Redpill me on Authoritarianism vs. Fascism Holla Forums

I've come to terms with the fact that democracy is a total fucking joke these past few months, but I'm still having troubling swallowing that fascism or any other equivalent ideology is any better than the shadow authoritarianism disguised as democracy that we have now.

Can a truly fascist state not be as easily subverted and co-opted by (((certain interests))) as easily as a republic or a democracy can? What are the true benefits to society based on a single, permanent ruling party, other than the fact that idiots can't vote in their stupid party. Moreover what is stopping the left from installing a USSR style authoritarian state through revolt against the ruling party as was done with the Bolsheviks?

Monarchy/Traditionalism. Read Evola

Could you elaborate further, what of him should I read up on specifically? Any reading material I need to look into to really get the idea other than him?

Going between various forms of monarchies and representative democracy is like going back and forth between Bushes and Clintons. True democracy is mob rule. Only the mob knows what's best for the mob.


Fucking lurk more dude. I can't emphasize that enough. You'll figure it our yourself if you lurk enough and aren't retarded and need to be told what to think.

Holla Forums is not here to spoonfeed you, Holla Forums is not your dad, confide in yourself and find strength there and build your own character.



That's my problem user, I've been here for months and I still don't get why fascism is the preferable alternative, I get what Hitler was doing was necessary and best for his people and his people alone, but I just don't see how long term fascism is feasible in the modern world, absolute power corrupts, even if the man at the top is your guy things can go wrong in that situation no?

The very reason I have to ask this question is because no one on here ever seems to elaborate as to why it's the only other option. My best guesss is that even the slightest form of democracy is easily subverted and can be used to push agendas that outsiders want. I get that Democracy is awful for a country and more importantly for it's people. I just don't understand how fascism is the better option beyond "it's the only other option" according to most people here

True, but the alternatives to autocracy aren't immune from that either - in fact, corrupt leaders can be inserted easily by clandestine groups utilizing (((media))) demagoguery and lies.

You could argue that a single corrupt leader is far more dangerous in an authoritarian/fascist society than in a democracy, though.
Not that democracy is better, I'm just curious as to how you'd handle something like that.
Constant revolution to remove a corrupt leader, instill a better one, the "better" gets corrupt, repeat. sounds like a piss-poor system of government.

If we had a fourth branch of government that could overrule any decision of any other branch, the system would be as close to perfect as possible. People like Trump are outliers.

Try a few years. I've seen this concept explained multiple times over the course of this year so far.

The opposite is equally true. Sometimes you get a ruler who is extremely good, sometimes one who isn't so. And if the power was distributed, you'd have hundreds or even more absolutely corrupt politicians run by one "ultra"-corrupt cabal. Regardless, NS isn't restricted to one system of governance. It could be instituted in Autocracy, Constitutional Monarchism, Republicanism, whatever. That forms the shell or "glass". Regardless of the shape of the container however, the water will fill in anyways. In this case the water would be National Socialism. So it can take many forms, as long as they prescribe to the doctrine of it.

And stop getting Fascism and National Socialism mixed up. They're two distinct things.

Because it's the only ideology explicitly racialist and nationalistic while still being invested in the welfare of the people and nation's health. Also, because of JQ and things of that nature. You could also get into economic characteristics, but there isn't a clear set system of economy that Fascism or National Socialism follows. They just have to abide by simple rules. No abusing the nation, the race, or the people. Make the country, and therefore race prosper, and always work for the interest of the latter two.

In short, the system of governance only acts as a framework from within the seed of National Socialism, (or whatever kind of philosophical system you're applying) grows

National Socialism isn't fascism. That's your first mistake.

I think limited democracy with separation of powers could work, i.e. property owning white men voting. Basically America fucked up by letting women vote which allowed the muds and merchants to take over.

Really, I think most forms of government can work, if they're white. Look around the world.


If you truly believe that then all forms of government are piss poor because government is power. I'd rather do that. Kill the big boss when he is shit than have unaccountable politicians in a democracy. In autocracy you know who to kill when society sucks

Redpill me on X threads are a big NONO.
Don't hurry into accepting it for the sake of fitting in and go at your own pace. If you've been here for a few months and have noticed the serious problems in democracy you're doing fine IMO. The idea that more freedom is not necessarily a good on itself is a problem that I understand sounds counterintuitive in the era we're living in.

Probably as easily, what really matters are the leaders. You're going to have corruption in every system.

This basically comes hand in hand with democracy and why things move leftwards so quickly. The expansion is absolutely natural, reduce the legal age for voting, then allow women, then non citizens… until all social cohesion has dissapeared because of the insistence on dissolving any kind of natural hierarchy.

How 'bout you fucking participate on the board and create conversation with less beta energy?
Fucking newfags I swear, these posts are more subversive than the soviets

Nigger read the catalog. Go back through that motherfucker and read everything.

Maybe tie your shoes and wipe your ass while we're at? You must be Barron's age not to know the answer to this. Also, a fucking Jew to be so lacking in shame, not to do your own homework. Seriously, fucking kill yourself.

Start with "Revolt Against the Modern World"

If you can't defend your beliefs then your beliefs are shit.