Good Games

List Good Games

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I'm actually fairly forgiving on games but a lot of modern game series were always bad.

Is there some sort of subtext to this picture you've put together? In the episode SB-129, Squidward, in an attempt to avoid Spongebob's menacing curiosities, retreats to the Krusty Krab, which is closed on Sunday, so that he may find a moment's solitude. Spongebob and Patrick are hot on his trail, though, and follow him to the restaurant. In desperation, Squidward hides inside a freezer. He is trapped inside, and becomes frozen solid. He is frozen for presumably hundreds of years, when he is finally thawed by a denizen of the future. Squidward is shocked by his surroundings and commandeers a time machine so that he may travel back to his own time period. His incompetence leads him to overshoot the time travel calculations, and he ends up in the distant past. He interacts with simpleton versions of Spongebob and Patrick here, and fleas to the time machine when they show signs of aggression. Squidward destroys a component of the time machine, which sends the device into a tailspin that has him soaring through a surreal, space time dimension where the fabric of reality is unhinged. He eventually makes it back to his own time, though he is still unable to escape the whims of his annoying neighbor.

Good, old fashioned, innocuous, slap-stick, American children's comedy. Just what the hell are you trying to say? Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is an unwelcome and disastrous future that leaves a sour taste in the mouths of, and instills a sense of foreboding in, those traditionalist FPS fans who want nothing more than tight controls and realism in specific design elements that serve to compliment the underlying mechanics, and not hinder them with simplicity?

Is Battlefield 1 now an antiquated and archaic relic of a distant time that somehow arouses a sense of nostalgic longing in the memories of those who first set eyes upon it? Is this romantic perspective somehow met with hostility by supposed "contemporary fans" of the FPS genre? Is it panned and criticized for elements that some feel should be par for the course in today's industry?

I feel as though you're trying to meme something here, I just can't put my finger on it.


I was just going to sage and post a bait image to be done with this thread, but it seems there might be a hidden underlying subtext in this thread I wasn't completely aware of at all

I'm with this user, we have to critically analyze this

We need answers OP, it is obvious there are deep messages hidden in your picture and we deserve to know the truth.

dark souls
age of empires 2

is this a new pasta?

Jutei Senki. It's a really good Famicom Wars clone with a sort of Getter Robo setting.


Heaven forbid someone humorously engage with something on an imageboard instead of just posting an epic meme for you to "kek" at

My God, what have you done to your Sunday?
Why is autism allowed?

So uh, user…. You're pretty passionate about this aren't you?

This has been a good sunday


what the fuck are you even saying

What is with this silly thread I am dying I am dying

Are you trying to become copypasta, or are you actually this autistic?


And fucking saved.

I think I just birthed a new meme

I like you

What the fuck are philosophy classes teaching people nowadays?

When you have a point you have a point.


I think we have been witnesses to the birth of something truly extraordinary.

Embrace the memes user. These ideals that represent the true culture of internet will be the savior of the future.

Well, this interpretation does make sense.



Fucking saved



J-Jesus Christ.



Th-Thanks, modern education grading system.

i do not know what to think about this

autism is one hell of a drug


You are looking in the wrong direction here, my confused comrade. I have strong doubts that the meaning of OP's attached image file was rooted in any Spongebob-ian lore. My interpretation may come of as rather facetious, but I concluded in my analysis that the image reflects the eras of each respective game, as Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare occurs during a dystopian future of gratuitous violence and rapid human expansion while Battlefield 1 is an echo of the past, taking place in what is presumably the mid to late 1910s. The helmets and firearms are also indicators. With these categories established, and with the impassioned creator seeking to express this central difference, they chose two frames from a popular animation that show a stark contrast between time periods and associated said frames with the two games mention in the latter sentence for comedic effect. Hopefully, this quenches your thirst for an answer.


The joke is that Infinite Warfare is a future rehash while Battlefield 1 is niggers.



and niggers!

something isn't right here.

are you an intern who just leaked the next meme magic build by PR fags?

the fuck am i witnessing here?

It's called autism.

well, devs are autistic, sure.

After the Fable dev interview that sounds about right.

Sweet todd howard, this whole thread


What level are you operating on?


pretty nice, 11/10

It's one of the better ones, honestly.

I remember spongebob being really shit early on, like the pacing was too slow for what it was, while the newer spongebob are too random and are missing ingredients. Finally I felt like there weren't enough Patrick, he really makes up for the bulk of the show because spongebob is a fucking drone that is getting jewed nonstop and is literally a failure in life while Patrick acknowledges his failure and lives in a fucking rock.

I liked it better when spongebob actually had common sense to contrast paticks complete retardation, Rather than them both be drooling idiots.

Now THIS is the quality kind of shitposts I expect out of this place.

You made my Sunday, user. Thank you.

look i just came here so i cold reply to this as well, i'm impressed



why is she so cute


I want what this guy is having.


you, I like you

What the

I don't see why people are overreacting to this.

Posts like this should be the norm on Holla Forums but we're filled with retarded redditfags who can't even read farther than one meme filled sentence and anything longer than that is autistic and bad. Why did it become like this?


He's being autistic and missing the obvious joke. CoD is riding so hard on trying to be futuristic that it's almost keeled over, and Battlefeel is going back to the past, even literally regressing as far as the title goes. This guy does an autistic recap of the whole episode and draws out equally as absurd conclusions, missing the point entirely.





animals from reddit and imgur always scour chans for "wacky" screencaps, don't be surprised

Reddit needs to get the fuck out, they even made it look like 4chan.

Hey reddit or whatever other degenerates if your still lurking screen cap this: FUCK OFF

Someone post this thread or a screen on leddit. Im sickened by this.

woah what the fuck

this place really has fallen that far

I think I'm out of here

Where are you going to go?

We are mercenaries without a land.

I hang out on textboards and other places. Holla Forums has always been a temporary home because BBSs always go to shit in the end

and what exactly were you doing on plebbit?

Calm down, you panicked tumblrina. I just screencapped it for my own personal collection. I haven't uploaded this shit anywhere.

I reverse image searched the screencaps in this thread because I KNOW where most of them always end up


Why wont redditors leave us alone

The comment is hidden for me, I dont know if thats how reddit works or not.

I think it was downboated to oblivion or a mod straight deleted it out of butthurt


We have the dankest of memes user, gotta get that karma.


it's true m8

u aint seen any bbs's die?

This nigga right here has a good point

keeps them from coming here, at least



We know, we're just in denial.

this tbh fam

Who cares he ain't in charge anymore

I came here to get some leads on some good games, now I am stuck in this confused loop of what and then why

Anons that are actually redditors. Perhaps this is a metaphor for the brutality of the cold war. We are the great and powerful USA that has freedom and democracy. Reddit is the place of collectivism and rules that forbid the freedom of the mind. Morbid and deprived, this red menace spies on the great and mighty blue. As they see the superiority of our land, they try and copy our lifestyle, albeit, quite poorly. But the Редит will never defeat Holla Forums, the land of freedom!

kikewheels wants to sink the ship that he planked off, fucking cripple

Those screens are like 2 years old. He never cared about this place since the beginning.

"Good" is a meme. There's no objective way to measure that





Understandable since Google filters this site

Or you know in that scene Squidward is just reapeating future over and over and sponge bob and Patrick are in the past


I'm tempted to google this shit, but I'm afraid it will rustle my jimmies beyond unrsuttling




This is the price of free speech.
The price of the freedom we all cherish.

ded XDd

haha what are you, a fucking idoit?

well… that's the point

the prettiest smiles come from sadists watching other people suffer
there is no smile so pure



So, he was just pretending to be retarded then?

This thread is fucking perfect

$${\huge SHUT THE HELL UP XD}$$


I thought I would try checking Holla Forums one last time before I went to sleep. Goddamn I am not dissapointed.

We need to filter out everyone who uses leddit. This has to stop.

This pasta is Mmm Mmm

Fucking scum of the internet.



I have never seen a thread that is more of a perfect microcosm of reality than this one. This one has everything.

It's probably only going to get worse though. The death of OC as we know it.

The death of originality is older than printing.