I know a lot of us here think that weed's degenerate, but hear me out on this one

I know a lot of us here think that weed's degenerate, but hear me out on this one.

This is my personal, optimistic, take on Spicer's recent statements about Marijuana Legalization.
I believe that this is a move by Trump to cause the population of the left to collectively freak out and demand that their politicians do something to stop Trump from cracking down nation wide. Now, as you may recall, Spicer did say that they'll be working to enforce the Federal illegality of pot, so it would stand to reason that the quickest way to nip that in the bud (no pun intended), would be to immediately play the left's ultimate trump card (again, unintended), which is a bill ending the federal prohibition on pot.
Now, the thing is, the political left/deep-state has never really pushed for anything like this, because things like the prison/police lobbyists, big pharma, and many others have their ties in the left as well as the old-right. But the left is losing a lot lately, and with the CNN leaks today, combined with Trumps comments on human trafficking, they're about to lose a lot more. They desperately need to have something concrete that they could point to that they did for their people (or, that they can say they tried to do, more on that shortly), and the granddaddy of appeasements for the left population, arguably the population overall, would be to suddenly push for federal legalization.
But, they only want to push for it, not get it passed, for the various money-grubbing, deep-state reasons I listed above. So, with Trump having recently, by proxy, stated his intent to crack down on pot, that means that these politicians are likely to believe that if they band together and get a legalization bill onto the President's desk, that he'd veto it. Frankly, vetoing it would be a disaster on Trump's part, no small amount of his fans (your's truly, included) are pot smokers, especially the Burnouts that changed teams after the Great Cucking at the DNC. Besides that, from a medical and financial standpoint it would be foolish as well, the science is absolutely there in the case of medical applications (or at least enough data that warrants further testing that cant be done under current law), and the revenue streams from legalized states speaks for itself.
As such, I believe that this is all a very tricky long-con type game being played by Trump, where his goal is to goad his opponents into letting him instantly bolster the economy, immediately convert literally millions of college aged leftists and undecided voters, and expose just how simple it could have been for any of our previous presidents to have done the same thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living

I think you're another weed degenerate that vastly overestimates its importance.

get out you dont belong

Clear out the pot heads from the prisons to make room for the pedophiles and illegals? I'm ok with this.



Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults

Cannabis Dependence

Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'

Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence

Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer

Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind

Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity

Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications

The Health Effects of Marijuana

Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living


Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults

Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks

Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer

Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer

Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife

Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome

Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains

Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says

Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample

Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia

Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use

The Terrible Truth About Cannabis


Holy shit this is such a good post I want to bump the thread so more people see it. ALAS, THE DECISIONS A MAN MUST MAKE

I smoked weed very heavily for a year. I'm now 19 and glad I stopped before it further impacted my brain's development. If you're going to smoke, keep it limited to occasionally at parties. Once you become an addict, you don't stop until you're tired of it.



Ahh yes, now, do me a favor and see (((who))) financed those studies?



At least you're consistent.

I think weed is degenerate but since I don't think cracking down on alcohol or cigarettes would be good, I have the same sentiment for weed. Don't do any of those and you're golden, but as for paying tax money to enforce that? Why?

Do antidepressants have the same effect nigger weed does? Do dopamine spikes lower your IQ and kill your memory permanently? Fucking pharmaceutical jew.

Soooo decades of Jew-run government keeping it illegal makes sense how exactly? The image of the burnout hippy stoner being the only consumer of marijuana is actually a strawman golem made by the Jewish media to make the goy think that only degenerates would smoke it.

Your memes are shit, just like your weed

You potheads are just like faggots. Legitimate buttpirates. You people just have to rub this shit in everyone's faces like you think we're actually going to start liking it somehow.

Stop it with these stupid threads you fucking degenerate retard.


By all means, it's fucking degenerate.

Bitch I'm on a new HDD so I googled "Trump Blingee" and grabbed the first image that seemed fitting for the thread. Not an argument.

Fuck off, T_D. You're as sick as the rest of the """based""" fags, trannies and niggers.

Actually I got the order wrong. I've never smoked or done drugs in my life, but I used to drink on occasion. I got no benefits from it though, and watching the energy a 70 year old Trump had was actually the final impetus for me to quit.

T_D is full of a lot of Joe Rogan fags. Also being reddit, you're going to get a large cluster of total losers.

I don't see why weed shouldn't be made legal. >People who are going to smoke it would do it anyway even if it wasn't.

Make it legal and you gut the mexican druglords. And the people who smoke weed were genetically predisposed to give in to temptation so they are born failures. No one will miss them.


Whoops I fucked that up

I'm a little disappointed because during his campaign, trump said it was a state's rights issue, and now he's going back on that decision.

It's important because legalizing marijuana undercuts the cartels. It also frees up room in the prisons for violent criminals and decreases or eliminates early release programs that have been instituted due to prison overcrowding.

I personally don't smoke marijuana but I would prefer not to pay for housing and feeding those who do. We're going to have a whole lot of agricultural jobs opening up, so let's put the stoners to work picking strawberries. Stoned white wastrels are still better than illegal immigrants.

Now we know you smoke pot.


So, because of a vaguely defined accusation of it being "degenerate", you're willing to ignore the massive tax potential, the creation of a massive industrial hemp industry, AND Trump cementing a 2020 win?

You people really do think this plant is magic, don't you? Holy shit. I absolutely support laws that would make it so you are behind bars and my children will never have to even hear what pot is.

Stop smoking the herbal jew and lurk for at least 2 years

Capital isn't the only goal for a a country to achieve.

Oh yeah man I'm a real degenerate welder/blacksmith/programmer. Pot sure does make me sit around all day doing nothing and learning nothing.

You're not a pretentious teenage girl, why talk like one?

Are you a filthy kike? Notice that you go immediately to the money motivator 'muh tax', instead of the welfare of the state. It is degenerate because it reduces the western man to something more closely approximating a nigger. Trump was able to win this time around without hustling drugs, I think he'll do just fine on the merits of his first term accomplishments.

I just said it was degenerate you filthy nigger, don't pick words out of my mouth.

Look at Colorado's tax revenue from it, look at the kinds of products you can make with hemp that we currently make with sandnigger oil, look at the massive segment of the population for which legalization is their one-topic voting position, then tell me I'm a degenerate.

Actually I don't, I just think dealing with a few more stoners is acceptable losses if it means we can gut the cartels.

Okay. You're a degenerate.

I know, you said so above. It was a joke.

and I'm Donald Trump, just so you know

Anyone else notice something weird about this post?

Oh sorry. While I don't smoke pot, I am in fact very tired as I'm staying up late again. Brain not working at optimal capacity.

They, along with you, are going back before 2020.

Watching you faggots sperg out over pot is beautiful every time.

The welfare of the state is being undermined by a massive fucking perscription painkiller and herioin addiction epidemic you fucking retard, and even if you're willing to swallow the DARE kike nonsense about pot stunting your growth, you at the very least need to concede that it's a far far far safer painkiller than goddamn opiates

Do you support weed?

Outing yourself is a good start.

Every pothead in this thread is clearly showing one of the main side effects of marijuana.


The chinks in my town cut their China White with fentanyl making it it worse than heroin itself; lethal every time.

Do you not know the difference between methamphetamine and a plant?

Remove the THC, and suddenly you find a lot less people requiring 'medicine'. Degeneracy is the culture of "just getting high, man".

Here's a coal forge I'm welding together, reverse image search it, it's original.


yur copypasta is full of lies you fag shill ! Cannabis. Learn about it you shitbag.

There are hundreds of studies showing the benefits, not op-eds in a fag mag.

Seriously, man? So you're arguing that when you remove the THC and the plant no longer has it's medicinal effects, that somehow means that it's not actually got medical benefit? Here's a thought, what if it's the THC that's the medicine, or what if it's an interaction between THC and another chemical in the plant?

Thank. You.

With reading comprehension like that, you're not making a good case for marijuana consumption.

Those quads…

We NORML now I guess…

After German doctors became the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer,[1] Germany initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement[2] and led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history.[3] Anti-tobacco movements grew in many nations from the beginning of the 20th century,[4][5] but these had little success, except in Germany, where the campaign was supported by the government after the Nazis came to power.[4] It was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.[6] The National Socialist leadership condemned smoking[7] and several of them openly criticized tobacco consumption.[6] Research on smoking and its effects on health thrived under Nazi rule[8] and was the most important of its type at that time.[9] Adolf Hitler's personal distaste for tobacco[10] and the Nazi reproductive policies were among the motivating factors behind their campaign against smoking.[11]

Nice quads

Nice scap.

Although the studies are more than enough for me to disapprove of weed, ultimately it is the behavior of people that support weed that convinces me it is degenerate. This thread alone has enough examples


Half of the dank pepes were him masturbating, getting high, or being peepee poopoo pepe. I'd be seriously surprised if Kek did not approve of mind altering substances.

Not really the plant we're talking about here bro. Tobacco is also processed to fuck and back before it makes it into a cigarette. Pot, on the other hand, you can smoke pretty much right off the plant. Also, you know, it doesn't cause cancer like Tobacco does.

And you niggers said purity spiraling was gay.
guaranteed replies

The dude weed calvary arrives.

Day of the Hemp-Rope when?

I've said many times over and over: No Drugs, No Alcohol, No Cigarettes. There's an epidemic of drug use poisoning kids, it's a sad mess we're in, a sad mess! My administration and our great Jeff Sessions, (we love Jeff, don't we folks?) have been putting together a plan to get rid of this plague, and that's what it is, a plague, that's taking over our great country. Now I've been asked, mainly by the press and the fake news pundits, because that's what they are, fake news, about the states that have already "legalized" it, "legalized" marijuana. I don't know what they're doing, not following the laws, we're not a country of laws right now. So these states like… Washington, and.. Oregon, and Colorado, who've been violating our laws, and for years, years now! they aren't going to keep doing this to our kids. So Jeff, the great Jeff Sessions has been putting together a letter, an issue to the states, that they've got to stop all this or there'll be trouble, we're going to fix this mess even if we have to come in ourselves.

purity spiraling being used as a buzzword by shills to try to make compromise on fundamentals
you got me

Holla Forums supports legalized weed, retard.

It's pretty funny, honestly. I'm just surprised that Holla Forums has such a hate boner for weed, maybe it's so much more expensive than gas, shoe polish and model glue and they can't afford to buy it? Is that what it is, you're just jealous you can't afford to get high on something that doesn't kill you?

Kill yourself.

That's good because it's just a plant.

None of this would surprise me one bit. The tobacco lobby was very powerful in the US at that time.

Kinda like how the anti-pot lobby's pretty swole at the moment, too?

Mfw just found this site today

I hate dudeweedlmaos but I like Cannabis. It's the same as anything else, if it defines you as a person you're at fault and a massive faggot.

Again, your poor reading comprehension strikes again. I hope the damage weed has wrecked upon your mind is not irreparable.

Nigger weed THC blocks your GABA so it's no surprise that it gives you brain damage.

OP's picture is retarded. Trump doesn't do any of that shit and if you want to be high (no pun intended) functioning then weed is likely not going to help you. I'm just not going to lose my fucking mind that some college student is getting high and listening to retrowave. Sometimes people need to expand their minds and I have nothing against that. It's their business. There's the occasional person who claims to be amazing at one particular thing or another while high, and if they are then great. I'm not going to use it because I prefer to be high functioning and not functioning while high, but if other people want to do it then they're free to do so.

Holla Forums supports sending degenerates like to to the gas chamber, while merely remarking, "and nothing of value was lost".

*you to.



I'll take my lumps for the shit OP pic, but it sure does grab fuckers attention to get them in here to talk about it. I agree that it shouldn't be someones defining characteristic, but ignoring how it can help people is just crass. I have a condition that causes chronic pain that chronic helps subdue without turning me into an opiod zombie or having ibuprofin/acetaminophen shoot my liver to shit

quads already beat your trips. Degenerate is as degenerate does. If you're fixating on what some roofer does to relax, then you're concentrating on the wrong problems that are plaguing society. This is navel-gazing tier bullshit.

Nice job, fag.


Wow. You drug addicts sure have made me see the light with your vast education and clear arguments. It warms my hear that you clearly all care about the health of your fellow men and are in no way justifying your desire to get high.

Better keep spamming the catalog and bump spamming threads just to make sure though.

You should have gone further, I said wrecked where it should have bean wreaked.

Jesus christ, is the stoner mindset contagious?

It'd be less of a problem if they eliminated second hand exposure. Just crank out some THC pills and things would be a bit more tolerable.

That's why I don't have liberal friends. You should see their reactions when they find out what I actually believe, it's fucking priceless. If someone believes something to be degenerate, it's their fucking right to feel that way as well as their right to not be around it.

Tobacco is a big money maker where I live, so most people here use it. If you choose to smoke, don't be surprised if you become afflicted with health problems. Prohibition does nothing except drive up prices in underground markets.

That's what I'm talking about, see how easy it is? It's way better to fuck with stoners though

I'm really fucking high right now and you're still a faggot fight me

Once again, I accept your valid criticism of my picture, and I appreciate your well worded response that doesn't just devolve into shouting "DEGENERATE" like a child.

You'll never convince them otherwise, these are people who use "muh degeneracy" as a bludgeon because they hope it will give them power, that they can social signal their "morality" into getting social status. It's the exact same thing almost every pissant does, trying to drag people down and criminalize their behavior instead of bringing themselves up.
If you hate weedsmokers, why don't you work harder, be stronger, be smarter? You'll get the economic benefits and the weed smoker won't make anything of themselves, right? Oh wait, except that's not how it works and you're threatened by pretty much everyone in society and by god you won't let some pot smoker do better than you in life because that's degenerate.

This is the only thread, stop bullshitting to force a consensus. Read the thread again and I hope you're butthurt enough to post about it when Trump delegalizes it.

Not so much. the US is an awkward time in history where everyone is paying attention their retarded shit and correcting it.

Look at how cannabis helps people with parkinsons, look at how much better and safer a painkiller it is than opiates or over the counter crap, look at its ability to treat loss of appetite in chemo patients. No real reasonable research has been done on the medical effects of marijuana because of the massive lobbying to keep it illegal. Now I wonder why (((lobbyists))) would want to keep people from asking too many questions about that infernal devil's lettuce.

Secondhand exposure is dealt with by edibles and banning smoking in public places. Same way that the current smoking bans work. Any Holla Forumsacks that want to be high functioning physically and mentally should not smoke weed and I strongly discourage it if you're trying to fully empower your mind and body, but I understand we have NEETs, wizards and other classes here who really do find it helpful and useful for them in living their lives. I have a great deal of compassion for all types of Holla Forumsacks and I'm not going to "gas" them just because they get high.
If you want to RWDS with me I'm going to definitely frown upon you smoking up, but not if you're just shitposting. You guys need to calm down and realize that context is really important for almost everything. Changing the context and environment changes the arguments entirely, and if you don't have that mental flexibility then you'll really be fucked when the world gets turned upside down.

yeah you all REALLY care about weed being "degenerate" and not being hypocrites

Thanks for illustrating exactly how mentally defective piles of shit behave after being on weed. Kill yourselves.

Is the data therein incorrect, or are you just huffing kikeweed because of your fucking feelings, you subhuman animal?


Spicer didn't say jack shit, the media made the whole fucking thing up. I WATCHED THE FOOTAGE! He said "Ask the DOJ" and the rest was blabber to switch topics. His thouhts were "why the fuck are you asking me?"

Commit suicide.

The jews have been busy trying to D&C Holla Forumsacks on a variety of topics lately, and this is one that's come up a couple times in various threads over the past few days. I'm very much a National Socialist, and my nation state isn't my only volk, Holla Forumsacks are part of my volk as well, so I care about their well-being. I'm not going to let kikes alienate our wizards from us.

He's right about the other parts fatass.

Very well put. Part of the way I see it is that if pot really puts you out to the degree that you lose your drive to MAGA by making yourself great, then your willpower to begin with was likely minuscule. Sometimes a smoke is just a nice way to calm down, some of us are constantly running a mile-a-minute, and appreciate something safe that lets us put on the brakes a bit, so to speak.

Here comes the vegan meatcuck shill.
Expect the flat earthers to show up soon.

Smoking it all is still a problem though. Nobody wants to deal with the burn outs next door baking out your house in the summer, or your kids walking through a cloud of smoke when jamal gets out of his car in the parking lot.

If potheads kept that shit to themselves it wouldn't be so invasive and people wouldn't be as bothered by it. That said, there's an absolutely awful culture surrounding the drug, and I'd really prefer not to have to deal with it at all.

I don't smoke it, but what I actually do doesn't matter since you're just using ad hom to try to strengthen your argument (it's not working).

You are citing kike articles (not even scientific studies) for pretty much everything except for the NIH studies which confirm that lighting things on fire and inhaling the smoke causes cancer, which we're all very familiar with. Your arguments are completely shit and it's also obvious you're triggered as fuck. Looks like there's another D&C fracture point down the drain, schlomo.

I appreciate your sentiment greatly, to each their own, we're all in this memewar together. Except for the Jews.

My favourite are the hollow earthers.

See, I feel the culture is in a way manufactured in order to create division. The 420blazeit faggots and the peace love and buds hippies are really the vocal minority of potsmokers.

veganism is the only way to source decent baking ingredients other than getting a qt waifu and land + keeping chickens

This is the second time Hitler dubs/quads have been in more or less support of marijuana. Make of that what you will.

WA Stonerfag here.

(((Legalization))) fucking pisses me off. A few (((talented businessmen))) get to make billions of their pesticide laden crap.

Experienced growers like myself, Who know what the fuck they're doing and don't use pesticides, are now shoved off the boat.

Sugar, alcohol, and tobacco are all much more toxic than marijuana, but they're all legal. They all need to be promoted to schedule 1 substances and enforced as such.

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't be as high energy if I was blazed on pot. I value good food, exercise and sleep to be high functioning.

I'd argue you should be able to get them cited if the marijuana smoke is dense enough for it to affect you from next door. Either the fire marshal or city council should be able to deal with it, if not the Home Owner's Association. There are a lot of bad potheads, but if you've ever worked in an industry dealing with the public you'd know that the regular people contribute almost nothing to your overall experiences and most of your time is spent dealing with the retards. The retards will always need wrangling, I just think it's stupid to use police, judicial and prison resources on some fags smoking pot.

Inhaling smoke in general does that, hence people advocating for THC pills.

"dude weed lmao" is most likely a meme that came about from shills forcing the d&c narrative on cuckchan, and anons responding to it by discarding both sides entirely.

decrim > prohibition > medicinal legalization > recreational legalization
t. COanon
I fucking hate all the niggers and spics and subhuman degenerates legalization brought - the worst we had before were drugged out transients and those are everywhere now.

I just wanna point out real quick how that asshole who said I was baselessly claiming to be a blacksmith/welder has yet to refute my evidence.

Thats a methpipe newfag. Tweekers dont know that this site even exists

This why I advocate THC pills. You still get your fix, and there's no collateral.

Smoking anything causes cancer, such is the nature of combustion and inhaling smoke. If anything it's solving a problem that would have to be addressed eventually anyway.


I've already mentioned edibles.

You need to not get triggered. Holla Forums is serious bzns a lot of the time but there are still a lot of old Holla Forumstard type "trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls" type posters. I personally think that right now is a very good time to hammer down on shills who are trying to astroturf these d&c narratives so we can build a sense of unity and community. If you don't have the tools at your disposal to really destroy these faggots, then do what you can, but never let them get to you.

Sometimes there are times when being high energy just isn't comfortable, for me, but then again my base-state is uncomfortably high-energy, so I'm a bit biased.

As far as the possibility of smoke effecting people next door, that's really not likely from a physics perspective. Dissipation occurs quickly, and just waltzing through a thin cloud once isn't going to make you hungry or gain a deeper appreciation for Pink Floyd.

Weed is for niggers smdh

Checking these double-digit dubs
Sure whatever, cannabis oil is magic. Smoking it is for niggers, 'period.'

I know, I was honestly just hoping for someone to backpat me after spending a good chunk of my afternoon grinding and welding that together. Thank you for your solid post though, I agree that now is certainly the time to hammer some shills.

It still fucking reaks, and continues to reak for hours.

You know that's a meth pipe, yet you are here.

It'd probably be better to stick to edibles if it would make you a better neighbor. (As long as your neighbors are white)
Also, don't forget that this is the hurtbox, I'll likely be calling you a kike shill faggot in the next thread. Anyway, see you then.

there is in the sense that you're ingesting whatever the pills are made of.
going to list off ingredients from a bottle of weedlmao sleeping pills

It was magical lads

reek, not reak but you're correct. The smell lingers almost forever.

Better you than me, fam.
Get the weed lobby to push for cleaner pills.

Well, I can't really offer you any solace if it's the smell that bothers you. I mean, some people like to smell their own feet, some people like how zoos smell, and some people like how pot smells, different strokes.

I don't smoke, never would want to, but my opinions on it vary between groups.
Go for it, nothing to lose anyways, find a way to OD on it, I do not care. Just stay the fuck away from me.
I'd prefer you didn't, but if you must then keep it to yourself, and don't promulgate 420 culture.
Never ever.

Promote Caffeine to DEA Schedule I

Actually, wait, fuck, I can, a Sploof. It's a cardboard tube with drier sheets in it that you exhale through. Filters the scent away, used it for stealth-smoking when I was at a cabin with a friend and his family. The market for purpose built commercial ones would be bigly.

I'm glad someone else also sees that women should not be allowed to smoke pot, legal or not. Every woman I've ever met or seen who smokes pot is even more crass, dirty and idiotic than their peers.

I smoke a quarter ounce every 1-2 weeks and I don't give a shit about this "controversy". There are far more important things happening. Fuck off faggot.

I get your point, community is important. If my neighbors took issue with the smell, I'd use a sploof as I explained above. If the took issue with seeing me smoke, I'd do it inside and with the blinds drawn. If they still had an issue, then that means that they're kvetching about what I do to myself in the privacy of my own home, and they probably deserve the oven for it.

I know what kinda site this is, and if I'm acting like a kike shill faggot then I wholly expect and encourage you to call me one, just as I'm sure you feel the same way in turn. I guess it's just nice to have that glimmer of camaraderie on here. See you, Space Cataz.

the idea of a 'clean pill' is an oxymoron in and of itself.
I would advocate for vaporizing clean hashish(not "wax" that shit changes the nature of the drug) instead of consuming pills. The very idea of consuming a pill irks me for some reason and feels unnatural.
I only take them because I have some kind of sleeping or neurological disorder from doing too many drugs in school and live in a building with centralized smoke detectors that I've set off just from spraying too much deodorant before - smoking anything is impossible where I am.
Pills are fucking nasty shit though, nothing about them is natural - vaporize, combust, or you're playing into one of the many jewish psyops.
They are trying to turn pot into a pharmaceutical - specifically THC which promotes erratic patterns of thought as opposed to organic cananbis which quells erratic patterns of thought.
Same as any other drug, take plant and turn into poison then market to the masses as either a fun way to get fucked up or as something they "need" to take because they are "sick"

I missed 'eat' because that's natural as well if you're using either butter or "activated" flower - pills and that "wax" shit feel like a fucking trick to me though.

I agree there are more important things happening, like Trump talking a lot about human trafficking, and the Veritas CNN leaks. This thread isn't meant to detract from that, but to discuss another issue in the mix. Personally, I think that once Trump locks up the pedos and dismantles the Lugenpresse, that he'll want a mighty big bone to throw leftwards to keep the cucks quiet and content. It's like I said, decriminalization or legalization under Trump would make the 2020 elections essentially a formality.

I'm fine with legalization but I don't want to see that shit in public and especially keep it away from kids and teenagers. Same goes with other hallucinogens like LSD, DMT, Peyote, etc. that have religious/spiritual uses.

And I don't want to see jews getting rich from it either, but I guess that can't be avoided.

Having made cannibis wax before, it's essentially a similar process to the usual "kief" made hashish, but it's actually more chemically pure than oldschool hash. The solvent extraction process ensures that you're getting a product that's close to 100% active ingredients without any of the actual plant matter, where as olschool hash is made by compressing the fine dust from the buds themselves.

And having made hash traditionally I can say that modern drainage and curing systems ensure that the majority of the plant matter is taken out - you sacrifice a tiny bit of purity to get more active ingredients present in the mix(CBD mostly) - not just THC like with solvent extracts. This is why I say wax changes the nature, you get concentrated THC not concentrated cannabis with all the active ingredients and essential oils
And technically traditional hash is a solvent extraction process because water is a solvent.

I legitimately want to know, what about seeing it in public bothers you? Because I've often thought that the unusual colorful glass pipes used for pot are somewhat made popular in order to make the physical act of smoking weed look unusual in comparison to the culturally ingrained and established image of smoking a cigarette. Would it be less offensive to you to see a man relaxing on a bench in a park smoking out of an ivory Cavendish pipe or a wooden long Gandalf? What if it's a joint that's rolled to be visually indistinguishable from a normal cigarette? I also want to say that I appreciate your position on hallucinogens, because I can state from personal experience that the occasional mental vacation granted by such substances is one of the most effective ways to have ones perception temporarily shifted enough to understand just how badly we're being fucked by the Jews.

This is a new level of degeneracy memeing, right here.

I'm sure the kikes would like that, but no.

Yes, and you can cleanse the toxins from your asshole by being vegan and buying Jones's filters.

Yeah, nah. Taking marijuana recreationally is degenerate nigger-tier bullshit but using it medically should be fully legalized. I think some user discovered the (((alcohol industry))) of all things was working hard to suppress any and all applications of marijuana. In addition to (((big pharma))), of course.


I apologize greatly for assuming you didn't have as deep a knowledge on the subject as you do, seriously. I'm not arguing one over the other, really, I like them both, I just find wax to be by and large a lot easier and less time consuming to produce. I wonder if it would be possible to further extract the remaining compounds from material used in BHO extraction by using some other solvent?

THC is just the "alcohol without vomiting" part of dope. Nice reddit spacing faggot.

If we ban one drug containing plant we must ban them all. Sorry fruit.

I just hate it, it's annoying as fuck. But that's irrelevant, the real reason is because having a bunch of stoner idiots and niggers walking around in the streets high as fuck promotes degeneracy and degrades cultural norms over time. The slippery slope is real. We've gone from gay rights to men in little girl's bathrooms in just a few decades. And I don't mean trannies, I mean actual grown adult men perverts that "claim" to be women so they can go into women's bathrooms to jerk off to little girls.

A sense of respectability and decorum must be enforced publicly, and this is coming from someone that thinks there should be more widespread promotion of spiritual exploration with hallucinogens. I don't use them however, but have considered it.

Alcohol is just legal benzos in liquid form.

Frankly, just hating seeing it without any logical explanation is childish. Someone smoking in public in a place where it won't immediately bother a passer by is not in any way shape or form equivalent to letting mentally ill people wander into whatever bathroom fancies them at the moment. Your autistic rage at seeing people do something in public that you disagree with reminds me a whole heaping lot of those shitskin muslims in the U.K who wander around at night kicking the shit out of anyone carrying alcohol or threatening women to cover their ankles. It's astonishing just how close you degeneracy fags are to rapefugees.

Still not going to support it.

Of course it is, that's why it's so fucking popular. Also is nearly impossible to fuck up wax unless you blast tane near an open flame/electricity or somehow forget vac-purge it or whip it which is some nigger-tier faggotry.
There's many reasons why wax is prevalent I just don't think it's nearly as beneficial or even as fun to use recreationally as genuine hashish.
I doubt it, think of the butane as "catching" the THC, leaving all the other stuff in the flower.
Maybe doing a secondary run with some yet to be discovered solvent that acts the same way as butane but for CBD/CBN.
This is why those sleeping pills don't work for me - they use an iso-based extract that doesn't "catch" the CBN - study polarity if you really want to get into this shit.


Legalize bananas.

Doubling down on not having an argument isn't having an argument either.

Get better at arguing. If you can't explain why you hate it then dig deep. Seeing people out of their mind with no higher ideals acting like niggers provokes disgust.

I do drink milk - you need that shit to avoid being a damn hunchback and/or manlet in old age.
>reddit spacing also, ebin.

keep eating yourself to death faggot

If you can't deal with someone having a different opinion you could just kill yourself.

Fun fact, my brother almost burnt my house down because he got impatient during a hot-water purge and turned the stove on to speed it up. Then he tried carrying the flaming fucking pan outside, before I could dash up, grab a plate, and lid the pyrex to snuff the flame. He wasn't allowed to help with the operation after that….
Also, that's what I meant visa-vis a different solvent, I know how the Butane binds with the soluble THC, I just wondered if anything of the sort had been discovered chemically as of yet.

So you're Australian? Anyway, it's not really comparable to moslems beating people in the streets. I don't like being around drunk people in the street, and I don't like being around stoned morons in the grocery store. Yes it's different if they are bothering anyone and sitting on a bench, but I don't know how you make a legal distinction between the two.

And again, rapefugees are raping women because they have no self control. Keeping drugs away from public spaces is a measured and reasoned policy I have put a lot of thought into, with the goal being a healthy and prosperous society. The fact that you keep insulting me just makes it more apparent how fucked up you really are.

Fucking look at most teens and young adults who use this drug on a regular basis, complete deadbeats who makes their life's mission to make their weed legal. Teens smoking a drug that makes you high and that you can smoke for days on end with no repercussions spells disaster for their mental development. It has valid medical applications but full on encouraging its usage by legalizing it spells disaster for any country. Arguing as if a complete minority of people who can smoke that poison and be well adjusted in society are the majority of pot users is retarded.

Why don't you read the rest of my post you fuckstick? I don't like being around loud and obnoxious people in public who smell like shit. I'm not going to dig deep into my psyche to figure out why I am a normal human being.

See but not everyone who smokes has no higher ideals and acts like a nigger. Some people smoke when they're in contemplation, some people smoke as a means to augment their artistic talents or perception of art. I personally like to have a smoke while browsing this very board and absorbing crime statistics. It's possible to have ideology and indicas at the same time The idea that everyone who smokes does so in the manner of a nigger is a dividing tactic employed by the (((media)))

breh with that fxcked up logic you should ban fast food

for the record WE SHOULD ban fast food

I have never once drank milk, I'm 6'5". My posture game is ridiculous and isn't getting any less ridiculous, if anything it's getting more over the course of my graceful aging. I am a superior being. Pic related.

Pic not related to you, but I'm sure it's very applicable.

Ironically spouts the same words used by shillary supporters.

you could easily argue in favor of prohibition by comparing denver's 2014 and 2016 murder and violent crime rates in 2014 to those in 2016
Crime up to and including 2015(year weed legalized) here: archive.fo/2KkFx (they stopped recording things in 2015 - I wonder why)
Article regarding crime in 2016 here; archive.fo/80iJH
Prohibition and decriminalization are the only two options that benefit whites as a whole

kek I used to hang out with a kid who blew up his apartment and burned his eyebrows off doing exactly that. vac chamber costs like $100 - think it's a worthwhile investment.

Fucking this, like any other substance that puts one in an altered state - the masses typically can't handle it and a good portion of them lose themselves to it entirely.

>reddit spacing

How in the holy ghost did you make the wild conclusion that I'm an upside-down shitposter from the spelling of one word? Either way, yes, being red-in-the-face mad about someone doing something you don't like in public is EXTREMELY extremist Muslim. You in fact can make a distinction between the two, it's called Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace. Someone smoking a pipe by themselves in a park? Fine. Someone doing wax dabs in front of a preschool? Disturbing the Peace. Someone puffing away like a chimney in a crowded street, blowing hits at children for shits and giggles? Disorderly Conduct

No shit, why would I support it? I don't advocate for smoking anything period you dopamine-addled niggers.

Yeah but I'm not red in the face mad. I'm annoyed. Are you high now? Because you can't argue rationally.

Anime releases dopamine just like drugs and you are no better than a filthy heroin addict.

Nigga you know you got dat dopamine in your brain right now, right nigga?

ironic niggerspeak is still niggerspeak lad.

Smoking, reddit dipshits.


Fight shitposts with shitposts

ironic shitposting is still shitposting - that is the attitude that allowed genuine idiots to think they are in good company and killed 4cucks.

The dopamine released from marathoning Monogatari is equivalent to 1488 grams of pure amber shatter wax.

Yeah this is the solution obviously, which is what I was hinting at. I was thinking of a more severe penalty if drugs were involved.

How long have you been here?

You don't advocate for anything to my knowledge, you have yet to make your advocacy of something known through an argument. Even counter-points would work, but there are none, just muh degeneracy.

Toriyama sold me a DVD box set of the dankest shit fam, you sure you don't even wanna give it a shot?


Are you seriously arguing that bantz are not a part of chan culture?

no, he's telling an obvious cuckchanner to fuck off

We already know Sessions is straight edge, nothing new, but that's not the focus of his job unless Trump wants it to be. Trump's not going to cause shit over bud when it does nothing for him politically, especially when stumping cartels is largely in his favor. All the whining is born out of conflating bullshit from political rhetoric Spicer gave that essentially means "we're conservative and aren't going to risk that position fighting for liberal drug laws". I predict nothing happening unless Trump feels he can roll it into something politically convenient for him. Supposing they did go after strict federal policy over marijuana I'll admit it's a blunder, but a blunder that doesn't matter much in the grand scheme which is why I don't expect it. It doesn't accomplish anything for Trump and I don't believe he has an arbitrary vendetta against pot smokers so I don't assign the weight MSM would like me to be distracted by. It's important to remember this was a question imposed on Spicer, prompting his political answer (non-answer). Go to 24:20 in the vid I embedded for context rather than sensationalist media headlines. Another obvious media storm that will fall flat like all the others.

WTF kind of newfag retardation is this? Smoke does not work the way you think it is.

It took THIS long for you faggots to come out of the wall.

Why even bother trying to argue the point? Its not like you and the autism brigade give a shit about talking points.
Yeah you guys are nothing like leftists

Smoking, s.m.o.k.i.n.g., learn to read you braindead niggers.

He'll only use the "issue" of marijuana as a distraction for the Liberals so he can quietly push more of his policies that actually matter. That's it.


See, but you want a morality police that go out and shoot people who are caught smoking. That's such a hyperbolic position that I find it difficult to believe your mother wasn't sucking down Jack Daniels when she was pregnant with you.

The people who use it, it's impossible for them to use it and remain an individual. Often becoming childish in their defence of their vice, see

I've had many good friends ruined by this shit. Three lost scholarships, five who are in jail now for harder drug use, and every single one of them more idiotic than when we met as children. They all believe that they're not addicted, when the truth is that when given the choice of saving or spending, they spend on pot or relaxing or walking to meet a dealer ten miles away they choose to walk no gas money or neglected car broke down.

These are all white people from middle class backgrounds. One common feature is that their parents are potheads ~80% of the time.
This is a conversation I've had multiple times. It typically goes from
What worries me is the 80%, when I say 80% I don't factor in the kids who smoked a few times I mean the full blown potheads. How many do you think stop and become adults at some point? In my experience none. That means that their children will be like them, along with some kids whose parents weren't potheads, creating a larger cycle every generation.


How old are you and how long have you been here?

The dude literally was arguing that nigposting was what killed 4chan. Wanna talk about appeals to tradition, he's your man, not me.

My family got ruined by this shit, but it's nice to know that the people that prop it up are retarded subhumans that can't understand context anyways.

Hello cuckchan, get the fuck off this board. reported.

All Trump will do is ensure existing state laws are enforced. He is big on states rights.


Old enough and long enough to know when I see a disingenuous Stormfag edgelord who wants everyone who rustles his personal jimmies to be marched into the oven

Economic growth is less important than public well being. We can start trying to introduce new vices after we've dealt with much more important issues and found a way to ensure it isn't harmful to society.
Yeah, pissing of all the people currently on his side to PR fag for a bunch of leftists sure is a great idea.

i'm just hoping he decriminalized it federally so i can smoke and join the nat guard

field work at job sites is a bitch on your joints.

Learn to argue.

Which anime is this?

But…at least she wasn't a degenerate.

I have never actually watched or read anything by him in my life. My only knowledge of him is that he apparently looks down on an absence of argument.

Pic related.

Kill yourself.


The thing is, I never said I wanted a morality police or for people to be shot for doing drugs in public. I said I wanted decorum and respectability enforced in public spaces. It's already illegal to open carry alcoholic beverages in most of the country:


Having something similar for potheads like you would not be that drastic at all. Also you have a serious problem with logical reasoning. You turn every argument you read into a straw man.

So because I chose to use a 4-letter moniker for these type of sites, in stead of going full bore and calling it the Ethiopian Glassblowing Collective that it is, somehow makes me a cuckchan native? Same with shitposting a shitposter. You all have been so butthurtinated by one person using the term nigga in a jesting fashion that the fact that the idiot I replied to doesn't understand brain chemistry has been lost in the storm.

why are you welding cast iron to what i assume is steel


This touches on my biggest issue with cannabis as a whole, it reinforces all the perpetual-infantilization propaganda that is prevalent in modern society.
There is a great effort on the part of the jewish establishment to keep people dependent and the easiest way of doing this is keeping the population at large in a chidlike state.
They do this with media, illicit narcotics and general vice, and pharmaceuticals mostly.
Your friends parents bought into it when they were young and maintained it, never making the much needed sacrifice for the sake of their child. These people will make the same mistake if they even have children at all.

You're still a >reddit spacing degenerate faggot that needs to fuck off and kill yourself.

You're obviously mad as fuck on the internet. Maybe you should leave.

Which is complete and total jewish pseudo-science. The "chemical imbalance" model for mental illness stems from Freudian garbage, and yes you're a gigantic faggot for calling imageboards chans and "ironically" acting like a nigger. I hope coonphy bans you out of laziness.

Are you done yet? You're just embarrassing yourself.


Of all the memes to give yourself over to, this seems like a pretty poor choice. I respect your godless deathstyle, though.

Already explained how the wellbeing of our public is being hampered by prohibition. It props up cartels, it perpetuates opiod abuse, it strengthens big pharma, it contributes to illegal immigration… Point is, to say that legalization or decriminalization is detrimental to the public wellbeing is just logically lazy.

I'm not defending anything, but proving a point. Caffeine, sugar, tobacco, and alcohol kill thousands of more people but they are legal. Can you justify this? They're all vices, all degenerate in excess, but isn't it ironic that the ones that are most likely to kill you are the ones pushed the hardest and available at the 7-11 down the street?

It's steel on steel for the most part. The legs and body of the forge are steel, but the air intake assembly on the bottom is made of black iron pipe, of which only the top has been welded to the intake grate at the bottom of the forge receptacle.

as an avid pot smoker from 9to9and a half, i can say that riding a bicycle while listening to exciting music is the same amount of dopamine released as half of a scoop of keif smoked through a bowl

wtf freud was spot on niggerfaggot

For all the libfags, gays, and commie degenerates here in WA, it's nice not having to freak out about posting this picture.

Telling you to kill yourself wasn't an argument.

Dont forget fast food.

that's a new one Jesus christ.

and reported.

is that some IWE? Looks fucking nice.

There are countless things you've done that make you an obvious cuckchan immigrant.

There is no weed prohibition you retard. And Trump's position on this has always been for the states to decide, something you'd know if you were from here.

your brain is beyond saving

I legitimately apologize, I misread your initial post and thought that when you said a punishment greater than disorderly conduct for drugs that you meant something overall more severe than jailtime. I live in an area with an open container law, so I agree with you to a point. Having people walk around with bongs and rigs would be obnoxious, just as it would be to see someone walking down the street pulling a handle of whiskey, but by the same token I can go down to a park and see a group of young men, doing no one any harm, tossing around a frisbee and drinking PBR. It's a matter of context.

'sup common kike

Damn right.

it'll work about as well as all your other retarded infographs. So I'm not terribly worrierd

There's no weed prohibition? Are you kidding me?

and reported.
This thread is fucking great for catching cuckchanners and ledditors in the act.
Reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.

You're acting like a child. Instead of accepting that your vice is illegal, you stomp about insisting that other vices are worse and thus should be illegal as well.
If you can't have your toys then no-one can, right?



Caffeine and sugar are ridiculous things to include on that list. Caffeine is pussy shit you in general need to get ridiculous with to suffer any negative effects from and sugar is literally necessary for your body to function, albeit nowhere near as much as most people take in. Alcohol is horrible though, tbh, fat stacks of estrogen and calories with fuck all to show for it.

I'm glad we agree on this hard-hitting issue.

I've been posting like this since before Reddit existed, I'll be posting like this after it no longer does.

Godless killing machines.

Hitler did do something wrong. I'm fucking tired of you people being able to just go around and say things like this. Hitler LOST, okay? Do you think that's alright? Do you WANT there to be a single kike alive on this planet? Holy SHIT dude, get it together.

Its a dab of CO2 shatter with ground up Gorilla Glue 4 in the grinder and Dry ice Hash in the tupperware. The vape shown is a Sublimator. Invented by some Canuckistanian. The only device in the world that will let you vape bud and hash, while taking a dab of oil, all at the same time.

Why are cuckchan immigrants always so unbearable? It's always so obvious too

Here's an arguement. Get off my lawn kike, I will shoot you and turn your bones into my new weedpipe. Never got to carve kike bones before…

yeah faggot whats ur vice


Truths. There are things that are legitimately degenerate to society, but too many fags think that their personal opinions let them be the gatekeeper and arbiter of what is and isn't degeneracy. It really IS like they think that they can summon the Furher by trying to follow the warped perception of his ideologies that the Jews have seen fit to put forwards.

You weren't here. Your posting style and cadence tells me you blew in from cuckchan or reddit last week

Not the only, look into vapexhale units. Still looks nice though.

who are you replying to?

just kill yourself if this is the level of discourse you want on this board


Right on cue. Gas yourself.

Please, please, please, I know you probably own an oven in your house or apartment. Maybe if you take the racks out of it and really try, you can cram yourself into it and save us all the trouble.

slit your wrists kike.

Nothing will bring out more kikes than a weed post on Holla Forums. Nothing. They're terrified of its legalization.

Have you ever thought that maybe the opposition to cannabis is mostly a result of seeing that it often turns people into worthless cattle, and not some grand corporate conspiracy?

Nah, otherwise the same people would be against alcohol even more so, but whadda ya know they never are.

Can we talk about how niggers and spics benefit from the black market of drugs and weapons, imagine we took the golden cash cow out of the ghetto - this is the primary employ for the cancer in the body of our cities and neighbourhoods


Hemp products are good and durable. It should be grown only in a state that can be used for industry.
Keep smoking it illegal.

Just ask anyone from Colorado how they like living with all the spics and niggers that were too dumb to get pot in commiefornia - legalization is fucking degenerate and mostly pushed by jews

Oh man, you got me. I've only been here since the first GG exodus. For shame.

How has ovening become a degeneracy meme in your mind instead of the true association it has with the entire reason it's used, that is, the kikes? I would think you posting an image to the effect would kind of help you along on that, if nothing else.

You don't need sugar. Ketones can replace carbohydrates even you ready at low levels for them and modify your eating habits.

Yeah, because alcohol was able to gain a foothold into society. I'd rather not let weed do the same.

There are other, better ways to deal with them

AWM is wonderful when he's not doing Pepe. He gives Pepe too many realistic features, he does the head in an incorrect shape, the jokes don't work, they're awful. Pepe is a cartoon frog, nuPepe is a hideous frogman. He needs to stick to doing what he know, he tried branching out into Pepe to broaden his audience, and while that would have been wonderful to lead the lay kek person into full 1488hood, AWM was just not able to pull it through on the execution.

I suffer from a degenerative neurological disease and use ayy lmao on the weekends out of work. I had no tactile feeling in my left hand for 10 years. After using weed for half a year, I am slowly recovering feeling in my left hand, currently on a level similar to what you'd feel if you slept on your hand all night. Wish it was faster, but I'll take what I can get.

I wouldn't legalize weed for recreational capacity since it really does make you dumb (mondays are hard when you're still coming back to yourself), possibly permanentnly if overused. I would love to have a medical equivalent without the psychoactive stuff, but filtered oil is too expensive, so I'm stuck with ayy lmao. Too bad.

Tobacco, started at ten and haven't been able to drop it. The difference between the two of us it that I do everything in my power to discourage others from starting, while you want to have others start so you feel better about your vice.
Even more evidence of the effects pot has on your brain.

To be fair he doesn't really understand memes at all. I posted this in one of his threads and got a long reply about how I was a "pencil-necked yid"

You are so full of shit

Alcohol kills thousands per month you absolute retard, Cannabis saves lives and has never killed a single person


I'm not pro alcohol retard. This is what weed has done to your brain

kys, you smoke tobacco… That shit is actually bad for you. It's been proven that light to moderate smoking of Cannabis is not only harmless but beneficial to your health.

Tobacco = Poisonous Toxic Shit

Cannabis = Pharma Killer Magic Plant

Look up CBD extracts. Low price clear is your best bet for treatment. You want to eat, not vape/smoke it when you are treating actual health problems. If you start it eating it incrementally, you reach a point where you can eat several hundred milligrams per day without getting high at all.

Then why are big-pharma kikes pushing for its legalization?

The IP hoppers are all cucked Pharma slave losers.

I have watched Cannabis legalization happen in CO. My sisters say it's actually harder to find (they are still in HS) I know several old people who switched to Cannabis from the Opia-Jew. The only jews investing in Cannabis culture are the smart ones. Has nothing to do with indoctrination.

I will not be kissing you on sunday, or any day for that matter.

Yeah, I heard from a friend that AWM can get really testy when confronted. Besides that, I think that AWM shouldn't do Pepes, so that people can make their own way from the latter to the former. Also, while I'm not a PRfag, I do think that it's probably for the best that AWM not do Pepes so as to give kike groups like the ADL more ammo in their stupid little "Pepe is a white nationalist nazi" campaign. Don't get me wrong, I understand that he really is, but its best we give normies and heebs less reason to be able to connect those dots.

(((pharma))) is absolutely HORRIFIED of the day when the common people discover the healing effects of activated cannabinoids

Holy shit, you just connect Soros with Pharma? And no, Pharma fags have no place in Cannabis culture and are thus reversing "medical opinion". None of us want "THC" pills we'd rather have whole-plant extracts.

I myself was forced on Adderall XR my whole life. Was on the initial human child experiments. So don't talk to me about pharma jews

Almost, you still need a small amount of carbs for part of your brain that is never totally able to utilize ketones. Not enough to even pull you out of ketosis, though. Keto's not always ideal for every particular bodily goal, either.

I myself fucked with him for a few hours a while back in a thread and believe me, he is one easily triggered normalfag at the end of the day. Appreciate all he did for the movement before people made good OC on the regular, but god damn. He can be the go-to-guy for Facebook memes if he's going to keep up the Pepe style. Move over Benny G.

That's bretty good, I'll take a shot with it. Thanks user. Any tips on initial consumption? Mixing it with other liquids like water/coffee?


I took a zoloft for 3 months, because my (((counselor))) said it would fix all my problems, and it maimed me mentally and turned me into a social retard.

Eating large amounts of Rick Simpson Oil or edibles is the only thing that has reversed this.

Part of me wants to believe that it's really the TRS AWM pretending to be the real deal. But it wouldn't really surprise me if it was AWM.

To be fair, some people just don't get that much of a kick out of edibles. It's not a universal solution. I knew a dude once that would get slide-off-a-chair high with a few bowls but could eat ten times that and see zero effect.

Extracts would work.

CBD extracts sound nice.

Yeah so have I, turned Denver into a place comparable to SLC into fucking Detroit2.0
Are you fucking sure they aren't pulling a trick on you.
How fucking old are you? Do you even remember how cannabis was in the 1990s? How about 1980s or '70s? Shit was a completely different drug - and it's much worse now. This is one of the only things Jonestein is right about, weed is now grown for THC and it has shitty effects on the brain and potentially the body.

I didn't even confront him, I think he thought I was trying to 'curse' him with that image. Maybe masonigger flipped out in one of his threads kek.

Are you shitposting? What the fuck lad. archive.fo/ONmu1 - טבע pharms too. Fucking sucmbag faggot.

Weed is degenerate.

Anything that lowers testosterone and weakens the mind

That being said, people are not equal. Some are winners, and some are the less fortunate.

It seems to me the less manly and less fortunate are those who gravitate toward and will "benefit" from downers like weed

This is ignoring any medical applications which are tangential to the issue. Opioids are in medical use too

Except it doesn't, the majority of white smokers I know are perfectly capable productive adults. The problem is that majority of lazy niggers and spics happen to like it too, and for some reason we like to blame drugs for their degeneracy and not their culture and genes…

You know that they get more money out of it if it stays illegal but very loosely enforced, right ?
I know you don't, lurk more

I have a feeling this thread is a advanced form of d&c to pit potheads against non-potheads that share the same feeling about gassing jews. All I have to say is the best kush is grown in the states and it makes a great revenue source. Making it illegal will just give them beaners more incentive to peddle their shit mexican dirt dope over here. I also think that associating pot to liberalism is true to a fine extent. It does a great job putting the finishing touches on a wimpy hippie. At the same time without weed I wouldn't have had those bad goy thoughts that led me to Holla Forums years ago. Pot is a tool, use it wisely.

Also the medical usage of weed to me outweighs any fears or so called dangers of the "devils lettuce".


The ones that aren't wouldn't be part of healthy society, so you wouldn't know them.

The ones who aren't most likely have bigger issues than just weed.

It'd be nice to have some evidence one way or the other. Right now I'm perfectly fine with Trump letting liberal states act as guinea pigs

Same here, it actually opened my mind to the JQ and uncle Adolf

Seen here, low test loser smoking pot.

Not all discussion is D&C, there is room for development of our ideas and opposing views within our greater ideological whole. I would say if the thread was an attempt to D&C it would be to divide the people unwilling to make an argument from this thread and/or conquer them, which was achieved very early on.

Yeah, arnie is low test thanks to all the steroids.
He's also a fucking cuck, he's not the Terminator IRL you know.

Forgive the last being a year earlier than the earlier three. I'll forgive you for being a retard. Be sure to tell him that if you see him on the street, my man.

Nice. But you should of added in the fact that cannibus kills sperm and can cause permenant sterility in users.

Sorry I don't worship your Hollywood idol

>reddit spacing
wasted hitlerdubs.

Great role model you have there.

I hate this meme but that kid looks like a bogandorf

Oh yeah he had a child with his beaner maid. Does he have any other children?

This must be a reoccurring thing for a good chunk of Holla Forumsacks I believe. For me I was a blue pilled normalfag that was filled with nigger love and anti depressant pills. Pot ripped off the control of the jews over my beliefs I've been beaten into for years. Eventually psychedelics came into my life and I started redpilling my friends. That's why I could be never against these drugs. I've used them as tools for awakening my friends. They tear apart a normal man's mind leave him open to suggestion. A real man that stands the challenge will be only shown the truth.

ah nevermind I see he has several children. Theyre not extremely white though… Look brazilian tbh.

I don't worship him either, but I do not deny the reality of what he is and has done just because I generally disagree with him either.

He's stronger than you, has higher natural test than you, and supplemented that with 10 times the human body's natural production of test to become a fucking brick shithouse of muscle. If that's not enough for you, go do better. Do it while chasing all of the other shit the man's been up to while you're at it.

Pothead doesn't really diminish in my eyes because that was sort of the point, racemixing does but shit decisions born of being ludicrously successful doesn't diminish my point - which I will remind you was that he is a super successful pothead and high test as it gets.

No role model either, not my generation. If I had to pick a fitness role model, Zyzz looked better. It wouldn't be for the dying at 25 part, of course.

What's the quick rundown on him, though?

I think you are legitimately bluepilled on the anabolic question my friend

Maybe, just maybe if he wasn't a pothead he wouldn't make shit decisions.

The anti-weed autism in this thread is off the fuckin charts, cool it down you fuckin insufferable retards.

That's a drawing of yourself, right?

Marijuana is extremely dangerous. You may not realize it (because you're a liberal faggot in disguise) but it comes down to defining the word 'dangerous'.
You see, if an individual smokes marijuana they become lazy, unmotivated, distracted, and apathetic to other forms of degenerate behavior. You might not think so while you sit there playing video games for hours (see I'm not lazy you think to yourself) but you're not being productive. In fact you're becoming more and more useless to our race and species as a whole. Second, when a youth uses Marijuana they then think 'well maybe "x" isn't so bad either'. Next thing you know they're popping xanax or Molly or drinking alcohol. So yes it's a fucking gateway drug. You're unable to see this because you lack the capacity to think beyond buzzwords and cuckoldry in general. People like you have no place on Earth. You're the future neckbeards of America
Draining the life force from our race and sending women towards the same degenerate behavior or even other races. You should be gassed along with the kikes and faggots.

You don't belong here.

Thing is, logically speaking, that people don't just decide to become addicted to mild drugs such as weed or booze. You don't take one sip of whisky too many and suddenly turn into a raging hobo alcoholic. Those who do become addicted do so because they have other issues in their life and drugs help them to cope.

That's right goys, you must be productive 24 hours a day or else you're degenerate. Better put in some extra effort at the office today and stay a few hours longer. You don't wanna appear weak, do you goy?

Degenerate behavior in itself becomes the addiction for many. They don't realize it at the time. 'Oh just a few tokes a week'. 'Oh just a bottle of jack on the weekends'. No fuck that. You're diminishing your potential doing such and not being productive. In fact you're making others think it's okay to be degenerate or use drugs or alcohol to cope. How about man-the-fuck-up and deal with the problems? All degeneracy is a temporary fix creating another problem without finding a solution to the original problem furthermore meaning you're unproductive.


This is 100% true, have seen way too many people do this shit.

Wage slavery and productivity are not mutually exclusive.
For instance Varg is NEET in a sense and still is quite productive. probably 24/7 in one way or another.

Nobody mentioned a work week except you which implies you're a brainwashed kike faggot. You're continuing to counter an argument with buzzwords rather than logic which implies you have the IQ of a subhuman nigger. You also do not belong here.



Gee what a surprise.

kek can't refute what he says so you go to insults?
Jesus go back to 4cuck

Varg has done jack shit these last decades but I guess you're the ultimate authority on what's productive and what isn't, eh Rabbi?

This is a National Socialist board. If you're not willing to obey and submit to the values of National Socialism you need to get the fuck out.
Cuckchan will welcome you faggots but we will not. Or you can >>>/gasyourself/
14/88 has zero tolerance for degenerate behavior of any kind.

Yea, clearly the stoners are the people with nigger IQs here.

Can't wait to get my liver transplant. I swear I'll stop drinking! ;)

He's made a couple video games and raised a family in a traditionalist and very involved way - if you consider that unproductive then you're a kike who is against the white race.
I believe that you genuinely think that getting an office-job is the only way one can contribute to his race and that's a very kiked thing to do.

Now you're just spouting newfag memes.

Do you see people here advocating alcohol weednigger?

Is this what passes for an argument among brain cell deprived weedniggers?

What a convenient way to discount memes meant to uphold imageboard tradition you massive fucking retard.
wasted trips.

What brain cells? I killed mine by drinking 2k cals of alcohol a day for years. Are you saying if I could have smoked/vaped/ate/injected weed instead I would be sick and overweight instead? I never had an issue with "munchies" when I was high. If anything, I'd be the same except with health problems costing tax payers money. But yeah, keep talking about degenerate weed killing society. Weed isn't for niggers anymore, goy. It's not the 60's.


Start with a >50mg per day, and slowly work your way up


When will you kids realize that weed is far from being an important issue and that there are far more pressing matters that people's energy must be put on before even thinking about pot. As our society stands right now, with kikes weaponizing entertainment and vice as early as elementary schools, legal weed would be used against whites, turning them into couch potatoes. In a purely homogenous country where Jews are all dead and people had decent education, I could see weed being legal as a way to cull part of criminals' funds while it being not too harmful on society. Right now though, you have one of the worst subculture directly tied to weed consumption.

You're full of shit, alcohol has always been tied to European culture. Kikes have been behind the temperance movement, trying to turn women against their husband. Remember that kikes want you to slave and never, ever have any respite, unless of course you are a NEET, where they'll encourage you to abuse escapism until you die prematurely.

from your link

Which is why I don't support it, dopamine-spiking drugs kill you spiritually, I consider it several times worse than psychedelics. Definitely won't promote the volk.

breh i dont force my pot ON ANYONE leave your fxcking basement


This is a big thread.

I wonder if anyone has posted this yet.

I don't need to smoke weed to do nothing.

Maybe it might come as a surprise, but many here are NEETs.

Opioid 's are a plague upon the southern united states. I've seen family and friends become addicted to the pharmajew. I think there was an and a while ago who started a thread about how west Virgina revives ten times more painkillers than a state of it's population would ever need.
I need to find the Bible verse but there is one that says if the plant is green and bares seed then it is for man.

Apart from OP being a fucking retard and all the shills in here who want to protect their fuel and pharma monopolies.

Cannabis/hemp is one of the most versatile crops known to man. One of Henry Ford's early cars was to run on hemp gas until the kike bankers who own most of the oil industry approached him as well as Diesel. Hemp is better to use for paper than trees, it grows faster and the same sized field of hemp will produce so much more than a field of trees. It can cure cancer if prepared and used properly (i.e. probably not smoking, you dingus). The cancer racket is extremely lucrative, once someone gets cancer they're worth over $300,000 to the jewish medical industry which spends more money on advertising than research and development to convince people they need pills more than making sure the pills work and are safe. This is also ignoring the FDA hardly ever publishing negative reviews or white washing results. It would also be a competitor to anti-depressants which are big pharma's #1 seller. Clothes made from hemp last longer than cotton, despite kikes kvetching that they'd be less comfortable. Eating a raw bud from the female plant is said to have good health benefits from doctors who do not advocate smoking it. Cannabis is classified as Schedule 1 along side real dangerous hard drugs which will fuck you up for life because it is a threat to jewish monopolies. Kikes can't patent the plant. Most attempts to legalize would give monopolies to a handful of jews and even then they're often not allowed to use the whole plant (put the rest in a plastic bag and send it to a landfill, how jewish). Supporting the criminalization of this plant is supporting kikes, don't be a shabbos goy.

Smoking/vaping it is safer than cigarettes and alcohol with what is currently known about it, but it's still a vice used to escape reality and a crutch.

What would you ever do without your monopolies and medical industry rackets, Chaim?

The only downside to smoking cannabis is that after you smoke it you have less cannabis. I was pro-Trump up until this. He just lost one supporter. I hope the CIA puts bullets in his head for this. Death to anyone who tells me what I can or cannot put in my own body. I don't give a fuck what anyone says and I don't give a fuck if it's legal or not. Cannabis prohibition is an assault on my personal freedom and anyone who assaults my personal freedom needs to fucking die slow and painful.(ASTROTURFING SHILL'S HOME PLANET WAS SELECTED FOR EXTERMINATUS FOR THIS POST)

True man like weed is far more important than anything else. I mean who gives a shit if things turn to Haitian tier conditions as long as weed is legal you know. Can always calm yourself after a day dodging dangers of life. My body my choice and all that.