Max Landis + Down Syndrome girl on RLM

Ruh roh…

Lol, pic related.

Pretty funny actually.

Is she ever coming back? Said she was moving to but hasn't posted anything, hasn't been twitch steaming either.

Also: trips

its not that impressive on a dead board.

Probably not anytime soon. Unlike Jennay she has to work for a living.

t. never seen someone with down syndrome before

She has a real job.

This is a terrible idea.
Max was already way too hyper for the show, I can't imagine how annoying she would be, and how uncomfortable I can imagine Mike being around a millennial disney shill.
Generally speaking the RLM crew are more sarcastic, the exception is AIDSMoby who acts like a jackass clown and the viewers hate already. That said, they have been more hyper and shouting more often during BotW in the past couple of years than they did previously, but it still wouldn't be as bad as having a fucking Screen Junkies contributor on the show. What next, Hal Rudnek?
Plus didn't the last RLM girl get driven off the show because some autist was obsessed with her feet or something? Just seems like a bad move

Only if Jenny is in to pegging.

I never specified which would be the pitcher and the catcher.



I smell the reddit coming out of you.


I actually still unironically like rlm but fuck this

The world continues to sink further into the Jewish mud.

Holla Forums, pls, it's time to grow up

Lol, sperg.


There is no 'him' user, it was always Margaret the whole time.


Mike ==IS== a Disney shill you dolt.



Lol, sperg.


Good, now all this shit can finally end.

I don't see it.