Can the alt-reich get any more cringe?
Can the alt-reich get any more cringe?
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Are we calling them alt-reich now?
You know they like nazi reference right?
No they hate being called the alt-reich. That's why I continue to use it.
Yes. It can always get more cringe.
Everyting can always get more cringe
I thought they would just come out of the closet already.
It's weird to see a gay man rallying for a group that sees him as a degenerate & that just will end oppressing himself in the end.
Milo must be the dumbest gay man with some internet popularity that I have ever seen.
Relating anything with the nazis isn't something positive not even if they're dumb enough to start calling themselves that. It only makes their agenda look even dumber.
Who cares if they like it or not. That's what it is: Reactionary politics with a dumb nostalgia for Nazism. And everyone already knows that
is the best way to deal with nazi scum
Nope. I hope it's too late before they realize they've been bought by opportunist porkies on all fronts. There's already a few crazies like 'Goyim Goddess' starting to at least see there's something wrong with such a heavily paid movement but I doubt it'll be enough for it to fade.
Some more cringe for you to feast on.
This guy cannot be serious. I feel like no body can be this dumb.
Forgot the link:
It's totally not if you understand where he's coming from. He's specifcially stated that only thing he has in common with alt-right is their mutual disdain for Muslim immigration into Western countries.
Did you know that one of the most prominent anti-Muslim politican in Netherlands was an open homosexual?
Besides, Milo never said he's alt-right, him and Lauren Southern already coined and used the terms "cultural libertarians" to describe themselves.
He's a provocetaur. He's there to trigger people with "harmful opinions" and make some money of it. He doesn't really care about the whole thing in the end, really.
He is dumb as hell man. He really believes Republicans don't mind him: a homosexual. He really does. The first thing the fundamentalist are going to do once they get in office is ban the country-wide LGBT marriage, not exactly because they hate gay people but because don't like anything Obama legalized.
He has stated that lesbians don't exist as well lmaoo.
So basically it's someone that shouldn't be seen as anything other than a dumb political heckler. He is on the internet & his viewer base are memers for a reason.
There are plenty of gay Republicans and Libertarians. I don't understand how this is even an issue anymoreโฆ
He's just fooling the alt-right retards for profit.
He's actually pretty smart.
Basically they are turning into flag related unironically.
Course we can. Also, Alt-right here. AMA.
Not really.
Yeah man it's not like Republicans got seriously triggered country-wide by:
pic related
smh, you dumb
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shut up nigga, you act like all this bullshit matters, they arent gonna revoke homo marriage, and milo kinda gets off on flirting with the rightist elements that have been coming up over the past few years, its a classic fag move, dressing up in militaria and shit, it makes their dick hard, the actual nazis were full of fags
hes not stupid but hes also infantile on many levels like a lot of homos, my suspicion is hes an unwitting plant of sorts to get the "alt-reich" even more railed up about muzzies without ever actually going in to who backs fundamentalist wahhabi/salafi haj, that its a relatively recent occurence, and where they actually come from
oh and of course hes an entrepeneour of sorts, he loves the limelight, all this goobergate shite has gotten him a lot of coverage, before that all he could squeeze out were hilariously bad poetry albums iirc
yeah but he does think being straight is better, and he probably doesn't support gay marriage even as a gay man. he's a very repressed man is some strange hidden ways
seriously though, only a fucking honky would post something that idpol, im14andimontherightsideofhistory.png.exe
he is a dumbass drowned on spooks. You can't expect him to know better.
feels bad man, I wish Holla Forums would be a general politics board like it was once.
I miss 4chan pol, but its now filled with shills and corrupt mods.
Milo must idolize Ernst Roehm or someshit.
4 /pol used to be good a long time ago, probably one of the best politigs forums for a few years, if you didnt know your shit or dragged in your ideological baggage you would get btfo, there were some actual unique intelligent perspectives to be found there, along with the occasional legit insider/local when something went down
He looks like that if that chick from twilight put on about 40 pounds and dressed up like a lesbian.
8/pol/ is the same but it's even more shitty and autistic, so what's your excuse for staying there?
No one on Holla Forums likes the ๐๐๐alt right๐๐๐ or the fag kike.
Too bad for you, alt-right is Holla Forums's bastard child whenever you like it or not :^)
We will use it till it has served its purpose then discard it.
No you won't. Gay Nazi death squads will buttrape you.
yeh it kinda is, hard to argue with that
Judgin b the fact you think this is "cringe", I'm guessing you're one of people he's describing as a recruiting Sargent for his attempts to spin the "alt-right" towards civic nationalism a la UKIP.
not really, a lot of western conservatives dislike gays sure but when a group want to replace that with pic-related he is acting in his own self-interest.
It's funny because if you post anything about Goyimgodess on Holla Forums they will get extremely triggered. If you post anything about Milo on Holla Forums then the thread where you posted about Milo turns into a shitload of infighting.
Here have some more cringe
Everytime I see that I need to post this.
Just call them what they really are, the far-right with memes.
They've had legit grievances when it comes to crybullies, but they too are becoming cult like in a way.
i kind of like goyim goddess
All the people that support the alt-right would be the first against the wall in a real fascist society
Kind of ironic
Ruined my life. People actually took time out of their day to make that.
No, at this point it's a race to the bottom.
couldn't have said it better myself
The discussion of memes in real life is probably the worst thing the alt-right has made happen.
And after the Muslim is dead then it's the nigger then the faggots & so on. Hate groups are all about dumb idpol aka the biggest most cancerous fanatical religion on earth.
"Re-placing" hatred from hate groups doesn't makes them non-hate groups. If someone has to be eradicated is them for being pro-fascism.
Do you guys read what you write? how can you guys be so autistically retarded, so assburgers?
You don't do shit in your daily life, you just turn on your computer & browse the internet to roleplay with your "we will use it" "all according to my plan". So dumb. smh.
I see them exactly like that. Just dumb memers that think that saying "nigger" on the internet is a revolutionary act & if they do it irl they're internet badasses.
If you're making this thread, you already know the answer is yes. Every time we think we've seen the dumbest that humanity has to offer, they surprise us. The alt-right will always have us beat in this, it's a consequence of the cornerstones of their ideology, they can't get away from it.
Jesus this
After years of being on the Chans seeing people unironically talking about memes seriously and just yelling them out in public this way fucking destroys me. I get such second hand embarrassment every time one of these faggots talks about pepe in a lecture or as some sort of public display of ideology I usually need to take a break from the computer for a bit.
I'd say the alt-right is the Tea Party's bastard child, and response to the growing social justice left. Holla Forums is more an amalgamation of stormfront and other white nationalist movements spilling over into the mainstream, also as a response to the rise of social and racial issues taking over much of the left (while leaving class issues behind.) There is very little crossover between them other than:
(A) they are not the traditional entrenched Republican party right
(B) they both place importance on the immigration issue, though the alt-right seems to stress that they have no problem with "legal immigration," whereas Holla Forums has a problem with all nonwhite immigration and the existence of all nonwhite peoples in general
(C) they both hate SJWs (common among the entire right)
(D) they both support Trump (which is common among most of the right, he's their nominee)
Other than that there doesn't seem to be much crossover between them. They disagree wildly on the role of state in social issues and economic issues, social issues like homosexuality and entertainment, the role of democracy, freedom of speech, etc. They're not remotely similar in these very fundamental areas of politics. It doesn't really help to conflate them together and completely misinterpret the situation.
good b8, autist
I wouldn't worry about them, they don't see to have any coherent program, nor any strategy about what or how to do anything at all.
It's just kids playing political movements, the way kids play cowboys and Indians. Or to be more favorable to them, the way a high-school club simulates a political debate for educational purposes. There's simply no serious analysis or content.
If this movement captures right-leaning young people than that's good, because it's basically only a simulation of the right whose effect is similar to what co-opting is for the left.
memes are good propaganda tool
For retards.
where are your alt righters in your Uni? all I get is muh free market libertarians in my classes