With the abolition of private property, would skateboarding be less frowned upon as a pass time? Skateboarding does cause superficial damage to property over time but does the aesthetic appearance matter when it's utility is unchanged?
With the abolition of private property, would skateboarding be less frowned upon as a pass time...
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Most skateboarding is done on public property.
I would hope and expect there to be more accommodation for leisure activities such as skating in a socialist society so that they are not forced to grind down short rails.
forgot picture
Also, yes. Aesthetics are important if you can afford the money to make them. Pretty things are pretty.
That is true but a lot of public property is also not skater friendly. I've been thrown out of public parks for skating and when skating in Scottsdale I was pulled over for skating on the sidewalk despite there being no sign indicating not too.
Ye, thats kinda shit.
Also whens your wifi going to be fixed?
I'm not muke.
I don't get it, what does one thing has to do with the other?
Do you skate inside factories and stores?
mostly office plazas mostly as well as a few abandoned (but still owned) factories. I assumed that office buildings were still considered private property seeing as how it still makes a profit even if it doesn't necessarily make commodities.
skateboarding can be aesthetic as fuck though: youtube.com
God fucking damn it.
Whoever is spamming the board with "Is X Y?" thread , I hate your guts.
After the revolution, work will be so enjoyable that pass time activities such as skateboarding will no longer be needed.
If mentioned at all it will be in history books to highlight the absurd behaviors born from of capitalism.
In the event that some would not feel this way, or out of madness or some other reason persists in capitalist style non productive leisure, there will be made appropriate accommodations away from the general public.
pic very much related
I can't believe that this is the type of question raised in your mind when we talk about revolution, the overthrow of an entire class, and the necessity of re-creating society according to new values and principles.
Will the gulag have a sweet half pipe?
I agree, we need to go further though. Videogames, books, comics, painting, and other wastes of time will be done away with. Basically we need to get rid of all the artsy fartsy libshit. A few months of digging ditches and mending roads will break them. They'll stop clinging to their toys and support the revolution.
Those who refuse will be purged. We need complete submission of the capitalist pigs. Of course if they resist they'll be killed. The women will be raped and then killed. Once the women see what's happening they'll probably fall in line quicker than the men. Assorted beta and nu males should fall in line pretty quickly. For the men you'll just have to line them up and shoot them. Start with the head's of the household and work your way down until all the older men are gone.
That's how you do it.
Yes, this is correct. All such distractions are products of capitalist mindset, designed to enslave the minds of the people. I expect most people will abandon these senseless activities very quickly once freed from capitalism, so these more advanced measures you speak of will for the most part be unnecessary, but we must of course not shy away from doing the right thing. If a young child can be saved only by raping and murdering it's mother in front of it, then we are morally obliged to do so.
no, probably not.
Yeah, the prisoners in the gulag will be put to work making the sweet half pipe and forced to watch the guards enjoy it.
I hope so, one should not forget that socialism/communism is not just the increase in productive forces (this is economism) or the stoppage of imperialist wars but on the micro-level of daily life as well.
If you aren't willing to kill for what you believe in then what the hell are you even doing?