Does anyone really love the art style in the show? All the women just seem so beautiful and chipper and cute.
We Bare Bears
Other urls found in this thread:
back to tumblr cuck
back in the gas chamber
It's looks to me like the other "a dozen" cartoon which trying to get cheap by choosing minimalist art for the show.
In short: Unappealing, boring, pseudo
I was going to ignore the thread, but the forced meme sperg has a problem with it so you get a bump instead.
It looks like boring shit OP.
No, I can hardly tell it apart from the rest of the minimal effort western animation at this point. It's only slightly more effort than any other shitty cal arts show on the air.
You could at least learn how to sage
Do you have a single argument against this show that's not "tumblr", "calarts", and "cuck"?
Minimalism can work. Art style still looks prettier than Simpsons/Bob's Burgers/Family Guy/South Park. Women are more fuckable than Star vs / Stephen Universe based on appearance alone.
Obviously below DCU tier but CUDDDLIER.
Apparently all we have to do to make a show off-limits to like is discuss it on Tumblr. Can anyone point out a comic or cartoon that has never been discussed on a Tumble account?
Kill yourself OP, thread's already dead. Also, its a fucking shitty style, its more in tune with SU than whatever you listed.
No one cares.
There's the door. >>>/out/
You really just compared shit to shit?
What? Jesus Christ, please stop!
Dude, as i see you would even fap to Barbapapa from the 70's.
You are a sad little man…
Did Grimace inspire these guys?
There you go! Learning is fun.
I don't understand liking or hating Bugs.
Enough of your zionist drivel, blanc. Go to >>>/auschwitz/ already.
Shitposts are not arguments, try again.
Hey Holla Forums
It's about hating avatarfagging, not Bugs.
What is androgynous or blobby about this? Clearly feminine. Clear contrast to how men are drawn in it.
And another bump just for sperg-kun
OP I will concede that it's marginally better than most of the drivel currently airing on CN, but that doesn't suddenly make it good and your taste less shit.
You want me to quit my habit but do not propose an alternative. What toon has better cuties?
You are a special kind of faggot OP, also We Bare Bears it's fucking shit. The first episode I saw was about one of them trying to become a meme, with that you can tell there's nothing of worth in this show
He never said that.
Like any non-blob styled cartoon?
Why you watch cartoons for cuties?
I more and more convinced this is a bait thread for shitposting…
No one gives a shit OP.
I do.
OP, were you ever the creepy fuck who would use play-do to masturbate back in the kindergarten?
are you kidding me nigger?
Truthseeker killed him self after the election, everyone knows this.
Is this the new boogeyman janitors have latched onto
No, it's just a retarded forced meme, they're easy to spot.
No, it looks like shit.
Then why the hell are you bumping a shit thread?
Because a certain irritating sperg has a problem with it.
Reported for spam.
A sleeping Chloe Parks in a We Bare Bears thread?
If you're going to bump a dead thread at least post more than 1 picture so it isn't obvious where you come from.
simpsons actually had good waifus
The style is dull and lacking, that is, if you could even call it a style. You just have a lower than average standard when it comes to art, OP.
I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
Also, the thread wasn't dead.
It was just resting a bit.
You didn't even offer some sage advice
Wow, you really are fucking retarded.
Go on…
Stop talking to yourself kid.
Have another upvote you butthurt downvoting redditor cuck ;^)
Why do people think they need to act like cunts to fit in here?
Seems more like he's insulting a poster he disagrees with rather than "trying to fit in"
Does "samefagging" ring a bell?
Let it die user, its a shit thread.
this is the nu-maleist garbage I have ever seen on the idiot box
The average episode is one of the following
Are you taking pictures of your TV?…
You know where you need to go, cuckchanner
There's a difference between shitposting and trying too hard to fit in.
You're talking to a dumbass that's taking the time of his pathetic life to keep this trash heap of a show alive. Just report for necro-bumping and call it a day.
do not lewd chloe
Chloe is not for lewd any road
Stop talking to yourself OP.
Page 11?!?
How is this possible?!?!
There are only 10 pages, aren't there?
Is this a sign from above to save this thread?
No, it's not.
No one cares about your shitty show OP.
Stop talking to yourself, OP!!
Kek, take your time honey. We all know how difficult its for you to socialize with the other Anons.
Can you cock-gobbling mongoloids let this thread die already?
It's literally just OP samefagging while accusing anons who rightfully dislike his garbage CalArt show of samefagging.
Don't you think it's bad enough PepperAnn is gone?
See, my problem is, when self-righteous know it all cunts come into threads acting like they run the place, my first instinct is to post in the thread just to spite them, even if the thread is shit.
That's your problem, you're a screaming, fat violent dyke trying to act like you're god, and my first instinct is to do the opposite of what you say just to hear you scream.
Basically it's easier just to not be a douchebag, so just don't do it.
You're only proving this user right.
Aren't you the sperg that ruined the Video game related cartoons and comics thread by throwing a bitch fit how you hate image board culture?