What does leftypol think about him?


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There is a special place in the gulag for these people


I find it hard to believe that he is a real person.

He's a living meme, even le Pen thought he was too edgy
t. Pole


Neo-feudalist deserve the guillotine

Could you please not kill the memes?

He's an Anarcho-Monarchist

Libertarian monarchist if anything

why do all libertarians wear bowties?

Anyway, I've said this before and I'll say it again, neo-monarchism is the most autistic ideology there is. It's like eugenics, the people who believe in it do it because they think they'll be the best off under that system i.e. they think their genes will be the ones most valued for reproduction while in fact they're just physically weak slightly-above-average-intelligence assholes and will probably be limited from reproduction if eugenics was ever implemented. Only that neo-monarchism is 10 times more autistic because this time they think they'll gain from this system because they believe they'll be the ones made kings.

Given what a catastrophic failure the Sejm was for Poland historically I can understand why he might be sympathetic to absolute monarchism

This is how I feel.

Deserves nothing less than extermination. The Polish population is so entirely reactionary that the country needs to be wiped off the earth. Hitler's invasion was a progressive act considering how utterly backwards it continues to be.

Seems like a very honest libertarian, for once. That is what libertarians argue for, monarchy. Dynasties and hereditary (based on wealth) absolute control.

It's good that he's honest about it, at least. Completely retarded stances, but honest.

United Netherlands WHEN

Just give Luxembourg to Germany, Flanders to Netherlands and Wallonia to France.


Nothing less than up against the wall, ever.

literally just a batshit old man that's famous for saying stupid shit

This to be honest. By the way, restore the United Provinces and give Germany Austria while we're at it. Austrians are basically mountain Bavarians.

and Switzerland shouldn't exist it all, divide it up to France, Germany, and Italy

It really baffles me that neo-monarchists think they will be better off under a king. Why would this be the case? They all seem to think there is not enough inequality and hierarchy in society, but it's obvious that we aren't lacking in either, and a king would have no incentive to put whites atop a racial hierarchy like they seem to want.