What would the population have been without the Holodomor?
Cameron Fisher
About 2 mil from Crimea were lost to Russia. Ukrainians being displaced from the war. Rest is low as fuck birthrates?
Carson Reed
Gavin Hill
This probably had something to do with it. Also jews.
Nicholas Jackson
Basically this, Ukranians have been moving out en mass since the bullshit with Russia began. Don't even get started on that because the thread will be flooded with shills from both sides, which usually indicates the whole conflict is either meaningless slav-chimping, or kike shenanigans. Tons of Ukranian refugees are in Poland.
Brayden Butler
Loads of them emigrate to richer countries. Also there is a huge AIDS epidemic.
Liam Parker
Thinly vield RIDF thread but, look at the white demographics of every nation including Russia its all the same.
Adam Allen
Kikes are funding the sepristists that are killing innocent white Ukrainias and printing kosher ideologies such as Eurasianism
Blake Jenkins
Ireland still hasn't recovered from the potato famine that happened 150 years ago
Christopher Jones
This is a big factor. Lots of kikes left for Israel shortly after the Soviet collapse.
This occurred on the northern border next to Belarus, notice the city or town named Chernobyl on the northern region of the map
Henry Phillips
Wait, I thought it was kikes funding kosher-approved neo-Nazis supporting a Jewish president and his liberal moshes?
Parker Powell
kurwa it's another holodomor
Jonathan Hernandez
They say it as though it is the most obvious thing in the world, but I have trouble seeing the logic in it. Someone pls help me here. Why is the concentration of jews going to result in pogroms?
Isaac Baker
It's jews jewing jews you dumb goyim.
Nicholas Flores
For the same reason as why a concentration of muslims leads to bombs and wild truck attacks.
Nolan Diaz
Isnt kurwa a polish word?
Landon Davis
Their own laziness was their downfall.
Caleb Williams
The Irish are as subversive as Jews.
Thomas Torres
Brain drain. Eastern europoor here, if you can do stuff with your brain, or if you can play some sport, you get insta-picked up, leave, and never look back.
Literally all of the best students and sports people leave, and these are all 20 somethings. Add actual warzone factor and this goes up a bit. Add the whole pro-refugee current year politics agenda thing and this brings it to about a right number.
Thomas Hughes
I used to know this cute Ukrainian girl. Pretty, naturally blond, well-endowed, and smart as a whip. How does it happen? Jewish racism.
Brayden Smith
Ja you cyka.
Thomas Garcia
Because you're more likely to get a can of RAID if you see 10 cockroaches rather than one.
Jack White
This is all the result of the fall of the USSR, it's not only Ukraine, but all former soviet satelites - especially the baltic countries, these soviet satellites became the western bounty after the cold war finished, and were immediately subverted - mostly by forced reorientation of markets and by criminal privatization of companies and industry by foreign capital and bankrupting and destroying other factories. Selling out and betrayal of the commoners by former secret service and high party members who sold the country's property out to the westerners for their selfish benefit. - So all profit from the country is being sent to the west, while nothing in the country gets reinvested, the western parasites infiltrated everything, all food is being sold in western owned markets and the food is of much worse quality than the western counterpart, oll jobs are shit-tier in western owned factories, the salaries are extremely low and the working conditions are extremely bad - so young people see this bullshit and either stop having kids - there is no way to live out of the low salary for which you have to work day and night, or they move to the western countries to take cheap jobs - which is where most of the demographic loss comes from, the result is drugs, suicides and violent crime.
Joshua Hughes
Splendid, isn't it?
Mason Wood
Nicholas Morgan
God the Irish really are the niggers of the British Isles sometimes with their fucking murals and 'muh slavery'.
Blake Davis
That was my first thought too, but there is no way they would ever publicly state it that way. Is there a normie friendly interpretation, or are they actually suggesting everyone agrees they are roaches.
Evan Howard
This is what happens when a people adopt the victim mindset. The English miserably failed to integrate the Irish into the empire, and in this case, it was mostly their fault. Don't forget how powerful the Jews are btw. A lot of what is blamed on England is rly the Jews. It wasn't the English who had niggers rape Irish women to make (rape babies) a disease resistant hybrid for the Caribbean seas.
Jacob Ortiz
Oliver Cromwell (a puritan Christian) let the Jews back into Britannia, and this betrayal should not be forgotten.
Cromwell was financed by the Jews. Cromwell killed and enslaved the Catholic Irish
James Ward
with jews you lose
Bentley Sullivan
Luis Cox
Joseph Sanders
ukr patriot. so how is your truly independent Ukraine doing? are they still teaching in universities that Jesus was ukr and ukrs invented wheel and was kangz and shit?
Ayden Wright
What a based man
Bentley Jackson
Leo Gonzalez
Ukr reporting in
1) user talking about post-soviet emmigration is right; after the collapse, the country became run by ogliarchs, and poor otherwise. I myself am from this wave of immigration, which I consider 3rd wave. [First was post revolution, 2nd was during communism by isreal connection, 3rd was post ussr in the '90s.]
2) The intellgent ones leave- also brought up by an user.
3) The war has caused a lot of meaningless deaths. Subpoint:
4) Starvation, drugs, rampant criminality, low economic value- cause a social depression that spirals everyone who didn't get out on the isreal or post-bloc waves.
Follow the example of Trump, save a Ukrainian, import your wife from a selo.
Justin Murphy
They left. They just fucking left.
Nolan Bailey
Had Britain behaved like an actual empire instead of a bag of dicks, they could have fed the Riish with food from around the globe
Hudson Morales
What is a "selo"?
Easton Allen
Nobody wants to live anywhere near that cancer well.
Carter Collins
Good luck, Ukranon. Remember that the EU and Russia are both kikes on different sides.
Carter Reyes
So its like the Kansas of Europe?
Evan Mitchell
This is partly because he industries propped up artificially by communism were often not sustainable and not due to inherent hostility of he west. Take east germany for example, tons of commi factories there died off because the small eastern german state build a lot of heavy industry which was not in relation to the states productive capability. Mostly relying on cheap soft industry like cloth sewing while having a few specialised but competitious industries was below the honour of the communist state in face of its western counterpart.
I guess that this was also the case in the more eastern states+the old elites being unwilling to help their country into a capitalistic frame as you said.
Jacob Ortiz
Village in slav tongue.
Blake Brown
Monoculture crops are ridiculously vulnerable to the wrong pest at the wrong time. What turned a crop failure into an outright famine was the Brit landlords who exported non-potato crops (wheat, oats, barley, onions, salmon, herring(!), honey, etc.) from Ireland because they could get a better price for them elsewhere. 4,000 shiploads of food, many under military guard, were shipped out of Ireland in the period Jan-Sept. 1847. I'm a Bong with no love for the Fenians and even I think that's fucked up! It may not have been a deliberate genocide by policy, but there seems to have been a wilful blind eye to the way shipping food out would handily "decrease the surplus population" of surly Papists.
(polite sage for off-topic)
Mason Walker
implying that most of Ukraine was not part of Khazar Empire. non russkiy/polskiy ukrs are The Jew
Benjamin Cox
the other half non jew urks are Turk roaches and towelheads from sandniggerstans
Anyone got sauce on this image? The original upload/article/whatever preferably. (((Google))) only gives me obvious shill articles that go as far as to say that Assad is causing a next holodomor.
Also, this """"hidden gem""""".
Adrian Flores
Carter Barnes
The real HOLOCAUST was caused by JEWS against orthodox Christians
As mentioned low birthrates. When whites are in desperate poverty and squalor they actually think about the consequences unlike Africans.
Daniel Gutierrez
People still live in the exclusion zone, and the other reactors weren't shut down for 10 years after the meltdown. So no. This had pretty much nothing to do with it. It's mostly mass emigration after the USSR collapsed.
Noah Brooks
Oliver Brown
You seem to be forgetting the famine and purges from the USSR
William Turner
They left the country you dumbass.
Liam Baker
Glasnost made it easier for Ukranians to leave.
Jack Wright
dugin is a jew?
Alexander Bennett
That what happens with made-up non countries. No allegiance from the population.
Christian Miller
The Jews did the Holodomor.
Wake up sheeple. (Hehehe).
The Ukraine lost the russian part recently, hence the population loss.
You forget the Gulags.
Jose Richardson
Russia is a meme country there is no russian ethnicity
Jaxon Foster
The demographic crisis is the same in all white countries, except other white countries get flooded with migrants while Ukraine is too poor to get the migrant attention /thread
Henry Sullivan
How would you argue with ones who push the "recovering from comunism" line?
Jackson Fisher
Most are lost due to immigration. The natural die off obviously isn't going to be that drastic.
Adrian Miller
(((They))) hate the Ukrainian people with a passion. So there's your reason. Do you really think they've forgotten all the resistance that come from this people? No way in hell. They do the same to Germany by flooding them.
Putin should stop celebrating his Eurasian pipe-dream and reconnect with Kievan Rus' ideals. He rather destroys it and encourages people to jump around with Stalin flags. This tells me everything I have to know.
Ryder Smith
There was a Russian empire though. A long-lasting state creates its own nation. Just ask the "British". The French. The "Germans". If history goes another way, perhaps Bretons and Normandians would become "British" while Flemish and Swedish became "German" and Slovene "Italians".
Camden Russell
Because Ukraine is the urheimat of the Khazar people and they want all the Slavs to die off so (((they))) can go back.
Nathan Phillips
Why didn't you wife her?
Carter Hill
Dugin is a spiritual kike at the very least.
Brandon Williams
Noah Gutierrez
Ukraine is Orthodox Christian. Poland is Catholic. Just a coincidence though, as the rabbi assigned to the night shift will soon tell you.
Juan Harris
Hahaha, I knew fucking Sputnik was kiked to hell. Why is modern Russia so kiked? It's a shame you see so many Vatnik shills going full sperg over a multi-cultural federation that's on the edge of going full commie again. Putin is a civic nationalist Jew-lover (his mother was Jewish) that has smart people controlling the Syria situation. The Ukraine also could have a better government, but the nationalists there are great. Azov is top-tier and even Iron March gives 30% of their donations to them. Good luck to Ukraine and good luck Russia. Hope they stop their brother war.