Democratic Leadership Debate

10pm est/9pm central

Looks like Demoshits are trying to pull their heads out of their ass and get back in the political game after the schlonging Trump gave them in the general as well as making up for their complete lack of any heavy weight political contender that can best represent their fucked up, incohesive base. So this is an invitation for you to watch along and do what you do best.


Apparently there are 8 contenders in no particular order
Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison
Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg
South Carolina Democratic chairman Jaime Harrison
Idaho Democratic Party executive director Sally Boynton Brown
Television analyist Jehmu Greene
Democratic activist Sam Ronan
Wisconsin lawyer Peter Peckarsky

Archive of the

And a couple jewtube streams. Is hold off on the chats for now because they have SHUT IT DOWN whenever we get too noisy.

I'm sure there are more but I'm on mobile and I'm getting pretty sick of copy pasting and I apologize for any spelling errors.

Other urls found in this thread:

Source on that image?

So a bunch of nobody spics, jews, niggers, and faggots are literally the hopefuls for the dems? Wew lads

Hope they pick the worst possible option. Praise Kek

There's a vid out there on youtube somewhere. Just search Simone Sanders white people and I'm sure it'll come up. Many demoshits have echoed the same sentiment in the last few months.

Which one is the most anti white?

Yeah I found it, thanks.

Aligning under the democratic party is automatically anti-white at this point, so just gas them all.

Well there this from the artcle

I've no idea who the faggot isvtho.>>9337424

Dr. Duke also endorsed Ellison. Is the idea that with Ellison in power, he'll destroy the Democratic Party by driving all of the whites out?

Ah. Forgot about that. Seems that way.

Man oh man, is there anything worse in the world than an uppity she-nigger with a tiny scrap of power? More insufferable than kikes. by a tiny margin

Yep, niggers always drive whites out. This is how Detroit was razed.

it's a good strategy. The more blacks in the Democratic Party generally, the more incompetency and corruption there will be.

So what, they think putting another nigger up against Trump next election is going to help them?

Kek. Ellison is apparently Bernies choice as well, just saw the kike talking up the nigger in an interview.

Trying to start a collection of Symone Sanders memes. I hate her the most next to Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. Anyone got any?

You really ain't gotta do much lad.


Ellison or Sanders. Either nigger is their death. Both are anti-White and Jewish. Ellison is like a muslim brotherhood member he's so fucked up.

With them it will be the party of CA and NY and nothing else.

Neither the kike Sanders not the nigress Sanders will partake in the debate unfortunately.

Holy shit I have to change the channel whenever I see Symone Sanders getting ready to go on one of her uppity nigger bitch white-hate screeds. She makes me legitimately want Philippines-style RWDS to start cleaning out all the inner cities from niggers permanently. 400 years wasn't enough to assimilate them, it's never going to happen, they're never going to stop bitching no matter how much free shit they get.

That's so fucking brilliant jesus christ. It makes them think they're winning and they self destruct.



But Holla Forums, will it be worth the watch?

Meh. It may be. Who knows, one may slip up and go on an anti-white rant. We may even get a few memes out of this kike we did the Cruz Sanders debate.


… And then Jesse showed up!

I've been trying to decipher what the actual fuck that thing is and my best guess is "cancer". I missed the "El Rato vs. breadlines-are-good-goyim" debate

What? Wouldn't it work the opposite way? They would only vote for Ellison if Duke supported everyone but him haha.

Yea, cancer. you missed out man. Shut was fucking hilarious. Seeing Bernie tell that woman that couldn't afford Obama care it wasn't his problem was fucking cake

God I fucking hope sheboon-prime loses it when the one moderate white dude makes valid points about their economic message.

At this point they're larping as a political power. Tonight's performance is like their 5th grade graduation play, but they're not moving on to middleschool.

It's more than worth the watch. Bernie goes full communist and spills matzo all over the place.

Absolutely, I was going to post a few links but I got so many results with this search I can't post them all

Just search "naacp leaders embezzlement" on your favorite search engine startpage

ok faggots,

how do we get Symone elected?

Well I wrongly assumed it would be garbage since I was spoiled by Trump's bantz on the campaign trail. Guess I'll have to watch it now.

For some reason that bernie comment on "not my problem" doesn't surprise me in the least but it sounds wonderful. After all,


I guess I'll give this debate a shot in hopes they spill their spaghetti harder. Actually, with all the desperation settling in among liberal ranks, this may have some massive potential.

This is what has me interested. For as fucked as the dem party is they still haven't really admitted it to themselves. This debate is nothing more to save face and a pathetically desperate attempt to rally the commies and seem "grassroots" and not like the corporate/globalist whores they are.




And of course, cucky Chris Cuomo is moderating, with the bitch who moderated Trump with Andy C. Cooper.

This is exactly the type of low energy that foreshadows Jeb! levels of failure.

Holy shit. The winner automatically becomes the DNC chair?

No clapping for Ellison?????

3 Jews, 3 Niggers, and a whole mixed bag for the other faggots.

This sets the tone for the rest of the evening. These fucks don't understand that this feeds the Trump train.

This guy's been garbling too many cocks, he sounds sick as hell.

Nah, it's just a debate.

Yuck, this guys voice.


what stream are we on?

lel this is why you lost.

Preach it nigger

This guy's been the most white and the least retarded so far. I hope he crashes hard and switches sides.

Look at this niggress blink, she's out of her depth. What the fuck even is rock the vote?

I don't know if I can even.

This is a saltfest the likes of which I haven't seen since election night.

Yeah sure thing cuck.

You heard it, we're marching towards Fascism! I really like this Ellison guy, he's fantastic. They're just doubling down on divisiveness.

I think I'm going to puke if I continue to listen to these fags.

Basketball nigger just became lucid for a brief instant.

wait a minute that nose

Literally all one of them needs to do to win this debate is call out the MSM and Hillary for being shit, Like Trump did about Bush. But nope they're all bought out cucks who refuse to rethink their globalist progressive religion. RIP democrat party.


I had a genuine chuckle.


Checked, soldier on user, you're watching the death throes of the democrats. It's all ogre. They're tne minutes in and they haven't spoken about policy, Trump's or theirs. They only know how to vitrue signal and drop marketing buzzwords like "rebuild from the ground up."






Haha, the fucking nigger got called out for previously treating for the jews like any good dune coon.

Why contain it


r8 song lyrics/poems I guess

America! Sacred land!
Land of my forebears boast!
Land of the sea, land of the glee - shining from every coast!
Once a boy, now I am a man!
Saluting that honored flag!
For a flag thats tempered in blood cannot fall!

I hear that call once more my friends!
For it is a call to arms!
Blood and glory await us, so extend your gracious arms!
Let us bask in the glory -
That true freedom brings!

The liberty bell once more rings!
in yours, and in our hearts!
Now we march off to distant thunder!
With lightning bolts in our hearts!

Tyrants yet again challenge us!
Will you let them ransack your homes?
more than now, more than forever -
National Socialisms the way!

Do you hear? All around us marching!
Do you hear? In lockstep with thee!
Do you hear? rope tightens 'round limbs!
Holla Forums marches now and forever!
It's really happening now!

sorry if it's bad, this shit just comes to me while I'm listening to music

Are both of those faggots the mayors of south bend Indiana?

They've got a pretty clear message actually. Anti-White, anti-male, anti-Western.

Why, they are a fraction of a percent of the population. Will the democrats ever stop virtue signalling

Mayorship is a social construct.

Whoops wrong bred

Ok so what if Ellison wins and becomes the next king nigger. We'd have a Muslim potus twice.
Thinking white beta numales and whore wives will leave cuz a big bull swagger in is giving them too much credit


it's A little cheesy but I like it


You've deprived yourself of a real treat user. That debate was essentially an hour and a half long example of why every shiteating normalfag's favorite Jew would have crashed and Berned worse than Hillary if he'd made it past his lib circlejerk and into the general.

This part is probably the single most concise argument as to why he's full of shit. Some ham small business owner from Texas tells him straight up that being forced to cover her employees insurance has made growth impossible since she simply does not have the money to do so. Boinie pretty much has no fucking answer for her and says she has a moral obligation to provide gibs at all costs. He would rather her business be forced to fail just to prop up the free shit train.

Middle America would have absolutely hated his commie guts.


So the nu-male's qualification is that he served a hitch in the Air Force?

He would have been fucking eviscerated. Would have been a blowout, he would have won California, Vermont and maybe New York.

At least their rhetoric implies it.

No, we're just gonna kill you off.

someone get this man a young child's blood plasma, he's about to die.

Ellison's got the angry nigger thing going for him so there's that.

We Wuz

God I hope Ellison wins, he's everything I could have ever hoped for.

This shit is fucking hysterical

The eggplant is skeered of the Trump machine getting a supermajority in Congress.


Like pottery.

Shut the fuck up goober.

You can see that snout from space




Seriously I'm dead, call my mom tell her I love her.


Heiled, looks like he could suck up an entire country's gdp in a single wheeze.

Not a bad question but he's asking a bunch of faggots.

Didn't Russia just hack out election? This nigger is cray cray.

This argument is the most retarded thing


Nigger please.

Calling it now, the debate is going to be like this


t. jemhu of the jungle.

my hugh neutrons are in orbit


Immigration is a Federal issue you dumb nigger.


what the fuck

Jesus. It just gets better and by better I mean worse.

Suffrage was a mistake.

But they aren't their police, because this isn't their country.

Holy fuck Jehmu is such a virtue signalling twat.

Please someone shoot this guy.

Neither is he in economics. I really need more pictures to shit on this kike's souls.

I wood berry with a grudge tbh. I'd fuck her sane.

would smash with a hammer

Eggplant: Bring us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Some deep thoughts right there.

Civil offense? What the fuck does that mean?
lol no

How do you like your steaks, Holla Forums? Medium rare materrace here.

I think Jenkum here is easily the dumbest one on stage and that takes some effort.

woah, McCain and Graham are going to come out together in a town hall next week? So progressive.

Gonna be some cancah emanating from that townhall.

Rare. The chewing forces me to think about what I'm eating and makes me appreciate the flavor that much more.

But National Socialism advocates for extensive welfare services?



Nu-male is calling out the DNC as corrupt and rigged. We can hang him last.

The saddest thing about this all is that it's not really a debate, just a circle jerk where everyone probably got the questions ahead of time.

Holy fuck Chair Force numale just called out how fucking fucked their primary was. Keith Ellison is gonna win.


How do niggers buy Colt 45 and swishers without ID? Is the liquor store racist for asking? Such a stupid fucking argument, they just want to be the beneficiaries of voter fraud.

Two Sorros puppets coming out to dance. Maybe Graham will die of GRIDs on live tv.

He might flip after he gets kicked out for being white.

This Ellison guy is hungry.

I'm of the opinion that a return to traditionalism and towns/villages instead of cities would be invaluable to build a sense of volk, which is necessary for national socialism to work.

TL;DR I don't think we're ready for national socialism yet because
1. the nation is vast
2. 1 causes a multitude of cultures to arise naturally
3. the US would make a lot more sense as a confederacy, the way the founding fathers truly envisioned it

These people have lost their minds

please someone put shamu down already

These faggots…

NS was a response to an armed communist revolution attempt on germany


Oh yeah, run her again. Please.



Actually sounds kind of better that way

lol I noticed that too

Kike moderator just got by to.

Jews aren't human.

Jenkum is getting excited over stronk wymyn.

change your passwords you fucking retards. Nobody hacked shit

she sounds like she's in a high school play


Gonna webm that shit, it was classic.

If I was the lone guy clapping like that I would have to suicide directly after to preserve my honor.

heh. They're fucked.

Dubs speak truth. Knowing liberals love macbooks it literally had to be that Pedosta's email password was 123

I've been trying to troll the debates with some well written but outlandish shit and people are agreeing with it

I'm for it.

Got some sample work to savor, mr. dubman?

It can work in large nations though. Also:
That's impractical and necessary I think. Even in the 1950s traditionalism flourished in places like America, you don't need to literally convert your population back into sporadically placed pockets of population. The nation is too big for that. A small pocket would be several thousand people.

I think National Socialism is perfectly viable in America. It won't be the same as in Germany, or the same in another country. In fact I think it might work better in America. Germans are far too orderly to take advantage of the liberty National Socialism offers. Americans have their hearts and roots in liberty and freedom, yet without a moral backbone and a knowledge of the JQ and racial realities, it gets bastardized into the perverse idea of freedom and liberty kikes put forth. Of course, it will also be different economically, structurally, etc., but those things stem from the nature of the people in the first place.

user, I…


Medium rare. It's the one thing I can't agree
These fucks have no god damn idea who can go up against Trump.

Barron is next in line

We'd need to purge the major cities.


Cool, so this is now officially:
Dems = shitskins
Republicans = whites

Watched for 5 minutes and this is just a complete shit show


It really is a fucking mess.

I'll elaborate. Voltaire said, correctly in my opinion, that a country is too big when you can't know everyone inside it. So it is in the countrysides and villages that are overbloated into the thousands of people where you may see this effect. You're much less likely to abuse or hurt someone in a community where you know everybody, that only works if you live in a village hundreds of years ago with maybe 100 people though. To advance our race, we have taken up the ideas of smaller communities within the bigger one, and a national fraternal-hood which heavily discourages such undesirable actions that has taken the place of being expelled by the community.

In a way the idea builds off that, or takes advantage of it rather, to discourage the latter.

Oh boy, at least 2 people in the audience audibly laughed at that

Hey, at least they're a democracy!

such a knee-jerk, scripted way to frame it

Tom perez needs to stop talking his voice is fucking obnoxious.

Well they can't just come out and say we blew it when we bet everything on pozzed up urban centers full of niggers and illegal aliens.

But it's fun watching them avoid the subject though.

you lost because you're shit Tom not because you didn't call enough people during dinner time.

fucking wow

He sounds like he's being strangled.

fudd detected

That's been death for politicians since 1996. Slick Willie proved that.

I just want clarification since I'm not sure if you meant that or "impractical and unnecessary".

The problem is that we are not, sadly, in that time period. The leading issue now is the amount of different races on top of different cultures (not only white regional cultures as before) and the pervasive nature of city living. Cities that have been overrun with scum of all kinds. Cities that need to be purged completely, like this guy says.

Besides, the US has states that are radically opposed to each other historically (red vs blue, or SoCal vs the rest of America). I don't see how the ideological and cultural gaps between some of these states can be breached and form the sentiment of volk.

I do wholeheartedly agree that NS can be applied within each confederate state (or perhaps some smaller groups of them), however (just not to the union as a whole).


It's feral niggers who are the serious problem Ralph.


Lol this nigger is got.

Petey's gay?

Here I was thinking that he was a fucking white male, but he was an oppressed faggot the whole time


Oh man. A cock gargler too.




How tall is Keith Ellison? He's definitely the shortest one on stage

WHEN will Ellison disavow David Duke's endorsement! This is an outrage

Pedo confirmed.

This is a shitshow.




A very good William Pierce video that addresses these things. I favor the limited and far expansive population with small industrial centers powered by advanced machinery. It just seems far more natural, living in a city seems wrong and they end up being centers for degeneracy and decadence. Maybe there's something in our genetics that leads people to degenerate when withdrawn from nature.

Oh boy it's the White male hating dingbat again.

liberal sarah palin doesn't stand a chance

I lost interest and fapped, did I miss anything?

Bet my AR she likes to get choked.

literally nothing of importance, same yammering and repetition as usual. However, the crowd's reactions have been very telling and it looks like Ellison really has it in the bag.


Right into Trumps hand. There's a reason he wants him in.


Shemu Green= "blackfish"

Jehmu says literally nothing of merit. Everything she says is drowned in nonsense buzzwords.She's the perfect example of why modern education is a wasteland.

she's pretty vacuous

actually they're all vacuous, it's like a corporate conference

Yea. Some of the words she just put together didn't even make a comprehensive sentence.


That really surprises me. You would think they would've avoided a pick by Trump and David Duke.

Why would you do that user? Go repent or you don't belong here.

It's going to be nigger Ellison or faggot Pete.

I'd love someone to walk up to that stupid bitch and say "We don't need black people leading the democratic party, right now" and then walk away before the screams of "DATS RACISS!" begin.

You could've made twelve sons with that seed. Stop watching porn.

How embarrassing. The democrats don't yet realize it's fucking ogre. Their tantrums cost them the independents and moderates. They're full of crazies, retards, kikes and niggers. What decent person wants to vote for that?

Not that user, but if you could see the women in my area, you'd understand why I haven't made sons yet.

Now that's a very sensible argument, but I think the effort that needs to be put into reconciling the many groups that need to not only coexist but help each other out in that limiting and dehumanizing space that is the city is far greater than that needed to join natural fishing, farming and craftsmen (among other) communities.

This is also an interest idea to explore.

Basically, what I'm saying is that the city, by bundling people together like sardines in a can, forces them apart. And that rural communities, giving them the space that they need to bask in the beauty of nature and forcing them to provide for themselves, bring people closer despite the distance between communities.

I can see them going for Ellison because he's the scary, angry nigger needed to stand up to evil, racist Trump.

Maybe its time to move then.

Is this nigger for real?

Move where? Out of America? No thanks.

that would only work to inflame the demdu takeover even further, it's a childish arena so I don't fault the sentiment

You're about 30 years too late Perez.

Holy shit, are they actually blaming Obama?

Maybe that's what Trump wants. Maybe that's what white America needs.

holy fuck, I hope AIDS nigger or sehmu get the nod

First and foremost, before we can design any kind of political system, we must rid the country of all non-whites. Naturally. And in regards to your comment on our time period, we can't fix the current generation, but we can pave the way for a better future for a preceding one.

I think first and foremost, traitors hang. A racial homogeneous state must be achieved after that, with good propaganda campaign we could turn the already conservative leaning population towards volkish sentiments. From there, and from then on when people who aren't on board see what NS has done for the country the ideology and culture will be in your hands to mold the most upstanding society you can.

Baden and Holstein both had hundreds of years of cultural and historical development, yet they had no problem joining the German union, and had no problem accepting National Socialism.

Of course, with most American states the racial element isn't there, but the bonds between the states and the people isn't as deep as it once was anyway. Most people are American instead of Pennsylvanian or Virginian. And that was how America was at one point during the early years of the union. The only other instance would be something like Dixieland, which people are still very proud of. I'm not out to destroy their pride, or make them think something different, I just want to show them what NS can do for their beloved land and country.

People, especially the American people are much more willing to accept change than you realize. They ragequit and elected a millionaire by the millions, nobody has hope in the system or where the country is going. (although with Trump winning many people's nerves have been eased.) I think they will be more than willing to actually live for something for once in their lives beyond themselves.

holy shit that nose


Shit, I called this nigger Ralph earlier, it's Keith Ellison.

I hope the Nigress gets elected so we never have to worry about the Democratic party ever again.

Put your coch back in your pants and do some pushups instead.

nigger ralph is a good username

Yeah, I'm all for it too. He seems like a non-faggot version of ex-king nigger, just dumber.

Hah! The chair is already chosen. This is just a formality.

Okay fine I hope they picked the nigger lady so we never have to worry about the Democratic party ever again.

Catch up, user. Ellison is who we've been meme'ing for a while now

Racial confrontations that don't devolve to violence would be a step in the right direction for white America. I'm sure Trump knows just how to deal with this type of nigger too.

Yes negro, I'm here everyday. I just haven't heard Ellison speak in some time.

This isn't really relevant to the OP, but It's relevant to your post and I wanted to get it off my chest.

I was a sperm donor back in college (graduated 3 years ago) and I just found out a couple days ago I have at least 3 babies. For an entire year in college I never masturbated unless it was going to a woman. Proud to have spread my French-German übermensch DNA :')

Hopefully I can read about CNN leaking questions to them on wikileaks

You likely impregnated lezzies or stronk independent woman user.

Your kids probably have nigger moms.

Hearing someone say President Trump is still unreal to me.

The democrats are so fucked.

Distilled butthurt right there folks.


That's true, at least two of them are lesbians, but would you rather have them get impregnated by a BBC?

All white.

Are the dems comparable to most European political parties now?

Lots of talk about helping the working people but no specifics.

This fag got bullied only last week by some Chad intern at his own city hall.

Except he's actually following up on his promises. Have they talked about why Hillary lost?


Obvious the establishment wants the fag in an attempt to regain some of the white vote. He's gotten a lot of talking time tonight. Hope people don't fall for it.


Kek get fucked nigger

Here we go with the tranny shit again. Weren't these faggots going on about states rights on a different issue earlier?

The audacity of this faggot

checked, vid?

How can Trump and Spicer compete with this shit?

Oh boy, you can have your kid volunteer to comfort illegal beaner children at their High Schools. This shit has to come to an end.

Niggers will dance around this, they generally hate fags

I engaged in hyperbole to make a joke user.

user, your seed will grow into a degenerate.

This hoarse voice nig sounds like he's making a concise point with every word that comes out of his mouth yet he hasn't said anything important this entire night.

What is Tom Perez? Spic? Kike? Some kind of mongrel?

Ironically, there's a higher percentage of gay niggers than there are faggot whites.

oh shit I wasn't paying attention to the viewer count

this is truly pathetic compared to the 10k+ viewers for several streams for the town halls

Is Perez black or white? I'm tired and not wearing my glasses so I can't see shit.

Hahaha they all want to eat Tom.

Look, you have two options here; either these lesbians get impregnated with my 100% Western European high-testosterone DNA, or they get it from their gay friend or whatever.

These kids are going to grow up in a degenerate household anyway, so we might as well give them the best possible starting hand.

Press Briefings alone average 25-30K. When Trump addresses the country, I know kikebook streams have reached 900K before.

Well he isn't White.

You already know the answer.

Whatever man. I may have done something similar when I was an idiot but the thought of my legacy growing up in a household like that… I'm glad that's not on my head tbh.

For a dumb person he's made a lot of genius moves.

Does anyone have a webm of this? That sounds hilarious.

Typical negrumps, abandoning his son

That's one of my main concerns. Part of the reason why Americans are eager to accept change (the main one being discontent, granted) is a disconnection from their roots and their land (or an erosion of their identity, if you will). These are things that are more easily acquired, and perhaps only acquired, by communion with nature that urban environments cannot provide. You yourself acknowledge this erosion.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on the traitor issue and the racial homogeneity requirement, of course.

Wishful thinking.

He's just a loudmouthed, negro nationalist muslim who's latched onto the carcass of the DNC.

So only the fallguy AIDS nigger had to answer the unpopular tranny/faggot issue?

ugh. This is getting too painful.



Is he really user?
I think he's a good actor.

So did nu-male wander in from a Bernie rally?

The first Canada on stage?

He has literally answered only 2 questions.

Nu-male is an obvious plant. He speaks too much reason hazed in leftist sperg, and is greeted with generally tepid applause.

The ideal is definitely having the child raised by the genetic parents, we evolved that way and there's a special connection. R/K genetics probably has a lot to do with how red-pilled a kid raised in that environment ends up being, and I've noticed K-selected males raised without their fathers tend to go into right-wing warrior mode which is what we will probably need.


We still have a lot of conditioning to overcome.

He seems earnest enough but he's out of his league with that bunch.

Okay is it just me or did y'all see that guy that seemed to be signaling the crowd to clap when the camera was moving out?

kek. I kinda hope Symone wins though, she seem even more batshit.


Your power culture is over cunt.

Did that nigger just say she wouldn't care about election votes, it's all about the message of sjwism? what the fuck?



Yeah, she said something like that. It was hard to make out though.

So many nice digits.

Ellison blew his closing statement. Lots of I am supernigger, vote for me.

Yup. All these closing statements are shit. Yeb! did better tbh.


Its time that we have total victory or total krieg

This entire thing was a shitshow. They've learned nothing.

So now that it's over it's pretty clear, Ellison is the nigger that the establishment wants in. He got a multitude of questions, the audience (((loved))) him, he praised Israel even though he's a goddamn dune-coon and talked about the working class. This is the end result of machinations set about a long time ago. They though Hillary was going to get in and flood the country with sandniggers, and they'd need a party to get behind. Who better than Ellison, he's basically muslim-lite so the normalfags don't get scared. They blew it all, at least fag mayor would get some white people to vote for him.

I think the idea is they don't want Ellison. Endorsement from Trump and Duke is likely enough to torpedo anyone in the eyes of the DNC.

These people are dead in the fucking water. This whole shitshow was just a formality before they crowned Ellison to rule over the ashes.

Every lesson that can be learned has been learned as far as I am concerned.
The outcome will be the same one that was expected of about 30 years ago.
All of this was talked about in the news in the 80's. I know because I listened to the news.

The quicker there is a war in the USA ..the quicker we can rebuild.

The longer it takes for a war to start the larger chance that the USA will get nuked by multiple enemies.

Currently, The only way for the USA to remain a nation with its current land mass is a conflict.
Political ideals are now at odd PAST discourse.


both lines are frozen waiting for the other to make the move. Everyone can fuckin feel it.

Just have your shit rigged and you rucks ready.

Everyone knows they're the communist shitskin party that thinks they have a moral mandate to play dirty now. Will they ever be elected again?

Exactly. People have already picked their sides, or decided on staying out of things. We're as polarized as it's going to get.

Democrats will never win again.

I think you bring up a good point. I honestly can't see them even competing in the next race.

this. it's been building for decades now.

These people are doomed. They're going to have to lose at least one more election, and by a much higher margin, before they even get close to figuring their shit out. It could be much longer than that, once all the braindead millennial SJWs start flooding in to positions of influence in the party. This would be a fantastic time for a less retarded liberal party to form. They could pick up a lot of steam by stealing votes from the bloated corpse of the democratic party, and it would be great for the right because the liberal vote would be split. If Jill Stein didn't embarrass herself with that ridiculous recount, she could have led such a movement. Any viable alternative to the democrats would have to stay far away from the virulent anti-trump message and SJW nonsense.

Nicely stated. It was a carbon copy of what the Republican Primaries would have been like if Trump had not been a candidate. It's the same zero substance Kabuki theater they've been at for years.

Digits don't lie. Democrats are over.

Raise the sanguine flag.

The discussion is dead and the Democrats will never rise to power again.

Praise Kek!


Yeah, I can remember sitting in front of the electric jew back then and seething in a rage as the one-way dialogue spewed out of the box. Not even a chance of being able to respond in real time to their bullshit either. Both parties are still living in 1989.

As predicted the CNN robots are pushing Ellison as their savior.


is he a half nigger?

I dunno. You'd have to throw a net over him and get a DNA sample to be sure. At first glance it seems he could be White.

is this idaho "gas the whites" girl

That's her.


I think he's a half spic mongrel.

Just remember user, the left actually believes their own propaganda. The want to militarize their base by showing strength and a Muslim politician is the perfect fit for that. Trump once again is tempting the Democrats by saying positive things about Ellison, which in turn makes them think Trump is scared of him. They think they can guilt Trump into feeling sympathetic towards Muslims if they put one in charge of their party.

If Ellison is selected to head up the DNC it's proof that they're still using the old obsolete political playbook. They've failed to realize that America isn't Europe.

It should be a muslim man wearing a dress engaged to a 13 year old jewish man.

South Bend here, can confirm.

If I remember correctly he magically realized he was gay after he got elected. As if he didn't know during his formulative years through his college years.

He's known here for fucking up our city at the benefit of Notre Dame, which operates as a completely separate city (like the Vatican, or D.C) but gets to leech off us any time.

Fuck Petey

Is it still on? Link?

South Bend here, can confirm.

He's mostly known for fucking our city at the benefit of Notre Dame. They operate as a completely different city (like the Vatican or D.C) but still get to leech off us. He's also got something in the works for a building downtown, having to do with many faggots on the top floor. More to come.

Oh and funny enough, he didn't realize he was gay until after the election. Not during his formulative years, nor college, but after an election in his 30s or 40s. At any rate, we're gonna need 50 volts of Pence's fancy nipple clamps, STAT


It depends on the state in which you live. When I was broke as fuck in Washington State, the way "food stamps" work there is that you get about $200 a month on a card that only works to buy food. Example: You buy a cart full of groceries that includes an Old English 40oz. Swipe the EBT card. All the actual food will be covered, but if you want alcohol or something to smoke, you'll need to have actual money from somewhere else.

Welfare, on the other hand, is just money that you can use for anything, and they don't check where it goes or what you do with it. It's intended that you use it to pay for things that keep you from being homeless, but blacks apparently have other ideas about where that money is supposed to go.

Embed related is a song about black people using their welfare checks to buy weed, coke and alcohol every month. It's from 22 years ago and it's probably gotten worse since then.

So this pissing contest is for the person they'll throw under the bus when shit hits the fan, right? Wew, these gay niggers throw a fanfare over everything but the democratically elected president of the USA.


user it was [email protected]/* */

das wassup. we gotta show evrybody wut progress be for real.

Is this thing still happening tonight?

Check the date of the OP, it happened last night.