A growing trend in normie memetics is the "wholesome meme", usually on Facebook or Reddit, which are explicitly designed to tug at the heartstrings by being as saccharine and masturbatory as possible. They frequently feature drawings of cutesy animals encouraging each other in some manner. Browsing them for too long will give you the beetus. Pic related is currently the all-time top-scoring post on /r/WholesomeMemes.
What I propose is that we hijack this with our own memes. They should still be "wholesome", of course, but actually wholesome, not just saccharine. If I can find a good template, I will make one that says "WHITE PEOPLE: You build the best societies in the world. Keep it up."
If there are any drawfags in the audience, you may consider drawing cutesy animals protecting their young from predators.
Here's another highly-upgoated post. Notice the saccharine artstyle, the cutesy blobby animals, and the gay message.
Landon White
Here's one that I actually do like.
Carter Martinez
What made you think we give a shit about Reddit trends? Fuck off faggot
Luke Rivera
It's not just reddit, it's normie memes in general. Facebook, Twitter, presumably Instagram, and I think you'll care about it because it provides a potential vector for propaganda.
Luke Jones
This. Fuck off, you goddamn Reddicuck.
Daniel Reed
Neat merchant, tho. Saved.
Colton Allen
Fuck off faggot, no one cares about whatever bullshit is going on on faceberg or reddit. Instagram? Holy wew you are brand new. Never post an OP ever again
Brody Nelson
Bob Ross was a great man. F
Liam Anderson
Even normies know that wholesome memes are the diet coke of memes. Show them dank memes. Illegal memes. Dark, forbidden memes.
Camden Price
This is a good idea but be subtle. It might be funny to have cutesy ____ saying has the kikes it would not help us. Basically highlight white so called privelage as a maligned and picked on lion or whatever be careful again dont go for the obvious blacks are monkeys thing…. but srsly they'd have to be…. idk. Use big eyes cute so and so encouraging pride in your race as healthy for everyone. Etc.
Carter Harris
Xavier Peterson
Please do not use niggerspeak on this website. You have a good idea, I believe there were some efforts made to portray popular libshit cartoon characters in traditional roles.
William Murphy
See, that's the sad thing.
Real wholesome memes ARE illegal and forbidden in this twisted Jewish world. Memes that encourage pride in one's race and nation, love for one's heritage, the virtue of traditional families, etc– those are the very ideas that are forbidden today.
Elijah Hill
everyone knows "wholesome memes" are cringe-inducing cancer. No one takes them seriously except for 55+ year old boomers with facebook accounts. You're just wasting your time.
Joseph Cook
The kike turns everything out of order.
Josiah Hernandez
The mods of the plebbit are using bots to force the memes into shitter and Instagram
Nathan Cooper
It might be a namefag on twitter, but that is very nice way of phrasing it. polite sage
Elijah Foster
You mean the ones where we convince each other to marry , impregnate and start a family with white women?
Christian Smith
I saw a friend repost one of these about a month ago, but with a mildly anti-Christian anti-family rib, surprise surprise, the original poster was a kike whose page said "don't be an antisemite or I'll block you" and had tons of anti-Trump kvetching. The irony escapes them, I'm sure. Jews struggle to be wholesome. It's in their DNA.
Anthony Gutierrez
You really aren't good at this psyop meme magick stuff. I know you can do better though. Keep improving!
Try something a bit more subtle that for example, encourages monogamous relationships that result in many white children without outright saying WHITE PEOPLE ARE BETTER AT SOCIETIES
Elijah Cook
Jason Richardson
Sounds like you've never had the misfortune of running into furfags, who were so anally devastated by the election they've either gone full antifa faggot or full non-violent leftist retard.
Hudson Sanders
Jose Scott
in my opinion these wholesome memes were always inherently rightwing in a subtle way, just because family and loyalty and high-trust neighbourhoods are wholesome rightwing things and these memes have to touch on these subjects eventually. normies talking about these memes may shift to the right all by themselves. it's like that other thread here recently about lefties learning to lift, surely they won't all stay where they are on the political spectrum
Lincoln Powell
Ayden Walker
Showed up on my wife's kikebook thanks to some pozzed "friend" whom was promptly baleeted. Some serious cringe shit right here, terrible "memes".
This is the kind of shit that makes people call christcucks christcucks here. All their stupid love of kikes and they don't even see how much the kikes hate them and all Christians.
Noah Evans
There's something inherently "wrong" about these memes…
Samuel Allen
They're made by mentally ill degenerates who need the affirmations every waking moment because reality is too hard for them to comprehend. These are the same people of course who post this shit and immediately afterwards post "#punchnazis #notmypresident FUCK TURMP REEEEEEE" faggotry, and go on about "It's easy to make comedy without being offensive, just don't be a dick :^)" while their sense of "non-dick" humor is shitty photoshop edits of dogs with text saying "who's a good gboy". Mentally ill degenerates.
Jordan Ross
To be fair most of these will only make sense if you've seen all the cancerous """ironic memes""" that came before. The whole purpose of these is that you expect them to be the typical "I want to kill myself xDddd" but then they're completely the opposite, that's the novelty of them. Each one is essential a parody. That's why they look "wrong" if viewed without knowledge of context.
Tyler Cox
Asher Parker
Still, it just looks… "forced". Like the kind of forced positivity shit you'd see at school if you were ever to visit one, that is.
Parker Scott
Yeah, we shouldn't try to influence normies at all.
Nicholas Jones
But that's the entire point. "ironic memes" are so widespread that people expect every meme they see to be depressing / negative. Almost all of these are parodies of negative memes but changed to be super forced positive. That's what makes them funny.
Xavier Brooks
To normies like them, sure. But to anyone with any decent taste in memes, it comes off as, like OP said, "saccharine and masturbatory as possible."
Blake Lopez
Uncanny valley meme edition
Charles Butler
Yeah, because you're missing the entire context, I don't get what you don't understand. Of course seeing something without context is going to make you think of it differently to someone that knows that context behind it. Pic related is the sort of cancer they're parodying if you still don't get it.
Colton Wright
It's like a new world of cancer.
Justin Richardson
Ian Howard
So those are even more unfunny and forced parodies of already boring memes? Okay, now get it.
Michael Lee
To know the world of normie memes is to know the realm of hell.
Austin Powell
It's still shit, even if it's ironic or parodying. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Elijah Ortiz
loosely related, but why do people post like the minion memes like pic related. its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cringeworthy i cant wrap my head around it
Nolan Watson
fuk, pic related
Brody Bennett
Anything useful about fake news CNN, leftists, democrats need to be spread on twitter, reddit(The problem is that this is moderated and manipulated by commies, try the donald), youtube or given for breitbartt, paul joseph watson, molyneux, mark dice
Holla Forums i started to use reddit today but only in the best communities that are pro trump but these communities are boycotted to never be in first page like the_donald, you need to stop talking about circlejerk and make us weaker and small only in one place
And i already know the answers of shills
But you need to behave like normal people outside of any chan, like the-Donald
Holla Forums reddit is moderated, have shadow ban in their left garbage reddits forced by moderators, i bet they manipulate
You can't let leftists dominate the rest of internet and pretend to be majority when they aren't
Please Holla Forums i really like you but don't be brainwashed by shills to be only here, the reddit the donald was important, paul joseph watson, molyneux, was important, some people in pol who weren't spergs, were important
Don't be brainwashed by democrats shills pretending to be one of yourselves to make us become weaker in the rest of internet because some of you behave like spergs shills or want to be only here while normies aren't learning nothing and you are taking credits for works of other people in the rest of internet like paul joseph watson, twitter, breitbart, the donald twitter who the left-wings hate and tried manipulate r/politics, molyneux, and Holla Forums have some importance too
You are important too Holla Forums
But don't make us weak and only in place like this.
Easton Allen
I talking to Holla Forums stop being spergs or sperg shills pretending to be one of us, but it's more important to make memes to people be more skeptic about the media, know the media controled by political parties like CNN, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, New York Times, Salon, Washington Post and others in a full list being controled by democrats party and aren't neutral but corrupt also in the hacked emails to read on wikileaks…
The democrats party establshment don't want people to question the owners of establshment in the media, don't want to people question wich things are controled by democrats
You need to make people react against the media and establshment controled by democrats party.
Make people aware of globalists, that they don't care for the people of country and are only a small rich elite who want money and power and have some useful idiots (But is really incredible to believe that these people are real and aren't paid or bots of democrats)
Elijah Davis
I have default disgust of celebrities in hollywood today because i know don't matter the character is a hero, i know he will be a loser and pussy for his democrats party owners in control in hollywood so it's a turn off by default and they aren't heros for me and the trash actors of avengers who make propaganda for Hillary Clinton are by default a turn off, people will try to forget their garbage and don't mix things, but i can't forget this, i can't forget the director of the last avengers calling ivanka a dog (It's on breitbart) and the disgusting video with the trash actors making propaganda for garbage hillary clinton and i always think that hollywood actors are sissies and sluts trying to please, make propaganda and be promoted for their democrats party owners, i feel disgust of these pathetic actors and their arrogance in think that they are important for change opinion of people or that they think that are more important than real people and want to make proapaganda for their masters of democrats party to get some promotion in their disgusting lobby and manipulation, every time i feel more disgust of democrats and I'm not even american since even my english is bad but have other people like me.
Is disgusting see mainstream left-wing media trash copying democrats sick crazy insane dumb trash disgusting elite like democrats are some sort of religion for corrupt manipulator left-wing media who more and more people abandom for disgust of their corrupt manipulation
Nicholas Anderson
But maybe i will still to give opportunity and maybe watch some movies, but i'm skeptic and awarte of every move of democrats party propaganda, disgusting actors, so only if the movie is really good, i will try to give a chance, only if something is really good i will make exception, i don't eat shit manipulation of democrashits party and their cynical behavior about every garbage made by them explicit in 2016 election.
Owen Kelly
this thread isn't about that
people can't be thinking about that stuff all the time, it bothers them. I may be misunderstanding the OP, but I think this thread is about showing the uninitiated the wholesome joys of being white. if they don't understand this, they won't care about what you're trying to say.
or this thread could just be about subverting their shitty memes, which I wouldn't mind one bit.
watch a couple mel gibson movies. he literally named the jew. notice the difference in themes between the ones where he had creative influence and the ones where he didn't.
or find some good anime, there's not much ((influence)) there
Hunter Perez
inb4 "negative memes" get recognized by zog and banned
Nathan Adams
Grayson Ramirez
Ethan Moore
Can someone colorize this so it looks like bob ross is trolling then add him smiling in a final frame to drive it home?
Jason Jones
I use multiple fake reddit accounts that I "fertilize" for 3-6 months then set loose causing an astroturf ruckus.
You can get to the front page FOR FREE just by creating a little spice of "anti racism", but also set up a better argument in the comments of the "redpilled" account.
I call it astro bluffing.
Noah Jackson
Act like a Goyim Think like a kike
Evan Reed
Looking at their previously psychotic, neurotic behavior, while rioting and destroying businesses and harassing and injuring people who dared to not act or think the same as them; of course it sets off an alarm in your brain that they're now suddenly all positive and shit.
Jaxson Davis
I'm really getting sick of these cuckchanners and their newfaggotry, they're going to be the death of this place.
Matthew Robinson
Your mother's a whore.
Jayden Johnson
Do it to redpill and spread valuable info. Don't just help degenerate things. If you want to watch the world burn fuck off.
Camden Perez
They know exactly what the fuck they're doing. This is next-level meme warfare. Subjugating memes from being surprisingly eloquent stabs at the ridiculous norms of (((society))) to be complacent and pacifying.
Michael Nelson
Why that's not a very nice.
Ethan Jones
One of my shitty little communities has weekly "wholesome south african memes", for the most part it's Rhodesia remembrance. You didn't have an original thought OP
Jaxon Sullivan
Gets me every time without fail
Thomas Bailey
Reddit spacing
Oliver King
They aren't memes at all for starters. Also:
Luke Fisher
Juan Cruz
These memes are so shit I could see myself ironicaly posting them.
Isaiah Price
Too obvious. Start with something small like promoting strength of the family.
Benjamin Reyes
Anyone up for more feel good propaganda we should subvert?
Christian Lopez
Carhartt Tough and Rugged Work Thong
David Martin
unrealistic garbage and irrelevant to not only the current situation, but also the the hypothetical/allegory they used to convey the current situation. This just isn't how the world works. It's like how a child would view the situation, as though they miss that NAACP, Soros, Halliburton, and the lot are all the "weak" carcass-feeders hiding in the cracks, or that the "weak" minorities are more akin to mosquito slowly killing off the giants who cannot swat them off.
Zachary Fisher
4chan is several orders magnitude better than this place, they have some self awareness at least
Ethan Gray
I knew that the original version had to be somewhere. Thank you for finding it! Kek
Ethan Stewart
is carhartt frowned upon?
their shit so comfy and lasts so long
no bully
Jason Ross
Carhartt are wonderful, I'm wearing a longsleeve right now.
Gabriel Turner
What if the man was blind?
Logan Martin
those are truly wholesome and therefore in todays inverted world to normies dark and edgy
Dominic Hill
Why would you hesitate to say the truth?
Jackson Cox
Speaking of wholesome, do you think that grills acting like 2Ds can exist? sad_frog.jpg
Thomas Baker
god tier taste user
Hunter Hughes
This is really easy to subvert. Just make wholesome memes about things that liberals from damaged homes will never know.
Christian Williams
Honestly that's one of my own great things that I missed out on because of my parents. Both sets of grandparents had at least 6+ children, multiple brothers, and they always stuck together through everything. I get jealous of the stories. All I got is 2 sisters, which is fine, but I never had the base relationship that is brewed between siblings of the same sex. Of course I'll defend them to the death, but it's harder to redpill or share genuine experiences with.
Lincoln Harris
As much as I want to say they wouldn't hurt their own kind and want to support/care for them, there's been far too many instances of the inverse happening for this to be true. Wait, by giants, do you mean the ones in the last two panels? Pretty sure the fourth panel establishes them as weak pussies, maybe that's why.
Lucas Cook
after a brief experiment on the subreddit using it would seem that this idea has potential and the ability to gain traction in that community. i would recommend more things similar to the methods in the "happy traditional housewives" thread thats up right now. if anyone has some accounts, nows the time to post with them. also bare in mind reddit theory, you want to post an hour before americans wake up for best results i think.
Benjamin Miller
Julian Fisher
Christopher Bell
Cooper Murphy
Nicholas Green
Caleb Bennett
Logan Long
you fucked it up
Liam Taylor
That's satire, your autism is showing
Grayson Adams
Kek, you've spent too much time on Holla Forums. They're being unironically unironic.
Aiden Green
Never. Kind sage.
Jace Rivera
Reddit spacing.
Christopher Ramirez
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded Fuck off outta and stop by the >>>/bog/ on your way out
Lucas Sanchez
Don't even bring explicitly white people or racial stuff into it. Reddit are fucking gay and won't buy it.
What I suggest is take wholesome quotes from Hitler/Goebels and put them on wholesome memes and see how long it takes someone to figure out what the source is. Just like we did with T. Swift.
Jason Long
There is so much fucking dead weight that we will have to cut off in the years ahead.
Jaxon Ward
Jordan Ortiz
Wholesome memes is a sign of a decaying culture, these people are so desperate to be sincere and nice, that they have to insincerely force it. Anything that seems nice will be upvoted for a slight chance of making themselves feel good. This has got to be one of the final stages of chasing the dragon that is sincereness and compassion.
I don't think they should be subverted, I think they should be left to force their meme so it dies like every other other forced meme, let it become so old and repeated that any attempts of trying to be nice is seen as cringy as making rage comics and then they will be left with nothing but ultimate disenfranchisement.
Fuck them.
Gabriel Cox
Disengagement* even.
Asher Ramirez
Jesus Christ. This is truly dystopian. For a community to lose all their memes is for it to be destroyed. When memes lose their meaning the community can no longer exist because the unique ideas that bind them are now rendered meaningless preventing the maintenance of bonds between members of the community.
Anthony Cruz
careful anons, final boss might be the Meme Management Officer
David Price
Most of these "wholesome memes" are forced as shit. Like a laughtrack during a current year man show. All the normies eat it up.
Eli Sanchez
If you ignore meaning behind the text itself, it looks a suspiciously lot like a Holla Forums OC thread
Cameron Evans
/Ho do e subvert faggots like Mister Rodgers? the internet worships him as a sacred cow for some reason and he seems to be a seed for the "you're special" SJW narrative
Austin Torres
*How do we subvert faggots like Mister Rodgers? fuck, my keyboard doesn't want to register "w" today.
Charles Murphy
Exactly. It is the sugar-coating by which the bluepill is being shoveled into their unwary mouths. Normies can't handle full-strength doses of the dankest memes, but sugar-coated ones are easy to swallow.
Henry Peterson
Hey anons, mind if I do a little storytime here? >Accidentally drop massive fucking redpill With Open Gates if anyone is wondering
fucking lol it's almost not worth it talking about these kinds of things with normal people it's only good as an introduction. now that i think about it, only best way to redpill people is with tiny doses nudging them in the right direction but yeah, hilarious story.
Juan Jenkins
Leftism is a religious belief.
Bentley Ross
relax m8. libshits will never be good at meme warfare because they lack a proper sense of art/irony and have no testosterone to fuel the meme oven.
Jacob Turner
Speaking of things that belong in ovens…
Ethan Roberts
Damn, has it really been two years?
Evan Barnes
don't be a nigger. We are part of the same gutter. 4chan/pol/ has more kids, we have more christcucks instead. Everyone carries his own sins.
Xavier Powell
I'm not talking about 4chan alone.
Nathan Rivera
>Instead got my self-esteem and ability to enjoy anything shoahed >Still got some anyways
Gabriel Wilson
Fuck, forgot my pic. Goddamn faggots and shills shitting up the VPNs, I tell ya.
Ryan Powell
Modern "art"
Oliver Carter
We are born in the dank. Made men by the dank. Undone by the dank. Fear the old dank.
By the gods, fear it.
Jason Ortiz
no such thing!… these people do not understand memetics at all. they are just posting shit that sync with their own personal naive version on the world. this is not memetics by any stretch of the imagination. Most of these fucking images have like four pages of some text pasted over. The rest are the equivalent of Sunday newspaper comics from 40 yrs ago. Relax
Ian Foster
The CIA has better memes than this and they're fucking brony faggots that post on reddit
Carter Perry
good catch there buddy… kind of the point…
Jacob Young
Maybe closer to 2 if you count the first video that Perturbator flagged. With Open Gates was from November 2015, so just under a year and a half. (And Jewtube still won't unblock it.) archive.is/yf9Wm youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc Sure, there's re-uploads, but the view count and positive ratings/comments really helped.
Ayden Carter
I enjoy getting them where it hurts
Justin Garcia
"With Open Gates: The forced…" This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rafavideoart. "