tolerant and diverse.
Isn't this just a shitty version of the "Basalisk" death image from Snowcrash?
While we wait for the thrilling conclusion I'm gonna storytime the meme one
strap in boys
By James Tynion IV
Chapter 1: I have absolutely zero understanding of the concept of memetics.
[spoiler]It appears the entire premise rests on the idea that some “evil” message can be fed into people through the message of a silly sloth, which is exactly the satanic panic argument. Subliminal messages don’t real, this guy is a fucking idiot, and all of this is written from a point of fundamental misunderstanding. “Memes” spread not because of some sinister underlying thing, but because of their superficiality. The entirety of “internet culture”, which to these fucking retards is what “meme” means, is a celebration of dumb jokes. That’s all. Facebook “culture” is a race for the bottom. The author is a thirty year old man who has an 80 year old womans understanding of technology ‘’and’’ culture.
The lesson, kids, is this: Just because you feel like you have a “unique” perspective, it doesn’t mean youre a genius. Matter of fact, you might be a complete and utter retard.
The story might be a fine drama or end of the world story, but he doesn’t understand his own fundamental story device.
well now I feel silly.
anyway this takes a while to get going
And here, another concept the auther doesn’t have the faintest idea what means: Philosophy!
That's blue hair and free drugs right?
end of chapter 1
2 picks up steam
who have we here? What a cool guy, where have I seen him before? Man I wish I was just as cool as him and had cool techno genius and a 4 in my name
Sweet merciful fuck.. this is more moronic than I could have ever imagined.
Chapter 2: FIRE IS SCARY
Finally we get an attempt at technobabble, from a guy who haven’t the faintest clue how neurobiology works. Cool beans, people get addicted to happy feelings wow what a keen observation
This is a babys concept of addiction mixed with a complete lack of understanding of memetics and human communication.
Brilliant stuff
Actually the "satanic panic" was the idea that a bunch of stereotypically liberal professions from (((entertainment))) to daycare were infiltrated by satanists who were trying to destroy Christianity in America. So if you just replace "satan" with "marx" and make the goats blood and pedophilia ironic or materialistic in nature then it actually kinda turned out to be true.
Remember goyim keeping your kids away from faggots who commit 40%(yes 30 times their percentage of the population at least) of child abuse is evil an so is Sunday School.
The Satanic Panic was retarded and frankly allowed into the public square because it was pushed by a bunch of Alex Jones tier, chemtrail chasing Evangelical faggots who were of no real threat to anybody or the social system of liberalism at large.
looks like someones looking to get hired by MCU
Gotta get that cripple inclusion in there. Its mindboggeling that they don’t realise how blatant they come across. This has no bearing on anything. At least you can use the blind guy to not see the meme. fuck
It explains why protagonist is not affected by the image, and lets us view the whole thing from perspective of one of the last sane people.
It will later on.
Damn those white straight 20-30 year old males for making this diabolic sloth-meme, but they might just be our last best hope.
Why does all the genius doctors end up getting eaten? At this point, I smell a rat. Willing to bet anyone at least one of these “creators” are into vore.
dubsman, youre stating the obvious. what im saying is that James 4 here's conception of memetics is hysterical and on par with what you so perfectly describe as "chemtrail chasing Evangelical faggot" tier.
fair enough, wrote reactionary notes out as I read through it
He sure stands out and is special and litteraly above them looking down on the herd
What a cool guy I wish I was as gay and cool as him
The prosecution rests your honor allahu snackbar
Chapter 3: ppl who like memes are like zombies omg think for urself wow like be an individual genius like me (just kidding u probably cant lmfao)
If you want to read something with psycic zombies ending the world, but with soul and humanity, and a point to itself, you should give the manga I Am a Hero a look.
James Tynion IV obviously did!
So are they intentionally stealing some of the worst shit that hack Stephen King ever made, do retards think alike, or is this supposed to be ironic?
oh wow look who it is! it was the brilliant misunderstood genius ALL ALONG wow
d. all of the above
just you wait
Jesus fuck me Christ in the asshole this guy is gayer than the bum bandit who sharia’d himself
Seems like James spends all his time writing monologue for the supposed “villians”, and then never prove them wrong, and instead let them have their way. This sure isn’t super transparent self insertion no way man
This has the same strange air of undetermained revenge fantasy. I feel like he could probably make something interesting or good if he just got over himself. but seeing as he's a thirty year old with the understanding of the world of a senior citizen, and the emotional maturity of a teenager, that seems unlikely.
And the final masterstroke, the point of all of this, the question to the answer we didnt even know we longed for:
So just dumb reddit cthulhu wank?
It just ends like that? With some Evangelion Angel knock-off showing up out of nowhere like that's supposed to mean something? What's even the point of this story? We saw a fag throw himself off a balcony, everyone turned into a body horror flesh tentacle, there was some moronic poetic wax about communication, and then it just ends? Who the fuck would agree to publish this garbage and then still give this faggot work after?
scary huh
what it something was something else that was scary and magic?
Why are horror writers such pretentious faggots who are so bad at covering up their degenerate obsession with gore and suffering?
1. wut if memes wus bad??
2. gay are cool its not fair
3. im a genius
The idea of somebody putting part of the Ryleh-texts into pixels of an image and being spread around in every form of visual and audio media has been done, several times at this point. Dead Space did it better and Dead Space was shit.
The left doesn't understand surreal horror. They have no sense or normalcy or definite morals to begin with. Since they hold nothing sacred they cannot experience a sense of religious or otherworldly dread in the presence of the evil or inexplicable. But Lovecraft got really popular even with the kikes that run the publishing houses trying to keep him out of circulation along with all the other pulp authors for decades. They feel left out because not only do they not "get it" they can never understand what makes it appealing to others. Cthulhu-wank is a hilarious expression of sour grapes.
Do Genetic next, it's extra retarded. Ancient aliums give cavemen the power to play the world like an RTS and create giant meat-mechas, featuring a lesbian protagonist because this faggot can't write anything with a straight protagonist.
I wouldn't even call this Cthulu-wank. By now we have a whole culture that is dedicated to shitting on Lovecraft because he was such a problematic person, all under the guise of writing homages and Mythos stories (somebody outright rewrote The Horror at Red Hook with a Kang protagonist for example).
Gaetan Dugas was not an American.
He was Canadian, wasn't he?
They just don't understand Lovecraft in general. They believe they do, but they have no idea.
For fuck's sake, some of the best Lovecraft stories have the monsters implied, but leftist faggots just do it because Lovecraft got popular thanks to the Call of Cthulhu RPG.
Also, they can't understand horror as well as Lovecraft because they never suffered in their lives and never felt a despair equivalent to Lovecraft's.
For fuck's sake. You don't have your dystopian horror race actually call them that, you have them use an asinine euphemism and have the HUMANS call them pariah cities.
I think the 3 issue length hurts the concept more than the Current Year bullshit. Time-skipping centuries just comes across as fucking lazy when you have such a lofty high concept, but then laziness seem to be the root of all the problems this mini has.
No that looks more like a terrible rip-off of Uzumaki, along with how looking at the spiral sloth drives people crazy.
I came upon this just now and was reminded of your point. the final page sums up the misunderstanding pretty succinctly. "flying spaghetti monsters" is exactly how they see lovecraftian devices. it's a brand of fedora tipping. it's feeling superior for not understanding something.
Weren't Beetle, Dusk and Ricochet characters alter egos Peter used at one point for super heroing?
Shit I meant Hornet.
They were, but some guy stole the suits and gave them to random people who became a team called the Slingers.
Wasn't the guy with the cape the first one to publicly speak out against the Superpower Registration Act?
OK, he was drunk at the time, but still.
I somehow don't think that the authors have the self-awareness to see that the "bad guy", the Cronenberg-loving homo, is actually the logical conclusion of liberal ideology.
He's a Nazi for diversity who creates a mono-culture to advance multiculturalism. It has an Orwellian logic to it.
Their own liberal values are the antagonists of this series, and I don't think that the authors will acknowledge it.
Multiculturalism doesn't work:
Either you live racially and culturally segregated and everyone hates you (like the Jews),
or you integrate and are racially and culturally annihilated.
I remember a scene of that. It was quite sad and pathetic.
I like the way that you think, user.
I don't get it?
Nobody does.
Because there is nothing to get, just cheap 'lovecraftian' body horror.
Hey Holla Forums
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. The final chapter of eugenic is out, and we get to see where this all leads. what will happen with the numen? will everything turn out pancakes and handholding?
Here’s a few of my predictions before reading:
couple of wild cards. I like to gamble on specifics.
let's play
It makes sense to have the mc be a purple, nowhere else to go after the Mexican gay lady last time
I was wrong about the new insert having pink glasses and purple hair, he’s just pink. He’s not streetsmart, but humble and wise, like a philosopher! He’s low status though, underappreciated even though he listens to queen and reads baby literature. Do you think he might be gay? Lets Freddie find out Mercury
Oh damn the muslim bf I completely forgot, makes perfect sense, Muslims are more virtuous than even black women, so he will be the voice of reason. Allahu abhors a vacuumous snackbar
Nailed it with the dicksucking monologue, litteraly coming out of a character who sucked the guys dick, holy shit
I wish I had this big a brain
Wow I guess theyre right after all, authentic kebabs are well worth monthly suicide bombs
Yeah sattelites are sent up there to enact white supremacy, GPS is extremely hateful, and roman wars of conquest and the crusades were all just because ppl were super mean, not reactions to outside aggression
Anger is irrational and self-defence is never justified, everyone should just live like the wonderful peaceful Africans who never killed each other by the millions for thousands of years
Now I guess we know why the humans lost the war
wonder what this could mean
Got real reddit real fast
wonder who this could be, wonder who inspired such a hard hitting scene, hmm
Wonder if he’ll use the virus and kill everyone, repeating the circle, becoming the new crane just like he’s name is cyrus just like the other cyrus crane, because the author even when confronting the stupidity of his own original premise can think of no other solution than genocide, and just repeats himself like an autistic child trying to get his way
Powerful stuff
in the end I was wrong about a lot. didnt have the foresight to see his daring synthesys of all his previous archetypes into a single character, who is both wise, underappreciated, cultured, genius, self sacrificing, suicide bomber, genocidal tragic hero
hope you all enjoyed the ride in which nothing happened, and are now cured of all your insensitivities, it has been a privilege to present this
Well that was twenty minutes of my time that I’ll never be getting back. I expected to laugh, but instead I cringed.
really makes you think
Wait. That's it?
Even for a SJW wank this is rather meh and pointless.
I mean, the first two were beyond retarded but at least they were edgy and energetic.
The fuck was this?
I don't want to read this and get a cancer. What is this chapter about and why the freak broke a vial of what I suppose is the disease of the first comic? Some sort of white guilt moral?
Honestly, this comic is way more obsessed with itself than it is with telling any kind of story or making any kind of point. 90% of it is just talking about things that happened in the previous issues, and further inflating the evil of the numen as retarded oppressors. Several pages are just dedicated to talking about the couple of faggots that caused all the problems and then it just ends with "oh yeah, we've had the virus that killed everyone and it's just been sitting on this guy's desk. He got sad and decided to kill everyone with it."
I kept reading expecting the story to switch gears and start doing something but it never did. What a colossal faggoty waste of my time.
This is the author of Princeless, right?
Why do he have any books published when everything he do is about nothing happening?
Different guy, but I think the answer to that question is that his stuff is weird and mildly shocking, so dumb editors sign him and his buttbuddy artist on to do these dumb books because they think the sheer weirdness of their stories will somehow be worth it, even though they clearly don't know how to form a story beyond the initial concept.
The guy of Crossed do a better job with shock value and weirdness and Crossed is SHIT.
So the grand finale is just long, flat exposition about what happened in the time skip up to this issue, then everyone dies. As bad as they were, at least the other issues had storytelling in them. What a miserable waste of time.
If anything, this seems like a jab at SJW logic altogether. SJW's would like nothing better to make people into a single mass, no matter how much they preach diversity, and that is the whole point of the first chapter. It is a megalomaniacal dream, and an impossible one at that. More to the point, I don't think anyone would sympathize with the evil scientists vision, since the coming numans are portrayed as grotesque and a "necessary evil". It is in effect giving up our humanity to become "better" people, and that is a direct comparison for SJW's desire to become better people. The questions I walked away were what are SJW's ready to sacrifice for their utopia, and is it even feasible? You can see this conflict in the last chapter with the numan historian trying to accept the necessary atrocities for a perfect world, but he felt the price too great, and decided to do another reset. The SJW brought about his vision of the world, but the historian saw it as an atrocity. What I am left with is a message that says that the end never justifies the means, no matter how noble it may seem, and that is EXACTLY what SJW's need to face. The art sucks of course, but this is more of a comic that relies on the message and not it's art.
If you have doubts about the jab, replace the aposematism victim with any blank character. You will see that the authors didn't have any real reason to put an SJW there, but they did it anyway. Why do you think that is? It will be like crack to the hardcore SJW's and they'll praise it as another victory for diverse comics. The smart ones of the flock will see the comparisons and will start to think about their own reality.
I will admit, it took some time to piece together what the message was, but that's what I came away with, and it will surely be a good hard think for everyone else, too.
fun train of thought but im not buying it, that is a death-of-the-author reading of the work
if you compare to memetic its pretty clear that he is just an idea-guy and visual thinker, and never had anything in mind beyond the premise. he's making it up as he goes along, and you can feel it. Its all threading water, and the final volume is pure exposition, because he wrote himself into a corner. look at the blurp on his sales pitch for vol 3
thats not burying the lede that either false advertising or a pretty clear sign that he has no idea what he's doing.
i hope you are right about your final paragraph, but I just dont see it being intentional. just an effect of their ideology being self-refuting. any attempt to work within the boundries of it just exposes it. you could prick the same holes in any sjw comic, as people have done for a while with marvel. If political winds shift hard enough, I fully expect him to pull a Tommy Wiseau and say that it was all intentional, though
The first thing you must understand is that SJWs do not have logic. Their ideology is inherently illogical and constantly conflicts with itself. The reason they keep tripping over themselves and accidentally making these kind of social commentary pages that smack them in the face is because any message made in service of the SJW mindset will inevitably make the author look like a moron.
If it's unintentional, that's even better. SJW's accidentally opening themselves up to critique to the people they're trying to please is more potent than what any outsider could do. If I could glean the conclusion from my previous post after a casual read, I'm sure some people will come to similar conclusions. Trying to think about this comic from an SJW's point of view as something enhancing their ideology feels like I'm giving myself an aneurysm. I don't see how it could be done.
So I guess the take away is that SJWs would destroy intelligent life on Earth if given a chance.
Reminds me of all the times they had Red Skull talk about the problems in the western world, or when they try to have some bigger white male complain about something, but it comes off as sincere and relatable. I can only assume the author thought he was making some kind of blatant strawman to knock down, not realizing that people unironically side with those characters because what they're saying is true, especially when it's happening inside of books that act as evidence to the kind of shit they are mocking people for being pissed about.. It gets pretty meta.
Other fun example is the movie "Look who's back" (I think that's the title) which is about Hitler in the modern age… and he comes off as incredibly sympathetic, even though the intent was to make him seem foolish and the people who fell for his rhetoric were supposed to look dumb.
should have just had a white box labeled "This is all white people" would have been less conspicuous.
They can't even get their own retarded lore consistent through the course of three books.
There you have it im afraid. that's the thing in a nutshell. They dont. You cant. They would have one if they tried.
The problem is that the sjw mindset, intersectionalism, does not have anything to do with though. I dont say that as a put-down, I mean it extremely clinically. It's a behavior, not a thought-system.
Why would they build an idol of the gay guy, who looks human? Won't this encourage them to try and look like him and thus cause discrimination?
I haven't even clicked on the thumbnail and I refuse to do so
I also stand by my statement that they could still discriminate based on things like organ placement and general shape, i.e. people with mouths on their head could discriminate against people who don't have mouths on their head even though it's anatomically impossible
< Implying that the cause of war isn't, more often than not, economic in nature: that war comes about from tribes trying to control scarce resources.
< Implying that some virus made numans culturally homogeneous to the point where they wouldn't also behave similarly.
I don't entirely agree with the girl, but she does have a point:
Sure, her ancestors were terrible people. Sure, she can try to be a better person than them. But, what's done is done, and she had absolutely no hand in it. She wasn't even alive when those decisions were made, what does she have to feel guilty about? So, she "benefits" from the poor behavior of her ancestors. That's nice, you will then punish her for things she did not do and was not responsible for? For not believing in your version of original sin?
Why would you put that on display? Why?
What in the name of fuck would make anyone think that that was a good idea?
< Faggot makes liberal paradise
< Liberal paradise is fascism
< Faggot destroys liberal paradise
Was there supposed to be a theme?
It's a great analog to white guilt, why should anyone feel guilty that their ancestors may have owned slaves at one point, but probably didn't because only the wealthiest percentage could afford to buy a slave.
Sorry, I meant the disease.
Why would you put that on display? Why?
What in the name of fuck would make anyone think that that was a good idea?
I understand the rest of the display, it's just like Catholicism: people just need to feel guilty over nothing sometimes.
This entire story is so fucking bad I don't even know where to begin. Any ounce of realism in any part of Chapter 1 would have rendered Chapter 2 and 3 non-existent but apparently you need to make everyone fucking stupid for the sake of some message that doesn't exist because of how poorly written it is. It pisses me off when something only works if everyone else is too stupid to deal with it. Even then, I wouldn't even know what to compare the comic to because it's all over the place with what it's trying to portray that it just ends up looking like an extremely underdeveloped story with no meaning behind it, that's trying to force itself to have meaning and make people think.
I don't even know what this is supposed to be comparing itself to, whether it's some lefty reason everyone is thinking about or if it's based on stuff that's happening now or in history. The only thing I could think of is hypotheticals but not even what everyone's thinking about. It's like as if niggas from North America, descendent of slaves, went to Africa to suppress all of the original Africans just because they're smarter inb4 niggers aren't smart, sure as hell smarter than whatever the fuck's in their original country anyway but that scenario is already so unrealistic to begin with, just like how this scenario only happens because of hugely unrealistic expectations of literally every topic it tries to involve itself in.
pic related is the writer
Isn't that how Liberia was founded?
Yeah except that the abolitionists dumped the African Americans there but that's pretty much what happened.
Honestly it's pretty good. It's a weird mix of a bunch of shit and has what I could only imagine was a homage to Syndicate where they put Hitler on TV and he just burst into a huge speech about how shit the world is and then everyone start applauding and he gets turned into a TV/Movie star.
There are points where they realize just how much they're making Hitler likeable so they have him shoot a dog (but this is used as a plot device to try and tear him down in the third act) and whenever he has a line of thought about society they play ominous music, and they end the film on a montage of a bunch of EBIL CURRENT DAY NATZEES protesting and shit.
sage for being so off topic but it's still a pretty decent movie if you're OK with subtitles.
The hipster numan said they used to have armed guards at all times because of that being on display, but probably because of the overwhelming apathy of a civilization with no conflict that desires nothing but good vibes all the time, they rapidly stopped caring about what gave them bad vibes and pursued eternal ejaculation. Despite their glaring physical abnormalities they are all very mentally alike, pompous assholes with an inherited delusion of grandeur, so they were probably confident that nobody would bother with a deadly virus that would kill them all.
And show that they know nothing about Hitler.
Outside of the obvious politically motivated shitflinging this comic fundamentally fails on one level. A complete lack of understanding about how human physiology works, there are biological reasons why human features are distributed the way that they are on the face and if one were to disrupt that would cause the majority of these numans to die out horribly.
Seriously where the hell is the brain supposed to fit when you have a fucking mouth and presumably an esophagus on your god damn forehead, how does binocular vision work when you have two eyes on the side of your head, and how does any of the internal tubing work when facial features are spread haphazardly around the face like that?
And that's not even mentioning that a sideways mouth would have serious trouble consuming solid food, or the whole kissing thing wouldn't work at all if your mouth can be on any random part of your face. Like there are real life examples of people who look like these 'numans' do to birth defects and they can barely function with the help of modern medical science.
Why even have that element anyway it's not like it contributes to the story apart from being a lukework horror element why not just make an objectively superior race of beautiful ubermen, I guess since that's been done to death more or less? But then what do we have instead a race of genetically defective mutants who more or less should have died out within a few generations ultimately rendering Professor Gayboy's efforts pointless?
Because the ugly people represent white people, and white people are monstruous mutants regarding to leftists.
I disagree. It actually works fine as long as you keep germanics, anglos, ashkenazi jews, nips arabs and few other cultures out of the mixture.
Al opther cultures can get along reasonably well, as long as the inherently warlike and disruptive ones are kept behind a wall in their homogenous ethnostate
Sure Hitler loved his dog. But he also had his niece he was screwing quietly executed when he was bored with her. Don't think for one minute he wouldn't have shot Blondie in a heartbeat if he thought he had a good reason.
The artist would likely tell you that it's exaggerated to make a point for their story, but considering their story is a jumbled mess of retardation and nothingness, it's far more likely that the guy just has a fucked up body horror fetish and popped his first boner as a child to John Carpenter's The Thing.
Thank you for proving my point: liberals know nothing about Hitler beyond that he is some sort of boogeyman. So that I'm not some "educate yourself" liberal douchebag: Hitler had Blondie poisoned with cyanide to ensure that it was cyanide, and had every other dog in the Furerbunker shot so that they could not be abused by the Soviets.
I notice you didn't contest the point about his niece.
Good points, user.
I can't stand this comic and i just feel repulsed by the overall execution of it. The whole random facial feature uglyness feels like an insult to anyone born with a genetic defect that involves their face such as myself who has suffered and been treated poorly even it's not much of one Look up something like individuals with Treacher Collins Syndrome like Jono Lancaster (who's parents gave him up after 36 hours of being born) or the young Nathaniel Newman the irony of that last name in the context of this thread who was born without ears, eyesockets, cheekbones, a servery underdeveloped jaw and an nasal airway consisting of mostly solid bone causing him to have to have a respirator tube in his neck for a decade (and after 60 surgeries).
It just feels like a slap in the face, we see those mothers just accepting their freaky babies in part 1, no rejection what so ever, no problems that need to be fixed with surgery. No anger or grief at the gay bastard who caused this mess and all the cowardly murder and suicide so he would never live to see his outcome get even worse.
I feel like the only way for the story to get redeemed part 2 onwards would have been the for the nu-mans to have been divided and started conflicting with each other over something as simple as numans with facial symmetry vs asymmetry, so even after all the shit the world has gone through the nu-mans would just end up fighting each other. No numans with human parents being sympathetic toward other humans. No human rebels taking advantage of a numan trying to use a gun scope with a pair of eyes on the side of their head or giving a numan guard a sandwich with a drippy spicy filling that would purposely get in their eyes (beneath their mouth) causing it to get temporary blinded by their stupid facial design.
Then to top it off, we see in part 2 the freaky asymmetrical doctor numan with slasher smile and pointy teeth which seems like a purposely evil facial design, while in part 3 the museum guy and the little girl are basically symmetrical and pretty close to "normal" because they "good." It like the artist just gave up at that point with numan designs like got make these two numan characters sympathetic, make them facial symmetrical and normal-ish looking.
Prove it.
It reminds me how once in 4chan, way back to 2013? IIRC some guy posted a thread to rate his face. Eventually, someone noticed he didn't have visible ears and we started mocking him. Eventually, he tried to defend himself, then I don't remember what I told him, iirc it had something about being an inferior human for not having the evolutionary advantage of ears or something, I knew he was OP because of IDs and then he started crying.
I tried to lurk it back up but no archive has Holla Forums. The only thing I found was a semi-identical r/WTF/ thread but a lot less mean and is a backshot of his head.
Also I can't find the "Leaning Superheroes thread
The end in the 3rd issue is extremely effed up. He murdered everyone because he lost his job. Why did he tried to make the little girl feel bad despite the fact she is not responsible for this freaky mess?
Was she murdered? Did she really kill herself? It is a mystery. Was Hitler even fucking his neice?
Anyway, Hitler also had Rohm killed, one of the few people he referred to with "du" rather than "Sie".
Historically, Hitler loved animals and didn't tolerate people. It would have been far more accurate for Hitler to have kicked a small baby for being Jewish than for him to have shot a dog.
If she did shoot herself, she did it in a strange way, in the heart, in the middle of writing a letter about how happy she was, in the middle of a word. I mean, who shoots themselves in the middle of a word?
Memory. But I could be wrong, I'm pretty old.
I mean, I wasn't THERE, but I'm pretty old.
Wait he killed everyone but no new kind to replace the numans?
With random eye placement they are going to need those genius brains to design a modifiable ergonomic rifle that fits ANY crazy face shape and posture.
really nigger?
now that is just fucking lazy, see second pic
So i guess this whole comic is a big numale guilty thingy?
Its literally JUST a shitter version of I Am A Hero. At lest that didn't end with a Angel coming out of nowhere
At least it was better than Hellcat.
That's not an accomplishment.
Piles of zombies make some sort of giant flesh golem.
Reminds me of I am a Hero.
I skipped most of these comics after reading the first because it seemed like trash but I read the last one, and despite hammering it as bluntly as possible you still didn't get what the author was trying to convey. Bravo on your brain damage.
The Numans genocided all of humanity and now they don't even think for themselves, they are less than human.
Faggot delivery aside it was alright, reminds me of vid related.
Just because everyone mentioned I am a Hero, I went to look at the last chapters without a context, so obviously I have so many questions.
Where is beauty mark school girl? where is pregnant punk? Why did the old woman get young again? Is Hiro going to expend the rest of his life alone with his imaginary friends in Tokyo for the rest of his life?
It's kill whitey user. Numen are a barely coded allegory for white/american imperialism suppressing cultural diversity, people of color, and the glorious faggosexuals and ultimately genociding them. The dialogue with Mary hits you over the head with it, he's killing everyone because they won't check their numan privilege.
everything ded
zombies werent dead but some sort of unifying force trying to turn humanity into zombie-flavored TANG
Is Hiro going to expend the rest of his life alone with his imaginary friends in Tokyo for the rest of his life?
There is noone left? even in other countries? just the old landlady turning young and into a breeding sow, some children and old men and the kid saved from the mall?
tbh i dont remember how the international situation turned out, but if you didnt get to that point, there is a great side-story in italy some time in the original books
there are also several spin-offs in other geographical locations but i dont know when those are meant to take place
I just want Hiro to be happy. He deserved happiness and some children.
Read the last issue.
Look at the curator, see how he perceives the world, realize his perceptions regardless of their validity.
Learn to think in context without becoming enveloped by it.
user I will give you one spoiler but you should really read the book.
humanity survives
I mean manga, fuck.
Goes on >>>/a/
fuck off cop
thread has the dump of a fag ripping off a manga, we were perfectly within city limits here
That pic reminds me, got an archive of the The Movement storytime?
Still reported for /a/ shit.
Not really. Made this reaction picture when it was posted because it was the face of someone trying to reason with a friend converted into a terrorist cause.
i should report you for being a little bitch tbh
So… what was the point of this story?
Something something technology, memes, wanting to belong, humanity is the real monster… Really, between this and Eugenic, it's pretty obvious that the artist only has schlock body horror going for him, and the writer is a pretentious faggot who is obsessed with apocalyptic scenarios, but without any of the intellect to pull them off in a meaningful way, so he relies on nebulous outcomes as a shield for criticism. He likely thinks that he's pulled off something clever by leaving these things up to interpretation, even though he's done that quite poorly, too.
at least I am a Hero had the courage to give the audience a big fuck you regarding what exactly was the ZQN, pulling a muh chutthulu is embarrassing.