Fascism in Britain

Comrades, I'm genuinely worried about the area where I live. I have never seen such a drastic increase in the amount of police and fascists on the streets ever, even the city college has beefed up security so much that I'm surprised it's even legal, telling the students that it's because of terrorism and scaring the shit out of them.

Has any other comrades in England noticed this? Brexit was bad but this is fucking creepy.

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Your cops don't even have guns stop being such a pussy.

A guy got shot to death a block away from where I live and its just another Monday in America.


Mosley was right about globalisatio and sweatshops tho.

This is how I get to work.

British people are vaginas.


I dunno about you guys but when the shit hits the fan, im joining antifa, they are the only people committed to bashing the fash

It's fucking nothing

Explosives, not a gun is the weapon of the anarchist

Where do you live, fam? I'm in Leeds and I've seen nothing, despite West Yorkshire supposedly being a hotbed of fascism.


Racial tension has been bad lately, I know a lot of muslim people are on edge.

This actually makes me feel safer even though I know they'll probably be my enemy should the revolution ever come.

French and Spanish airports have had armed guards for decades.
It's ok because our cops don't randomly shoot people for walking while black.

How long has this gone on OP?

Is Brexit still even happening? I swore I heard it violated something and negotiations of sorts are going through. I dont care if it's part of the EU, what I care about is if freedom of movement between Europe would still be taking place.

…well once or twice they have, but not literally as their every day routine.


Nothing makes you feel safe on the train like someone who could murder you for no reason with no accountability

It's been building up for quite a while. I made the post because of how much worse it's got since last week and I saw tons of people who I know are fascists getting together, I've heard ridiculous amounts of racism in the city lately and people moaning about how the immigrants are "taking over" and kids singing nasty stuff. I'm getting really sick of the state of where I live.

Leftypol has really gone down the gutter.

That's because it's true and you need to be sent to the guillotine, scab-lover. The roots of revolution have been planted, in Britain of all places.


I know this is just bait but by taking over I mean the amount of idiots who are literally saying that all of the muslim people are trying to turn Britain into a caliphate has increased. I don't care about Brexit itself, only the racism and everything else that comes along with it.

You need to step up the game there buddy.

Do you even have an organization? Do you guys have influence over the immigrant communities?




The immigrants are the tools of the Capitalists dumbass. Cheap labor and good minions to sic on the working class, like dogs. And, Antifa are the useful idiots of these globalist capitalists.

The capitalists supported Remain, the capitalists support globalism, the capitalists support "anti-racism". They want the mudslimes to flood London and form their ghettos. They want to destroy the British nations of England, Wales, and Scotland, starting with England. Destroy the very fabric of the working class, to extinguish them in a war of extermination. Why you say? Because, the British people were too dangerous. They formed the unions, striked, and terrified the capitalists into giving them concessions. The capitalists don't want a repeat of this, they want to eliminate the republican tradition and thirst for liberty that defined the West against the East, by bringing in the cheap coolie labor of the East into Britain. "anuddah shoah" is real, but not in the way that white nationalists imagine it. In fact, it is merely a code word for the war that the porkies have declared upon labor.

You know, you can support Brexit AND giving Northern Ireland to the IRA. I mean, you don't want to just replace Britain with the EU. Also, the "left" has become Tories anyways.

The immigrants are the capitalist's chief strategy in destroying the western working class.

The immigrants will NEVER side with your revolution because their quality of life as a scab is WAY better than their life in their own shithole country, why would they give that up?

From their perspective they are riding a gravy train.


We have that too in London (ie the only area porky actually cares about)

It's a pretty big city.
Plus, some areas are really riddled with crime

Can second this. Due to a mixture of Global Capitalism and constant Tory privatisation my area is absolutly dead. We have like 2 places of work with a decent wage and the rest is either farming work or retail.

Cumbria btw. Basically the urals.


Britain has always been very authoritarian and supportive of fascism. As I understand it, they were quite happy with Hitler until he tried to invade half of Europe. It's basically just an island of ignorant boot-lickers.

I hate the police state as much as anyone but you know that's an exaggeration

It's pretty accurate really. The only consequences would be paid leave for a few weeks.


Pay these people £3.50, read what you're sent and see if you still think they're idiots: quranproject.org

Cops commit executions on people ask the time. And they fuck up and shoot kids with toys.
But it's an exaggeration to say any significant portion of cops just go up to random people doing absolutely nothing threatening or illegal, shoot them for fun, and get away with it.


It's a weekly occurrence, and most importantly the other cops defend the murderer.

Would you feel safe on a train with a heavily armed pair of gang members who only occasionally murder people for no reason at all?

Stop being an obtuse fuckwit, 90% of the time the person that gets shot was doing something moronically stupid at the time, like pointing a toy gun, advancing towards an officer with a weapon, or grappling with the officer trying to arrest them

90% is a horrifyingly low figure, given the number of police murders each year.
I'm sure those boots taste delicious though.

You mean the handful of "Great White Defendant" cases the media hypes up to invent a narrative that white cowboy cops are mercilessly gunning down innocent black men cowering in the fetal position?

Yes, yes, criminals are the real victims, "its perfect coincidence" that every time a Communist country opens the prisons there's a coincidental crime wave

While I don't disagree that religion is detrimental to society, pushing flawed and ancient morals and acting as a way for the bourgeoisie to control the proletariat, we have to remember what "Muslim" means in this context.

When you hear Brexiters harping on about "kick the Muslims out" and whatnot, they aren't actually referring to Muslims. They're referring to brown people with foreign names that make them look like Muslims. They're really just racists that use the word Muslim to mean "non-white scapegoat to further my fascist cause".
I've been told to leave the country because I'm a Muslim immigrant who wants to invade it, even though I'm a 3rd gen, openly far-leftist atheist. I know that anecdotes are hardly good evidence, but I can't seem to think of how statistical evidence could be applied to this case (and even if it could, which studies exist on non-Muslim Middle Easterners/South Asians being attacked by the right for being "Muslims").



Sure, the media who serve as little more than mouthpieces for the government and big business are making up cruel lies about the pigs who defend the government and private property. That's entirely plausible. Next you'll be telling me that the left-wing biased media are making up cruel lies about the poor, victimised capitalists and spreading communist propaganda.

If there's ever a revolution, people like you are going to be on the receiving end of some unfortunate friendly fire.

Our society is still stuck in the dark ages in regards to understanding crime and justice. We haven't moved past the stage of blindly lashing out in the direction of the perceived enemy. There isn't even a concept of evidence-based harm reduction in the "justice" system, and I use the term justice very, very loosely. Perhaps "bloodthirsty revenge system" would be a better name, but it doesn't have the same ring to it.

You guys know that rebuilding Syria and Iraq (with something like Marshall Plan or COMECON) is the only way to solve this migrant crisis, right?


leftypol is dead in the water, we've lost

The media goes after what sells, and surprise, surprise "White Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Child" sells well for American "progressives" that think the Cold War closed the book on any and all alternatives to capitalism.

And you'll probably be lying face down in the ditch next to me for having an interpretation of how to achieve a communist/socialist society that didn't quite match that of glorious Dear Leader

I'm interested where I stated that "religion is detrimental to society". If you could point that for me, I'd be grateful.

Furthermore, while I'm happy to agree that there certainly are a section of the population who certainly say "Muslims" while meaning some variant of "Darkies", you absolutely cannot paint all of the people of doing this (or all of the people who voted for Brexit) with such a broad brush and then subsequently complain when others apply exactly the same tactic to yourself.

You seem to have missed the recent escalation in violence coming from people who attribute religious motives to their own actions. It is hardly surprising that some of the less mentally capable of our fellow citizens are inappropriately lashing out in fear. Truly, that you are suffering from the actions of these frightened sheep is wrong but you are equally wrong to smear these frightened sheep as bigots.

Then what are they?
They attack others based on their skin colour, heritage, and/or general religious identity, rather than their actual ideology and viewpoint.
I understand that they are afraid and have fallen for right-wing propaganda, latching on to fascist ideologies for peace of mind, but can one really justify such behaviour with fear?

I'm also not saying that each and every Brexiter is like this; there are several other valid arguments for Brexit that have nothing to do with the migrant crisis or immigration. On the other hand, out of those who wish to rid the country of "Muslims", how many do you think are referring to actual Islamic extremists? While I'm sure there is a minority (in which case, their argument carries some weight, despite their poor choice of words), the vast majority are saying this in reference to certain non-Muslims ethnic minorities and moderate Muslims (who, while following a religion with dangerous ideas, do not endorse or support said ideas and may even be secular, in much the same way that many moderate Christians do not support the ideas held by more extremist or fundamentalist sects of the Christianity such as the KKK and the WBC). Note the difference in wording between "We need to get the radical Islamists out of our country" and "We need to get the Muslims out of our country".

Apologies for misinterpreting your comment. As you highlighted the dangerous views of fundamentalist Islam, I assumed you took a similar standpoint on all religion.

Holla Forums becomes lefty/pol/. Fuck off bigots. So what if the immigrants are scabs? You can want to end immigration without being a useful idiot for fascism, which is what promoting racism does.

Victims of the flaws in human cognition. Go take a look at Descartes' comments about the perceived size of the moon.

Tell me, how do you tell a moderate Muslim from an extremist Muslim before the latter starts shooting at you? Also, what would you say to those Muslims who are not violent but reject the dichotomy you present?

Could you please point out where I "highlighted the dangerous views of fundamentalist Islam"? Perhaps you should simply limit yourself to responding to what I actually state, rather than trying to put words into my mouth.



Oswald Mosely looks like the black Wiggle

Fuck off to reddit fagboi

It's actually a fencer shirt.

Yes, the Blackshirts uniform was a fencing uniform turned black.


Non-SJW isn't the same as 'le economically leftist but socialist conservative'

How do you tell a moderate Christian from a fundamentalist?

The fundamentalist goes to Church

Why did you advocate for the USA to conquer Canada?
What gives the Americans the right to invade my homeland?
Fuck off with your "lel Liberty manifest destiny" bullshit.

I've noticed a slight increase comrade, but tbh nothing has changed for me (muh white muh privilege) - and if I see something out of line I'll give them a mouthful and if they're fash I'll give them a fistful - only way to deal with these fux

Non-SJW means that you are a true leftist and not just a liberal faggot.
No struggle but the class struggle.

(this was a real trending hashtag btw)

I don't have any hate towards those immigrant individuals.

But if you look at the nature behind all these massive immigration, it is clear that Capitalism is exploiting those immigrants. Stopping this unnatural immigration is attacking capitalism.


Yeah, fuck off. You're no better than the porkies who want "solidarity, but only among the rich".

Not him but this is literally, unironically what I believe

You're making a big assumption that that solidarity will be reciprocated. Personally I'll be more than happy to help design the machines used to slaughter proles like yourself. You're inevitably going to die anyway, and the end result will be communism for the survivors (mostly rich people).

Don't worry though, I'm sure your spooky skin color will save you.

Solidarity within a single race or group of races is Nazism.
So you're a Nazi (or at the very least a neo-nazi)…

I second that

My dude, i fucking love you, finally someone who gets it.


You see, race and nationality are spooks anyway, so if we're doing this spooky "selective solidarity" I might as well choose to ally myself with the most powerful group - the multinational bourgeois.

That's the average Useful Idiotite my dude

Don't worry user, those yucky right-wing proles are still safely disarmed. Just inform on them to the cops for wrongthink or introduce their children to some friendly local migrants.

Because, fuck the Queen!

Seriously, Anglo-Canada is basically America. Hell, Michiganders have more similarities to Canucks than either do with Texans. The only reason why Anglo-Canada is not American is because of the British monarchy and the wretched loyalists who fled there.

Quebec can be independent if they choose so, though. Maybe, Newfoundland and Labrador as well. Even then, the rest of the Canadian provinces will be admitted as states, with all of the rights and autonomy rewarded to a state. (And, I support most power being devolved to states and local governments.) So ironically, Canadians would experience more autonomy under a revolutionary United States than under capitalist and Tory Canada, which still remains Britain's bitch. Honestly, I think we should have states forming leagues within the United States based on region, so you can form a Canadian league out of the Canadian states.

By the way, Trudeau is already invading your homeland with immigrants, and NAFTA has already economically invaded you.

Well, I didn't mean that a revolution is happening, but the statistics of the Brexit vote showed that working-class areas were the areas that overwhelming voted leave, whilst immigrants and the wealthy voted for remain. This disenchantment with the Labour party, globalism, immigration, free-trade, and a lack of democracy is the perfect petridish for a revitalization of a nationalist, revolutionary left, both free of dogmas and returning back to the fundamental values that defined revolutionaries since the French and American revolutions. Of course, the question is, will the call to action be answered or be ignored?

This is a thing that happens?

why are pajeet memes so fucking cringey

Which is why you hate foreign workers so much, right?


Actually yes, decreasing the supply of labor makes it worth more and thus workers have more bargaining power, which in turn gives them more political power which can start the path towards workers taking over society. Also, stopping scabs from crossing picket lines is a good thing.

So what do you propose? Stop immigration and let those who are already there stay? Or deport everyone who has already immigrated?

Stop immigration and either deport or force-assimilate those who have already immigrated.

It'll drive up wages, lower the cost of housing, and create the national unity necessary to have a politically cohesive and active working class.

We asked sauce for the vid my dude

Nope. Bootlickers are well known for making shit up.

I think exterminating the native proles and replacing them with immigrants would be better to be honest. It would lower the cost of business, increase profits, and establish a greater sense of unity among the upper class.

Oh sorry. I don't know the source for that. XD I got it from a previous thread on British politics here actually. Or, was it a thread on idpol or immigration? Already forgot. I wish I knew the source though.

Pics related :^)