Couldn't find the original, sorry

Other urls found in this thread:

The quip at the bottom is more than enough Benny boy. Didn't need the mudslide speech bubble

He has changed a lot since he met us.

Or the "Islam" label on the mudslime

Why do fags keep posting altered Garrisons? There is no way this is the original.

concern troll

those wasted hitler dubs
kill yourself

No, it's not. Normalfags will look at this and not know what's going on.
They would think the shitskin is your average Joe, not an islamicist, and they wouldn't understand why some woman holding a French flag is walking away from a hat.

Is it me or have I've been noticing more newfags lately?

We got a shoutout from Assange, and HWNDU is still getting shoah'd on 4cuck, so probably.

It's an abstract type of Holla Forums


I love it

How could someone be this new?

Le Ben is mightier than the horde 10/10.

First and foremost kudos and glory to Le Pen for refusing their shit culture.

Secondly, glory to Ben. Every pic of his is a delight to see and this one is no different. The man is a legend and rightfully so.

that will explain it.

Kuruminha, old BRchan mascot.

You don't deserve those dubs, filthy cuckchanner.

I am checking your recurring digits
and I fully agree

The French national anthem is one of the most badass I've ever heard.

Are you new?

I want to fuck that frog so hard and seed those aged wine ovaries

Yes the correct one certainly is

English translation?

Lets not forget this retard



lol wrong song

Good pun, Ben.

At least he didn't redundantly label Le Pen. Her name is directly below.

Only 1 thing in there is labeled in traditional political cartoonist fashion though, that's only 1 step away from ending the misuse of the Toyota way.

wtf ben, now you are playing the usual jew D&C narrative.

Step your game up!

I actually laughed out loud.

I'll forget her once she hangs from her neck until she dies. That will one of the best livestreams ever.

u fucking nub. actually linked to his site like none of us know it. lol what a dipshit

An important factor to consider when you look through French history is that the greatest enemy of France and the French is not the English, but the French themselves.

It's always a Frenchman who ends up ruining everything for them.
Le Pen will be betrayed by one or more of her people. Or they'll do something incredibly stupid that will ruin everything.


go back to reddit and stay there

Subtlety is only good in mystery novels. In war and politics you need to be as clear and as loud as possible.

saudi slaves sure have became low quality lately that or they have lost their tastes and mind worse than mental illary.

Perfect, as always!


Cmon fam. From an objective standpoint La Marseillaise is a better musical composition and more fascistic than the literal fascist French anthem.

Have this one with some nice noses from branco.

In another thread I had newfags tell me
I think it's time for 16chan

This is b8
Here is your (you)


It had to be done.

halfchan has to go back

Needs more Mongolian flag

I don't understand, please shipslut teach me

Alright. If you need hand-holding, here's the place we go to get away from the halfchan faggots shitting up this board:
Go on over and get comfy. Lots of folks just waiting to be your friend there.

being this new
lurk moar, maybe you will understand kiddo.
and no, 4 months dont make you redpilled kid

take your strawmann arguments with you

Wow, thank you fellow POLack! I've been looking for's bunker board for MONTHS


I understood you to be defending Islam, was I incorrect?

For a fraction of a second I had thought we had gone full circle and are now ironically taking refuge at Reddit.

I came here to post this

The labels help. The talking bubble is critical for context. Ben is right. He doesn't need Holla Forums's help.


what i told you about strawmanns?

One more time.


That flaccid Scimitar sums up Islam in the 21st Century better than anything I've ever seen.

Translated in french although the quip can't be translated correctly.

Ben if you're here the Islam label on the clearly Islamic man is redundant.

I always assumed that bennie was the OP of every single time one of these threads popped up.


*let's not forget this pedo.



I know what a Strawman is. Those pictures you posted earlier in the thread I didn't really read them and sperged out. I assumed you were the muh based Islam poster.

Newfags you have to assimilate and lurk 2 more years

That's a funny pun, Ben. I kek'd IRL.


can you honestly tell me why wearing a hijab out of respect in order to move negotiations along is a bad thing?

This actually could have been a good comic had Ben not labelled ISLAM on the clearly Muslim character.

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that.

Can you honestly tell me why you would expect a foreigner to wear your preferred costume before you would negotiate with them?

Because it's not about respecting the people, it's about respecting the custom. The custom is cuckolded, I'm all for keeping a woman in her place, but this custom is based on being a shitskin rapist who can't control themselves in the presence of a woman's hair.

If they cant negotiate in good faith without this gesture, they can fuck off. They need us, we don't need them.

You're right. Trump should demand women who meet him to wear a bikini.

This. Letting Hillary fall below our radar would be a big mistake.



man thats a damn good motto

I wouldn't shit-talk "Zyclon" Ben's artwork. Hell, I worked with him in Nam. Back then we called him "Gook Gutting" Garrison because he never came out of a tunnel without a scalp, an ear, or covered with blood.
Most would call him insane, but that is why the green berets trained him. They saw potential. It wasn't until they learned his methods that they truly realized what a monster they created.
You see, most guys that go tunnel clearing take guns. Not Ben. No, he took knives, clubs, hatchets, sometimes nothing but his bare hands. After a few missions I got a chance to talk to him in the mess. He was wearing his blood stained hat, sunglasses, and combat fatigues, smoking a cigarette and drinking johnny walker black. It was contraband, but you NEVER told Ben what he could and couldn't do.
I asked him why he never took guns with him. He lowered is head and took a long slow draw from his hand rolled cig, pulled off his sunglasses and looked me right in the eyes, piercing my soul.
"I do it out of respect. Respect for the white race. These slant eye'd scum bags don't deserve the mercy of an American made bullet, but the slow torturous death of the hands of an American man!"
In a flash he pulled out his weathered, but razor sharp knife and stopped just short of sticking my gut. "The look in their eyes when I slip this baby into their swollen, rice filled bellies is reason enough. To see the last lights flick off in their heads as they see a real killer work."


Too bad it translates for shit in French.

fucking refugees

excellent psyops killshot right here for anyone engaging in discourse with some faggot about feminism.

the crux of that whole sandnigger moon demon worship is submission. ain't no normal self respecting h'white gonna stand by and willingly kneel prostrate before no mudslime litterbox fairy


kebab are the only people to demand that foreigners adopt their culture when speaking to them

That's clever for multiple reasons.
A+, Zyklon Ben.

Is this fresh pasta?


Can you honestly tell me why we should give Islam any respect instead of promising death to any who practice Islam?

There is no doubt Zyklon Ben is a Holla Forumsack. What other news or media platform would put Le Pen in a good light?

I just hope it isn't cuckchan

Just ask the nearest goon.

Hello chaim

he fucking did an AMA here in 2014

Underrated toast

To be fair, that was back when libertarians could post here without getting autisticly screeched at

Superior bantz on Ben's part. Nice way of saying that muds are impotent, too.


You don't have a lot of faith in normies

As someone else said, acquiescing to a foreign custom is not an expression of respect, but submission. This is especially evident when no such obligations exist for the opposing party.

still searching for original

Islam should be "Indo-Europeans"



France deserves to be destroyed by Muslims they brought the curse of masonic liberalism into this world and they must atone.

It's a pity because I thought Lebanon used to be a Christian country. I'm not race mixer but they are beautiful people, so are the persians. Whom are not arabs. It's sad that the Christians of the middle east have had to rewind their history to accommodate a political ideology of control. Not trying to start an argument, but just an obervation I suppose.


What's up with the coloring of the "Y", subtle edit I'm missing?


His biggest problem, if he did 80% less text he would spread his memes further. I know a swede the same way, gifted artist but shits up every cartoon with a novel.



pls no

When was the last time we had a successful female leader?

There is no escape.

muh joan of arc

This is good

Still waiting for the original.


Vicky was one hell of a woman.

Today I learned to always read the filename before I click a spoiler.


Just stopping by to check these fine digits.







It's an act of submission and a sign of weakness in this case. You think the Muslim world sees a female Western leader dressed up in Islam gear and thinks "Oh I'm glad those Westerners are so respectful and accommodating, now we can do fair business." No, they fucking laugh at it "The Westerners are led by women and their women submit to us, they are weak."


translated by a frenchman, and made by a german.

You can use "hoarde" ben.