Guess the Game By the Party

Describe the party members of a game in one line and have other anons guess the game. If it proves too hard, you can give one of two hints. Country of origin, or the genders of the party members.

I'll start:

the world ends with you


You made this a little too obvious, didn't you? It's obviously Purity Maiden Rape 3: The Hymen Restored.

It's Devil Survivor.

Now for a real challenge:

Creepy mother fucker that wants to inhale your scent after you fight him off.

Mafia controls parts of the government.

Horrifying science experiment roams free.

Devil Survivor?

>nerd's presumed dead love interest who is now a sexy cyborg and cucks princess

Should be pretty easy




>receptionist for DLC


I'm guessing FF6, but I've never actually played it.

left 4 dead

This one sounds pretty interesting

Jet Set Radio.

Stale Cracker
Feisty mumbler
Will fuck anything that moves

>Sexy Cyborg Sniper


Devil Survivor

but he actually knows god exists, he just really hates him.

Pic unrelated

fuck you, he's the best bro
Binary Domain

sounds like binary domain
Big Bo is a big bro, don't talk about him like that

Another one

>above's pretend sister who secretly wants to fug him
>le proud knight who later is revealed to be an evil whateverthefuck

That's some real shit taste right there.



I'm sure you've already played it.

I don't actually mind bo I just wanted to emphasize that they wrote him to be the funny guy


Easy hint: tree-hugger and policeman are the only possible romances

Jackie Chan?

Is it skylanders?

Kingdom Hearts

gah, "self-doubting policeman" would have been a better description.


Stella Glow

Expecting father
Hospital receptionist
OBGYN nurse
Woman in hospital bed
dead baby

I think there was a loss in translation.

shit taste m8

correctamundo. Heres another one.


I figured it'd be good for a start. You're right.

You too.


Glad to see this has picked up.


This one is easy I'll give you the greatest hint

Forgot about the kung-fu healer.


Wonderful 101?

All you had to do was say Slam-jam and it'd be done. Clearly The Alien Goddess from the Toilet. Barkley Shut up and Jam

Tales of Game’s Studios Presents Chef Boyardee’s Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa

Shining Force 2?

>big fish

No, and I think that had more characters.

The Plane Scene


This one's easy.

Even without the hint



One of the Suikoden games?

It did, but some of those overlapped.

How did you manage to list all the anime in the world?

Well fuck.

Cold Steel?

don't know the game but you're obviously a man of taste

sounds like a dangit ronpaul or something thuogh judging by the size of the cast



Not that, though I am of taste

Just relax!

Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team,' but there is a 'me' in 'meme.'

That's not Danganronpa, I assure you.

Now then:

Breath of Fire II?

Fuck, how did I miss this. I knew it was on the tip of my tongue: Gotcha Force!


Easy modo

One of the Atelier games?

Yare Yare Daze: The Movie: The Anime: The Game

Atelier Meruru


7th Stand User?


Correct. Now then:

Monster Girl Quest. Either Paradox or NG+

Strange Journey

Nope, it's not an eroge.


Lesbian loli blacksmith
Lesbian water fairy

Revulsion 60

The stuff of my nightmares.


God Eater?

Got it



Not a lot of games throw a russian chick at you with whom you're tasked with showing off the power of friendship to.

>A guy made of wood

no and no
more hints: this game's main draw is not the number of recruitable characters but the quantity that you control in battle, the obtuse mechanics and the autism that is needed to enjoy it in the first place.
strong woman dies

doctor wu's delusion quest


this one was way too easy

one of tekkens

Fuck these jap games, all I can say is the OPs was clearly Shin Megami Tensei and all the rest are some bullshit.

Moe Chronicles had MC with Dildosword as a concept but I have no real idea what this game was or if it was eroge or not.

Dangit Ron Paul 2: Goodbye Election

Last Remnant then?


Ace Combat 4






Got it.
It's a lewd dungeon crawler with lots of fanservice but it's not an eroge.

ok this is slightly harder than the dingdongropo one

Dragon Dogma

Out of all Jap games I guessed this. fuck.


Here's another one:

Paper Mario TTYD

Summon Knight?


Drakengard 3

Drakengard 3

Hard Mode

only in the dub

she's more of a kinda depressed and lazy slut

shit that was too easy


Absolutely correct

Now for one that's actually hard :^)



Dirty Bomb?

Correct. That was easy huh?
Another easy one

thanks, doc


Thanks doc?

War of the Lions?

Let me know if is too vague. I can add more party members.


Tales of the Abyss? :^)

Nope, sorry.

The third one is the biggest hint. It happens a lot.


you should know this

Is it really just the two characters though? I've probably never played it.

I've got it! Battlefield 1!

Was already posted.

Here's a hint: Its a sports game

Etrian Odyssey 3


Well Jesus, Bush. You expect me to know sports games? Actual sports or e-sports?

I don't think Agrias was a princess.

Is character #3.

There are other party members but they might become too obvious. Here's some:


Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

I can confirm I've never played it before. None of these are sounding familiar. Sounds neat though.

I'm still surprised no one got . It's actually really obvious.

I'm just going to take some wild guesses


Ar Tonelico?

Anachronox again?
I just recently pirated that game and haven't gotten very far into it.

no to
Forgot to mention the rest of the party

Oh, and I should probably add that this is nowhere near the complete list of party members.

This one should be stupidly easy



Super Mario RPG.

Ar Nosurge

Gonna throw a hint for this one . The main character is in her 20s. She has white hair.

Super Paper Mario?



Super Mario World


Soul Hackers? The only thing that comes to mind with an ass ton of demons.

Nope, think 1800s.


Winter sports

ez one

I want to say Valkyrie Profile, but I doubt it.

I have quite literally nothing. Snowboard kids? SSX?

Killer 7


Nope, it's a third person action game. It's niche and fairly obscure

Final Fantasy VII?


Try out this old one



Disgaea 3

pretty good

This one's easy

The Adventures of Dunban and Riki.

Featuring MUH NADO from the Pussy May Cry series

If Max Payne had trouble walking, he'd be Max Cane.

max payne

SSX is correct

Almost, it's Dick Justice.


Don't answer that

A rhetorical



ToeJam and Earl

…You're killing me.

Virtues last reward

Surely this won't be too hard.

>arrogant weapons crafter also the gayylien option

Major part of gameplay outside combat is earning their trust and resolving their personal issues.

Everyone you recruited becomes the final bosses if you choose a certain ending.



Lets see if I remember all the characters. I have yet to beat the story



You got it.

>Suit of armor with a god in it

Last post quoted me because I forgot to delete my post number when I opened a new window

Sounds interesting. What game?

I dunno about him, but my first game does that too.

Final Fantasy 5

Guess that was too easy.

You got it. Next in the somewhat-retro category:

It's funny, when he posted that, I thought of Breath of Fire 4. Then I read your post, which is Breath of Fire 4.


Also reminds me of LiveALive.

Real Life: Mexico?

Hint: several of the party members are optional, fuckloads of endings

castlevania 3

Since no-one's said it yet for some reason, plonetside?

Yarp, you got it.

>One of three wives, one of which (the correct one) being your childhood best friend
>Your son the actual hero of this story

Nah, I was thinking of a JRPG. Same series as the game above.


Dragon Quest/Warrior something something?

You're missing the

But which one?

I guess the monster recruiting makes it Dragon Quest Monsters? Maybe Joker?

Also, I'll give the game a shot:


Nahh, the Monsters games have parties that ONLY consist of monsters. This is a main series title.

Then I have no idea, famalam. There's at least ten main series games and I've played a whole two of them. And using google seems like cheating tbh.


I can't figure it out.

Yeah. If you've played it, it'd be obvious. I've got a huge boner for the DQ series, so I've played most of them.


This guy get it.

And a bonus game;

Bonus game is Spec Ops The Line

It's I Miss the Sunrise


Also a shit-ton of demons

HINT: They commit genocide.


Easy one.

Sounds like an SMT.

Dragon Quest V?


Fat stupid cousin makes me think GTA4.

Spec ops the line?

GTA 4?


Do you want a more specific answer? My guess is Raidou.


No, It was the first SMT game, you were correct

Oh, neat.

I don't know but that reminds me

>childhood friend that's actually a time anomaly



Tales of Xillia



Clint Eastwood?

Guess what gave it away

Particular song I'm referring to is from Demon Days.

Dirty Harry (and by extension Clint Eastwood) actually does work in theme.

I dropped the game after a while, it got really fucking stupid when the world ending shit started happening and the protag and love interest fight over a stupid argument. I might pick it up again when I stop hating it and forget, I just want to sell it and pass it along.

Breath of Fire 4

Shadow of the Colossus

Tails of hearts R, and just forget that shit, it's the fucking worst tales game.

Lunar 2, that game I've never played



We all know Marche did the right thing.



This should be easy.


so, a regular woman?


>Goth chick with fantastic tits

Selling it on Smazon now, I got it cheap for the sole reason I could resell it. Which Tales games should I play if I want a good one. I almost picked up the 3DS Tales but I heard that was pretty shit too.


gotta be FFX with the lack of fucks given about the rest of the cast

Danganronpa 2. Too easy, especially with pic related.

Chie was the only worthwhile girl in that game


It was a sadistic, mean-spirited cunt in the body of a loli that smelled like garbage because she never washed

I fucking hate all of them

That's the mentality of a lot of edgy redditors. Well, maybe not know that god exists, but they say cringey shit like "if god's real he's an asshole" and shit like that. that used to be me


Over 500 of your classmates.

Also, the starting group of a different game.
Two lazy strategists and JUSTICE.

Disgaea 3?

No, literally your classmates, no generics.


Tales of abyss? It's not a bad game, just chalked full of story filler, that, and the Hold r to run trick you get a few hours into the game kinda breaks some things.

I personally loved the fuck out of Destiny II/eternia, but that's definitely an Emulator kind of game with how expensive it goes for, unless you have a psp and can find a copy of the game that's not bugged(thanks ubisoft)





Legend of Legacy



OK, I'm giving you one last chance to guess the game, via this full and revised list:

I know you know this game Holla Forums.


Is the Big Bad Boss Orange?

Legend of the Dragoon?

I've only played the first 5 minutes and never got to play the rest.






Oh fuck that was it? I watched my Mom play Legend of Dragoon when I was really young and I can barely remember what actually happens but when I think of it as from that game it all sounds familiar. Yeah, some big guy you fight joins… characters trade powers in one way or another… and… The game ended with escaping an explosion?

Yeah only caught on because of the old master, the clone character (mechanically), and the last party member replacing the love interest hints.

I haven't beaten the game yet so I don't know the ending, but I'm sure it's on a wiki somewhere.


Fire… Emblem…?

I think you forgot
Wait, is it Friday already? I need to order some pizza…

Be more specific. There's a lot of FE games.

Okay, so it is a Fire Emblem game, got it.

Planescape Torment.



it's called nightmare before christmas


Tales of Eternia

Did you forget Meru, you fucking dink?


Fire Emblem: 1/3 of a game edition
Translated into Meme Language


And so many more

Is Gatrie a Russian-sounding name?

You two are talking about the same game.


You forgot this


Radiant Historia was a breddy gud game.

Meru a shit.

Even the wiki seems to have forgotten her.

bumping again because it keeps sliding down to page 5

Bump limit is 300.

That's it.

If anyone gets this I'll be genuinely impressed

I don't know but I really want to know.
