We just proved Hillary's intent to destroy evidence and caused a full congressional hearing to be held on Thursday. Quite possibly killing the Clinton Campaign.
What the fuck have you useless shits ever done?
We just proved Hillary's intent to destroy evidence and caused a full congressional hearing to be held on Thursday. Quite possibly killing the Clinton Campaign.
What the fuck have you useless shits ever done?
i helped organize a prison strike protest. I also tweet alot about this stuffโฆ I'm only one man ;_;
Either way, I'm not surprised.
It's confirmed chronologically that the first thread popped up on 8/pol/ and then spread to Reddit and Half/pol/.
both 4 and 8/pol/ heavily influence /r/The_Donald.
That happened, and it immediately spread.
You've only proven my second thesis.
I know.
The influence is a one way street and you're avoiding my question of what has Holla Forums ever done?
ur mum
sure thing buddy
fucked ur mum and made ur dad watch Xd
We gave you another place to falseflag, b8, shitpost, and air your autism. You should be grateful.
Why do you think the denizens of leftypol aren't railing against clinton too?
t. newfriend
Yeah but what have you actually fucking DONE?
I was Guccifer 2.0
Sure buddy
Sorry. I didn't mean to outshine you
I gotta say you're doing good work with this and I can't write this off as minor in any way. You guys did good and I hate you slightly less now.
That being said I don't know why you expect a community 1/5th the size of the smaller community (the larger community which is like thirty times the size of the smaller community making Holla Forums 1/25th the size of Holla Forums overall) to be nearly as active or interesting as you.
We have TRIED to do things, though, don't get me wrong. There was the ISSU a while back, and we've done a pretty good job of spreading our memes as well.
On the other hand, outside of memes this is probably the most interesting thing you guys have done in months or probably ever. So the question "why doesn't Holla Forums do anything" that often gets asked here was pretty stupid before just now (when it was comparing memes of all things when our memes are original and yours are from /r9k/, Holla Forums and Holla Forums) and only got slightly less stupid after it. Our breakthrough has yet to come but I feel it's on the way.
gmil bloghost pls go
I rather do nothing.
Doing things is bourgeois. Remember, it says we might wait for communist revolution and it will come any day nowโฆ
we taking it aisey fam
Literally answered in the first post.
I honestly think Clinton will get away with this again. Literally any one scandal would have been enough to chop down any other politician at the knees, yet we still have an entire third of the country who will support Clinton to their dying breath. After the whole FBI "we won't indict her but we'll indict you for the same thing" I don't think anything but assassination will put a real stop to her, and if they can some how keep that hush hush and parade a Hillary-doll around for long enough to get elected they might even do that too.
This is why you lose. I'm not on reddit with any real details but I'm mod of a small subreddit.
fuck kek.
congrats on that I guess.
This is a huge accomplishment for 16 year olds everywhere
Think it's more a case of Reddit is Holla Forums now. Holla Forums hasn't changed. Reddit clearly has. But crack on with 'u guys are lebbit'. I'm sure that'll make them stop.
I don't see why this would finish her. She's done so much awful shit, if people will tolerate all that they'll tolerate this.
We killed the czar, not silly campaigns.
Either way, we don't care if its hillary or trump so we're not going to expend our energy on trying to help one of the sides of the same coin.
Congratulations on stooping down to reddit level though.
pretty pathetic tbh.
The ๐๐๐elites๐๐๐ who own this country have made it clear she's the one they want. Nothing will stop her. Our time and energy is better spent preparing for the future.
Wonder if you'll eat those words if Trump wins it?
top fucking kek
Tbh either one winning would be hilarious and probably fuck the other party over twice as bad as the Labors, possibly permanently. "Dare-y" "Fair-y" "Hairy" "Scary" "Ferry" "Larry" "Nary" "Parry" "Quarry" "Rare-y" "Starey" "Tarry" "Very" Gary "Dwayne The Rock" Johnson is going to get 5% unless he has a disaster which will officially establish the Lolberts as a national force and Shill Jtein is getting closer. That being said a situation Trump can win in is a situation they can kick Hillary the fuck out in. The Paul shit is gonna blow the fuck up at least as big as the e-mails themselves and if Hillary flops at the debates (quite likely unless her campaign has managed to hammer some sense into her) she is quite likely to be upset enough to commit suicide by shooting herself twice in the back of the head and jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge attached to an anchor. In a straitjacket.
Sure I'll eat my words Holla Forums, unlike ideologues such as yourself I don't live in perpetual fear of being proven wrong but I don't see it happening.
Even if Trump technically gets the majority they clearly don't have any qualms about cheating because they've been caught countless times with no consequences this election.
There was already more than enough evidence to convict her if she weren't the chosen one over the private server and she received less than a slap on the wrist. Rehashing the same thing over and over again finding more and more minute details that prove she was in the wrong is unnecessary because everyone with the power to bring her to justice already knows she was in the wrong and they don't care.
I know the idea of having a concrete ideology granting you the ability to think of and plan for the future is abstract to reactionaries, but it is what you should be doing.
I'm indifferent to reddit. I do think it's pretty funny that a site that was mocked constantly on Holla Forums a couple of years ago for being a libtard torture chamber has now gone full Holla Forums. Why would I attack them for this? You keeping saying 'lol Holla Forums is basically reddit' ain't going to change anything. Cause nobody care what left/pol/ thinks. Besides, half the reddit crowd will go lefty after a few years of Trump anyway, so our friends will become your friends.
The justification last time was "gross negligence has only been evoked three times in American history before and there wasn't any evidence of harm or intent to harm". "Conspiracy to obstruct justice" has been evoked plenty of times and there is obvious intent to harm and harm, the question is if Clinton will directly reap what she has sown.
oh lawd.
Don't stop.
This is grand
We have shitbag SJWs like n1x intentionally sabotaging everything, that's why.
Yeah, if only if you actually stopped indulging in them after being proven wrong.
I mean, there are still commies on this board, right?
If I could go back in time to 2012 and show Holla Forums these posts they would collectively kill themselves
Nice try FBI.
Proven what? That Reddit is the sewer outflow that Holla Forums's shit washes out of and half it's userbase is disgusting crossposters? Everyone who's been on a *chan for the past half decade already knew that.
You didn't prove shit and this will be dismissed like the FBI investigation.
You're Holla Forums. Do you honestly, honestly think in what little brain capacity you still possess that this won't be taken out from under you?
I never got an IT specialist assassinated. Honestly good work though
I dont know what kind of "tactic" these stormfronters are trying to use here to infiltrate and convince us, but the only result you are getting is everyone cracking up some good ol laughs. Reddit is Holla Forums approved now folks! Best revisionism ever.