Webm Thread

Last one is one page 14, keep it mostly vidya-related.

Anime is of course always welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:



Vidya and anime? Sounds good.








OC I guess. This episode came out before the Super Famicon had even launched so it was some covert advertising.

>mfw i still like the latino dubbing better







Welp, that worked I guess. Not sure if there's a way to make it looks less shit.


Does anybody has that webm where there are two jews talking about economy around rare pepes?




Goddamn, if I didn't think this lolishit wasn't and escape for pedos before, this sure convinced me.

Fucking pedos, man.

You need help man, you're seeing things that just aren't there.

loud noises













Wait, can you actually import your creations in Spore to use as monster disasters in that game?

That would be fucking awesome…. if both games hadn't been utter shit.

I know this is old as fuck, but if someone could tell me what this is and how to get it. Lolicons should stay together

Slow thread tonight.


This was the link I got when I requested sauce for that a couple years back. I've never tried downloading it myself so godspeed.


Monster Island by CosmeticLab
You could buy it from Dlsite or just download it


How was Ranma resolved anyway?

Thanks, you are my nigs

hmmm…gonna need a video source, not Urusei, but the audio

It wasn't, really. The author couldn't think up a good ending for the series so she left it open-ended.

It's why the show is so popular in the fanfiction community.

Shounen-shit ending.



I loved Ranma but it dragged for longer than a horny 9 year old could put attention and probably i diverted my efforts into some fighting game or other anime

I have a friend that swears by this show but that little clip is a bit… rough.

In the anime only or in the manga as well?

The show is awful.
The RT fanbase is one of the worst I know. They hang on to anything that company shits out, regardless of whether it's actually good or not.

Wasn't there a live action special in Japan not too long ago?

>TFW nothing has come close to the perfect mix of action and highschool rom-com elements Ranma had

I actually have no idea, it's on my backlog. The anime ends with Ranma's mother being introduced.

The anime deserves credit at least for being 161 episodes long and having little to no filler.

The conspiracy threads were pretty fun, though. I like internet detective shit, like the girl games threads. Breaks up the shitposting and "no, YOU'RE the shill" monotony.


inb4 they win an award for that utter garbage as well

Also, wow, Akane was much cuter in the opening than in the show itself

I still don't know what RWBY is and I intend to keep it that way.

I wanna fug Ranma.

I should watch that again since I only ever caught an episode now and then when I was young.
I guess I should also read the manga then.


Good man. I wish I could return the 40 minutes wasted on that show.

What the shit, is that meant to be anime grill Private Pyle?

Trips confirm Fem-Ranma was the true best girl in that show

You didn't see all the threads when the guy running RT died? Spooky shit, mate.

Stupid anime women

Aim to the back of the head, it kills without leaving a chance of becoming a vegetable

Paid to view earlier or did they do some form of kickstarter shit?

I watched it long while ago but from what i remember, after a while it's a lot of the same, similar to Urusei Yatsura. Same gags, plots, jokes, themes, etc…

dude, everybody wanted to fug Ranma, that was the joke.

Thats why they tied that female design to an unlikeable male character

unfortunately true, the episode structure is usually:

>Ranma thinks he's finally found a way to cure his curse spoiler alert: he never does

Its formulaic for sure, but its still fairly enjoyable

stop posting the same shit in multiple threads faggot


Make me

We should probably post a little vidya lest the local hotpockets become rattled.

Yeah, that's about what I picked up. That friend in particular also has pretty shit taste in things.


watch my bride is a mermaid, its still a fucking harem, but its funny.

is it just me or femranma looks like chrischan?

you mean Krist-tan?


My memory is shit, but basically the guy in charge got a bimbo gf. She brought in cats which he was deadly allergic to and was always covered in scratches and shit. He had no spine so he enabled that bullshit and kept throwing at the situation until he died from complications probably related to that. She obviously didnt care about what his allergies were doing to him, and she started dating someone new after a couple of months I think.

Anyone more familiar with the topic feel free to correct me since I probably have a couple of things mixed up.

what a world

yeah, the /christian/ mascot, right? cant fucking remember

fuck, i havent heard that shit in forever, i fucking came from nostalgia alone


Yes user

though I don't think /christian/ would ever admit that their pure waifu was based off of an anime trap





he didnt die, he went into a coma because of a hospital orperation or the injection(for cat alergies) over dose, i dont remember.
so what did his wife do?
unplug the faggot after the first week
3DPD not even once.

Evolve really made me depressed, I was actually interested in the games premise


Is it truly a trap when you need add only water to get a real girl?

Also fuck Tumblr for making it harder to enjoy Ranma for what it is.


Well that was an important detail to forget

you have noone to blame but yourself

The premise was pretty interesting, and imo the only good thing to come from it was the steam community becoming more guarded towards day 1 purchases.
Whether some people like it or not, that community is quite large, and guides a lot of the money hungry studios marketers into influencing what is actually made (as we saw in evolve, but they went too far, and their DLC upon DLC was the straw that broke the camel's back in this sense).



ha, i was involved with the channel that made this, never thought i'd see webms of it

damn, what a cold hearted bitch
He must of had some type of life-insurance policy, and she was dyin to see that money.

The autiste always puts a smile on my face




snib stab

haha, those wacky """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""conspiracies""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""




Welcome to ElFamosoDemon


Can someone who isn't a complete retard at making decent size/quality WebMs like myself convert this?

Requesting this

It is a solid minuet before he mentions the topic of the video and that was done accidentally. For fucks sake, he mentions: 1. What people have said 2. Further reading 3. Criticism of the topic and 4. Why this video needs to exist but not what the fucking video is about.

Why am I finding that so frustrating?



Because he has stolen about 6 minutes from your life.




Thanks broski


Are you talking about Monty Oum?



I can't unhear fucking Joseph Joestar now that I know they're the same

Oh god, this is so fucking ancient
Upload the Rare Endangered Crab Spies one





Anime grills have flimsy arms and can't steady a rifle to suicide unless they're a homo magical grill.



Kid stole something from the criminal and was asking for money



It cuts out at 3/4 of the video but it's better than what I was getting.
Is there a pastebin or something that accompanies these threads so I can learn to make better webms and not have to rely on others? I assume there would be since there's a webm thread up almost all the time.

BR huehue kid stole something from a crook (a gun IIRC). He then asks the kid to give it back but the kid demands that he pay for it. Kid is then shot in return.

Every time I start to lose faith in fullchan I remember how worse it could be.



Is that some kebab removal?


I never realized eastern europe kebabs looked white.

rick and morty is gay.



They were accused of burning an old lady's home and killing her

I use this gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter as a converter its easy to handle.

Eastern European justice I guess.

I am using adobe premiere, switched from xmedia.

The nice thing about premiere is you can properly edit your videos and you can also queue them, and continue encoding your queue after a reboot.



I'll try out both of these and see how it goes.
What about ripping the YT video with the highest quality?

can't you just download them using a online downloader?

I use clipconverter.cc/ if I need to download something fast, for everything else, like big playlists I use jdownloader 2.

I always hate when people just painlessly relieve horrible criminals from the burden of life. If you really want to punish massive cunts, ruin their lives. Cut their arms and/or legs off, try to frame them for something bad, burn their homes especially if they're poor or anything like that and let them know they got that fate for being human trash. Then just wait and see them lose everything due to alcoholism or some shit and kill themselves because of crippling self-hate and shame.









that was magical


>not simply keeping them in the cage for the rest of their lives on the off chance the wrong person was convicted

Well at least those freaks stay in their own game and play with each other instead of disturbing others.


I dont get it

Didn't knew euro tricks had mp, did they recently add this? I bought this for my brother back then when this got released because he is really into trucks and if I remember correctly there was no mp back then.

Also about those criminals, maybe you should start working on fixing your society.





It's a mod. You can't play with any other mods installed, though.

There's always going to be deviants. That's why we label some people criminals. No matter what, people will always hurt and kill each other. The only way to prevent this from happening is to completely eliminate the freedom people have. When you do that, though, you're sentencing a whole species for the crimes of a minority.

I'll take a society with murderers and thieves over a hollow imitation of living any day.

Blow your brains out, you fucking sadist. You’re one of the people who will be killed.





Just compare crime rates from different countries to each other. The usa, which punishes people hard has high crime rates. I don't know about the current state of sweden, but it used to be low.

Well i guess in the end they never repeated their crimes and that's all that matters.

It's increasing. Most of the people in jail are foreigners anyways. The more we import criminals, the more we let the ghettos grow, the more criminals we will have.

he probably never realized that when you jump, IRL, you have to flect your legs.


What kind of quasi superhero fuck is that?


Gave it a shot since the one user made for me ended about 30 seconds shorter than this one.
How bad did I do?


Countries which focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment are more successful in reducing crime. I wish the USA would adopt a system more in that line than assfucking people into a cycle of crime and imprisonment so that private corporations can make money off their slave labor and government contracts.


Dont think those dubs will distract me from your degeneracy lefty Holla Forums



Has Holla Forums ever attempted an organized raid on Furcadia because that's exactly what needs to happen.

What the hell

Why? I bet half of those wankers are autistic and retarded. let them have their fun together.

Corporate prisons are outstandingly jewish and you know it, faggot.


The kind that beats your ass with a hammer if you fucking chew seeds on the train.


Thank you.



What a fucking waste of hitler dubs. We do it because it's fucking fun to enrage autists.


I used to think so too, but the older I get the less fun it is.

Same with mortal kombat, while it was one of the coolest games back then now it just looks needlessly brutal.



you are just getting old my friend,





What is this?

And whatever it is, is it good?


GATE, an anime about wanking off the JSDF that inexplicably decides to focus on waifufaggotry and waifu powerwanking.

heres another high quality rip



Gate: Thus the JSDF fought

It's about a gate to another world opening up in Japan and sending in the JSDF to go fight high fantasy Rome.

It's good.

What's the best way to record vidya

I like using OBS

With a recorder.

The hypothetical best way would be lossless encoding using Lagarith codec




That's pretty fucking great.

My high-quality nigga.

You got a high quality rip of earthbound granddad?

I swear to god I know that first song but I can't for the life of me put my tongue on it.

holy fuck did he reupload these somewhere?
I've been looking for them


Yogi Bear theme


Yes thats it, I cannot believe I forgot the Flintstones opening song.


What would happen if Ramza in female form reverted back when she had something inside of her? What would happen to his penis and/or testicles during a Vaginoscopy? Would they form around the metal tools? Would he have a robo-weiner?


He has a new channel now:
And a Bandcamp with a hand-picked selection of the highest quality rips:
You're welcome

Check the Bandcamp link, there's a MOTHER album on there.

holy fuck thank you user



Anyone have any other videos of Le Chateau Autiste?



god damn that chicks face is fucking perfection





requesting someone to webm this prease








Anyone know what song this is?






what if webm threads were "save one, post one"

Whats this from?




It's great

in fact lets go join the JSDF right now

My mom banned me from watching Ranma because she believed that it would make me gay.

Jokes on her, I'm gay anyway


An anime about the JSDF being a bunch of heretic xeno fuckers.

Looks like she was right.


I always believed the worst was either leaving someone without arms or without sight. Revenge is still a shitty concept as doing any of that would only make life shitty for me too because prison time. Would only it reserve as revenge for something that would make the prison time a small consequence

I guess I'll have to settle for reposting an old one.

feels bad fam.





im using shotcut, its faster, but some user said the quality wasnt that great.

dubs confirm nippon strong!

is this a remix or something? I can't find any weeb versions of their songs

Here's a question, let's say I want to make webm's off of youtube videos. What is the best way to extract said videos off youtube?

I've been using keepvid.com/

hot off the press

Tried VP9 and VP8 and it kept doing it with both.
It was working fine but I might have changed something without realizing.




What converter are you using?
Webm for retards is what I use and it's pretty fast.


Neat thanks. Expect OC in the future.

goes by filename



Best Triple-Q mashup coming through.

oh, so it is a remix


Sheet, can't help but listen to this every fucking time it's posted. Really hit-or-miss genre, but the good ones are usually fucking great.



Don't have a webm for this one

You know after jr/high school this shit…just is fucking stupid.



Adding metal version to counteract nightcore

I was expecting something harder not some weird mixture of glam metal and something else.


Here's some cool black people

last youtube video I'll be posting







Aw I love this one. She's adorable



Really enjoyed that movie. Thief has the luck of the gods.

If anyone wants to help a nigger out, I'd like to request this webm'd

I've been wanting to do it myself for a while now but my computer is fucked

Would be much appreciated


This one turned out nice.

This is way too catchy.



From what I heard, the manga ends with Ranma and Akane getting married only for it to get interrupted and crashed by everyone else so while it tries to close, it's left as an open end.

I'm glad I instantly hated that shit.




The Vampire just Traveled to Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane Australia then the Vampire has Traveled to Auckland New Zealand, Wellington, Christchurch and Invercargill New Zealand then the Vampire has Traveled to Vancouver British Columbia then he Travelled to Seattle Washington, Portland Oregon and Los Angeles California then He Travelled to Calgary and Edmonton Alberta then makes its way to St. Louis Missouri and then Pittsburgh Pennsylvania then he Works its way to Toronto Ontario, Montreal Quebec and then New York City New York and Boston Massachusetts then Vampire makes its way to Halifax Nova Scotia and Sydney Nova Scotia then He Left for Tokyo Japan and Then Kazan Russia and then Moscow Russia and Vampire will be Back for Halloween on October 31, 2016.

Artist? searching for stamina/can't stop brings up nothing.

"Когда мы были на войне"

Psheks telling the world how it is.

this post telling the world what a full house is

always a favorite


Regarding the RWBY detective threads, this should be of interest to people wanting to read up on more drama.


We need more driving webms

Nevermind, opening the video on my desktop shows "Bestrack - Stamina"