I want to get a console because they're going for sub-200 dollaroos on craigslist, I'm leaning towards xbox 1 because I see it has more games that I want to play but does PS4 have anything xbox doesn't that makes it worth it?
I want to get a console because they're going for sub-200 dollaroos on craigslist...
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You're a retard
Save those 200 dollars and buy a fucking computer or an emulation android.
I've already got a PC.
These days 200 bucks can buy you a cheap PC that can download and emulate the pibrary of anything from the 2600 to the Wii and soon PS3/WIIU for free.
New games are all 100% trash so there's no reason to play anything past that.
Buy a PSP for 50 bucks, a 128gb sd card adapter a tv cable and spend the rest on pizza and soft drinks.
Then play that retard, dont waste yout money on a nogames 4 or xboner.
There's a reason they're going so cheap on Craigslist OP…
Maybe you can figure it out, if you think hard enough.
just get whichever that has more games that you like , exclusives are the only thing on consoles that you can't get elsewhere.
ITT:Retardation and failure to grasp the concept of having more than one gaming machine.
Get a ps4 but only when piracy is out already, worthwhile games so far seem to be EDF, Bloodborn and Disgaea, with Odin's Sphere:Leftrainsir coming out soon(tm)
And there is what, BB on ps4 and rare replay on xbone. 1 game each. well a few more on ps4 but those dont come out for a while
I would not take a bone or PS4 if they were free. Because my shelf space is worth more than what they have to offer.
And EDF is getting a superior PC port soon so…
I don't know man, I don't trust SteamDB leaks.
I mean, Half Life 3 was in there for god's sake, at least I've got EDF 2025 already.
I own an xbox one
the only game I enjoy is Forza 6, and its not even as good as Gran Turismo
pretty much everything else is shit, but PS4 games are also all shit IMO
If I were you, I'd pay more and learn how to build yourself a solid gaming computer so you can play games from all eras. The games of this generation so far really suck ass, I hardly play my xbox.
What games are you even interested that are on the Xbone, OP?
Whats the point of owning a machine with no worthwhile games other than a more casual version of darksouls meant to appeal to stoners who think that Lovecraft is cool and think that wicca is high-level magic.
I'm not up to date with all of the poorfag budget builds since 2014 or so, but I don't believe that shit for a second even if you reuse the case and all of your peripherals on top of pirating the OS.
Oh, you're retarded. Carry on.
The main game I want on xbox is Forza, why is Gran Turismo better? I had a ps3 and xbox360 and when I played the earlier games in the series I found Forza to be much better mainly being able to customize your shit so deep.
Its happening either you want to believe it or not mate.
I prefer Gran Turismo because I feel that the driving dynamics are simply more realistic
but that's all GT got, thats a lot, but everything is Forza 6 does better, especially the vehicle sounds.
Gran Turismo 6 recycles the same V8 sound across about 100 cars, which is very unrealistic, and out of the 1000+ cars, only about 200 look good. The rest look like PS1 generation shit
and GT's car selection is shit: there's about 50 different Miata's, for example.
so I think Forza 6 is a better game overall, its fun to play, no doubt, but it doesn't quite match GT6 at its best, though again, GT6 is a really inconsistent game
but at its best, when driving the 1998 Diablo gt2 well tuned for example, GT6 is incredibly fun.
The only exclusives that the ps4 has that are worthwhile that I can think of:
Uncharted 4
That sequel to ICO
Gran Autismo
Good Eater 2, but that's also on Vita
I can't think of much resale. There's Bloodborne, but I guess that's gonna be on pc soon.
Holy shit, I forgot! Ace Combat 7 will be a PS4 exclusive.
Forza stopped being good at 4 mang. And i'm sure Horizon 2 or some other Forza game is coming to Botnet10 so there's that.
is Forza 6 worth buying an xbox one?
I'm staying around for the Elder Scrolls, and I got FO4 for free with the xbone, so for that reason I felt it was worth it. If you have other games you want in addition to Forza 6, you might as well go for it.
Only worth it if you are a super fan of the series. Otherwise, it has nothing new to offer on its own.
Being an active /o/ user this interests me.
hardly, Forza 6 is easily the best Forza yet; there's more p1 class cars than ever and we now have Indy car racing and Formula 1.
Jesus fuck
Where the fuck are you Redditors coming from?
Pic related
Learn how the fucking site works before spreading misinfo.
Check the Mission Pack apps just for good measure.
Gravity Rush Remastered on PS4. And if Infamous hasn't worn it's welcome, Second Son is alright.
Dubs, if you're reusing a case, you can go to Microcenter, get an AMD APU + motherboard, and 4GB of RAM for cheap. Apply Linux on USB for quick and dirty emulation.
Japanese games, but if you have a Vita most of them seem to come to that anyway, I guess.
you're welcome to continue playing obsolete shit from 30 years ago and bitch about how there hasn't been a real videogame in a decade and how the "golden age" is over
yeah, I know most of AAA is absolute shit, I said as much in the fucking post I made, but there are some good ones in there, and that's something Holla Forums fedoras will never admit because this board is a circlejerk
I got an Xbone second hand, because I like some of the exclusives, and those that have PC ports are Windows 10 only. That, and my PC's video card is in the medium to low end.
Honestly, even though I think the PS4 is the better system, Microsoft has gotten a handful of more exclusives.
Forza 5
Forza 6
Forza Horizon 2
Rare Replay
Killer Instinct
Dead Rising 3
Gears of War 4
Still the most disappointing console generation yet. Hence why I've been doing more emulation and gaming on PC in my room with the door locked.
And dont come back
Too bad God Eater is gonna be censored.
hold on circlejerker
I gladly agree that most of AAA is shit
there's about two games I'm interested in in AAA actually
so am I a Redditor because I insulted your groupthink? Try thinking for once instead of acting like an assblasted nigger
This whole fucking thread smells of newfaggotry.
No thanks. I upgraded my Surface Pro to 10, and it was more of a downgrade. Can't imagine what the desktop experience would be like.
Shit games
For a shit console
With no games
Fine. I'll express my disappointment with an excessive vomiting of descriptive words next time in place of "le cringey Reddit emotes."
Nice proxy 12e641, how about you fuckoff to tour shite site?
You're implying that just because a game is old, its not worth playing anymore.
none of what you said is true, just go back and read the posts
you're an assblasted, basement-dwelling circlejerker on a circlejerk board, which is actually what Reddit really is, a circlejerk, and anything that contradicts the group think should be banned, just like in Reddit
you are the "Redditor"
The only game out worth even having a PS4 for is Bloodborne much less having an Xbone. If you want to buy a console and you already have a PC get a WiiU, unlike the other consoles it has plenty of games that don't have superior versions on PC.
I'm implying that because i've already played it 15 times or so since its been around forever, that diminishing returns has destroyed my ability to have fun with it anymore
but if you're autistic, then it works for you, so autism on, friend.
That's what I get for using mobile
Nah fuckoff back to your shitty site
Why are you even here? to shill
Seems pretty obvious to me
Hes even replying to himself with a fucking proxy.
I'm playing through King's Field I(the real 1, not 2 which was released as 1 overseas) and man this game is hard and engaging. Pretty atmospheric too.
Im playing through smt strange journey. Its bretty gud, but heats my android up a good bit.
Dont forgey to check out Sword of Moonlight nigget
There's no good reason to buy one especially an Bone as a sufficiently decent PC can run anything it can for free.
Spending money on discs? Or even digital dl shit that you can't modify? Now? When the market is getting shitter? Pffft.
It's a no brainer, upgrade your PC, consoles are a dead end with the midrange killed by the flood of ropey indie titles.
S-sure it is.
But how can I pirate games that don't exist?
They're both a waste of money but if you have to buy one go with the PS4.
I wonder who could be behind this post
And that relates to the PS4 in which way? I have a modded PS3, its great for PS1, PS2 and PS3. The same can't be said for the PS4 if it ever does get piracy
The PS4 has at least one exclusive that isn't ass and potential weebshit if OP is into that. The Xbone has nothing and you'd be better to just spend that money on an extra HD and multiboot with Win10 for the games that need it.
I did advise him not to waste his money in the first place but you can't save a fool from himself and all that.
I thouht you were replying to a different post. Im a faggot.