All the xbone viral marketing going on on Holla Forums this weekend


Is this some sad attempt to 'save the xbone' from a bunch of organised neofags or something?

Other urls found in this thread:

pick fullchan or cuckchan, not both

you massive fucking faggot

I'm not just talking about imageboards. This shit is rampant.

So is this here or somewhere else?

xbone is so garbage

I mean think about it

the xbone has failed exclusives and no upcoming titles worth looking at.

Check the catalogue for the OPs but you can check damn near every thread for a "my brother game me his xbox one, can you recommend me some shooters" trying to push halo in almost every thread.

Theres even one far down where someone mentioned it, the viral posts in it -so it could be a bot i suppose- and a guy doesnt see that and goes 'bullshit' followed by 'motherfucker' after he notices.

you faggots are what is ultimately going to kill this website.

Xbone has one game too

it's called sunset overdrive

I didn't notice anything. there are xbone threads?

Yeah there's been a few.
It's not too major, OP is overreacting.

Basically what's happening is that Holla Forums here is notorious for being mustard race but the PC audience here doesn't really play video games and you can't really shill steam (also steam doesn't need shilling in the first place).

There used to be a big nintendo presence but they fucked up lately, so unless something big happens nintendo is out of the picture especially here, less so in halfchan because halfchan Holla Forums is still nintendrone hive central, but it's dying down a little there too.

But what bonds both Holla Forumss is their insane hatred towards anything sony, because on halfchan nintendrones hate sony, and on here mustards hate sony.

So in such a volatile mix by sheer contrarian force of will microsoft is trying to shill the xbone because they think someone will buy it just to "spite sony", since the average Holla Forums regular is essentially a retarded edgy 12 years old i can understand them for thinking they might have an audience here.

I agree with their timing, this is the right moment to try some product placement, but i don't think either boards are the right place, on halfchan i doubt anyone would buy microsoft products, you can't really shill much there aside new nintendo shit, and on here it's stupid to try and shill anything because mustards sure as fuck aren't gonna fork over money to buy jack shit, in general, that's sort of their gimmick here, they don't buy/play games, what makes them think they're gonna spend money to buy a fucking consoles, that's stupid.

Overall it's not a bad idea at it's core, both userbases are so anti-sony you can probably push the microsoft brand here, but this isn't the right way to do it.

It's kind of an interesting situation if i think about it, if microsoft hired me to shill microsoft products here i'd come up with something clever that would allow it to succeed, you just gotta find the right angle to direct Holla Forumstards into the right direction.

I actually agree with your statements.

Its funny actually; the Xbone did have Exclusives such as KI until they started porting things to Window 10

A piece of advice: think more, type less.


What about "microsoft must not survive in order to make videogames great again" you don't get?

Isn't it the consensus on 8?

Nobody on Holla Forums is stupid enough to admit to owning a xbone
Even on a anonymous image board

They're not that smart, their logic only goes so far as sucking Sony's dick so reverse logic is beyond their capabilities.

This is just usual microshilling.

False flagging and shilling become the same thing once it gets meta enough.
You pretend to shill for laughs long enough, you end up actually shilling, the message will get trough.
Nintendo wasn't initially a massive presence in halfchan, it became massive specifically because anons started false flagging so much it backfired.

t. Halfchan Sonyfag

Holla Forums does not hate sony you moron
As for nintendo everything is censored so of course people will take the piss out of the games

Pretending to be a shill just to piss off people is no different than a paid shill in the end.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting after all.

Holla Forums hates sony more then PC, Nintendo and Xbone Combined. Now fuck off with your victim complex.

Consoles are getting desperate.
Hence ps4.25

Must explain the vita thread or all the threads about Bloodborn 😅

We have TF2 Threads, Template Threads and Eceleb Threads.

This is Holla Forums, but people still roll in shit around here.



I don't understand these normal fag memes


o shit its dat boi waddup

I am having Dejavu now

Wasn't the last console war thread we had delved into normalfag/old fag memes?

Are we going to talk about Japan Break Industries again now?

depends if that one user who wants to fuck armoured core mechs is awake or not.

No idea where those fucks were coming from, but they seem to be gone from here at least.

The ECKSBAWKS and Microsoft have always been irrelevant on Holla Forums since the halfchan days and always will be. Microsoft blasted their feet off with a rocket launcher by porting all remaining worthwhile exclusives to Windows 10, but nobody wants to use W10 because nobody wants to get spied on more easily. So you're left with a brick with exclusive games almost nobody on Holla Forums is interested in
Holla Forums used to be semi-Nintendo central until Nintendo also blasted their own feet off with Amiibos and Treehouse censoring localizations, amongst the Wii U suffering a drought of games and Wii U/3DS emulation/softmodding on the horizon
Steam quite frankly doesn't need to be shilled. Those who want to pirate, pirate. And those who want to buy the games, buy the games. There's more PC ports nowadays, and IMO less begging for ports.
PS4 used to be the NOGAEMSstation, although lately the number of worthwhile exclusives about to be released is increasing like with the PS3

the only consolewarring going on at this point is between the 3DS and Vita, but they only bicker at eachother in their respective generals anyways

Bro come on. I love the Vita but come on.

(((You))) gave yourself away.

Should I have said '>in the next two years' instead?

He's right in the sense The Last Guardian is about to be released.

You can't possibly know if they're worthwhile or not until they've actually been released.

Dont kid yourself son 8Gen is and always will be cancer, Sony doestt even give a fuck about exclusives when their competition is so weak.

Was only a matter of time till halfchan cancer dragged itself over here

Just need to shoop Gone Home into that picture for maximum cancer

You know, I wonder if we should do this again.

Just to settle the score once and for all, with a shadow without a doubt.


People voted for Valve instead of Nintendo. I call fucking shenanigans.

I do think the graph was made during the time when Cake was a Lie became popular.

Samefagging and spamming aside, the OP running that was a massive faggot.

on top of that when they called him out he said he was totally legit and using some 'super secret russian hack' to count and filter the samefagging in other words his dad worked for 4chan.

I can't believe to this day people still repost that bullshit.

Also, Square Enix claiming that FF13-Verse is now FF15. Great. Is it coming on the PS3 like they promised? No. Is it at least exclusive to Sony's platform? No.

By now the last few years should have taught people there are anons as bad as the sjws in terms of "confirmation bias" and "signal boosting the preferred narrative".

Some folks like the truth, no matter its content. Then you have some that like to shape a lie to fit a truth they want to hear, hoping if its repeated enough its accepted as the truth all on its own. Social Justice Warrior, neckebeard in a guy fawkes mask. They do it for different reasons but its the same shit, different day.

Fuck you

Either this place stays cancerour with hatespeech, lolis and 3DPD


Redditchan that makes Jim money from advertising.

My choice is made.

Why not make a New Poll then?

It possible, but there's also an issue with people voting for whichever fanbase makes them the most butthurt/whoever they can make the most butthurt than which one is actually the worst fanbase.

People can't be objective in this sort of shit since in the end the entire idea is bound to end in shit flinging. Same shit that happens with SJWs saying GG is worse than ISIS really,

is complete right.

Because there will never be one that satisfies. If even one person doesnt decide to spam it to skew the numbers our mutual distrust will make us assume it happened anyway. There is no point.
The only truth you have,the only one you can trust is the shit roiling around in your own skull.

Thats how the sjws and the equally cancerous subgroups of anons work you see? They are disillusioned pack animals looking for a place to belong, but dont trust anybody so there is no 'end', just a long series of arguments because if they ever stop they will notice the flaws that show up when individual creatures behave in a group when no two share the same perspective or ideology completely identically. The differences become flaws, become cracks and they turn inwards and devour each other.

You can only trust yourself and have fun with everything else.

I hate the game industry.

I use win10 and it is pretty good. Sadly for MS I'm skilled enough to permanently remove everything that makes them money from my Windows installation. No Skype no Store.

Seriously why would anyone ever use the Store for anything? Least of all games.

Thanks for the free OS though.

I think it will be fun. Theres nothing like a good ol slap fight with anons here.

Plus, it would at least be somthing bring the board together a bit. Isn't they they the poal thing we can use for it?

In edition to this, what perfect time to do it then Before E3. The salt mine that would occur when the results differ from what happens at E3 would make it even more bountiful.

No need. We all know sonyggers (and anons pretending to be sonyggers) are the most cancerous, obnoxious fanbase.

Shit like this makes Steam look like a godsend in comparison.

If comments like this dont remind you not all anons share the same outlook and reason for being here i dont know what will.

There isn't one group called anonymous, its lots of little groups without a name. Not personal armys, not footsoldiers in keyboard warrior ongoing battles. People that share comparable tastes with other people talking about things because we are all in this together and its the best we got.

I think it's like a pendulum, whoever is the 'worst' changes with how badly the generation is going, whoever goes on top is always the most pedantic since in the end all 3 consolefags act like fucking children to each other and mustards love to shit on them by default.
Fanboys are always massive faggots since they are emotionally invested to a point they end up being blinded to reason.

You make it sound like what I said is bad.

The fact that something as trivial as a poll on a small imageboard would rile some one up to such an extent is just bonkers. I am not going to tread on eggshells because some anons can't handle differing opinions to the point they feel victemised like some tumbletard.

Hell, thats the reason we have all this console war stuff in the first place.

can you even disable this shit?

Yeah I haven't given MS money since I bought my last 360 game two years ago.

The Windows store doesn't have anything you can't buy/pirate elsewhere.

Also: running apps on a computer is wrong.

There comes a point, not with age but experience where that in itself is just a waste of time. Its effervescent, transitory bunkum nobody but a few very bored people care about after the thread 404's.

Its like when you see two anons try and derail a thread by arguing. Neither has a face or name but they will keep coming back minutes later, hours later or days later to keep bitching like theres a trophy on the line till the thread 404's and they both move on with nothing changed or different for the process.

There comes a point where its simply a waste of time and there are better things to do. I'd give up a hundred keyboard warrior derails for one good deep sea thread.

I thought most people were glad the board didn't devolve into a retarded endless flamewar when we moved here, the entire board is about as shit as it was back then just without SJW mods already though, slightly less console war faggotry too but even the shills are here already.
And of course barely any vidya.

sorry for not posting the webm

I havent bought a 360 game since Alan Wake. Did the xbox get any exclusive worth money after that?
It felt like the moment the xbone development started they put it on life support.

Well the worst we have is goon refugees pushing their "template" excuse to spam patrick bateman screencaps because they havent been here long enough to know how greentext is used here.

But that doesnt mean you can get good vidya threads here every other day.

I cant name another site where that happens, i really cant.

Yes. But is a bit of a hassle.

Reddit incoming:

Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree. I find Console War Faggotry the absoulute worst cancer on here. It always makes me look forward to things like AGDQ not for the speed running, but due to the fact that we all can actually get together to actually talk about things, despite the fact the AGDQ is absoulute shit (We just aim all our hatred towards that instead of actual video games).

I was so disapointed when the console war nonsense started coming over to this board. It took like 2 months, and then it came here. They was slight resistance, but whenever people objected, it delve down to "You don't like it since I was insulting your favorite your favorite game, now deal with it :^)"

Keep in mind, we are now at the point where they is essentially a console war remark in every thread. Bonus points if its just due to an image macro, which saves people actually having to type out an actual response anymore (Ala that starfox image thats been going around, and the counter counter image)


If you're tired of viral marketing, come post in the open source games thread. Its like the polar opposite of the viral marketing threads.

"guys how do i turn off spying in win10"
"uhg i dont wanna go to that website to find out even though it tells me what i need to know"

could you be any more childish?

Oops, forgot the link:

Have an agitated skeleton.


Why would you use W10 over W7 anyways?

and this helps your case out how?

Oh and this is how you permanently and irrevocably remove windows apps forever with DISM. And yes I mean forever for all users.

Again, the blame falls on sonyggers and anons false flagging as sonyggers.

Do you see microcucks or nintoddlers starting consolewars threads? No, they just want more games.

Can we go a single day without a bunch of "lol bloodborne is the best souls game XDD never ever XDD" shit that instantly starts a gigantic shit-flinging fest? No.

Sonyggers are the glockfags of vidya and need to be gassed.

Source on Skeleton Ass

Because win7 support ends in 2021. And win10 DOES have a few improvements.

And I guess I like tweaking my computers. Besides I need to know how win10 works because of work.

Consoles wars start when you think you are the police trying to shut down discussion about hardware, games or studios you dont like.

The reason the current xbone marketers are posting in threads is because their attempts to start one get angry sages at best, any real replies? of course not. Because people ignore shit threads they dont care about to post in what they do.
I dont own a wii U but dont go nuclear over people wanting to talk about it, and the same goes for the ps4. But the people with a chip on their shoulder doing it for free start the console war mentality as surely as people with brand loyalty indoctrination feeling a brand must be defended.

Its not about not calling bullshit, its about knowing when to do it and when not too,

Look at Anita. If people complained about her less and just repeated facts she would have had a lot less free word of mouth advertising form anons.

In bongland we call it "sending them to coventry" in america the amish call it "putting em in the shun" and you stop going nuclear and explain yourself rationally and all of a sudden the powder kegs become white noise AKA a failed marketing exercise.

Its all about balance, going whole hog 100% on anything only leads to tunnel vision and more problems than it solves brother.

No. It starts with subhuman fanboys that not only want their chosen platform to succeed (which is a good thing in and of itself), but for every other platform to fail. The same type of faggot who flips their shit and throws a tantrum when a game they thought was going to be an exclusive ends up going multiplat.

There is no console "loyalty" here. Even at its worst, 8/v/ can recognize merit when choosing its babby toys, which is why you have this conception that we're all playing PC games. There simply are no other games to play outside of a few notable console titles. Nintendo has eroded all good will with their censorship. Microsoft is a flaming garbage pile. Sony tries to pretend like they give a shit about anyone other than casuals, and thinks it's riding high because it has two games worth playing.

Well that explains your retarded reasoning. That place has actual console fanboys, or people pretending to be, that never get banned.


Hey Cyan, instead of banning opinions that trigger you like a passive aggressive cunt, how about you contribute to the discussion and attempt to break the stereotype?