What was the last game you REALLY got into?
And I dont just mean "oh yeah I really enjoyed that game" I mean fucking BALLS DEEP, GRIPPING THE CONTROLLER OUT OF FUCKING BREATH WHEN ITS OVER
What was the last game you REALLY got into?
And I dont just mean "oh yeah I really enjoyed that game" I mean fucking BALLS DEEP, GRIPPING THE CONTROLLER OUT OF FUCKING BREATH WHEN ITS OVER
I can't remember the last time.
Wasn't within the last 3 years.
There were several games that I found really fun, got excited about and wasted hours talking to people about, but not a single one that I would not trade for a decent sequel to one of my youth games.
It used to be Monster Hunter but after three generations I got gud and it no longer does anything for me.
Been playing the fuck out of Ratchet and Clank Collection. Beat Ratchet and Clank, and I had forgotten how much of an improvement over an already great game that Going Commando was. Going Commando should probably be in my top 10 or something.
Mount & Blade, 8 years ago. I do play mods now occasionally, but not as balls deep as I was into M&B beta back then.
Audiosurf 2. This is the fastest game I can think of, of course when you feed it the right tracks.
I guess it was Dark Souls 1. That was 5 years ago.
Super Mario Galaxy 2. Had a smile stamped on my face the whole time.
Bravely Default. Wasn't THAT into it until the final boss. Good God that was intense
mario kart 8 bless kexploit they really fucking made the game unfair as shit. nigger waluigi aimbotting my ass with a green shell of all things.
Dark Souls III.
I pretty much like any FromSoft game, I'm currently saving up for Bloodborne.
Probably pic(s) related.
And maybe Elite Dangerous.
I've spent thousands through Steam alone chasing something to really get into. I just can't seem to find anything that really grabs me/
Try mimic.
I don't think I've ever liked a game that much start to finish. My interest in a game always starts to trail off once the end is in sight. Not because I got bored or lost interest, but because I know it'll be over soon. There probably aren't more good power-ups to look forward to, or interesting new abilities, or many new places to find. And almost no game ever has an end boss that I enjoy fighting as much as I enjoyed exploring and such when the game was only midway through and full of possibilities, where my enjoyment is generally at its highest.
And only because I realllllly fucking love Dragon Ball.
bless you
Funny. I am not even that into dragon ball and I got really into the game. Fun game is fun.
Muh nigga
Latest game that I wanted to git gud at was Cities Skylines, mainly because that's the best modern city-sim, and Simcity was pretty much my childhood game. Well worth full price.
Cities Skyline isn't that hard though.
I remembered having a way harder time playing Sim City 3
It's fun until you actually play against another person, then you realize the combat is literally just spamming supers as combos don't really exist. And that due to the servers being shit you'll find your moves dont even connect half the time.
It's fun until you want a specific move, costume or accessory that can only be obtained from a PQ. Then you realize your chances of getting it are slim to go fuck yourself you stupid nigger; because it's RNG within more RNG for the drop system.
Don't get me wrong I was enthralled with the game from the time I picked it up to the time I beat it. But then I went to 100% it and try the online scene and my enjoyment began to take a nosedive. It's a decent game but suffers from huge issues that suck all the joy out of it once you're aware they're there.
Will buy the fuck out of XV2 though because sequels to DB games tend to be amazing.
This is objectively wrong.
Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was the definitive DBZ game (even though it's basically just BT 2+)
I don't know, none of my cities in the classic Simcity games ever broke down due to a shitty transportation system.
I'm always frustrated because I can't make it look good. Everytime I try to plan my city, I end up having it grow organically
Pretty much any shmup can get me really invested. That and Doom.
Sengoku Rance. Wasn't my first time playing it either.
There's just something about building your army and conquering everything in this game, once I start, I can't stop for days.
sim city traffic doesn't mean shit since citizens aren't tracked. just a general hit to efficiency. git gud
For me ace combat 5 and specially zero, i spent more time in it that i can remember, i could never get an ac4 sadly
Dark Souls 3
Holy shit it's great return to the form after nonsense that DS2 was.
S4 League. I was so addicted to the game i refused to leave the trainwreck until season 7 when they added craftable FP weapons which are much more powerful versions of existing underused weapons like Gauss Rifle (literally Smash Rifle aim with a close range burst attack that can one hit) and Lightning Bomb (slows and drains all SP for 3 seconds).
I don't enjoy games that way, I'm a grown manchild. I would say the last game I really enjoyed was Human Revolution. The original one with the piss filter. Comfy, comfy game.
This fucking game.
probably the binding of isaac rebirth, i spent a good 45 hours on that baby
Soul Sacrifice Delta.
Metal Gear Solid V, which is part of why i was so disappointed with it in the end. I sunk 85 hours into it over 6 days, i dont think iv ever gone so hard at a vidya before, not even during my MMO days back in highschool.
Beat it earlier this week. Holy fuck that was a blast
DmC3. But then the difficulty ramped up too much in the final stages and it stopped being fun
But then I found
But then the difficulty ramped up too much in the second to last stage and it stopped being fun
Mount Blade Warband and NapWars. Been playing through Dragon Quest Series, Baldurs Gate 2, Original Doom. All of them have me pretty balls deep invested.
user seriously, get AC4. That shit is incredible.
Probably Flower. I'm not big on art games, but Flower was a lot of fun, and it was very pretty.
Pikmin 3 and Dong Freeze were pretty fucking good too, but I wasn't overwhelmed by them or anything.
First dungeon crawler I ever got into. Tried some other titles but they just didn't compare in terms of atmosphere. Mostly due to sound design.
FEAR. I replay it every so often and I always get really immersed in it. Nothing new really does it for me that strongly. I'll enjoy them, but never as much as I always love some of the classic shooters.
Bloodborne. Fuck i love that game so much.
Just started the Yakuza series a week ago. I just started 3 right now - I have 4 and 5 ready to go once I'm done. I cannot wait for 0 and 6 to come to the states. I really want to play Ishin, too, but I guess I'm gonna have to learn moonrune for that one.
But holy fucking shit, this is easily one of the best vidya series I've ever played. Each game is a wholesale improvement over the last one. The last time I enjoyed something this much was the first time I played through MGS3. I can't put the controller down without wanting to get right back to it. 10/10 amazing series, would recommend to anybody.
Ryuji, Kage, and Majima a best
I love these fucking games so much.
My ps2 died long ago, and the emulated games don't run well , from what i've heard, yellow squad seems good enemies tho
If you have a good CPU (2500k/3570k/4670k or better, maybe FX8350 if you don't mind some slodown from time to time) it works mostly fine.
Probably the DD:DA remaster.
It had a lot of flaws, but holy shit did it take me for a ride.
FEAR 2 is better than FEAR in every way :^)
Super mario galaxy was comfy as fuck to play through. Just had an uncharacteristically sad ending for a nintendo game.
Pic related was pretty much the same as well. You had the epic adventure and saving the world vibe while the whole thing still had lighthearted goofy characters and moments. I remember really liking the final fight, felt really epic.
Both games had a lot of collectibles as far as I remember. For galaxy you got to play as Luigi… Was there anything special about getting all completion in twilight princess besides upgrades?
Damn can I get sauce on that track?
You're wrong. :^)
thx m8
Chrono Trigger on the PSX around 5/6 years ago. I really need to play something as good as CT.
KI: Uprising. Only just got around to playing it in 2014.
I played the game in two, day-long sessions. My wrist was sore for the next month.
Gradius III
You're pretty much describing any arcade single-credit experience though OP.
Tree of Savior, its not that great, I just went full autist into theory crafting character builds.
How disappointing, the SNES version is significantly better.
Have you played Final Fantasy Tactics?
Bayonetta, probably.
No but i really want to. I've heard that you can get to lv 99 like on the forst stage or something.
When I was younger, I poured a massive amount of time into Morrowind. I put hundreds of hours into my character, combing the entire surface of the world for every little thing to do or quest to complete. I meticulously lined up potions and artifacts in my houses and other living spaces - my Redoran fortress, a Telvanni tower I stole, Thirsk, the Raven Rock estate, and a room in the Vivec Mages Guilds that I eventually cleared out. I had shit hiding in the rafters, I imagined the traps and shit put in place, oh but it was glorious.
That was over eleven years ago, though. In the last year, the only game I really enjoyed as Dragons Dogma. But not to that same degree. And sure, other games are fun. But I've never been so enraptured since.
So instead I shitpost in Holla Forums Morrowind threads about how it was the perfect game and everything after it was shit.
What's stopping you, user? It's excellent and you could be emulating it right now.
It never makes sense to me why the series never caught on in the west, it's amazing.
Yes it's a wonder why it never caught on on the west.
Sleeping Dogs and GTA Chinatown wars did well I thought.
And PS exclusive isn't the worst thing at this point, at that point being on Nintendo/Xbox platforms would have killed it. And nobody really cares about PCs in Japan
They did well because they weren't exclusives. The entire purpose of exclusives isn't to have the series become widespread and successful, it's to sell hardware.
For me it was either Speed Runners or Naruto Storm 4, or Planetside 2 with Holla Forums, not the ending, that was shit, but the Might Guy vs Madara. I don't know why, but the Madara boss battle felt really neat, albiet boring after awhile, simply because of the visual effects giving fucking awesome feedback. I didn't like the "push button to continue" cut scene either, but for some reason it didn't actually detract from the sweaty controller syndrome.
For Speedrunners, I was playing with three friends, and we're all pretty damn good at the game, so it'd take a long time for people to die. That ended in the screen getting extremely tiny and it made even the smallest of movements tense.
Planetside 2 was great when Holla Forums did stupid shit together, for example, we drove behind NC enemy lines and we kept on being bombarded by the most saltiest of OP creations of cthulu's upgrade system. We only survived by the neck of our hairs and when it was over, I realized how close to the screen I really was. (I didn't die until the very end, and I wanted to keep that shit up because I was getting lots of kills on that life. That only added to the tense nature of the situation)
It was only made even more tense when pro/lifeless squads smelt our shit and started to bombard us with heavy units and sniped us off from afar.
Same here, I just finished Yakuza 3 a few weeks ago, and now I'm doing Saejima's story in 4.
What surprises me about the games the most is the amount of detail and interactivity. The city's you visit have loads of content between substories, minigames, and exploration. Also, the minigames themselves are great, and rarely ever feel like they're just tacked on. And the story is pretty fucking good, there's not a dull character.
Thief Gold.
Beginning of this year when I replayed it for the god knows what time becasue there is really nothing else that was abel to grab my attention for more than 30 minutes since years.
Tried that recently, Bafford's Manor was good, the mines were linear as fuck and pretty shitty, and then the catacombs took it to a new level of shit and I just stopped playing.
Does it get significantly less shitty after the catacombs?
Not him but fuck yes, Thief 1 has some shit undead levels but it has some of the best stealth missions ever too. Keep playing, I don't know if you've played Assassins (amazing mission btw) but after that one there's Thief's Guild which is fucking garbage, if you ever feel tired of a Thief level, search for a guide with no shame, it really is a game with flaws, but an amazing game indeed.
Just wait for Thief 2, which is 10x better
I still get shocked at how much there is to do in every one of these games. I have already sunk 12 hours into Yakuza 3 and I'm only on chapter 6. I spend so much fucking time with the side missions and minigames, it's awesome. I wish more people I knew played these games so that I can talk more about them with people. It's a shame that it's a relatively unpopular series. That's probably why we aren't getting Ishin or the HD remake of 1 in the west. Oh well.
Yakuza general when?
Well if SEGA could be arsed to release them on PC and XBOX then perhaps more people would talk about them yet they do not realize that the West hasn't cared about Playstation since the ps2.
Mount & Blade: Warband with Anno Domini installed. Was hunched in my computer chair for a week straight, had to lie down flat for 48 hours before the intense pain in my back went away. Before that, it was Dominions 4. Before that, it was Elona +.
Been a good year for me.
Sega doesn't care much about the west in general though. Also, Xbox sales are terrible worldwide, especially in Japan. PC I can understand, but why would they feel the need to port it to a failed console?
Dynasty Warriors was the only series that ever gave me that feeling.
And now it doesn't even give me that feeling anymore…
They didnt port it to the 360 when it was at ots biggest on the west which is just apalling
Well, it may be wrong to look at it this way, but at least the series being an exclusive gives me something to look forward to buying for my Bloodborne box. Man, I regret that purchase everyday I wake up. But with KH3, Yakuza 0 and 6, and Deep Down coming out eventually, I'll soon have something to play on that glorified paperweight.
I've been enjoying lots of older vidya I missed out on. This are my recent games that sucked me in.
Only thing that sucked in Y2 was that random encounters were capped. I maxed them out in two chapters (cause fighting is so damn fun in this series) and was left with nor random fights till the end of the game.
The level of detail in Y1&2 made you think "Wow this is just a PS2 game." and make you ponder how vidya regressed with time.
nigga DS3 will feel like GARBAGE in comparison to that game. Easily my 2015 GOTY.
Finished catacombs and am now on Assassins which is definitely more my style. Who thought those shitty undead/spitting lizard shitter levels were a good idea?
From a PS4 to PS4 perspective, sure, but DS3 at 60fps and
Great fucking taste m8
I recently got a new PS3 and I´m getting into games I missed out on (because of college)
MGS4 is rad, Bayonetta is cool and Alice MR is Ok
aw, shit man, that sucks. While I do agree that BB would benefit GREATLY of being on PC (given the high speed of battles and headache-inducing amount of chromatic aberration) the game is still fucking great and very playable. The load times are reduced somewhat and loading between Hunters Dream and an area you were just in (for leveling) now take like 5-10 seconds.
I never got how people couldn't get into certain games because of low framerate, though. I don't notice that many drops from Bloodborne now, although they were certainly there at launch. But as long as a framerate is constant I don't really have a problem with it being Dragon's Dogma 360-tier.
You can tell that game wasn't finished.
It still hurts user.
fuckin this.
The car sounds in the game are fucking music to my ears
Vanilla World of Warcraft, Over 10 years ago.
I don't think I have put more than 100 hours into any game since then.
he never said anything about kojima
At the very least it should run on the PS4 NEO at a solid 30fps with no dips, even without any NEO specific features or patching done on fromshit's end simply because of the significantly (from an underpowered console perspective) boosted specs it's supposedly boasting and it's allegedly being released in October.
Depends on the game. In an action game where timing or accuracy is important, anything below ~60 feels choppy, and dips below 30 are nauseating and really fuck with the flow of the game. Do you remember how consolefriends were going apeshit over SoTFS (despite being a shit game) running at 60fps after only experiencing it at
Pure cancer.
It will hurt forever like a Phantom Pain
Bravo Kojimbles
Jesus you sound so spoiled and retarded mongrel, off yourself.
Reddit please leave
Wherever you are, remember you're my chimpanzee anonymous.
Mount and blade is also my answer
Dynasty Warriors 8 XLCE on PC was an absolute blast for me from start to finish, have you played that one?
If not Hyrule Warriors might capture it again for you, unfortunately you can either pick spectacular graphics with the Wii U game or all previous DLC + exclusive content with Legends on the 3DS where you can tell the game's supposed to look way better than it does.
If so
My first and only stealth game
Mount & Blade and Assault On Dark Athena
Except i haven't finished M&B, it's good but it feels incomplete
Are you a fucking casual or somthing, atleast i finished dmc 3 even though the final boss too 2 hours of constant retries.
I actually play video games so I don't use consoles little buddy.
lol enjoy your scrub d-pad there, poorfag
How do you even play something like MGR or T:Devastation with a keyboard
With that said, that kind of feeling that most of us play for is a dopamine hit. We're been chasing it our entire lives through Vidya, and it always comes with diminishing returns.
People Ultimately fail to understand this- and it's a large part of what causes nostalgia that overrides your perception of a better game, objectively.
A great example is Ocarina of Time.
So new, exciting and peer hyped was the game that the dopamine hit it gave younger players at the time created an experience that, in the player's minds, can never be overwritten-Even if it's not the objectively best game in existence, players will continually believe so, because the dopamine hit they recieved is unparalleled. You could recreate the mainstream hype, new systems and expand upon it, but the players will never come to feel as if the objectively better game is better than OoT.
I stopped playing for the dopamine a long time ago. Now i play for challenge and music.
This is what separates the Gamer from the normalfag- studies with apes show that the further you increase within your social hierarchy, the higher the dopamine hit you receive from it becomes. The True Gamer has learned to supplement this with the power gain and experiences found in video games.
Where the normalfag seeks to gain power through social means, we learn to seek power through the grind, and skill building.
This also explains the profound praise that World of Warcraft recieved- It has the ability to stimulate both the driven power-seeking gamer and the socialite normalfag, while also teaching 'Gamers' the value of the social hierarchy. This is why there are still people that refuse to give up the Skinner box, as it exists. The twofold dopamine hit it gave players is unmet by any other game to its players.
In truth, the drive we experience through our own form of dopamine chasing is more powerful than the drive any normalfag experiences- if a 'Gamer' can correctly apply that drive to real life, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. The problem is that this is extremely hard to do, as we have spent a majority of our life's pursuing a different subset of skills to the ones that yield social and economic benefit, and must relearn many of those skills from scratch
T. Autiste~
Wrong. Rather than seeking the dopamine hit from pure experience, you are now powerseeking for the same reason. Defeating challenge has become the trigger for that release. This is the superior form of dopamine-chasing amongst gamers.
You have a point, i just got dark souls and felt good after defeating taurus boss. I still like to play for thd music too. damn the smt games have kick ass music
Nice try, let's have a match in gran turismo or tekken
nah it was a shit game
While I'm generally all for controllers in cuhrayzee titles (in DMC4, you use the fucking number keys to switch styles and arrow keys control the camera), KB+M actually works pretty well for MGR except for the inverse mouse acceleration, why the fuck does that exist. Ripper Mode and Offensive Defensive are a single button press, and I found it easier to aim Blade Mode with mouse. I actually beat Revengeance mode with KB+M.
Haven't enjoyed a game this much since Cave Story back in 2012.
What is the DS version like?
For FPS, TPS, RTS, RPGs, Grand Strategy, 4k, and various puzzle/rhythm games.
Stylish Action, Bmups, Fightan, Racing, Platformers, and ARPGs not so much.
Some puzzle games are better on controller too. But its more action puzzles that work.
Usually when I finish a game, it's usually done and I don't come back to it for a long time. I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma, then bought Black to see the differences between the two. I played Normal and Hard back to back, and finally got my ass kicked enough on Very Hard (as well as started to lose fucking sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about the game) to put it down. All the Devil May Cry games can suck a dick, it's the best 3D action game ever made.
That looks edgy, in all the right ways.
So then it's always fun
When will this meme die?
it was totally classic edgy, just a semi silent protag murdering demons and ninjas by the truckload it was fantastic
My friends and I still meet up monthly for Regicide
Fight stick > controller > kb
Are you a masochist?
Controllers are the absolute worst though. thumb is slow as all fuck and you cant input alternating directions anywhere near as fast as you can with a keyboard. Stick is better, but even then you have travel time slowing you down below a keyboard. A keyboard is literally the fastest and most precise input device of the three for anything that doesn't have more than 8 directions of movement.
So racing vidya is a no-no
my potato can barely run ps1 games, and the overheat is enormous
Vanilla WoW
Who dat
GOTY 2014, easy.
never ever
Running the daily challenge yesterday through Greece in the Hyundai and getting a top-tier time was pure sex.
mgr;r and hitman tm
dragon's dogma dark; dark arisen
but even then driving wheels which are commonly supported on both PC and consoles crap on controllers so they almost always lose.
Controllers are shit for anything that isn't fairly simplistic and designing certain genres for that shitty control scheme is part of what has been killing video games for a long time.
The fps genre pretty much went to shit when everyone started copying halo and cod and designed their games for consoles.
Just played through both as well, I have 2 and 3 on the side to play through later on in the year as well. I've heard 3 is pretty bad though so I may just stick it on the shelf and not touch it…
Dragons dogma. Sorceror/Assassin GOAT
This game. I'm no fan of strategy games (nor was I ever good at it), but never before had I been so hooked at a game and feel really connected to it. Most of the time I would rage at my troops for having crappy aim against an enemy that's FLANKED and CLOSE RANGE or feel happy when my troops beat a mission really easily. Just seeing them grow from Rookie to the highest rank killing alien baddies makes it enjoyable to me.
And (being the lonely user that I am) I pretend back in the Avenger, one of my troops would simulate as "The Avatar" as the squad leader (from Fire Emblem) and be in a relationship with another troop. Other soldiers would also be paired as well. Might as well call XCOM ShipCOM huh or XCOM: Fire Emblem?
God they need to patch this game up and fix it, but other than that I'm really enjoying it.
Hotline: Miami
I remember playing it with the volume all the way up on that one level with the bomb. Except I didn't know about the bomb and just ran into the door. The explosion was extremely jarring, especially since it stopped the music. It was freaking great.
Fucking Doom with Demonsteele, holy fuck that shit is fun when fully learn how to control everything
Same, but for Wrong Number. I spent two days beating it on Normal and Hard, then going back and doing all the normal levels at A+ or better. Best fun I've had in years.
Keyboards are actually best for fightan, you ignorant retard.
mfw still no pc port for any E-su Konbatto game
Dark Souls III most likely. I had a few moments where I clutched out through a tough boss and started pumping my fist in celebration. Did the same for Bloodborne as well.
Are you me user?
Because those are the first two games I've finished after I downloaded Dolphin.
This is weird
Arma 3 with ACE 3. Holy shit it made the AI better.
I… I can't remember. I enjoyed a lot of games these recent years, but games I REALLY got into?
I swear you niggers are doing this on purpose.
Yeah, no. The travel time you speak of only exists if you're a hamfisted fucktard, like yourself. Even then for fighters, it also comes down to preference. Stick, controller (fucking Snake Eyez) are good. Keyboard is absolute crap. Hitbox is the best though. But seriously, you people are the last idiots that should ever talk about fighters. You need to stop talking about shit you don't understand.
And Ace5. That was a magical experience. I don't know if I was left fiercely gripping the controller or more of "Whoo, baby! That's some good fucking video games!"
Tacticians best unit!
I'm gonna go with Dragon's Dogma. Gameplay was stellar, story was surprisingly good, replayability was through the roof. Great game, one of the best I had played in years.
Open-Horizon is a thing, at least.
Well I didn't see that shit coming. Apparently Smug plays with pad too.
MGSV but it only happens in spurts, yesterday was the latest.
Its literally impossible for you to make alternating directional inputs at the exact same time with anything but a keyboard or one of the very few controllers/sticks with button-based directional inputs. Yeah, if you are fast enough it isn't an issue, but that's considering user ability and not strictly the hardware.
Xenoverse, Metal Gear Rising and Yakza 4 are all good candidates I've seen here.
As far as totally into the game, DoAX3 is most recent. I wasn't at the edge of my seat, but fuck if I wasn't comfy enjoying my fake vacation with virtual babes.
For ones that weren't mentioned and are edge of my seat material, either Skyrim or Persona 4 qualify. I could not put either down and both had me immersed and in suspense.
One of my motivations as a pilot IRL is this game and this song
Witcher 3. I really enjoyed that more than I had any right to.
Hey could you post gamertag I've been looking for others who still play it and just have fun
I still play that religiously.
I quit CS: GO and was guilty of paying for skins and keys. Never fucking again.
Whoa i thought the series started to suck after 4.
I judge how into a game I am by how much it ruins my sleep schedule
Fuck Battlefield 3 I just wanted 5 images, MGS V had my attention for two weeks straight and it was at least 6 hours a day playing that shit until the last story mission. It still hurt like shit though.
How the fuck do you squeeze so much out of a game so devoid of content like MGSV?.
God Hand
Played it about 2 or 3 summers ago and loved every minute of it.
That summer as particularly hot in the area I live. I wasn't sure if I was sweating from the heat or how intense that game got with all the bobbing and weaving.
It was definitely the game
In what way? It gives you plenty of shit to fuck around with. I think some of you have confused "large open areas with very little to nothing in them" with "has no content"
MGS3 alone lasted me 300 hours of fucking around.
Well i've got around 70% of the game in last than a week. Most of the content is repetitive and boring, new items just don't do it for me, why the fuck did they use the PW formula while not making it co-op friendly was a dick move.
Monster Hunter 4
I think I'm done with Monster Hunter though. I gitted too gud and I no longer feel the thrill of danger.
Now I'm waiting for vid related. And AM2R.
I remember that in the SEARS where my mom used to work they had a Ninja Gaiden Black demo, I played it so much that when my brother in law gave it to me on my birthday he was so impressed seeing me doing all the crazy combos and shit
I wish that I could go back in time to play it again for the first time
Bayonetta 2. Completely fucking blew me away. The first one is proof that you didn't outgrow games, they're just really shitty now. And then 2 did what a sequel should do - take what was great about the original and build on it. It's not fun in that way you feel now when a game at least meets your mediocre expectations for modern games; it would stand tall compared to games from older generations. Completely unrestrained by modern "cinematic experience" shit or lazy game design. Even if Kamiya wasn't in the trenches making this game, it still felt the same way his games feel, like passion projects from a guy who loves video games.
It was the first time in probably half a decade where I got that feeling. And I know I'll think of at least one more example after posting this.
Damn, that actually looks really good.
Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone. First time I enjoyed anything in a long ass time
Every time I play IIDX or any music game really. I have developed an addiction to this shit, it gives me a rush to FC a song I wasn't able to before.
At least his taste in smug grills is top tier.
Some DSIII bosses did that for me.
Dark Souls 3, for sure.
Rocket League, before that and currently.
Just Cause 3, mostly when wingsuiting.
You need to learn your delays.
I played Cryostasis a few days ago. I was pretty frustrated with the game at times, but when I finally got my final 'you won now have a happy scene to celebrate' part I had tears in my eyes. I want to play another game. What are some other good singleplayer shooters?
Yakuza 5's coliseum is fucking TENSE.
The game is basically a cakewalk compared to that place, even the Amons can be cheesed, not the coliseum.
If you're Kiryu, you need to perfect your counters, but there are some bosses who don't even let you do that, so you have to rely on fundamentals to best them, no mistakes or they stunlock for a hell of a lot of damage and there's one that cannot be stunned at ALL.
Each one has his own gimmick or set of moves and they're built up from previous games. You can also fight the other player characters after a certain point.
It's where the game does NOT FUCK AROUND, especially if you're on any difficulty above normal.
What do you mean by REALLY got into?
Spent hours playing while forgetting the world?
Robocraft. Mainly because PvP dogfighting is the best.
Star Fox Zero was pretty fun, but I haven't had a balls-to-the-wall experience in years. MGR was probably the closest i've had in a while, but I got 2 gud, so it doesn't really hit the same anymore. Homeworld 1 also really gripped me, that is a hell of an intro.
What other games should I go to for the real good shit? Like, something that will get my blood running, either from intense action ala Rising, or a gripping story with some very in-depth strategy like Homeworld? Good music always helps.
Too bad they gimped strength builds with that poise bullshit. If i'm decked out like a brick shithouse, I don't want to be stunlocked by a goblin man with a dagger.
There needs to be more saiyan women in my life
Can't wait for Blood & Wine
Even the cover looks baller as fuck
The DS version has a more accurate translation, some extra dungeons with absolutely, STUPIDLY game breaking loot, and the anime cutscenes from the PS version.
The lack of load times is worth it, really. I couldn't imagine playing through the whole thing with load screens for every battle.
This right here.
And Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well, almost 6 years ago when it came out.
You know how we can tell Xcom 2 is shit?
The new DLC is out and noone is talking about it.
Even Fallout 4's DLC is being talked about, noone wants to talk about Xcom 2: Chess edition.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PPSSPP with cheats.
I'd already put 500ish hours into it over the years and never got past Tigrex, just kept getting bored and restarting. This time though I blew through the game in like 6 hours and got to enjoy all the stuff I never saw before.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Seriously fun as fuck game.
F-zero GX
holy shit, that fucking lightning stage with the twisties and the inverting tubes with no rails.
Or when you've got boost power! on the final stretch and your boosting to a photo finish.
To be fair GC doesn't have that many good exclusives to play (especially if you don't give a fuck about Mario and Zelda games) and a good chunk of it's exclusives were ported to Wii which narrows down it's game library even further.
Killer 7 has a PS2 version but fuck playing this game on anything other than a GC controller.
Thieving Japs better give back Chocobos to polandball and Witcher.
God Hand.
Even though I'm absorbed in Stardew Valley right now, it's just not the same.
The vampire theme makes it a lot more interesting than the boring gay shit about war and Wild Hunt.
I actually got really into some of the few not garbage sections in F.E.A.R Perseus Mandate last night. There were some good ideas there, too bad unlike the other expansion, they didn't llay to the game's strengths at all most of the time. The level design was abysmal, but unlike the rest of the game, it actually activated my fight ot flight instincts in some parts. The abandoned city was the only good part, the rest was a completely unfun grind
The last one?
Evergrace. That was about five years ago.
These two were probably a couple of the last two to have me pumped up in general
Fun game, honestly haven't had that much fun in a while. Even ended up making a picture too, even if it was shitty
As for Madworld
While my story wouldn't be as detailed, the graphic art style, the rock, rap soundtrack with lyrics all designed to make me want to Fuck people up, and hell, I'll even say the wiimote controls ended up working quite well for the game, the announcers being assholes with bantz made it that much better
Sweet, my friend lent me his copy and I've never played it before.
Noice, similar thing happened to me.
HellMOO, before it went to shit.
It went to shit a long time ago.
Team Fortress Classic before that.
Closest thing would have to be Birth By Sleep when the 2.5 Remix came out. I didn't play it on PSP, and it managed to get me to play it all the way through in about a week. The way you got new abilities was enthralling, I ended up having as much (if not more) fun playing SMT-lite with the moveset as I did with the actual game itself. I hestitate to say the rest of the series should have a system like that, but other games in the series should have a system like that.
Hard to believe that was about a year and a half ago.
Do it, user. Do it for me who can never be a pilot. Thanks, genetics.
Shit game
Man I've never felt comfortable with a beatmania controller, I'm not sure why. I used to play DDR in its handheld forms, including a PSP homebrew one that let you insert songs. I know the rush you're talking about but at a more casual level.
This actually hurts, nothing but change and broken dreams. Be a damn good pilot user.
Witcher 3
Danganronpa 2
>inb4 not a game
Just killed Champion Gundyr with 5% health remaining and no flasks god damn
I was in a similar situation with Dragonslayer Armor at 40% health.
why can't the bosses before Sulyvahn be challenging? I really wish the Abyss Watchers had more health because they would be fun if the fight didn't last 20 seconds.
SMT strange journey. It is insanely good.
This, I guess.
Dark Souls 3 was kinda fun even though I hate Souls games but like all Souls games the last few hours are extremely anticlimactic for some reason.
Oh yeah, the ending was something else.
If you got the good/right ending. Yen/Ciri alive.
fuck sakes, no better feeling than that shit
To this day I still don't understand why people have difficulties with O&S
I believe if you ever pick up gambling you will have as much fun losing money as you do playing Xcom2
Feels good being a youngfag tbh. I can actually enjoy vidya without complaining about how 2007 was the year when everything went to shit.
What is the best version of this/remakes and sequels that aren't on an Xbox huge? As in, are the PS3, wiiu release any good?
Spotted the peasant
I can't remember the last time I got into a game in that way but I have been getting autistically into fighting games. Grinding combos out is a pain in the ass sometimes but worth it to me.
Witcher 3 and The Long Dark. Long Dark especially, I'll do the sandbox every now and then when updates come and play it for a few weeks seeing how far I can get.
now they added a fucking radial menu in the long dark though and i'm salty about it. 3rd person games are whatever, I honestly mostly prefer using a controller for 3rd person and I'm not sure why. Long Dark is first person though, and the menu we had on PC was absolutely fine. just a fucking hindrance really.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Order of Ecclesia before that
I really fucking hate Konami now
I've been waiting for a FF5 job system rpg for a damn long time
Or even better
Dex/Pyro is the best
I wasted entire week playing it everyday and watching random faggots play it on second monitor for new ideas.
Good thing I stopped because I have exams next month.
I am returning to it imminently after them to finish my religious communist utopia based on one way road design.
Also Black Desert seemed like a game I want to get into but I am having hard time finding time for it.
I feel you… FFXI here too. So long Vana'diel. Fuck you Abyssea.
Shadow Warrior is the closest i got to that state. but that's because as a reboot it isn't shit and infact is fun as fuck. but i haven't reached the end yet because i tend to play it in 3/4 hour bursts.
You best be joking m8
Sengoku Rance.
If demos count, then Nioh. Otherwise I guess it would be Terraria.
Monster Hunter 4u with Generations around the corner, EDF 4.1, Splatoon, bayonetta 2, wonderful 101, Bloodbourne come to the top of my head.
wow what shit taste..
are you 16?
Terraria with Holla Forums was a fucking rollercoaster.
I loved it.
Too much fun
Good taste. I really need to beat W101.
I miss my old profile, it was fun as fuck and when I added mods, it gradually became a better as time went on.
Jesus, I'll never be able to get that sense of rediscovery again
When I beat FEAR I immediately started another playthrough.
Black Desert Online is the tightest shit to come out in 2016 by far. I'm still playing it every day.
Face of mankind.
Now, this was an MMO, so it didn't really have an end (until the servers shut down of course). But I played that shit so fucking much. Entire school vacations would go 48 hours of being awake and playing FoM followed by 12 hours sleep. Day in, day out. Hung out with some friends every friday or so, but still, barely did anything else.
This game had so many problems, but some of the things it did, it just did so well. I just can't play any other MMO anymore, they just aren't good enough in player freedom, player interaction and roleplay.
Some other contenders are:
Rainbow six 3
Wolfenstein enemy territory
Cultris 2
All of them I still play somewhat regularly (or in cultris 2s case, every damn day). But none reaches FoM level.
Mastering the mechanics of this game was some of the most fun I've ever had playing vidya. A while back I spent a solid year refining the muscle memory needed to do all the special techniques and ended up unlocking everything the game had to offer. FZX is next on my list but I've been too lazy lately.
Also anyone who says "Hurr KB+M is best for everything with no exceptions" has never played a racing game in the vein of F-Zero, Wipeout, or FAST. You'd get your ass handed to you if you attempted to play those games with a keyboard+mouse or, god forbid, a racing wheel.
Same here. Played Gradius for NES recently. Fun and addictive but hard as fuck!
I have no problem with racing wheels, but they're for games where you control cars. Not hovercrafts that travel at 2000+ kilometers an hour. There's too much travel for the wheel to make for instant switches from a hard left to a hard right over and over and over again, you'd never be able to pull off any maneuvers in GX with that holding you back.
You got to be kidding me.
Oh it's real
It's real, son
No matter how hard I try I can never find the sauce on that pic.
My second playthrough of mission 29 was one of the funnest things I've ever done. Also it makes me happy how assmad some of you faggots get over people loving this game.
Digital Devil Saga. I can't make a "What I played/expected/got" poster, but I'll post the images I'd have put in the what I got section.
It was fucking metal.
GX is a masterpiece that will(probably) never be topped. The game is timeless. I honestly think it's the best racing game ever made.
you idiot, there was a day 1 infinite combo that was never patched out, you did something like, (light, light, heavy xx teleport xx block x N)
the block cancels the teleport delay animation and the enemy is still in hit stun so you just repeat with light again forever.
I'll absolutely second that. It's like a bittersweet feeling that a better arcade racer will never be made, yet at the same time we still have the greatest one of all time and it isn't going anywhere. The combination of pure breakneck speed, twitch reflexes, brutal track design, and downright awesome music will never be matched. Add memorable characters, a fun and campy story, and plentiful mechanics to master and it makes for what I would consider a perfect game.
Fuck Nintendo for sitting their asses on a pile of gold and claiming to not know what to do with it. It's been 12 years, that should be long enough to figure out that what you need to do with it. You have an absolutely autistic amount of backstory and source material to work with, as well as two masterful 3D games to reference. Quit bringing things back with gimmicks and bring F-Zero back with a fucking vengeance.
Burnout 3, it feels fun to race around the world and wreck shit up. It also reminded me of how carefree the world was during the 2000's, at least before the depression. When did we start taking everything too seriously?
Nab Robobot, if you were floored by Triple Deluxe you'll shit yourself with Robobot.
My niggas, I think that might be my favorite game of all time. My GOTY will most likely be the PC port.
You're clearly new here, so let me tell you that MGSV isn't considered shit, but rather the biggest incomplete disappointment to many people on Holla Forums
I'm salivating at the mouth right now. I'm so glad Hal still knows how to make a proper Kirby game.
Dragon's fucking Dogma
I had already beat it trice(with the same character) and I just beat my first BBI run yesterday. The Daimon fight was really fucking fun, though the living armor faggot before was harder.
Lode Runner for MAME and Lode Runner for NES.
Those games are Mega epic and will have you glued to the screen for hours.
How does this video make you feel.
I'd maybe watch this one first though (and take some acid.)
Condemned, Dead Space, and RE4
The only games I actually gave a shit about collecting ==fucking everything== in
Funfact, beating Krauser is easiest with a knife.
Where the character slowly waddles through boring stages and effortlessly attacks standstill enemies. I've tried both 3ds titles and they give no challenge at all. Colorful and enthralling animations aren't enough to make a good game.
You get a lot of the slow shit on the early levels, the later ones crank up the movement, number of enemies, and enviromental hazards. The bosses and music are also really good.
You can't possibly convince me that Triple Deluxe isn't good on the merit of Dedede Tour and True Arena alone. Point is I was sucked into the game and couldn't stop playing every day until I completed it.