do you play videogames Holla Forums? why dont you post some games based on your favourite comic books?
Holla Forums related vidya
Is there any?
They are remastering Rogue Trooper game so there is that
There is the arkham games, even if they got progressively worse.
You think there's any chance they'll remaster that Judge Dredd FPS? Fuck I'll take a new Dredd game all together.
I can think of one
You mean the 2003 one? Not until they run out of options.
Do cartoons count?
Also posting some of the classics
of course, its cartoons AND comics after all. Cant tell you any good ones though besides the old capcom platformers.
It took them 4 games and a dlc just to get Harley's original outfit.
Some of the spider man games I have fond memories of. Like Spider Man 2 tie in game, Spider Man Shattered Dimensions.
you know i was looking forward to that game years ago but I never bought it, mostly I just wanted to play spider-man noir because I thought it looked cool.
It's a pretty fun game. Nothing amazing, but but it's got some nice combat and spider-powers.
sounds good enough for me.
Turtles in Time and the classic X-men cabinet still holds a special place in my heart.
I still have fond memories of playing Ultimate Spider-man on the Gamecube.
Huh, I didn't know we still had Anons still going to grade school, hell kinder-gardeners can write better than these tards.
Why am I so old?
The Hulk game from the early 2000's seemed pretty good.
Also there was Turok since that started out as a comic.
I almost forgot this existed, one of my all time favorite dos games.
well shit guess im a retard then.
Is Cyberwar worth playing by it's self?
The PS2 port was fun as hell, the PC one is a POS to be polite.