Are you a commie

are you a commie




I'm starting to see its benefits, now that I actually know what it is.

you sure?


I'm a meme


Yes you are.


I'm ACTUALLY a monarcho anarchist market syndicalist with soviet characteristics, the left is retarded tbh.

ok what is that

I don't know.

The only real communist, most of you are just delusional infantile ultra-leftists

technically no, but de facto yes
believing in fascism is the best way to become a communist
believing in communism is the best way to become a fascist

Your shitty system collapsed. It never achieved socialism let alone communism.

hell nah

a "joke"

Wow, communism made those Russians so poor it turned them into niggers.


market syndicalist is basically communist. hes basically just stretching out the description of communism

you must be trolling or just stupid

I prefer to avoid the term communist simply because I think the Leninist concept of a stateless and moneyless society is retarded.

Ah fuck, it's like I went back in time to another board. 10/10

Im an Anarcho-Transhumanist-Posadist with Fascist tendencies.