The bongo beaters of Africa made a game
Can't wait for game journos to tear this game apart for not featuring any black people
The bongo beaters of Africa made a game
Can't wait for game journos to tear this game apart for not featuring any black people
i fucked up my OP
I meant "not featuring any white people"
I feel like such a dumb nigger
Why the fuck is it that anything marketed with african stuff in it always has Sooooool as a selling point.
Who the fuck cares about this petty shit. the only important question is: "is the game good?"
well, the other important question is if iis it worth a pirate
You're like years late about this, slower than fucking Kotaku, OP.
There's a demo available, you don't have to pirate. It's a good arcadey beat em up that takes a lot of cues from DMC with how CUHRAZY it gets.
Also there are white people in the game, you dumb nigger, you encounter 2 in the first 10 minutes, you dumb shit
Way to prove you didn't even play the game lol
looks like shit, sorry no webm
stereotyping. culture appropriation.
And totally forgot to embed
So this guy is an ancient magical warrior from Africa huh?
are his weapons and armor made out of wood?
So are you newfags only gonna shitpost and memesling like a bunch of redditfags or talk about video games?
why would I play it, looks like shit
Video games are officially ruined. I hope they don't fucking touch tabletop RPGs and movies.
movies have been fucked for a long time
so you're just here to shitpost. got it.
Why did you make a thread about it if you aren't even interested about it?
Oh wait, it's because you're probably an underaged redditfag shitposting cunt who doesn't even play video games and only comes here to memesling.
Oh fine Mr. No Fun.
I watched the video, it looks like a fucking flash game. I mean it's a masterpiece considering it supposedly came out of Africa, but that is all it has going for it.
Off topic question, are you an African game dev by any chance?
Wow you watched a video, you're soooo informed. You're right up there with let's play watchers now!
Play the fucking demo, autist.
looks interesting, might play it. Its probably more interesting than recent indie shit
At least they don't have fucking niggers making shitty movies.
What a fucking newfag, lol.
Niggers do make movies, but thankfully they are almost always movies about niggers, so its easy to screen them out.
Please go back to reddit, newfag
Nolan can learn a thing or two from this.
Fuck you, nigger, what a pointless thread.
I, for one, welcome our new African overlords. At least they aren't fucking jews.
Sorry I insulted your lifes work devfag.
He's insulting you because you're the sort of idiot that lowers the level of discourse here
No I'm calling you a newfag because you judge games before playing them yourself and for not knowing about this months ago when the demo was released and discussed here in a thread with 200+ posts, meaning you are definitely newer than that.
fuck off shill
Shit, I guess you're all right. Hold on guys I gotta play Whatever this game was called, and while I am at it I'll download Revolution 60 and give it a spin, since obviously trusting my own judgement on what looks like a shit game was a bad call.
Good, now don't come back until you stop being such a whiny little bitch.
Fucking kids these days, I swear.
See you're learning, instead of being a dumb ignorant nigger, user.
Hey before I leave and turn my life around I just gotta know, is the whole devteam in this thread, or is this just seriously your favorite game?
whole devteam is prolly one nigger and some monkeys, that would also explain the quality of his posts
Yeah, I'm getting paid to tell you to quit being a nigger.
Stop being a nigger, user.
go back to the jungle Jamal
You're further proving you're a memeslinging redditfag, m8
Look at that, you're already resorting to pointing out post numbers like some kind of forum dwelling chucklefuck.
Protip, newfag: nobody gives a shit about post count here. Try again.
This game looks like utter garbage.
Here's a pro-tip it has to advertise itself on "IT CAME FROM AFRICA" and not on how it plays.
This should be a telltale sign for those who aren't retarded that it has no real merits other than journobait
how about killing yourself
But where the video games?
It actually doesn't advertise itself on that at all, all of the direct advertisement about the game from the devs has been strictly gameplay footage.
Try not being a giant slowpoke sometime.
You forgot "shill".
not here, only marketers
He says as literally all footage and news about this game starts with
Its a less polished version of dust: an ellysian tale. Now the real question is: Furries or niggers?
Damn nigger look at that playpen, their kids are gonna have some nasty splinters.
you got your answer there
also, neither, both are shit
Quit watching Kotaku's shitty footage, then, retard.
Also why are you saging a game you're shilling so hard for.
Whatever actually has good gameplay, so furries unfortunately
No it doesn't, memeslinging retard.
why do you think sage is downvote, reddit?
You think you'd at least want to bump a thread about a game so you're obviously trying to defend.
why are you so assblasted by peoples opinions then
Hey I'm back I played the game.
it sucked
Why wouldn't anybody be assblasted about ignorant people dragging down the quality of imageboards they frequent?
I understand you want to look cool in front of a bunch of anonymous individuals who don't know who you are, but it generally helps to watch the videos you're talking about before you go talking shit.
seriously why is this guy so assblasted about people not liking a shitty game
Okay, that's fine.
Was that so fucking hard?
lol you're right!
OP made a thread about a game insulting it despite never playing it
He then claimed the game also had no white people despite the game actually having white people, proving he didn't even bother researching before posting.
And then you have you and your retard shitposting clique coming in acting blissfully ignorant and stupid, showing off how new you are and how you are trying way to hard to fit into what you think is imageboard culture.
I'm sorry you're too stupid to see the mistakes you are making.
Also speaking of newfags
Damn you hit bingo there chief.
Maybe you should you know try actually just flat out saying "Hi I'm Whoever I worked on X game, please ask questions" you'd get a better response than just trying to defend it so blindly.
o sweet child of summer
Now be honest, are the white people in the game demons trying to trick the protagonist?
Do the white people demons steal all the advanced negro-tech?
Hey, I'm having trouble finding the demo on their official website and google.
Would you mind pointing me towards the demo you used so I can download it too?
Maybe you should quit being such an anti-intellectual nigger.
Way to defend being an ignorant cunt.
Why do you even think I'm the dev or related to the dev team? Is it because I'm putting my foot down against newfags like you and that's different to you? Is it because I'm not autistically following your shitposting? Is it because I'm not retarded?
Way to prove you didn't play the demo, user, because one of the white people is a god damn religious lady person you encounter in the first 3 minutes of the game.
you can get it right here friend.
Maybe you can help me.
Where the hell's this demo at?
Oh totally bro, I too would enjoy for you to repost the link to a game I'm heavily defending.
I am not trying to shill the game fellow human.
So you really have no good defense and just are throwing around newfag hoping and praying that lends legitimacy to your defense of the game?
For the love of christ devfag I admitted I never played the demo! I was trolling you, its funny to see you lose your shit so easily!
How can you be an oldfag and not know this?
And as far as "purging Holla Forums of memes" goes, you picked a weird hill to die on.
I mean a game made by Africans? WEIRD
Listen, you started with good intentions and some faggots came in here. But drink bleach if you're going to baselessly use that accusation because you have nothing else to say.
I swear, pointing out their own dubs, can't figure out the ID tag, yelling newfag at everyone while bemoaning the "lack of intellectual discussion" on fucking Holla Forums about a game from Africa?
I think these guys are fakes!
God fucking dammit, Holla Forums, get your shit together.
That's odd, I actually think they took down the demo that they had up in September. That's kinda shitty of them to do. I'd reupload it but it's a 1.1 GB file.
Please kill yourself, it's a better use of your time than trying to fit in here, newfag.
Toss it up on MEGA or something, nigger.
See, every once in a while we get people that seem to think all games are made the same. I respect wanting to discuss video games, but this faggot needs to stop. If the game looks janky, why would I waste time on it? I could find a game that doesn't look like it's janky and try that out instead.
Are you the Felixposter from Holla Forums?
It was blatantly implied, user, a person who has been on any sort of chan long enough would know sage does nothing, meaning the act of saging isn't even worth noting. And I'm using sage right, since a bunch of my replies are off the main topic.
Yeah I'm working on it.
Seriously stop saying newfag, that retard is doing a better job than you are, and he's obviously retarded
But wait a second how would you have such an old demo, I thought you only cared because people were shitting on the game!
Figures the dev would have a copy of the game lying around.
Not even close, user.
Because I downloaded it from the thread that discussed this game back in September like I previously mentioned.
It's not like he downloaded the demo when it was public and held onto it or anything.
Seriously, you guys, this is such a basic assumption I figure you must be missing the point this hard on purpose.
ITT: A bunch of niggers astrosurfing.
Downloading the demo. I'm buying your words, user
Speaking of KANGZ and cuhrayzee has anyone played Marlow Briggs and the Mask Of Death? That game was radical.
See you too play off eachother too well. There needs to be a little dissonance here.
"Thankfully I have the demo"
"Thank you fellow user please upload it to megaupload"
"I am working on it as we speak, good non-newfag"
"Thank goodness you had this demo for the new game of the summer (tm)
It isn't very good, it tries but fails on a lot of the core aspects that made DMC/Dust good. The combo system tries, but lacks any real depth to it, and based on the demo there's a very very set "best" combo that you just spam ad nausium
Exactly. The game doesn't even look THAT bad. I'm just poking fun cause these guys gets so assmad about. (they're the devs)
Actually the game reminds me of a not as good looking Dragons Crown.
Why am I surprised?
Anyways where the fuck is the demo? Normally you'd have it on the store page or on the game's main website.
Here's some dissonance: Suck my cock and choke on it you knobgobbler. Fuck off.
user, French is an incredibly widespread language in Africa.
They took it down awhile back after people made fun of the game for being bad.
But don't worry the dev… I mean fellow user has you covered.
Good argument for you not being a shill
Prove I'm a dev. I'll wait in my mudhut in Africa :^).
I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a shill or not.
You're being intentionally retarded.
He could have just, oh, I dunno, not deleted it? Is that so fucking out there?
I wonder who could be behind this?
Obviously you do though.
Try harder next time you dumbass.
Like seriously, just honestly say "oh I'm a dev try my new game" you get better response than trying to be sneaky and failing miserably at it
that goes for
Seriously just fucking be honest about it and you won't get people making fun of you for such blatant and obvious "viral marketing".
You're right guys, after all I still have the demo for the Robocop PC game from 2003.
Oh wait, no I don't!
Get a grip
I remember journos talking about this game, said it was something like the game gamergate hates or some other junk, there was a thread back in september I think. It ended up looking like something DMCesque but a bit choppy.
user, I'm white.
I too just totally want to play the game fellow human.
This is why I posted so many posts defending a game I never played.
Also your posting styles match too much. You have to actually try to sound different when you're doing something like this.
I know, I've learned the language :^)
But seriously why are the french so "tolerant"? I think of France I think of picturesque streets and delicious pastries and basically the village from the first Layton game, not cuckolds bending over to a bunch of fucks like us
Are you pretending to be retarded or something? Why would I waste my bandwidth uploading a game for myself to download?
It's because they don't have a Napoleon anymore. He wouldn't let shit like this happen.
To shill, of course!
C'mon guys, we've hassled the devteam and his two or three puppet-anons enough.
Lets all download the 1GB demo for the 2D side scroller (that he just happened to have) so we can play it and give some honest criticism.
See, this Belkabro user was in the same thread. In fact I remember a lot of people laughing because this was a kickstarter game developed by a bunch of poor Africans that actually had a demo, and now has been released in less than a year, meanwhile SJW games and shit like Mighty No. 9 get delays or end up as non-games.
The fuck is wrong with these animations? Did they chop frames so they could save money on it?
That's really not a defense. "I can't be a shill I'm white!"
You know that's not even a defense right?
It's shit, bad combo system, clunky movement. Story is probably bad but literally no one pays attention to that shit.
You forgot to sage that time, even though that was probably the most off topic post you had.
I don't think they animate often so inbetweening is kinda new to them.
I stopped saging to further annoy you :^)
Doesn't really work that way but whatever.
Totally not shilling though
You're right, I'm not shilling, nowhere did I tell anybody to buy the game :^)
Fuuuuuuuuuck and here I was stoked for my new fun game!
Seriously these guys must actually be the African devteam, only someone raised in a society that had no concept of sarcasm could be so clueless on an imageboard.
So speaking of more KANGZ, did anyone play that
set in ancient Egypt complete with metal full plate armor that was posted here about a month ago?
Eh I figured I might as well voice actual complaints as the other two can't really even try to defend the game and instead just focus on calling people newfags
user, you are the biggest faggot on this entire site
Well the other two are just that one guy so in his defense, he has his hands full.
So where'd you play it?
Give it a sec the dev is uploading the demo now.
Is it because I posted lemon party?
Last time the demo was posted, I made fun of it in the thread then too.
Still not a defense, you've spent 33 posts all defending the game while simultaniously only mentioning it's "Totally real Sick DMClike combat (TM)" that in now way is true.
No I spent 33 posts calling proven newfags newfags while telling said newfags that they should try games out before critiquing them instead of memeslinging like redditfags.
I read the board log wrong, whoops.
nbd non.
The newfags in this thread are the ones who think they're epic trolls and keep their meaningless shill rhetoric going despite the fact that there's no chance someone would be paid to shill this. Ironically it dilutes the message and paves the way for the real shills
Good videogame discussion taking place here, and I put the blame on a dumbass OP
user I'm gonna be straight up and down with you. All shitposting and lulz aside I don't even think this game exists.
When gets done uploading the "demo" it'll probably be some virus that forwards your bank info to Nigeria or some shit.
Hmmm, but maybe in doing so the OP has unwittingly made a "shitpost zone", and the quality of discussion in the other Holla Forums topics is now higher?
I somehow don't think OP made the shitposting zone by accident.
Are you fucking with me right now, dude?
Holy shit you're a dumbass.
if anyone missed his post one second here.
Look they pretty obviously are though. Also you forget how cheap it is to pay someone to shill on a website. literal pennies
woooow you saved a screenshot of a mistaken post I made, I'm so defeated
also the demo was from September, stupid, that's not a year ago.
This game looks pretty cool.
I guess I don't know a lot of African Mythology? Really never even considered that Africa had mythology.
I mean I don't know for sure, but if this game is real, than its just very fake looking. I mean that trailer looked like it could be fake af, and its got all these African shills…
If it is real though, it probably still isn't worth a download.
Almost a year ago. See key word you skipped over.
Why wouldn't they, everyone has mythology.
It's not even almost a year ago, you dumb nigger.
There is plenty of folklore in all the countries of Africa but you have to keep in mind they havent even invented the wheel yet let alone the printing press.
What do you think they've been doing for thousands of years?
Killing each other with sticks and burning their own shit for warmth?
hmm 8 months, I'd call that almost a year.
Raping and pillaging?
Warring, slave trading, not really creating a civilization?
Being Kings and shit?
Even then, they've gotta do something in their downtime. Even hood niggers swap stories.
Guys I gotta be honest, I have just been SMASHING F5 in this thread. I woke up feeling sick and I've been feeling down for a lot longer, but this hilarious shit made it all better.
I love you guys.
It's not obvious though. The problem is, the newfaggots here have conflated "shill" with "called me a newfag and made me mad"
Most of the most claimed to be shilling are really just people disagreeing with the shitposting intentions with which this thread was made. There's a Holla Forums board for a reason
There is only one and he's did absolutely nothing wrong.
You kidding me? He has 40 posts all defending the game, and his buddy who has never played the game and is desperately asking for a demo, but don't shit talk.
Patience guys! the demo was uploaded at 27% only 30 minutes ago!
Glorious african gaemz will soon be ours!
Nigga, he was middle eastern. Babylon was where Israel and Saudi Arabia are today.
Here's an actual African who did nothing wrong.
He's not defending the game though, he's just calling out the faggots that want a shitposting circle jerk rather than videogame discussion
Shit I fucked up my geography
I have to say though, I'm extremely surprised nobody's cried >>>Holla Forums yet, so good job, guys.
Nah, not even the most basic Holla Forumsedditor is this stupid.
Btw, 91%
He defends the game right here
and then proceeds to say that how everyone who's shitting on the game is a newfag.
He then later so thankfully has a demo from 8 months ago that he just had at the ready
We all know why this board is going to shit, it doesn't need to be mentioned in every shit thread
Or, you could just check the box at the bottom that says [] Auto and it'll update the thread automatically for you. Magic. African magic.
I've got games I pirated four years ago still on my hard drive.
Cut it out, nigger.
And when I pointed out that was suspicious he called me a newfag!
I got better…
There's a difference between having it and going
"Thankfully I have the demo which was taken down, here you go my good man"
"Why thank you fellow user, I too am just an user who am searching for this game"
"I am uploading it now, make sure to tell your friends about this great experience unlike those FUCKING REDDITOR Holla Forums NEWFAGS WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND THE VISION"
So he defended it once, you mean?
I know everyone wants a shill hunt, no one is more disgusted than me with the way imageboards that brush consumer topics have been effected by viral marketing. However, using "shill" as an insult really dilutes it's power as a term around which to focus our hate for them.
I love how rather than actually address anything I've said in this thread, you'd prefer to just make up shit I never said so you look like you have an argument.
This is how I feel about people throwing cuck around too. But retards gonna retard.
No there isn't a difference, you're just being retarded
Btw the demo is uploaded, judge games for yourselves instead of slinging memes around like uneducated redditfag niggers
Patch for it
This is the one time I'd actually agree on the usage though.
Like it's pretty blatant, this isn't just some random guy going "lets talk about game X, I thought it was fun for X,Y,Z"
This is some guy getting mad that someone doesn't like the game, so happens to have a demo that was taken down 8 months ago at the ready to be uploaded and patches, all the while just so happening to have a random person also defending the game who's desperately asking for the demo
You haven't made any, you've just repeated things that the other guy has said.
You forgot newfag in that one
Yeah because your redditfaggot stench isn't infuriating
This is for braver men than I.
Holy hell you are a fucking newfag, do you not understand how computers work?
I don't think that's appropriate evidence though. He should have posted a torrent surely, but even I save all the installers I've downloaded for years in the past and if he has to take the time to upload it in the first place it implies a level of unpreparedness.
The issue is the thread was made to shitpost about the game, and those who want to do that are mad at those who don't.
I mean come on, the real shills on this board are definitely here for recent major releases, I don't know why someone would pay people to upload demos of African games no one will play anyway to a small imageboard that loudly hates Africans.
lol no i dont pls teach me sensei.
Delete system32, install gentoo
Here is a pic of the dev
user you have to remember were not dealing with your average cute harmless European shill here, these shills have been AFRICANIZED
is that before or after I hit alt+F4?
We wuz gaem devs an shieet
What do you do with your life when you look like a Junji Ito monster?
Hang out, study hard at Japanese Primary School, draw lots of spirals.
It literally costs like 3cents a post, if you get a single sale from it. You've made back your investment. Usually you generally only get Topic drops in 8ch though.
Except for major AAA, the doom4 was pretty bad shilling.
I don't even care about the game though, it's a bad game, what I care about is just how horribly obvious this guy is about his marketing
Somehow I doubt these Africans have enough money to pay people to lurk Holla Forums and upload demos in every shit thread that mentions their game
Are you really this retarded? Do you think a whole fucking continent is poor?
All they have to do is rustle up some 419 scams and they'd have enough money
user the burden of proof is on you: prove I'm a shill, where is your evidence besides "hurr he's talkign abut game on imagbord"
All it takes is one Nigerian prince, and then you've got shills out the woodworks.
I don't see enough proof to conclude he's shilling. I'm sure the hell not gonna play the game either, but the dude not only didn't start the thread, he also had to wait for his file to upload. It's just too much trouble for someone with the cash of an African game developer to bankroll
Not to mention it has none of the hallmarks of a real viral effort
Is that a yes to the "Are you really this retarded" question?
I'm seeing like a 80% chance he is. Him and the other guy play off each other a bit too well for it to be normal coincidence. Like if it was just him and him alone, I'd say he isn't, but him and the other guy just play a bit too well together.
just small things that make it seem more likely when in conjunction.
user that logic is fucking stupid. By your logic anybody on this board who has a conversation about a video game is a shill.
Yes, I am just as retarded as a guy who keeps getting anally-annihilated because people don't like his shitty game from Africa.
The difference is, I am laughing, and you are mad.
I actually plan on grabbing this game when my financial situation stabilizes.
Looks fun.
user I'm not mad because people don't like a game, I'm mad because cancer like you thinks they belong here.
spoken like a true redditor, get the fuck off this website.
It's the order marketer-kun.
If it had been
I wouldn't bat an eye
the problem is
see it's the order that matters
I fucking hate you people.
How does the fucking order matter? Any person could have replied asking for a demo at anytime.
How's this for marketing: Kill yourself, make this board less stupid.
Heres a tip, you can get the exact same game, but better, if you buy muramasa
if you dont have a wii or psp, then you can get the furry ripoff game on steam for like 2 bucks, that one is called dust.
africans have actually been murdering successful white people and taking their property, the likelyhood that supporting this game supports chimpouts is pretty good.
So you're going after him, then?
See because you don't get it is why I think you're a marketer.
Look if someone asks for something and you provide that's fine.
what he did though was completely different, he defended the thing as if he had played it, and then whoops turns out no one knows where to get the demo, he hasn't actually played it anymore.
Reversed those would be fine
logical progression
is disconnect
That's be a great idea if I had a fucking Wii or a Vita.
But I'm downloading it too, thanks user.
I'm actually kind of insulted that you think I don't already own Muramasa.
And Dust.
I like this type of game. That's why I want to play it.
No I don't get it because it's a stupid line of reasoning, and someone DID ask for something and I provided it.
What the fuck are you smoking? I have played the demo, I had it since January, around the same time on this board that Halo Online and ElDewrito had persistent generals.
Every single one of your arguments has giant holes in it. Just give up, you lose.
Good god man, that lereddit shit wouldn't work even if you hadn't thrown your own reputation away by shilling your game.
Have you tried calling me a fag?
So either you are a shill or you are a retard, neither of them is a good outcome user.
Wait did you just admit to being the same person
and you fags want a free torrent to the full game fine here, I don't give a shit because I'm not a marketer. I can't believe the rest of this board let people like you redditfags think you belong here.
No, you were talking about my posts the whole time while retardedly using the 3rd person for some reason. My god, learn how to read, you dumbass kike.
He didn't say no!
You absolute retard
No I used HE referring to the other guy and You referring to you.
You somehow didn't get that
Okay I can understand shilling and newfaggotry, but seriously why does he want us to play this game so hard?
This thread is peak Holla Forums
No, you weren't, quit backpedalling
Don't you have other things to do besides shitpost?
Good for them. Now the question is if it's shit or not.
That's going to cost them some social justice points.
Besides this I just pozz fuckboi negholes.
what? did you even read. I never referred to him as you.
see there's actually different subjects you blind user
Just for reference, there have been threads about this game before and there was decent discussion going on about what looked good and bad. The reason this thread is total shit isnt because its made by niggers
Even in a place fully and solely populated by niggers, they would still kill each other because they are not the right kind of nigger, like they did and continue to do in Rwanda, Congo and Uganda were they have done more ethnic cleansing than any other madman in history
.>911+Muhammad Picture
Also pure coincidence!
why are you quoting yourself?
Because I find it funny, of course.
Yeah go to reddit and talk about fuckbois getting pozzed, see how long it takes to get shadowbanned.
why would you try, and fail, to make a greentext comment about a picture YOU posted?
Because I found the fact that my post number ended in 911, and that the image I used featured 9/11 in it. I mistook the period for a speck on my screen. I mean it's not like we're talking about video games or anything.
Nigga you are an endless source of entertainment.
Well it's not really surprising, e41df1 acts like a cuckchanner.
WOW hours in and you finally said something that hurt my feelings!
This is some meta shit
it's like the special olympics
Ain't that the truth.
Just calling people redditors and shills made everyone so lazy. I mean, not surprising when people are 'ironically' saying you shouldn't buy a game because niggers.
And here I was hoping maybe somebody had actually played the game and could talk about it.
Then again if I wanted to talk about a videogame Holla Forums should be the last place I should go.
7e7d98 still wants everyone to believe he is doing this to improve the quality of Holla Forums, and NOT that he is butthurt over everyone laughing at his favorite game.
Oh lawdy this is gonna be good
The game's a blah Masamune/Dust clone, there's not much to talk about. The controls are choppy and the animations wonky.
And this is why these redditfags need to go, they keep pushing the "Holla Forums hates vidya and isn't for video game discussion" meme.
That pic is fake by the way
The difference with people throwing around cuck is that you can tell they are using it as a general insult, like faggot.
With shill they often really mean to call them a shill, but in situations where it makes no fucking sense and/or is baseless.
Hey retard who cares about post counts, thread is almost over anyhow.
Suuuuuuure it is
It was beautiful while it lasted user.
Was it good for you?
Well that's kind of a downer.
Are the enemies types and general combat design at least passable?
You could play the demo
I haven't played the full thing so I don't know about that. The ones I saw were passable?
Honestly the game's not really worth the bandwidth unless you're really desperate for a dust/masamune clone
tell me if its any good i'll download it
It's Muramasa, user
ah right my bad, it's been like 3 years since I played it
I could, but to be perfectly honest I have to big a backlog to begin with.
I'll wait till a sale then, if at all. Thanks for the heads up.
Ha, guess I'll never fucking find out!
This shit killed my Terraria too, fuck.
This fucking thread.
Holla Forums has some good discussions during the night, Americlap-wise. But really thread quality comes down to the quality of the OP. If, like here, they come off as snide little memesters then the thread will suffer. If they come off like they aren't a drooling retard then the thread will more likely do better.
This, previous threads about this game were good.
Check your bank account user
oh wait sorry .NET framework BS. not a virus. Sorry, jumped the gun there.
if this was a browser game it would probably be considered pretty well made, cuz it looks like a browser game
To be fair 99% of indieshit coming out these days look like browser shit
it honestly looks like some shit you'd see at comiket but with niggers instead of 2hus
i'll pirate it if i'm ever really bored and don't have anything else to play
I'm just going to go ahead and chalk this game up as cancerous.
Way to show the entire board you're retarded, user
I still don't understand why anyone expected a serious discussion here, especially since the OP was only posting because "hurr durr Africans made a gaem from sticks and rocks".
I came just to make a tame Africa joke, but I stayed for that salty as fuck shill.
They were talking about how people would give it shit for not having any black white people in it, in a snide sort of way.
Which proves you're redditfag cancer.
I love how you're still here, locked in this nosedive with me.
Till death do us part user!
OP called them bongo beaters too.
it looks like a shitty single player Maple Story with niggers
Holla Forums
I stayed the fuck away from Fallout 4 myself because Bethesda was in charge of it. And when Bethesda makes Fallout games they shoehorn in shit like replicants that just don't fucking belong in Fallout.
Hopefully a New Vegas equivalent will be out soon.
Wow. The computer effects are crude, but the martial arts are pretty damn good. That actually looks fun.
Are you actually playing the game?
What game? I'm talking about that Ugandan movie.
Shiiiit. I want to know if the white-people in this game are demons or not…
i would enjoy to see these guys given some good editors just because it would create the most wild action movie on earth
Yeah but who cares about that?
Wow, it's almost as if he was a newfag or something
Isnt that shit on by default? I dont remember ever ticking that box
You're crazy, he couldn't possibly be.
Unless using an app on your phone, yes.