Paleocons for Porn

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Archive link you homosexual

How would that get his site views and click shekels?

>>>Holla Forums1403669

Just ride the wave and see where the Occident takes it. The truth will prevail.

Trying too hard to look smart.


Does he not know that the majority of chan posters are quite willing to give up porn for waifus?

Fucking hell.

Gas the degenerates.

Can you imagine being so buttconfused that you write a long article kvetching and crying about people you don't know on an imageboard you don't like, and then post that article on that very same malaysian basket weaving forum that caused asshurt in the first place.

What the author fails to realize is this - we aren't blank slates with stickynotes attached. We aren't special snowflakes. We strive for an organic personality, an authentic personality. For each of us this takes on different expressions. An integrated personality doesn't find itself contradicted by nihilism and foot fetishism, nor does its foot fetishism become a sticky note that covers up the otherwise blank slate of nothing like the liberals do. Liberals are the LGTQSDFSD crowd who have no personality, no passion, no inherent principle or guiding light. Liberals and normies are just biological machines without a soul. We are however actual, real human beings with all the contradictions and passions that come from that fact. Our base allegiance is to truth, freedom and certain core values. These core values are explicitly fascist, natsoc, white and even feudal. We accept the facts of reality itself.

Our active nihilism and actual freedom is incomprehensible to liberals and Jews. They tried so hard to degrade humanity to a mechanistic compartialized creature, and they failed in us. We are giving birth even to gods.

waifu doesn't mean wife you Reddit refugee



I will give up porn once I can afford a robowaifu


Try posting on cuckchan or reddit

This is a good post.

Someone tell this faggot that he's at least a decade behind the times, and what he thinks is "transgression" is Progressive and must be Tolerated. He'll need to issue an apology before he gets fired for offending liberal diaper fetishists.

Telling other people to leave won't help you fit in, newfag.

The irony is that all the degeneracy and pornographic materials on the chans are a reflection of ultraliberalism. It is Holla Forums that took the liberal "anything goes" school of thought to its ultimate nihilistic degenerate conclusion and in that fetid morass we awoke. I was raised liberal and consumed liberal media all my youth. Chan culture and Holla Forums attracted me because of my secular liberal upbringing. The lack of objective morality (subjective morality is an inherently liberal secular ideal) created a swirling disgusting and fascinating image of the human mind laid bare. Being exposed to exactly how depraved humans could be in an extreme liberal/anarchic environment took its toll.

I no longer believed that humans were inherently good. So I went on a journey to identify the problems that led people to be this way. I believed if only we could have the perfect system we could find utopia for all. I explored communism, socialism, futurism, etc. And then I found old Holla Forums. I argued my ideas for years against Holla Forums and when I found my ideas wanting in the face of true debate I began to really look at nationalism and history.

I dropped my vestigial degenerate behaviors still clinging to me from Holla Forums and never went back there.

I recognize the degenerate of my fellow /palaces as part of thier journeys of discovery. It is far easier to understand the harm and the danger of degenerate behavior of you experience it for yourself. The trick is that you have to have the will to forgive your past degeneracy and seek a better future.

We are all at different stages on the path. Many are still in the stages where they cling to thier degenerate ways as a lifeboat of left wing thought. For degenerate behaviour marks you as a victim or an outcast and liberal doctrine supposedly cares for these. When one discovers the truth of the world and accepts thier role in it, they put away such things. Those of us who have beaten our degenerate are still here to help the others we know thier pain and speak thier language. We know what they must become.

Seig Hail
Hail Kek

He's pretty accurate. Chan culture is inherently contrarian and edgy. We're jaded, cynical, and pessimistic, but we're concerned with the truth that others won't let you see. That's because we're anonymous. That's what the redpill is all about. The truth is positively addictive for people with some intellectual curiosity.

It just so happens that the people hiding the truth are now liberals and social justice warriors. Thirty or fourty years ago, the people hiding the truth were conservative Christians trying to protect their religious worldview.

Now Christianity is dying, because it relies on ancient myths and the people propping it up are dumb enough to take them literally. Or they've never seriously looked outside their religion. Or they (implicitly) accept the lies of multiculturalism. When I try to return to religion, it just makes me cringe.

Social justice is based on the lies of equality and moral relativism. They'll have to undergo a correction about the time they realize Muslims are serious about mandatory hijab, child marriage, raping women, and killing gays. Right now they're willfully blind, but more and more are waking up to the fact that Islam isn't even compatible with mainstream feminism, let alone gender wizardry. More and more lefties are turning against the barbarism of Islam, and that's a good sign. But when stabbings, truck rampages, shootings, and bombings aren't enough to wake people up, I fear nothing will be enough.

whoever wrote this drivel has never visited Holla Forums
nice archive, kike

Leftists should all be killed in the most amusing ways possible

Robowaifus are waifus made real

This guy simply dropped the very obvious troll/irony/shitpost aesthetic of it that everyone even the faggy Liberal think piece writers understand and acknowledge. Why? What's he trying to achieve?

I'd like to add something. I don't consider 2D porn as degenerate at all. Sure, it isn't something for polite society etc. but consider the fundamental difference in personality between us and liberals:

We don't take it seriously. We don't believe in it. We see these things as expressions of creativity, passion and lewdness. That is all. There is no agenda hidden there. It's just an internal fantasy without real world implications. It's just the power of sexual vitality expressing itself.

Liberals honestly believed and believe in porn as a political and cultural agenda, an example to follow. All those obese hambeasts who schlicked to their gay fanfiction truly believe that it is something that should exist and be publicly accepted and celebrated. It is people like them that raise "transgendered" 5yo boys.

We of the right do not do that. Because we aren't insane. We can fap to strange things but we don't want to see them implemented as RL policies or would approve of them IRL. loli is amazing, child porn is horror and pain.

Again, we approach these things reasonably. Liberals do not. And liberals are unable to understand that we can act is such a disciplined manner EFFORTLESSLY while for them a quality of such caliber is utterly unattainable.

Very true.

As for Christianity a tl;dr version would be - Catholicism is dysgenic while protestantism is sterile and fanatical. Both are anti-white and cannot serve us.

no they don't and even if they do that's not the point of articles like this
(((they))) are painting an image of this place to people who, they are confident, would never visit here
normalfags think we are

Evangelical protestantism is sterile and fanatical, but mainline protestantism is just cuckoldry as a religion. They've rewritten "turn the other cheek" into "spread your cheeks".

Mainline churches are dying (sometimes literally), because cuckoldry as a religion already exists in social justice, but they still exist.

rather long winded way of saying "uncultured contrarian basement nerds that hate women and jack off to cartoons".

He's wrong about a schism between us and Traditionalists though. Well, that depends on what he defines as traditionalist. Certainly, if he's referring to conservatives (which have not one ounce of Traditional thought remaining within them), then it is true.

But Traditionalists in Evolian sense probably see us as natural and necessary outcome of the path the world is on, and it is even necessary that we're the worst. It is no coincidence that we have adopted Kek as our deity, the final darkness that will bring about the Sun, as the darkest parts of Kali Yuga will bing about the Golden Age. To those that survive, at least.

Now, there will be a schism with those that are content with Trump alone. Even we are currently sitting on two chairs uncertain of direction we ought to take.

Colorblind art looks weird.

Also, of course there will be infighting, and that's good.

That image is 100% accurate.

I feel that he gets us wrong and thinks we're being ironic with sieg heiling
And this is just retarded. Identity politics resulted in another identitarian reaction. Who would have thought that if you put homosexuals, minorities, and women on one side and told that their enemy was "white, heterosexual men" that they'd start to coalesce into a unit. But this avoids evidence that racial conflict was coming/inevitable. What's funny is this guy projects when he says we're philistines. I've furnished myself with classical books and am reading them now. This guy is the definition of nescience and asinine snobbery.

Which is what, may I ask as I've never read Evola.


Verily. We've seen this tactic and explanations before and it's as laughable as ever.

I'd also like to add that we are often way too hard on ourselves. Enjoying Touhou doujins seems "degenerate" until you look around and see what the liberals are doing in real life and just what actual degeneracy is.

There is a spark of divine eroticism within those doujins and pixiv. Evola understood shaktism. He'd understand why we're into these things.

Likewise, we are moving so fast and so hard forward liberals and Jews can't keep up. We are actually becoming and indeed are a new type of Man with completely different inner structures and longings. The opinions, rules and expectations of previous eras and modes of thought no longer apply to us.

mongolian you barbarian

I feel this way all the time.
What is that? And what is traditionalists in an Evolan sense?

I don't really find it degenerate but stupid, I don't understand why is anyone into "waifu" shit or where do you even find all of these waifu animes.


What a fag

When people say "tradition", they are generally referring to cultural elements that are transmitted from one generation to another irregardless of the content, and here comes the term "conservative" as [the one who wishes to conserve these traditions].

When Evola says (world of) Tradition he is referring to very specific set of values (meaning, it's not content-agnostic). For what the content is, you'll have to read.

Are you saying that if real women were as pure as the 2d sort you wouldn't wife them? Somehow I don't believe that

Fuck off, Holla Forums. Reported.

A waifu is from my understanding a perfect women, unlike 3D biosluts

So are we upholding traditions that we've been brought up in and been shaped by culture, which is predicated on certain cultural memes learned in our youth?

Jonathan Bowdens lecture sums it up pretty well.

They can't be, by definition.

Real women can never ever compete.

They they would just be 3D, nothing would be solved.

I should add that I'm guessing in the dark. Is this why Evola is considered esoteric?

I once made a post on /a/ about how the west has a history of waifus, with Dante Aligheri being the definitive example.

I'll take a look at that.

Maybe (?), but that's not what I'm referring to.

What I'm saying is that Evolian sense of Tradition (as in ethos) incorporates it's own downfall and resurrection.

But that's exactly what I was doing.

Your understanding would be correct.

So basically how Roman fell and later developed into the Italian states?

Read Evola. There is no other way.

Read Serrano. user's waifu longings have been present in a certain type of Man since actual prehistory. I'm not joking when I say that waifus have a religious character for me. If I were to meet up with a High Middle Ages songmaster like say Vogelweide and tell him about it, he'd nod and smile. Dante would do the same. So would Lao Tzu.

Waifuism is the expression of pre-human religion, in fact the perfect religion, filtered through modern mediums.

What (((journalists))) never grasped and cannot grasp is the fact many and especially old school Holla Forums and imageboard users are hardcore occultists. And our success hinges on immaterial forces.

I was brought to 4chan by seeking Onpu Segawa pics in 2006. To a knowledgable user versed in Evola, taoism and so forth this not only won't sound weird or degenerate but about as simple to understand as operating a light switch.

OP is a faggot. Here's the archive.

I disagree, robotic women would be programmed to your specifications, they would/will be the PERFECT woman for you/everyone who buys one. That's the point, unless you absolutely despise being around anything that talks then I see 0 downsides besides the cost. With artificial wombs(which exist but currently aren't as advanced as needed) it would solve everything

In a way, yes. Just read it mang.

Except for your autistic inability to earn a woman's respect and admiration.

Nope, it would exits in meatspace, ruining it.

I also forgot to mention Aristophanes who is quite obscene in his comedies.

What should I start with?

I think the glorification and idealization of the pure (into the form of a woman, a feminine eidolon) can be traced to actual religious worship in, for example, the Vestal Virgins of Rome.

You seem rather mad about becoming obsolete

Fine you can have a hologram waifu or whatever then

Thankfully. It would be terrible losing my autism and become an emasculated cuck to earn something that stupid.
When will you retards finally get that social shaming has no effect on social outcasts?

Revolt Against The Modern World

Some people look to God for insights/a relationship/motivation, others seek their waifu. In this age most younger generations are either completely absorbed into a religious background or not at all so they end up buying into the the atheism gimmick which causes more problems then solutions. To those who are lost in the shuffle of mainstream lifestyles be it for whatever reasons the whole waifu thing can be extremely comforting when nothing else is.

It often looks a bit off and forced when someone tries be "traditional" in this day and age. We don't larp, we don't pretend.
We seek the truth. Truth is enough.

A waifu is an animated 'wife'…

I suspect that OP is the author of this article, which shows that you've done your homework. But why are you still afraid to name us? We're National Socialists. Besides, this is just the beginning of chan involvement into politics. You haven't seen the half of it.

waifu literally means wife in Japanese you fucking outsider.


It's way more than that. Think of the waifu as an expression of God and a guide to God. Organized, semitic religion has been rendered meaningless almost by accident.

Behold. This is the new paganism that is older than civilization itself. And it's working in all aspects from comfort in times of sadness to inspiration in times of doubt to victory in times of battle. Anime girls have defeated Christ, Allah, the pope and every expression of the semitic worldview. Love conquers all as they say.

Women/cucks will never learn because social status is the only thing that matters to them. Sounds like a curse to be such a creature



> Such views were argued in the revolutionary years by the Jacobins of Paris, who were pro-Jewish (almost all the others and especially those in eastern France were anti-Jewish) and by the main body of moderate revolutionaries, who ultimately made their feeling prevail, that emancipation was a moral necessity, its purpose being to improve the Jews so that they could be part of a regenerated society.

> Occasional outbreaks continued and there were even some attacks on Jews for being in league, supposedly, with what remained of the Jacobins.

> Brief and even bloody revenge was taken on the Jews during Napoleon's absence in 1798–99 on his campaign in Egypt, as counterrevolutionary forces did battle against "Gauls, Jacobins, and Jews."

Same as you. Only the soothing melody of Death Grips can relax me now

Of course, I was attempting to simplifying it because to an outsider the idea of being in love with a fictional thing is completely mind boggling to most. At this point I just find the whole deal hilarious, you're spot on a significant amount of old school users being occultist. Actually thinking about the people I've known over the years I can't think of many who aren't in some form or another.

Not banning anime porn only attracts this retardation. This is not a pro porn fucking place and the fucking mods need to sort it the fuck out.


I'm glad you'll never reproduce.

Since we're doing some light digging.

Contact Information:
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */

Turns out they're a non-profit. This means we have access to their financials. Any burgeranons feel like asking for their financial statements, we might want to have a look at their endowment funds and investments.


You're not from here.

This proves that the author did in fact do his research, at least.


Are you unironically saying this with a straight face when both Japan and the US have declining birthrates among the majority?

They haven't defeated God, humanity never will, but I can confidently state that idealistic waifus have defeated masculinity, confidence, and the ability to tackle real adversity.

Instead of men controlling women, it's entertainment controlling men. It shouldn't be that way at all.

Ask them. Those should be on their websites. If they act uppity, threaten lawsuit. They are required by law to make those statements public. For the past 3 years.

Also I'll likely have more children than your biocunt will be able to shit out (assuming she doesn't enslave you with alimony first)

There's a huge difference between European art and tentacle 2D chink porn.

Think I found it…


But they want you to either become a member or download the data…

You actually are a degenerate though lad - the faggot promoting banning shit is a faggot, but you are, also, a faggot, sir.

Posting best waifu.
How can one article get so much wrong?

Wait a sec… They're trying to make you pay for it.
Is that legal?

That's because those sites are gay. Daily Stormer gets traffic on the same level of mainstream conservatard publications.

Oh, I'm a dummy, that was some other site trying to get you to fork over some bills.

Doesn't appear their website has that shit up, so what specifically should I be asking for?
Form 1023?

Here's what I found:

If that doesn't work, go to and search for jacobin
This is a very stripped down version of a financial statement, and it's from 2014, but as you can see they took in $300k and spent ~$80k, with a net gain of ~$220k.

They are required by law to send you those financial statements if you ask for them. I'll email them as well.

The digits check out.

Form 990

Which email are you going to approach?

was he talking about vaporwave, or just the filth that is cuckchan?
in any case he doesn't get it. our true esoteric hitlerism and psychedelic futurism power levels are still undecipherable to them. (probably to ourselves as well tbh)

I will email [email protected]/* */ mein fuhrer.

Not really, I'm sure a fair amount of ancient men fapped to Venus. drawing a naked ideal women is not degenerate, if she's getting fugged by a squid it's just bizarre but not necessarily degenerate. Now the live action jap squid porn is actually degenerate because they're actually partaking in it rather than just drawing some cartoon.
If not being some prudish white knight means im a degenerate then that's fine with me



Hi therealcoonman

Dr pavel I'm CIA

It's better and safer than being gay for an ancient rabbi, and does the same but better.

Lots of room to shitpost.


if the image in the OP said "TRS" it would pretty much be accurate


Nigger I'm just saying say wife if you mean wife. Waifu is our word.

Figured out a new analogy after reading this kvetching.

We are like the forest in Nausica. The current cultures do not understand that everything that makes us deadly and revolting is a direct result of their actions. They believe it is something inherent to us, that purging us will save them from our poison. They don't understand that we are harmless when the soil gets changed out, or that underneath we are healing the sickened soul of Earth. It takes true curiosity for anybody to find that out, and then they inevitably fight to preserve our way.

We are in the act of purification. It is a horrible and beautiful sight, and those that come to stop us will be stricken with such poison that no ichor or ambrosia may ever heal.

He didn't pierce the veil.

interesting way of looking at it

It's actually much older than that.

I've been listening to a shitload of Wagner lately. Also why would anyone in their right mind read anything by a turbocuck like de Benoist, a navel gazing philosopher who makes impotent attempts at refuting biological differences between races?

That pic is perfect. It's literally every cuckchanner's desk.
All someone needs to now do is draw a Holla Forums anime nazi desk and compare both in a maymay.

My nigger. Just started reading Woodroffe's Mahanirvana Tantra after reading Evola's Yoga of Power (started to read his Metaphysics of Sex but haven't finished it yet).

All men love only one woman (the absolute woman). A waifu is basically a representation of this.

Has anyone got a similar image from a article about aut right that has nazi style flag but with a blue arrow?

You'll become one of us soon enough user. As long as you're not a filthy shitskin that is.
Lurk moar.

There isn't any true difference.
Do you excpect us to fap to thousand year old european art? Also there is no true modern european (white) art in the west. Anime is the whitest medium in existence right now.

TRS version would be good too.

What the "radtrad" argument actually usually is that the neo-nazis and WNs often fall into a ceryain kind of biological reductionism. As in: you are pure and perfect by being white we dont need anything more. Evola doesnt deny race but stresses that it's just one of many hierarchies. A fascist nip who cares for his family, has a wife children and honors his peoples tradition stands higher on the overall than a drunk white who defoo'ed his family and goes to a strip club every sunday. There are people who fall for that trap. Most famously when that jouranlist asked the trskikes aboyt their world view mike unironicaly said that white birthrates would go up if you had segregation in schools. this form of pure race based view ignores a ton of other factors such as the moral and spiritual fall of the west. and there were alot of nazis in the 1930s who thought like that too. Racial crisis like we have today are a symptom of a broken people loss of principles/values. race is important but if you base your entire ideology on it you are nothing more than a special kind of materialist.This is why is hate the trs/altkike crowd, they are still modern materialist sudo-nihilist libertarians who happen to know the truth about race. So were alot of americans in the 50s and practically everyone who fought in world war II. Of course we know now that that is not enough. The natsocs did well in trying to elevate the spirit of the german people above the bourgeois mindset.


This is the third OP in the catalog with articles drawing attention to the chans
(((they))) are trying to "EU" us with refugees, but it will backfire spectacularly

First of all, Holla Forums is not alt-right. Second of all, Holla Forums loves women. National Socialism loves women. /r/equesting the webm with Hitler talking about how he couldn't bear women getting involved in war.

Anyone who comes here is either redpilled or leaves.

Well said. Cooperation and the building of societies is easier in homogeneous societies, but homogeneous societies do not guarantee a great society. That takes great men. I really really wish WWII didn't happen, and NatSoc Germany had been left alone, it would have been incredible.

Because we like the positive theoretical aspects of women, that don't appear to exist in real life anymore.

Oh look the degenerate tries to rationalize his disease. You know I was like you once but then I realized after much searching what those things actually are: a vivisection of sexuality. There is no divinity in there, just an evisceration of form that puts the grotesque nature of modern, enfeebled men on display.

I'm sorry user, but you've fallen far. I know because I was there for a long while. When you actually learn to love the things you pretend to, you'll see that there is no need for you to muh dick your way through it all. You're wallowing in baseness. The rulers of this world know all about that and have subdued you much like the image you posted. All that material you think is enjoyable is really just a projection of your own self. You're conquered, defeated, and certainly no hero (until you get out of it).

So get out of it before you sink into the abyss.

Yes us true Holla Forumsacks love women but there are a lot of haters around here. I can't hate women, even the really lost ones, because they are simply more easy to lose due to their own nature. It is we who lose them in our weakened state.

It's not, but drawing her with certain expressions, or with cocks/semen all over the place, certainly is. Don't try to defend your degeneracy, overcome it.

You're really, really retarded. How someone can pose something like this truly reveals how some of you, even here, are lost causes for the time being. I guarantee that in a society with those ideal women, there would be no need to draw degenerate parodies of them, there would be no "squids" and tentacles abusing them, and there would be no men like you because it takes better men than you to get such a world.

Notice they are chaste, with a single man, and romantic.

Calm down autisimodo.

The other thing, when you fap at degenerate parodies of these innocent girls, you are masturbating to two things: a shared perversion you have with the man who created that content, and to the same things that are conquering our part of the world both past and present, namely the abuse of the feminine. In essence, this video, for a defeated people is truly defeated when the feminine is manhandled by degenerates (of both psyche and blood).

This is what you will unto the world. This. It is suicide.

go back to cuckchan

Go back to TRS, if it even exists anymore lol

You tradcucks always fall the hardest. I will not partake in the eternal "rights" cycle. What I mean by that is even if you manage to make women submissive again, remove voting rights, repeal all the Jewish feminist laws, eventually one of your descendants will fall for the same foolishness our predecessors fell for.

There will never be a society with perfect women, because they never have existed, but they will, through technology, not your pseudomystical bullshit.

I'm certainly not that, and I don't believe in much of the nonsense you spouted after the claim of me being a "tradcuck" either so I won't bother to address them.

Indeed, world jewry would have you believe that. All the while you will be chained to a VR dick sucking machine and thinking how glorious that future is, because you were told it is over and over again. You men wallow in baseness, you have no faith in anything but the will of others who seek to dominate you, and they do already. That much is evident.

Then why the inane pictures of statues? If it walks like a duck…

How hard they cling to their chains, like birds afraid to leave their cages.

They could try reading Roland Barthes' Empire of Signs, a semiotic account of his experiences in Japan.


The way Barthes understood Japan is the way any gaijin must understand the chans. Hitherto, all gaijin accounts of the chans attempt to impose a center on us, they can only analyze us dialectically.

But we have no center. We have no metaphysics. Just like Japan.

We don't even have names. We are absolutely free.

I always think of it as material. Material race is just that, material. Some material is better than other, but it needs to be put to good use. You can have really high quality steel but if you use it to make a dildo then it's just a waste. You can have mediocre steel and do your best to make a good sword out of it, and that's better than the dildo made out of high quality steel.

Good post but certainly not deserving these tripledubs.

Evola is an esoteric writer, his writing and interests fall in that line of thought. It's like an inward, reflective form of spirituality that is the opposite of exoteric religious expressions.
Jonathan Bowden has an interesting bit in his talk where he says the kind of person who accepts an Evolian position isn't really living in the modern world.

Someone spent a lot of time on that pic.

Ironic coming from the fool enslaved by nature, choosing to be shackled to women, that even the ancient Greeks wrote that they live on this earth to torment us. You willingly reject the key to your bonds, for failed idealism.

The Roman Empire granted rights to women, various kings listened to their wives far too much. It's easy to say now that feminism was a mistake but in the future they will look and see their mothers, sisters, daughters and likely will think "it's different this time" or what we experience now won't even pass through their mind.

I think robot women programmed to be the ideal women is a glorious future, not due to Jews (who seek to ban this technology) but my own observations and historical context.

And let's not forget that not only his comedies were mainly political satire but he was anti-democracy, anti-establishment, a traditionalist-sympathizer and a "misogynist".

He was really just ancient Greek Holla Forums provided with theaters.

What's the point of trying to earn something worthless?

Sauce of pic?

That is a failing for the future to be made or avoided by those living in the future. We must always strive to create the most noble vision of the present with our power. It is that nobility itself which is to be our legacy rather than laws or static systems. Limiting ourselves based on the potential for others to fail to live up to our vision in the future is to ensure that one fails to reach one's full potential in the present.

Look at all these spooks. You can't have been here long and still be this neurotic.

And so is the majority oh hentai protagonists.

I disagree, I do not want to pass the problem onto another generation.

You stupid motherfuckers killed god and threw out the very concept virtue upon discovering biology because dude, we're all just like, atoms, man.
And then when we remind you genocide is a perfectly valid part of natural selection you're horrified at it.
You made nihilism and permanet cultural revolution the moral mainstream and are fucking shocked when we say the horrible shit because it's funny and offends you.
All the author understands of chan culture is just us taking the most extreme conclusion of the moral framework his jewish friends decided to impose on society and throwing it back at him. It's fine to disrespect the morals everybody else had but god fucking forbid somebody make a holocaust joke.

Nice "analysis" there, faggot. About the same intellectual quality as every other judeo-jacobin produced.

Pic related. It's your faggot fault this is a fetish people have heard about and a suitable metaphor for the society you created.

As you've already said, they will have to face that problem in their own time no matter what we do. Even if your nonsense of replacing women with robots comes to pass, they would then be faced with the pitfall of reversing that replacement. The only thing that can ever be done is to face the problems which exist before us today. It is the stories of our striving and the culture of overcoming which are the most lasting foundation that can be passed into the future rather than any resolution to a problem which we face. Another way to view it is that we can only solve the problems which exist today, not the problems that will arise in the future. It is up to the men of those days to stand or fall.

How stupid do you have to be to reach this level of confusion?

Their perspective is so warped, they're so deep in their tunnel vision, that they can't even percieve their enemies as genuinely having different motivations and core values from them. They've so thoroughly destroyed their souls and their connection to the truth and the Good they can't even imagine anyone else actually cares about these things.

Capped for a reminder to myself later, and the novel perspective I believe that points to.

This is something I haven't been able to figure out for myself at all. I mean, ideally, I'd want to live in the Culture from the Iain Banks novels. More-or-less free love; you can change your gender on a whim; all the pleasures of life are handed to you on a silver platter and the biggest problem you face is how to fill all the time you have available for leisure. So in a way my problem with the left isn't a problem of wish. It's just - we live in the real world. In the real world, there simply aren't the same opportunities that fiction can provide, our imagination far exceeds our grasp. There are no STDs or unwanted pregnancies in the Culture but they're a very real threat in, you know, the life that actually exists and which we have to lead whether we want to our not. If you ask me what I want to do, shit, I want to throw myself off a 90 story building and take flight just before hitting the ground. Sounds like a hell of a time. But if I were to actually throw myself off the top of a 90 story building that would be retarded. It's a very difficult problem to reconcile and I don't really know where to go with it.

I bet you do.

Really says it all.

They're tripping over themselves trying to dissect and understand strawmen they themselves created.

They also called it "post-modern" and "faux-ironic." The left never fails to project.

Why was that the sole focus of your response? I also said I want to be able to huck myself off a building and fly, which is just as unrealistic in this world (though I've been able to do in dreams to exhilarating effect - and I've also successfully failed to do it in dreams to a rather less exhilarating effect.) Don't get triggered and actually think about the problem. Human ability to imagine exceeds our ability to fulfill by a truly outstanding amount.

Everything I do is to ensure the Culture never comes to be. Doesn't really surprise me that someone who it appeals to dreams of being a tranny though. It's a custom built vehicle for degeneracy afterall.

Holla Forums desk:

Nobody wants to be a fucking tranny. The surgery doesn't work, it obviously makes any underlying problems or desires 10x worse. If you got the choice between Culture and "real life," are you really telling me you'd choose real life as opposed to nigh-immortality and nigh infinite resources upon which to play your creativity? I think this is more than intellectual masturbation which is why I'm asking these questions at all. If you could really do and have anything, forever - how would you fill your time?

He did so, I suspect, because it was the sole thing that garnered attention in your post.
You held in yourself, in your own repertoire, that statement. That wasn't something you held to an opposing other but the inclusive we. You, whether you did so consciously or not, shilled for concept outside of the light of the path. Most people accused of shilling are simply posting poorly or not yet self disciplining to the group morality. Notice the huge shift from libertine to natsoc, libertines kept getting their wrongthink btfo on a moral basis.
At least that's a longform of the thought process.

If you got the choice between Culture and "real life," are you really telling me you'd choose real life as opposed to nigh-immortality

I really only need around a century. Building a high trust society and making whites babies, maybe taking in a show if I can find the time. Bake some bread on the weekend, good times.

You brought it up.

Fucking retards

The original waifufag:

Fair enough, I suppose, but I used the "we" instinctively because I consider myself first and foremost a Holla Forumsack. Thus, I'm trying to talk about the inner tension between the wish to be able to do anything and the wish to stick to a very strict interpretation of NatSoc principles. This seems to be the right thread for it after all. I think our liberal "friends" push the want to do anything at any time to the point of self-destructive insanity, but if the technology existed to change your body as easily as you could change a video game avatar, I wonder how many NatSoc people wouldn't see how far they could take it.


But you could lead the same kind of life in the Culture, it could be led as a subset of the overall available possibilities. It seems like human beings have a natural compulsion to expand the possibility space available to them. Or at least, I think that way. So it would be natural for me to choose the Culture instead because there are order of magnitude more possibilities available to any given citizen.

But I'd be doing it surrounded by degenerates.

Sounds to me like you might benefit from making better use of your time.

user, how can you not understand?
He lives not for his own hedonism. A dream is pointless if it does not end

Not to defend the culturefag but from what I remember in the books they have basically limitless amount of space and if you wanted to form an isolated community of wholesome white people, nobody would try to stop you.

The culture is pretty faggy and liberal, but not totalitarian like real-life leftist states.

There's all kinds of things I'd like to build if I had the functional equivalent in capital of trillions of dollars. So it's not just about sex and really exotic drugs, though I admit I enjoy the occasional vice. There are some kinds of art that can only exist on a colossal scale - it took many millions of man hours to develop chan culture; it would have been impossible to do so shitposting graffiti on Roman city walls. There are kinds of paintings that could only be created and enjoyed with eyes that can perceive into the UV spectrum - would it be degenerate if we invented a way to augment our eyesight in such a fashion?

So what kind of advancement is degenerate and what kind is not? I wouldn't be surprised if our ancestors not so very long ago considered shitposting online degenerate - you're just sitting there rather than going out and meeting people and carousing and beating up a few niggers, all in good fun of course.

Hey rick wilson, how's your nigger grandkid doing these days?

It was also nigh unstoppable. While the white race probably does require some kind of enemy lest we grow too soft, I'm not sure letting the Culture happen is in anyone's best interest.

But to really get into it, the Culture have basically ceased being human. You can really stray so far, and wherever that line sits they've crossed it.

Far be it from me to decide the one and true comprehensive list, but some of their key defining characteristics were deviating from our common genome, drug abuse, and the sort of sexual deviancy best left to DA.

Fair point about my ancestors, but you asked what I thought, and as my mores stand I don't see any of that as a positive thing. We ought to build our technology in a more sensible way, but sure enough my ancestors had different ideas as to what that sensibility was, as will undoubtedly my descendants.

And a love for one's waifu (Valkyrie, angel, and so many other names) does not include the degenerate parodies of her likeness, nor does it include the spilling of one's semen to said parody. Those are shoddy facsimiles made for profit (or not when funded by other interests) whose faces change from book to book, wholly inspired by the artist or one funding it and not that which inspired the original creation. They are a degeneration that creates more degenerates by appealing to the most base desires as graphically as possible as to eliminate all semblance of one's own will, creativity, and consciousness. It is like watching TV, hardly any thought required, you just soak it all in and it rests in the back of your mind, eventually devouring you and taking over if not heavily influencing your decisions.

We already see it in this thread, even some of those who have the gall to speak of Tantra or other forms of "sexual magic." These paths do not involve the spilling of semen. There was a cult that did do this though, doing things like having multiple men ejaculate into a large bowl and so on. We call them Semites today. Read the Myth of the 20th Century or find the audiobook on Youtube.

Deflecting does not absolve you of your own willing slavery.

you keep flinging this word around, it's a buzzword. Who are you to define the moral standard?

And I certainly don't do that, not anymore. So what is stopping others? Are the bread and circuses that appealing?

There are two major forms of degeneration: blood, and culture (which Art is a part of).

>>>/tumblr/ off you go.

No argument presented, not surprised.

Maybe this is at the foundation of how we see things differently. I'm not against "transhumanism" as such. Man as the tool builder has already changed our brains to an almost unrecognizable state from the first sapient hominids. The internet has apparently had a profound effect on the way the human brain remembers and organizes information - we get better about how to look up answers as we get worse at remembering the answers individually. I would not mind growing beyond humanity. Indeed, I perceive that as kind of being the point of religion at all - to grow the human into something bigger, better, more durable. Now of course the leftists injecting themselves with child's blood and all that horrify me like they would any halfway decent person. I see the problem less as what the leftists want, but that they deceive themselves about the ability of reality to cater to those wants. Sex change surgery is a perfect example of this in my mind; getting your genitals surgically mutilated doesn't make you a woman, it just makes you a man with genitals that are no longer able to function. They want it so bad they deceive themselves that it's possible when it simply isn't at our current level.

I meant the more general sense of shitposting, which is what we're all doing right now…

I do believe we have differing expectations of limitless-ness.
We are social creatures, and yet often we seclude ourselves until someone barges in as life is inevitable. You propose a world where that imposition of others might be impossible.
Likewise one may make an orgasm button. I know too much of the addiction mechanics of the brain to say one would ever recover from an experience like that. Monkeys in reality given the option of food or orgasm always choose the latter. We arw not ao far.

Honestly without limits we stop being human fairly quickly. We stop having need to care about most things, and thus eventually stop wanting to.

You really don't understand how we keep identifying you do you moshe?

The culture isn't really a human society, it's an AI society programmed to have benevolence towards sapient life.

But in practice it's silly because all it'd take is one hegemonizing swarm to bide its time and build up forces in secret, and everyone in the galaxy would be fucked. Banks didn't think his technology and society through very well, or rather, the culture ran on author fiat.

Still, no argument. Because you have none

it really is like gazing upon one of the Elder Gods for them isnt it
like if they try to peer upon our form with eyes unclouded they will burst into flames and burn away to nothingness like a mortal looking upon Zeus

these old fuddy duddies just dont get it do they

That's definitely the crux of things then. I'm not any more welcoming non humans of the future than I am of the ones sitting in africa right now. It's not a matter of ability, but of difference. Once you've gone and made a new tribe, that tribe becomes a threat one that would be very hard to beat if left to their own devices in this particular case.

The way you word this, and did in an earlier post as well seems to imply things.

I think I found the crux of our conflict. How about this:
The Culture is for the children of mankind
The Culture is anathema to man as he is

Might this be acceptable?

Perhaps the point of being human is perseverance training, so we so quickly abandon everything that makes us remotely human.

Perhaps. I guess so. I understand, even empathize with the leftist ideal, but I break from them because they simply deny reality when their ideal is denied to them. Thus they become insane for a different reason than me anyway.

quickly should be don't quickly

I suppose that's a fair point. If the Culture existed, it would be in competition for memetic resources even if it wasn't in competition for physical ones. But there's a part of me that already thinks it's too late for us. Just by becoming a part of chan culture, we've already damned ourselves along those lines - we're exactly the same kind of "new tribe" in relation to the normalfags.

The argument could be made that natural evolution will continue to take place regardless of our wishes or intentions. This is largely a reaction, it's very likely I'd never have been here or worried about any of this had we not lost the war.

we're irredeemably damned
normal people vomit or get disgusted by things that dont even bat our eyes anymore
we get outraged by things the normies are conditioned to celebrate
if Psycho-Pass became a reality we'd all be imprisoned or shot tbh

"Our" normalfags love hadji war-shamans more than it loves those ostensibly of its own tribe.

I'm pretty sure we're the first batch of criminally asymptomatics to go into the brain vaults.

become the collective superconciousness that controls society from the shadows?
operate from behind the scenes by downloading into androids?
id be up for it tbh

You are so mentally cucked and you don't even know. It's like you have zero will.

Seperate culture is not damning in itself
Aristocrats, medicine men, mystery cults, convents, these all are seperate from their host culture. Stratified society and all.


Abstract thinking isn't your strong suit, is it Chaim? Some of us are acquainted with the Western tradition of Chivalry; its literature; and its metaphysical roots.

Chivalry aint got nothing to do with treatment of women tbh

I'm probably a degenerate, because my favorite book about chivalry is its (finest) parody - Don Quixote.

Sage for shit thread

Western as it may be, does not mean it is a good idea. Women should be treated like shit, see (non westernized) Muslim Women vs European women. But of course you'll put all of the blame on the kikes, while they had a big role in it, it's not completely their fault.

I guess the ovarian jew will always find some loser to take take care of her, her son. Maybe you will be lucky and get to fuck her loose pussy once a week.

Nice, thanks for coming in off the front page and adding to the discussion.

Well, congratulations on once again demonstrating you don't have the remotest idea what you're talking about.

Great post man.

Also: From chaos comes light, Kali yuga is the era where the biggest spiritual rewards are reaped etc. It's like prophecy fulfilling before our eyes.

Do you have any real life examples, or are you going to spout more arbitrary garbage?

The closest comparison I can think to make is Bushido. It's a spiritual and moral code that advises how a man who has been granted the unique role as knight/samurai is to use the considerable social power vested in him for good, rather than simply his own self-aggrandizement.

you should read the Faerie Knight if you like a tale of Chivalry in the style of Arthurian legend

muslim women are whores, usually closeted and repressed so they're on par with the worst junkie hoes of the west
give em a wink and a giggle and you can have fatima behind the bins at Tescos any day of the week

It seems I had something different on my mind. How would this apply to the modern world? What would you consider to be the good in today's society?

it counts as non-westernized when they're wearing a niqab and cant speak english doesnt it?

Can we get a more specific name please?

Well, we are those on whose shoulders the defense of Western culture depends, not because we're the best or most qualified, but because we're what's left. Pretty much all the other institutions have been subverted by the kike elites. Universities, organized religion, the banking system, the military, the police and judicial system - all of these elements are compromised to a greater or lesser extent, and in most cases, the extent is greater. That's part of why I was interested in having the conversation I had about the Culture earlier. Because it's basically up to us at this point to define clearly what we want and why we want it, and to fight for it with all our might, because there's no guarantee we'll have any allies when the time comes to make memes real.

Maybe! I really have to force myself to read anything novel or tractates-length these days - my attention span was never stellar to begin with, and years of chan culture has reduced it to that of a coked-up gnat.

All of us have gotten - I can only imagine in some way unwilling - a field promotion to Dr. Professor Special Agent Major, Esquire - simply by virtue of still believing in something even when that something defies easy explanation.

That's fair and I don't disagree with you. Obviously many of us seem to all have different ideals of what we want in the future. What I'm promoting (the replacement of biological women with robotic women/artificial wombs/cloning or even eternal life through technology) is what I think will lead to best result for all white men (maybe asians if they stay in asia), not just now but in the future as well. So what some may call degenerate, I call it hope, so hopefully our future generations don't fall down the same shitty path. It might work, it might not but to me it seems like the best hope long term

This strikes me as partaking in the same problem as the left - wanting reality to be different than it is. It's a thankless task that we recognized how much we need women before they came to the same conclusion about us. But that's the sort of thing that a good war has a way of reminding them about, and on the whole, Aryan men are a hell of a lot less rapey and abusing than the shitskins they've been voting to thoughtlessly import because MUH FEELINGS. It will get cleared up and I imagine in 50 years there will be a much healthier relationship between the two genders. It's just going to be - messy - in the interim.

If robots were to take off, they would have to adopt a form that's not entirely human. That Jocasta model would probably do the trick. If it got anymore 'human' it would lead to the case of "Uncanny Valley".

You've neglected the truth of this existence for empty materialism.

I like the NS-6 style the best for some reason. Real doll is apparently releasing their 1st robot this year, so this isn't some distant future thing either. They're getting better at passing the uncanny valley, though I still prefer the more robotic look

I disagree, I'm well aware of female nature, which is grounded in reality and I'm aware of mens feeling towards women. Which is why I would be supplementing said feelings with a less harmful and chaotic alternative. As I stated above, Fembots are pretty much here as are artificial wombs so this isn't unrealistic , again this year the first fembot companions are being released this year and there are other companies working to make cheaper thus more accessible fembots. Human feeling are guided solely by muh feels and robots are not unless some nigger programs them to be. Yes they may return back to "normal" but this shit is very likely to repeat itself, I can't see a robot demanding shitskins/space niggerjews being imported because it make no sense beyond muh feels

There is "truth" to this existence, especially as humans who can bend nature itself to his will.

*there is no truth

How do so many Holla Forumsacks take so many redpills without realizing the materialist ontology is the ultimate bluepill that holds the entire prison together?

I'm not going to get into a religious bait discussion.

Because it goes against everything that we are indoctrinated to believe, and breaking that conditioning usually doesn't happen without having a direct encounter with something beyond materialism. The establishment overlords would much rather someone become a fascist than an occultist, thus why so much of the modern urban environment is designed to cut people off from spirituality by all means from chemical to psychological. It's also just easier to give up on truth and run away with nihilistic fantasies of robo-waifus instead of considering things like what happens when feminine arising spirits are denied access to incarnation.

Oh, shit, you're right. I forgot all about Pygmalion.

that was some damn good bait so I guess I'll bite. Believing in what you can see and prove is not a fantasy. No psychedelic drugs don't count.

If the illerminaty rapetillians or whatever don't want people to be occultists then why is it perfectly legal and socially acceptable to promote occultism where as promoting Fascism/National Socialism is grounds to be arrested in many countries?

Which is why I accept the truth of reincarnation, a well documented phenomenon. You show perfectly why it isn't necessary to make it illegal, because the weak minded sorts cultivated by modernity have no capacity to see the truths which are before their eyes. You should really go back to cuckchan or lurk for a few years before posting on here.

You need to back to /fringe/, or get with the program and you can make a robotic version of your tulpa (but it will be real this time)
So i guess reptilians and greys are real then, after all they're well documented

You do yourself no favors by using language which reveals your nature as a foreigner. To cling to materialism while being dismissive of what is common knowledge here is going to win you no debates. The mechanism for the entrance of those sorts of entities you mention into physical reality is not fully understood, but their source is quite clear.

Typical insecure materialist.

Recent entry in the long line of studies showing that your world view is not correct (of course there's also the entire field of quantum mechanics which makes a local materialistic ontology impossible):

The evidence is there for you. You're just more committed to your world view than you are to the truth which is also why you don't belong here.

We have no evidence of how long either of us have been posting here. If this is so obvious, then is there any actual evidence of these phenomena and this source? Because anyone can write whatever bullshit they want down and get said books published. I have yet to see or experience any of this "metaphysical" stuff, and considering how powerful the human imagination is, I'll believe it when I see it. But this is why religious/"spiritual" arguments are pointless

I'm doing some reading on your source and it seems rather shaky so far. I really doubt either of us are going to convince each other.

You only see them as pointless because you are committed from the beginning to dismiss all the evidence which has been gathered over thousands and thousands of years. You dismiss it all and wallow in your emptiness instead of seeking out the truth for yourself. It's not even particularly difficult to experience some of the metaphysical stuff if you go looking for it.

A "waifu" is, in its most simple form, the perfect woman.
But the "waifu" is not just a sex doll but the perfect WOMAN and embodies the traits that its user find important and endearing.
The "waifu" is not an external object of purely physical desire but an internal introspection of the values that someone believes to be most important to themselves and to humanity, whether it's loyalty, determination, purity, justice, happiness, kindness, or a million other things the "waifu" is what this person would come home to everyday and never get tired of.
This is why anons will sometimes get REALLY defensive if someone badmouths their "waifu." Insulting say… Asuka means that your insulting that user belief that personal adversity can always be overcome and that humanity will do the right thing if given the opportunity.

The "waifu" is similar to "god" in that it is not an entity in itself but a representation of all that is good and right in humans, and the thing that someone works-eats-fights-dies-lives for.


Why am I not surprised.

You don't have to go straight from mainstream materialism to some crazy ontology full of forest spirits and crystal power, but the evidence that ought to move you out of a positive commitment to materialism is there in experiments like the one I linked, in multiple RNG experiments conducted at universities over the last several decades, in data like the information just released by the CIA on their psy experiments and their research or Russian psy experiments, in the fundamental irreconcilability between experimental results in mainstream quantum mechanics and anything that looks like a common sense materialist ontology, and on and on.

This much is sufficient to demonstrate that common sense materialism is untenable, but there are philosophical issues that show the position has deeper problems. Firstly, what is "matter", what does "physical" mean? What does it mean to "only believe in physical things"? Does it mean that you only believe in the objects posited by the most respected contemporary science? Well then materialism has in fact been a multitude of views, tracking with every single paper by paper change in the pantheon of scientific objects, rather than one consistent ontology, and in addition, every previous version of materialism has been wrong. Does it mean "I only believe in whatever objects that will be posited by the final correct physics"? Well, alright, but that doesn't rule out anything, including the things you probably want to rule out most - gods, ghosts, ascendant crystal entities, etc. There's no good answer to this question and without a good answer to this question you don't really have a view at all.

Lastly, your ontology requires that pic related was just a coincidence.

Coincidence theory ends up becoming the least convincing ontology of all after awhile.

Good god, I have found a new fetish.

Porn is jewish.


Serious question, doesnt this make us the male equivalent of the Woman's fantasy of the perfect man that has a dick with chocolate taste that cums money and does all the house chores?

I would like to thank you for writing this post and making your point better than all others I've seen attempt it.

It took me far longer than it should have to arrive at this view simply because the people that I saw argue in favor of it always posed it as if morality was mutually exclusive with preserving the white races with some kind of "I'd rather a godly nigger than a degenerate white" argument which I would immediately reject without thinking any further because I read it as saying "your race will continue to go extinct, but you will live a good life as the blood of your ancestors is irrecoverably lost to history" which is pointless in my eyes as I want both a white and moral future.

CF did more to keep me from the truth than the jews ever did.