The IQ of Holla Forums

This is a thread dedicated to collecting data to see what the average IQ of Holla Forums is.

The poll options are a range of numbers so if you want people to know the exact IQ you have then reply here on the board.

Pics unrelated (with the exception of one picture)

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Holla Forums please go



Check your IQ muh privilege, everyone is equal

Every time I bring IQ up or it gets brought up and I post my input, I can't seem to get serious responses back.

When I was 12 years old I was tested and my IQ came out to be 142. This is all I know; I do not know which test the psychologist (?) administered, assuming using different versions of whatever IQ tests there are is common, etc.

I've been told I'm smart all my life, but I think I'm undisciplined, which is changing as I get older and gain more life experience in general, but there were years where I fit the "he's SO smart but he just doesn't apply himself!" crowd.

I have a feeling plenty of Holla Forums fits this crowd.

I'm also convinced people perceive me as a white Jaden Smith.


I'm afraid you're a dumbfuck autist tbh fam. High IQ does not mean intelligence, just that you're pretty good at autistic machine tricks.



Thank you to all the others picking the retarded option.

I'd usually be inclined to agree with you, but tripfags really aren't in any position to be calling others dumbfuck autists.

138 when I was administered the actual test by a shrink, for what it may or may not be worth.

Watch out breh, A.W. is a Hegelian Hermetic magician. Better not get on his bad side.

Are there any online IQ tests that are reasonably accurate?

aren't you pretty intelligent for an indigenous American?

You better not be mixed, because then you'd be a fraud

If IQ doesn't matter, then explain the direct correlation between IQ and poverty/ IQ and crime.

Also anyone who voted over 70 is retarded

thats because black people can't do tests well

last time i took a test it was 146.

Iq is retarded, learn what it actually is.

the former is caused by the latter

People with less money and time to spend on education (IE most working people/ poor people) will do worse on tests.

Class mother fucker.

I agree. Having an average IQ of 83 must make simple task like taking test very difficult for them.

Also depends on what test you're using.

We all get free education paid for by the state. Maybe if Tyrone would listen during class instead of jumping on his desk and acting like a gorilla, he would learn something. Then again, that would require at least a minimum level of intelligence which he does not possess.

Public schools in poor areas are way worse than public schools in wealthy areas.



Because they are full of black kids.

If you were to empty out a school in one of these "poor areas" and fill it full of white or Asian kids, the test scores would skyrocket overnight. And vice versa, if you fill a suburban school full of inner city blacks, you would see the scores drop like a stone. At the end of the day, school is nothing but a building full of books. Throwing money at idiots will not make them smart.

I love bringing porch-monkeys

but thats not fun for tyrone

also, good/smart teachers don't wanna work with lazy dup-fuddas("muh wasting time argument")
teachers need to be valued more tbh, bigger salary, and less for the principals n sheeit

Would Spooks do better if they wuz homeschooled?

You are one of the dumbest pieces of shit to ever post here.

so change black culture?

Can you fuckers for once give it a fucking break and begin a whole long tedious discussion about race?

Every. fucking. time

the reason there aren't any books is because Shayquan stole them for the paper to roll blunts behind the toilets.
Also, computers sell on craigslist, and smack ain't cheap because the cops in Brazil are getting better.

lol its fun tho

-poor people have to worry on what they will have to do to eat the next day, instead of what square follows the three
-flynn effect

but forcing people to eat is authoritarian and goes against liberty and culture

why don't you kill yourself, cuck?

That's called Mazlow's Hiearchy of Needs

The Chinese were pretty damn poor when they came to this country to work on the railroads, and yet Asians seem to do well for themselves today. Why can't blacks ever seem to get ahead? For that matter, Why can't blacks in Africa ever make anything of themselves despite the billions in food and medicine donated to them every year?

Because my favourite manga is still in the works.

Also, the current crony-globalist fascist system works alright for me, I still have all my limbs, no physical brain damage and have never experienced famine.

chinese people at universities today do not work on the railroads, do they?

you listed reason on why you should kill yourself, I asked for reason on why you should not

Thank you for making my point, niggers are too dumb for college.

Go to Indochina and tell yourself that.

damn, you are an even bigger cuck than I tought

No, u
You got it the wrong way around, bucko. I'm happy. I bet your waifu sleeps around with fat fuccbois

As someone who lives in North Carolina I can tell you that white schools in poor areas here are not much better than black schools in poor areas. To be exact I've seen a lot of white kids pull same disruptive shit that the black kids pull in school ie throwing food everywhere, talking in class, getting into fights, listening to music, running drugs everywhere, being extremely violent, and about everything bad that can be done.

watch out kids, we have a supreme memer here

look as he keeps shitposting his pain away

I'm sure your personal anecdotes are all the concrete scientific proof that anyone will ever need.

That's false. Nigger schools tend to get more funding than any other school and whites in the same school still score higher. Fuck, does Holla Forums ever stop being retarded?

[citation needed]

Yeah, but if that crazy white kid's dad is a lawyer, he'll still get good marks, or at least, ok marks with a bribe.
Nogs almost always get shit marks, which is why the MSM praises high achieving blacks, and foundations like B&M Gates supports nogs that are actually smart.

Don't make me call the NEETs from >>>/aus/

It's not his fault, creamnigger. Hate the game, not the player.

get a load of this turbo-cuck

There is a consistent pattern of maladaptive behavior in niggers across all social strata. From street thugs shooting each other in gang wars, to football players beating their wives. Niggers have proven time and time again that they do not belong in our society and can only cause us harm. Yet Holla Forums continues to make excuses for them.

Niggers in Britain do better academically than whites, and poor whites do worse than any other ethnic group. These are second generation immigrants to who are pure nogs from Africa, so there goes the whole "regression to le mean" nonsense.

Isn't that the same country where the media refers to Arab Muslims from the mid-east as "Asians"?

how can anybody be this cucked??

literal americuck detected

So do you have anything to say about what I just posted that serves as a counter argument to your "niggers always do worse in school than poor whites even if they're rich" or are you just going to ask some arbitrary question?

What's wrong with staying alive and not being a commie?

wtf I hate white people now

Aryan master race as usual
Girl nogs do better than dumb blondes, which is not surprising
Shit why is England such a trash nation?

of course, but here they're put in 'Pakistani"


I hope the Muslims kick out the white people and import the true master race.

lol tough luck pal

I'm a communist btw but this is ridiculous

Leaving this here.

It's funny to watch leftists go through their mental gymnastics in an attempt to excuse black criminality.

Capitalism is now the cause of Hurricanes


Did you expect something produced by the APL to be anything but?

Speaking about mental gymnastics tell me about how the holocaust was faked and Hitler didu nuffin

seems like you need to lurk more, kiddie

keep proving you are a cuck, cuck

i can post shitty infographs too buddy

lol this cuck


blacks are criminal because in order to dismantle Communist influence among their communities the CIA started drug and thug culture, have you ever heard of The Nation of fucking Islam?


Jews have been in Britain for 400 years, idiot. Too bad most left because of the rain.

Poverty: niggers are too lazy to get a job.

Segregation: no one wants to live around niggers where they are likely to get mugged, and have to listen to the loud violent chimps get into fights with each other every day.

Less opportunities: They create the situation for themselves by acting like subhuman animals.

Nice strawman.

I didn't bring the death toll meme to the conversation, it was the other cuck

citation needed

segregation does not only exist in this form

citation needed

honestly all you are proving is that you are a massive cuck

This one is actually accurate though. Some of the death tolls here are underreported. Franco's white terror is estimated to have killed 150,000 people. Also as Noam Chomsky pointed out:

Yeah yours isn't. The "forced famine" following the Civl war killed less than a million which is comparable to Tsraist famines.

I'd be curious where these people are getting these statistics that every 10 years 10 million people were dying in Gulags. The total documentable is around 1.5 million. Even if you count people who died during transports, it's still nowhere near the ridiculous numbers in the info graph.

If I believed in your "genes = intelligence" stuff I'd feel pretty good about myself.

but its fun


I know

I'm just waiting for an eventual ban once the hotpockets get back from their reddits

make up your mind you commie

do you unironically enjoy being this much of a cuck?

Real talk: Genes =/= Intelligence
Genotype =/= Intelligence
Phenotype = potential to have/not-have better Intelligence

No that one is propaganda. But the one I posted isn't.

yes daddy

guess thats why you love capitalism so much

A coincidence can only happen so many times before it becomes a pattern.

I don't see why I would need to list all the mainly racially white conflicts that have happened through history

but I bet those are also a coincidence, right cuck?

Stay cucked.

but all the 5 mentioned there are all riots due to 'white on black' police violence
also, historically, there was no such thing as white people, so that invalidates the newer riots even more

Why won't you let me be a leftist just because i hate niggers? Maybe if they went to school instead of smoking, selling drugs, having teen pregnancies, and starting gang wars the would have higher IQS but they don't and cause trouble.
Whites and east Asians are the only races currently able to achieve socialism. Maybe B tier races like Hispanics and Indians but they need to stick to their countries first and fic them instead of trying to go to white ones

So you agree race is a social construct? Great!

You are a leftist. We just don't like you.

but they were "anglo on french" "anglo on german" and so on

I know you and other cucks think ethnicity is irrelevant and that "yuopean = white", but thats just because your kind is ignorant

get a load of this megacuck

because if you looked at things dialecticaly you would realize niggers act like niggers because economic their race is just incidental


because economics*

please go back to >>>/liberal/

Race is a social construct you cuck. That's why it was dropped from anthropology, it's not an accurate way of determining human BD. Hapolgroups on the other hand…

It just proves how stupid they are. They should be thanking the officer for removing a violent criminal from their midst, like any white community would.

How is not wanting low IQ/high aggression nigs living around you a cuck behavior. I don't want prokies stealing from us and I don't want Jamal literally stealing either.

The Ferguson police department was already being investigated for corruption. Mike Brown is the only justifiable one.

Because the Jew who pioneered ethno-socialiam literally got cucked by Friedrich Engels and you are the offspring of his cucked ideology.

wow you can't be this dumb

You can't make this shit up, they will literally riot over anything. It is their nature to explode in violence when given an excuse. Tens of thousands of years of adaptation in Africa has made them unfit for civilized society.

Far right is right about race, but useful idiots to the ruling class, military, and church. Control needs to be put in the hands of the white working class.

I don't want niggers around, they should stay in Africa. Hell I would even support token aid to any socialist groups as ling as they fix their own shit for once and stay in Africa. What are you implying, since I hate them I just want to nuke Africa, and have the rest be worked to death?

Let me let you in on a little secret
Niggers don't exist.

you should actually end yourself, you are classcucked beyond reason

Stay cucked. The police are thugs.

That's fine just stay away from us.

They do.

Niggers selling drugs, destroying their communities, and shooting each other in gang wars are thugs.

The police shoot thugs.


but somehow people fighting for over 100 years are not…

ethnicity, like class is a social construct based on markers
for ethnicity, the markers are cultural, spiritual and biological
for class, the markers are cultural and financial

asymmetric warfare and niggery diggery does not compare to more organised warfare like the 100 years war
nigs don't even hand out rations ffs

Individuals exist. Categories of people are just imaginary.

How many times have you apologized to a black man for slavery today?

get a load of this fucking cuck top kek

top kek

I see you are revving them ad homs due to getting extremely asshurt

How have I showed I'm classcucked. I'm not supporting any porky insuitations. In fact multi culturalism is obviously being supported by porky. Holla Forumsblames this on the jobs but it plenty white men of the ruling class who support this crap for there benefits.

They clearly do though. It's a group of people who we can indeitify and know of there future behavior. I don't see how this is a spook.

You avoid me but try to get along with niggers who vote for people like hilary just because they know her name. This is why the left is getting no where. Most niggers would never be able to understand real leftist theory anyway.

If you weren't classcucked you would dislike the idea of living with lumpenproles (not just throwing the word "nigger" like a good little cuckboi) due to the class conflict it creates, not because of their skin colour

If you see some black youth with his pants sagging down and mumbling in coon gibberish while flashing gang signs and mugging an old lady, you can pretty safely categorize him as a nigger.

t. someone who's never read the ego and its own

You just described an individual

No you can only safely categorize him as someone with his pants sagging down and mumbling in coon gibberish while flashing gang signs and mugging an old lady

I am just wondering how something that happened hundreds of years ago has any relevance in the modern day? I see this excuse from leftists all the time but I have never gotten an explanation. That logic is about as crazy as asking for slavery reparations.

surely if whites can stop glorious uprisings that last a 116 years blacks can stop chimping out over some guy getting shot don't you think?

It's more of a common trend among black people. Stereotypes exist for a reason, they aren't just invented out of thin air.

history proves otherwise

and yet there are still invented, imaginary abstractions which posses you like a spirit

I doubt that they as a race possess the cognitive ability to suppress their violent nature and become contributing members of society. Of course there are outliers who manage to succeed, but we are not obligated to babysit this underdeveloped race of savages at out own expense.

If you knew someone is likely to be violent, unintelligent, and participate in crime wouldn't you want to a avoid him/her?

Have you ever considered that it's not a mutually exclusive thing, race and class can be why niggers suck so much? There are trashy white people too, mostly due to being in a shitty class, but here's the thing, there are white people who have made some achievements. Any back who does make it to the higher classes is almost always an athlete or does sone sort of entertainment. Almost none of any intellectual achievements. And I'm not just talking about great achievements. Try to find any black scientifist, engineers or even simple business owners. They can't do any intellectually challengeing work.

same thing was tought about a phenotype that fought for centuries in yurop yet they managed tu supress it

no because I have seen people glorious uprising regardless of their race

You sound like a feminist talking about le ebil male menace, tbh fam

So your saying that the majority of violent criminal individuals just happen to be black by chance? What a coincidence!

you should try to be less of a sheltered cuck


I don't hear any solutions for dealing with these nigger criminals in America. Maybe we can start with something humane, like deporting them back to Africa.

what makes you belive we are talking about america?

lol this pic rules. Thank you user

Why don't we just deport you?

to a cold lonely mountain


The trend of black criminality is clearly present in the US and must be dealt with. Whether it exists globally or not is irrelevant to me, because it does not help my situation as an American.

top fucking kek this cuck

You pointing out the crime statistics in America is nothing but a damage control attempt at your own failure of recognizing the actual factors behind crime across history and across the globe

literally get good kiddo, try stepping out of your safe space sometimes

Foolish cuck. Still attempting at reasoning. Only power is rule.

that's not gonna end well for you faggots then

So basically how well you're suited to navigate through capitalist society.

I doubt anyone here has ever done the Mensa™ or any other certified tests.