Xbone cucking continues

How much more cucking can the Xbox brand take? Will the Battletoads reboot end up being a Dank MEME FPS after Microsoft made the Battletoads Xbox new mascots?

Probably. The only reason the game was greenlit is because of the dank memes that kept it popular for so long. They're expecting to cash in on 10 years olds that know the meme and fuck all about the game.

Calling it now. Battletoads reboot will be the powerpuff girls reboot of beat em ups.


Finger crossed for Battletoads using cuck as a insult after Microsoft attempts to modernized them.

what's with the PPG reboot

CaliArts shit that has barely any original team members.
It was done to sell merchandise and its absolute poozed trash that goes against everything the original was going for, its like Edd,Ed and Eddy had a highschool reebot with teen drama and adults in the mix.

Horrendous reboot with a generic Steven Universe-like artstyle (save for central characters), incompetent animators and meme/Twitter-loving writers.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a person that actually likes it, even Tumblr kool-aid drinkers hate it.

It wouldn't surprise me. Normalfags are starting to spout "cuck" without even knowing what it means.

Waiting for Donald trump to start calling people cucks on live TV.


Didn't expect it to be this bad, i actually have the whole PPG series in my drive, not really a big fan but i loved a select few 90's cartoons and this was one

To be fair it's the fault of people around here and 4chan who started using the word without knowing, then again this shit is hilarious

Pretty sure that's a troll account, the number of retweets are real though.

I brought out my ishit and posted this image.jpeg just for you.

Believe you me when I say it is hard to find somebody whose reception of it is more positive than "active disdain". They fuck up the most basic of details, have written out several characters (Ms. Bellum being one which is a head-scratcher because her entire joke is she's the one actually running the town), altered others (got rid of Ms. Keane's tits for unknown reasons), and overall there's just this whole aura of laziness that surrounds the show. It legitimately watches like a half-hearted Chinese bootleg, the people behind it are so talentless.

Fuckoff to your shitty site

That's probably even worst

I love how Frog meme became a right wing symbol leftists, SJWs and feminists fear.

Trump will be memed into office


Didn't the young Turks cheered on the original cast Top Gear being fried cause of Divisity and global warming?

The new Phantom Dust and Crackdown are probably not getting made anymore because they're getting Killer Instinct money.

Also what is going to happen with Scalebound?
Thank goodness it won't be a good game so no reason to buy an Xbone

I guess we will find out at E3

pic related

Dunno about them bantering about shitty BBC programming, but from what I have seen, they're feggets

Also, the real Young Turks allied with German Empire in the first European shitshow, back in 1914, then proceeded to genocide instead of winning.

I wonder how many years E3 will have until they just stop doing them, every year seems to become more and more of a shitshow.

Until we all stop caring or bothering to give it views or money.

like everything else in the industry

Wouldn't surprise me if they couldn't even get crackdown 3 running on Xbone to begin with. It was gonna be a open world built on unreal 4

What makes you say that? I've seen no evidence of that. These are the same guys that said they "hate white children".

Wisdom through humility. I've learned my lesson and have become a better person.

Why would you ever do that after that reveal?
Why? It was one of the few moments were all of Holla Forums fucking joined hands to shit on something that wasn't tumblr.


It's garbage no one asked for.

I only browsed Holla Forums during early Holla Forums late 4chan days in 2013
I sold the plastic crap anyways


Xbox is your only choice to play microsoft games without installing Skynet 0.2 alpha on your PC.

Which is why they're killing it.

Nigger I never told you when I started branching out. I've been posting here for two years now eat my fatty.

Trump will be shot and a turbo trump will appear, and this one will be unstoppable.

Was Sunset Overdrive any good? I want one but I don't want to pay more than $100 for one, I only want to play Sunset Overdrive though and I'd rather play it on PC.

It's garbage from what I hear. Memes and general reddit pandering.

>one on the right actually looks better

At the rate M$ has been pushing stuff, I don't want a new Phantom Dust.

Did ANYONE give a fuck about Project Spark?

It's RPG maker in 3D. If it wasn't for it being on the Xbox. It would of had a great community.



Good attitude, I bought the ps move bundle with gun and resistance 3. Even though on sale, a lesson was learned. VR ain't touching my wallet now. Everyone else can learn their lesson and get eye damage too.

Nope, they needed new IPs in proven genres like survival horror and they wanted to make a game that non-gamers and gamers alike would buy– those days are over.

The account is real, user.

As in, made unironically