That monster boss thats not meant to be sexy but god damn
Which springs to mind for you?
That monster boss thats not meant to be sexy but god damn
Which springs to mind for you?
Other urls found in this thread:
user pls
get out of this board
and ne/v/er comeback
Looks like someone else has been brownsig Ex hentai today too eh?
You can bully all what you want.
You're worse than tripfags since I can't filter you.
i vote for all the demons in doom
I wish they would add a feature that let you filter post based off the names of the images they post. Would make ignoring avatarfags easier. Until the avatarfags stops getting the attention they want and changes all their images names to get some more.
The more I play this game the more I hate Sullyvahn. Biggest asshole in the entire series.
I want to feel those talons scrape and pierce by back as she sucks my soul out through my cock and devours it.
Resident Evil.
I'd rather get bullied by her.
Are you gay or something?
Aerodactyl from Metroid is sexy and I don't know why.
do you have some sort of, assburgers disorder, OP?
The ayy that started it all.
Volf from ninja gaiden 2. I'd do anything to pleasure those feet. Plus I'd like him to hoist me up while giving a reach around
Distressing lack of Vicar Amelia in this thread
I love the Dancer fight. The music, her movements, the footsteps. All of it comes together so perfectly.
That Alexia pick messed with me back in the days.
I had no shame fapping to Alexia
when i was a kid i always shipped berial and volf
one had 4 arms and 2 legs, the other had 2 arms and 4 legs. match made in heaven
You are gayer than a box of birds.
God speed
Fuck dragons
Nice, nice. I don't think there's any porn of Volf though, despite the fact he's total furbait. He gave me funny feelings all those years ago when I picked up NGII at launch.
Equipping her armor gives your character model proportions. Of fucking course Dancer is meant to be sexy.
user, don't hate on the Most Triumphant Antagonist just because he be chillin' like a villain.
There's a distressing lack of Vicar Amelia anywhere, actually.
You know there's some serious injustice, when the most art you can find is from DeviantArt.
She is a fucking dancer.
How is she not meant to be sexy ?
Let me guess. You're one of the types who says "poz" like it's a good thing. Aren't you?
There is a way.
I would also state that vidya bosses usually are alphas of some kind. And since sexual value stems from fitness or provess in life, vidya bosses are inherently somewhat sexual always.
Filtering hasn't worked for me since the Alacrity Demon began possessing Holla Forums.
That ass really is the most fatal move Dancer has.
Prove it. She could have the most incredible face.
The porn of these is almost always really good. I guess the design lends itself to it.
Hey man I like Amelia too, but there ain't much out there of her and a big chunk of it is vore which is rad but not something I could safely post here
Thats deep user.
But there are a ton of fat or disfigured bosses too.
Ah, well, yes, it does require the boss to be anthromorphized. So a pile of slime wouldn't be inherently sexual.
But make the slime take a human form, make it behave like a strong, healthy human would and you are starting to get that sex appeal there. Naturally these are ultimately subjective, and it depends on the individual if the non-human features increase or decrease the sexual value, and what the overall sum is. Every attribute is composed of multiple sub-attributes, and people prioritize these attributes differently. Take the Wraith for an example, look at her mouth. To some it might be a weird, alien bug-mouth, but some people might appreciate the moist, sucking, predatory attributes it holds. The latter people are capable of forming fantasies relating to the Wraith's mouth that others are not, simply because people can have very different associations to same things. The best thing is that even people who get aroused by the same thing, might get aroused for vastly different reasons. Staying with the mouth-example: some might like to focus on breathing, others on biting, or the mucous flesh and the swallowing, or even the idea of getting paralyzed by a poison the teeth might inject.
Sexuality is a truly fascinating subject.
Came to this thread to post this, glad to see I'm not alone.
W-who is that semen daemon?
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
The hardest you';ll ever get from a boss in any of the Souls games.
So that's the twist about the fight, you have to fight a giant boss while controlling the erection you have at the same time.
If they gave it tits and a gorgeous ass, isn't it safe to say it was intended to be sexy?
Who is the semen demon in your image?
Excellent taste
I actually have to fight an erection when I fight Grigori or any of the talking dragons in post game.
Miyazaki has a fetish for big girls.
Being a horrible technophile, I cannot deny this.
I can't really thing of the last real boss fight I had that wasn't terrible, which also tends to automatically gut the sexiness out of it for me.
Doesn't really help that I mostly play sandboxy type games.
Especially when the boss's theme is pretty damn similar to Alien's soundtrack, the movie that introduced the pinnacle of all sexual monsters.
No Xcom2 Snake Tits?
He's pretty cool and all, but I ain't gay bruv.
Now if he was a she… To be fair, that is the issue with cloacas. No way to tell until too late.
Not really a boss, though, mate.
Etherials are, if you in to mindcontrol and such.
smh tbh fam
Ain't that part of the experience?
Just make sure the cloaca is clean, cloaca is latin for sewer for a reason.
nigga u gay.
They both have their charms.
That's gay, so are you, as is nigger speak.
You dominate ancient dragons by giving their mates the loving they deserve, left sorely unprovided for.
Shit tier.
Yes, and?
Thick dragons need love to, out of the way skinny shits!
Now, I know human women suck, but that's hardly an excuse when there's an entire galexy left unexplored.
What about the avatar then?
Post more qt comics.
Guy goes by the name Sanzo.
Supposedly, out there, somewhere in the world, there's a full on book what never got put online.
Oh, he's also the guy what did the T-Rex whatsit, from what I hear.
That can't be right, OP didn't post Gwyndolin at all.
Got anymore translated comics?
Look up Sanzo on e621.
Most the stuff's there, that I've managed to find.
Wait what? Holla Forums has been possessed by Demons? When did this happen? Have I been away Crusading too long?
Its too late commissar, Holla Forums has fallen to /monster/ in your absence. The word bearers just had more convincing evidence than the iterators tbh fam
Turns into a boss and then a monster the zombie part being the monster, not then nazi part, so >she counts.
That man lived the fucking dream, I tell you.
Turtle Rock may be a hop, skip, and a leap from hell, but he sure seems satisfied with what he's done.
Give in commissar. Your hopes like in a gilded corpse.
We have such sights to show you.
Demons are fucking disgusting.
And I'd fuck a tyranid.
>tfw it's the same VA as Kirby himself
nice taste.
Oh, look. OP's a faggot.
Never fails.
He's a champ, gotta give him credit.
She seems a tad chubby, but not terrible I guess.
She IS gravid.
monster doesn't accept true monsters.
My niggers
But that's wrong, you faggot.
There will never be enough porn.
You have no romance in you brother.
Dragons have literally every aspect we humans find "sexy".
Wanting to fuck the dragon is only natural.
The design of GladOS was deliberately made to resemble a suspended woman in bondage.
How is that 'not meant to be sexy'?
Prove it you faggot.
Posting furries was eligible to get global banned back on cuckchan for a reason.
Except it wasnt. Thats just Game Theory-level fan garbage.
That's /monster/shit, though. This isn't.
Isn't that still degeneracy?
So was calling moot a faggot. There's a reason we don't do to cuckchan anymore.
4chan served us well for several years before things went down the shitter. Refusing to associate with it as it was in the past is just petty.
One time I posted something that didn't have a human face on /monster/ and got a 3 day ban.
That place is too damn tame for me.
I'm not seeing an argument from you, nigger.
It was always shit. We only used it because it was all there really was.
They're just furfags in denial.
Depends on who you ask.
Me, I say it is degeneracy to deny Humanity her calling.
Since man first walked the surface, we've dreamed of dicking the stars.
Would you deny humanity's right to spread our seed through unknown races, planets, galaxies, and more?
That's blatant bullshit, frankly.
I'm sorry for your lack of adventurous soul. James T Kirk would be ashamed.
/monster/? Nah, worse.
/monster/'s vanilla fags in denial is what they are.
Only exception being the lamia/centaur types, and even then, they're still halfvanilla fags.
riker, is that you?
You said the Ayy that started it all with the implication that it's the Wraith from Evolve, which is wrong. There's plenty of examples of monsters that people have wanted to stick their dick into. And I don't even need to reach very deep into the rabbit hole because for as long as I'm sure anyone here remembers people have been generating porn of Pokemon and Digimon's nonhuman monsters for ages.
user you're pathetic.
>they're still halfvanilla fags.
This shit'll never get old, man.
A year-after, and this shit'll still never get old.
Bruh, it ain't me
Eh, I don't really remember him dicking anything interesting. When he fucks a space eel, then we'll talk.
What's wrong with vanilla?
Wraithposting, man. What a time.
Not quite. They are quite furphobic. Case and point, anything in my post here would most likely be deleted and net a ban.
It might cause headache and sleep problems like insomnia.
No I'm aware of the wraithfag(s?) and how they shat up waifu/monster(girl) treads forever, but it's reasonable to assume that "it" refers to wanting to fuck monsters, not wraithposting, since that's what the thread's about.
hey everybody its the "fix Holla Forums" autist again
You're not wrong.
They really dont know how badly they blow their cover do they?
They did? The ruffians.
The burn left scars, I see.
The burn was also so bad that Mark had to step in and intervene, which only made things worse for the /monster/fags and waifufags, all the while, the shills for the game were just abandoning this place, and the forum for Evolve quarantined and destroyed the "Wraith discussion", in the process.
Good fucking times, man.
Race mixing never led to anything good.
/monster/fag here, While I admit I'm generally furphobic. I must also admit that anything with a actual snout or a inhuman nose just doesn't do it for me. And I would still say that Polt is /furry/
OP's images though is something I don't mind wanking to though.
life finds a way user. life finds a way.
Polt is still better than mia, the true pleb tier.
It's dull as hell.
Might as well wear grey and call yourself "Bill from Accounting"
Sad thing is, it used to be pretty okay there.
Right up until they took the "if it's got a snout it's out" rule too literally.
I miss the days when you could hang around peaceable like and discuss various cultures that'd crop up.
I liked some of the threads on lizardgirls, for instance. Centaurs also could be interesting, although the one I recall ended up angering my freedom boner and basically resulted in me recommending a "DEUS VULT" response to that type for a while.
Still, used to be a rather fun little board what felt more like a /tg/ spinoff than some /a/-tier nonsense.
Harem shit is pure garbage anyway regardless of the fur coefficient of the girls. The first series with all the brothers was the best.
Polt is someone I wouldn't mind Waifu-ing if she was De-furred like /monster/ did with Cu Sith. It's just… that fucking nose man.
You ever even fucked a dolphin, man?
Shut up you raging poopyhead
i can understand that.
I'm not like that, but I can understand that.
I'm more a /xeno/ kind of guy and I like to think about strange biology.
I suggest reading Expedition by Wayne Douglas Barlowe (do NOT watch the stupid ass TV adaptation of Alien planet. It's terrible).
The mere concept of something having jaws, or even eyes is unheard of on the planet due to how things have taken place and what survived the earlier times.
The concepts brought to light in this book, along with the images, serve to open one's mind and break away from that which we see as the norm.
Racemixing is how we got most of our best and smartest critters.
And I am fairly sure that you can't deny a black man's half-white daughter is vastly superior to a fully black daughter.
Besides, the main idea is that we're the ones fucking for our benefit, not them. We're racemixing them, as it were, to further our own influence, survival, culture, and so on.
We aren't, that is to say, inviting them to our planet to fuck our women. We're going to their planets and cucking their men.
user we have been through this time agian again
genki oni subscpecies>cerea>tiny lolispider subspecies>rachnera>ms smith>tio>the moms>ocean suu>papi>poison suu>monoeye>holstarus>sheep girl>lala>goat girls>dryad>zombina>doppel>shit>mero=mia
Have you HAD good vanilla before? I'm not talking about that shitty supermarket trash. I mean real, actual quality vanilla.
And what level makes it peel away from vanilla? What about people with fetishes for office ladies? Is it vanilla with tanlines? How about a maid uniform? Bondage? Tell me where the line is so I can call you an idiot.
Mia has some kind of value. Mero has less than no value.
user I have some bad news for you
Yeah I don't get what the fuck happened there. You'd think there'd be a few, at least, that just took things in a different direction like "what if Daa-san was into something weird", or cosplay, or literally anywhere else. But you're right; every single god-damned one is NTR.
DE is so shit
Some men just want to destroy something pure and beautiful.
Not enough Shuma.
That grineer sniper isn't the old kela anyway, just a regular sniper.
For fuck's sake, what kind of doujins do you people read? I've never had vanilla suddenly turn into NTR even though there's so many people complaining about it
Personally, for me, it's less the biology and more the cultures.
One reason I actually do like animal-based races.
For example, what sort of civilization do you think crows would have? Given that they're very family-oriented, and also massive fucking crooks, I lean towards a lot of mob-type shit, with tons of infighting, shady deals, general corruption, blackmail, and so on in most all their daily dealings.
Never go down the crow part of town if you want to keep your wallet. You might not get mugged, but you will get swindled at some point.
Yeah. Ultimately, I'd prefer something else. I like mint, for instance.
Really, vanilla only ends up being good with toppings. Which, to be fair, is a niche it fills. Chocolate with topings just doesn't work as well.
My personal favorite flavour is coffee.
What you're describing, by the way, is largely vanilla with toppings.
It's when your toppings become the primary point that you've changed flavor. For instance, say you like to throw a little chocolate syrrup on your vanilla. That's all fine and well. But then you start mixing it in, and you add some more in.
Next thing you know, you aren't eating vanilla, you're eating chocolate.
Also, it probably melted, and is pretty much a milkshake.
Incidentally, salt on icecream is amazing.
Welp. Seems I accidentally derailed the thread slighty despite saging because of my mention of Polt..
I'll look into that book if I ever get off my ass then.
Witch is a qt, not exactly into Kela's decayed look. I would probably go for the vampire one out of all the choices on the third image.
Holy fucking shit really? They redesigned Kela into a Super Dyke? With next to no breast tissue at that. Why couldn't they exactly make her a fancier sniper still?
Yep. I mean saying DE is shit is like saying water is wet, but it doesn't make it any less true.
You see this would be something you'd expect to at least see one instance of. But every comic goes to NTR.
It's specific to that series, Okusan. For some reason every doujin is NTR/Cheating-focused. Here: this is the sadpanda search for it minus NTR, Netorare, Cheating, and "Swinging" because sometimes commenters get asshurt because of muh open relationships even though it's plainly NTR.
The only things left are an image-set, some cosplay, and artist galleries where they've been tagged with Okusan.
I'm with you on that. I suppose that is why some concepts from games and shows pique my interest so much, even if what they are based in may be something like a children's show.
Reminder of the proper response to being NTR'd
The only proper response is a generous application of rope.
Is that series NTR bait or something?
No it's just cute slice-of-life about a married couple. In the manga they're both very much in love with each other and this oddly specific turn for the worst is something I've got no explanation for.
When you have a fetish for 2d anime pregnant women the tag leads to a lot of dark, none lovey dovey places no sane man wants to go.
Its a slice of life comedy about a couple people think are newlyweds but they are in their early 30's and still in pure love with each other, oku san has never been with another man and longs for her darling to return home.
Some doujin artists believe something this pure only exists to be defiled.
But that's still wrong, though. It's a simple taste, yes, but that doesn't diminish it's quality any less. Also that's not how ice cream works; you start off with chocolate, not mix it in with vanilla. Vanilla =/= plain cream.
But you still aren't answering the question: where does it stop being vanilla? Because unless you're doing everything completely different, I've got some news for you.
Oh, I forgot Ratbat was doing that comic thing. Ought to read it.
Ah, but it looks a bit heavy. I am not prepared for feels or the like.
I don't know why, but for some reason there's lots of porn about Bowser
You ever mix chocolate with vanilla?
It ends up that way, mate. It's a base, or at least it might as well be.
Nigger, I just explained where it stops. When you throw enough of the rest of shit in that it stops being about the vanilla and it starts being about the toppings.
yummy witch
So it's basic desire to fuck anything that moves, only the creature in question has superior or at least equal intelligence? Because without intelligence it is the same as fucking an animal or a nigger.
Also, if they have superior intelligence why make inferior offspring with one parent being a human? As well as introducing social hardships of not fully belonging to one race or another.
As far as I know, it's just those three pages so far… OH WAIT, the other comic series they are doing, yeah yeah…
it looks pretty heavy.
He can be muscular so hard gays love him. He can be fat so chubby chasers love him. He can be both, so bara lovers will go for him.
he's pretty flexible in presentation, thus the porn.
I find the disposition against tentacles caressing the male gendered to be very disruptive in my fapping cycles.
Who's to say there isn't some lovely tendril-lapped creature that'd want to cuddle the nights away with her lover?
Lots of super gay bara porn of Bowser, you mean. If you want Bowser on Peach action, you're out of luck. If you want Bowser on Peach action that doesn't play up the fatness, you're really out of luck.
More or less. Rather, I'd say a basic instinct of perversion each and every one of us is born with.
Also, it has to be intelligent, and female. None of that faggot shit.
Same reason humans do, I guess. "Love"? "Stupidity"? "Libcuck hippies"?
If my son can't withstand that shit, he is a fucking pussy, and isn't worth even considering as a son.
I sure as hell didn't raise him to be a total whimp.
I raised him to be a space pervert, damn it, and so he damn well better be getting his half-eel ass down the road into that nice xthulian girl's trowsers, or whatever the hell space mantises wear.
You just want an excuse to have large insertions stimulate your prostate for a hands free orgasm, dont lie user.
Best mech coming through.
It's shit.
Didn't you just say that vanilla is "a base, or at least it might as well be"? Following that logic you're still vanilla at the core. You can have your rocky road with almonds and caramel, but it's still vanilla at the core. It's just "toppings" and stuff you mix in because you can't appreciate the basics because tastes are different.
Let's go back to monsters for a second. All of these exotic body types still boil down to a very human way of going about things. Same positions, same expectations and, in most cases, human anatomy or traits are slapped on to make it more palatable. Like a few of those shuma pictures from earlier.
Yeah you can have a twelve foot amazon alien with tentacles, but that's just cosmetic changes for the same "dull" experience. Might as well be the same as monster-girls in the missionary position.
I like you
I don't think armless mechs and robots can qualify as sexy.
and i think your opinion is wrong
Sahalanthropus must have been your holy grail of clank. Wide hipped, humanoid giantess metal gear rex with hands, giant toes and a prehensile tail that turns into a sword. ooh er, suits you sir.
not really, it's my least liked metal gear actually
Amelia is great. It's a shame good art of her is hard to find.
Tamamitsune from Monster Hunter is pretty good as well.
Alright I can't find my images of MGS4 geckos with lingerie but if I posted them you'd see that you're actually wrong
Maybe more of a shagohod kinda guy
You know all the tamas are male right? the gamutos are female.
It doesn't matter.
I see what you're trying to get at, and all, but you hand someone a bowl of icecream what's been mixed with a ton of chocolate, they're not going to call it "vanilla with chocolate", they're going to call it "chocolate".
It's more of a matter of semantics at that point.
Most of that's bad, though.
I don't want the same, boring, common bodytype repeated everywhichway. I don't want the same rubbish facial structure, same skin makeup, same set of legs and arms with the same pair of hands and feet. I don't want boring human girls what just happen to look like monsters or such, I don't want the wolfchick what works at fucking McDonalds, I don't want the beetle what listens to Rhianna or the tentacle thing what posts on facebook all day.
You've described everything I don't rightly like, mate.
Yes, I make do with what limited suchandsuch I have, but that don't mean I am happy with it. I want to hear what sort of cool cultures the crowgirl has, I want to fondle the hivequeen's abdomen, I want to find new strange positions to do the floating tentacle space eel.
Yeah, you could have the twelve foot amazon alien with tentacles, but I'd still call it a bigass boring human what happens to have tentacles attached to it.
I've had entire dreams around this, mate.
Two-legged chickenwalker mechs are sexy as hell.
get out of here this is a christian imageboard
It does if hes doing the rapin'
Hope you want to live life with a cavernous asshole that people can hear the ocean in.
Most of MH honestly.
Return of the jedi was a mistake.
Guild marm pls go.
He's bretty good, I really like his style.
Then why are you still posting vanilla?
id fuck horny death
Mostly on account of the stuff I crave doesn't really exist.
But I don't think you could really call it 'vanilla' besides.
That's casual talk, son.
Quit projecting your anal filth onto my superior vanilla fantasies.
You don't understand. Having one weird fetish is not enough. You have to have a bunch of weird shit like inflation, scat and weight gain on top of your already strange obsession with non-human stuff. I know this because someone called me a "normalfag" for not being into diapers while I was on /furry/.
Sorry, Bill, it still seems pretty vanilla to me. I mean how many times have we seen the "non human letting a human ride them" thing already.
That's really sad.
All of his concepts are pretty fucking radical, but way too high-concept for the casual shitheap Evolve is.
No genuine survival situation, which would basically follow the game's original concept of being "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." in-space, but instead we get "kill-dat-tank", and nothing more.
Disappointing, to say the least.
They do it because developments of our species allow to. But in essence it is going backwards. Just because they can doesn't mean they should. If they were animals they would be extinct and replaced by natural selection.
I'm not trying to make any point here, just sorting out things in my head.
TL;DR: degeneracy confirmed.
Nah, that's like I was saying earlier: The difference of flavors.
It's like, you can have vanilla with some sprinkles, with some chocolate, with some banana, strawberries, or whatever.
But, you can also have just straight up chocolate icecream, straight strawberry, and so on.
In my case, I love coffee flavored icecream. Really good.
But that doesn't mean I have to like sherbert as well.
I mean, you want to make that argument, I suppose that's your business, but I am going to call you a krautmunching faggot for it.
It was decently fun game. Kinda in the same league as AvP2 for me.
Man, I'd always thought of myself as more of a vanilla guy. Surely there's lots of things weirder than inflation or weight gain in the grand scale of ice cream flavors.
I got what you were saying earlier. I was just shitposting about /furry/. There are actual retards who will cry about vanilla even when something abnormal is involved just because it isn't some form of extreme fetish shit.
There are, but I don't want to talk about those type of things. Funny enough they all have a general on that board.
/furry/ is a shithole, and nobody should ever go there.
Never in my life did I ever consider 'straightshaming' could be a thing, until I set foot there for just a moment.
Besides that, it's mostly blogposts whining about their boyfriend. The few threads that aren't that are porn, namely gay porn. Good luck trying to get any kind of discussion up there. Doesn't help that most the lot don't even care for different cultural whatnot, instead opting for literally humans what look [arguably, for that matter. Typically, it's just the head, a tail, and funny colored skin] like animals.
I don't give a shit. Reminds me of Yelena Fedorova now (but with no tits)
> you'll never be wrapped in the loving arms tentacles of a devoted tentacle'd monster girl while you sleep
Just kill me now.
You've got your own bloody board, goddammit.
Can't you learn some respect-for-turf?
Sounds like you just want a hug user.
Hugs are nice.
I don't understand the intent of the comic can it be explained to me? I am ill at the moment so my brain doesn't work properly.
I don't like the fursona stuff, but I do enjoy stories about anthros living in human society but still having a bit of animal traits.
Talk for yourself, I'm a servant of the great old ones, faggot.
If you have room in your interests for females who aren't basically just humans in costumes AND have no interest in diapers/vore/inflation/hypnosis/feet, there's really no good option.
I'm just interested in boring consensual vanilla sex with not necessarily very vanilla at all types of females.
Most of the stuff posted on /kemono/ right now fits that description.
Man, I messed up that post completely.
Dragon charges for a kiss because dragons are greedy jews, guy explains that he doesn't mind because it gives him more happiness than working himself to the bone, she thinks that's either pathetic, adorable, or romantic, and gives him free hug.
That's fine assuming they've got some of their own cultural differences along with them.
I don't have to have a whatsit only civ, after all. Just make them not just humans.
Where do you get all this cute shit? I mean, I know it's Sanzo but where do you get it in English?
I'm more or less the same. I like some bondage, a little odds and ends brainwash or mindcontrol sometimes, but for the most part, at the end of the day, what I really want is handholding and general cute romantic stuff
Look up Sanzo on e621. No idea where the actual translations come from, that's just where I pick it up. Occasionally aroundabouts here, too.
Don't stop posting btw
My absolute negros
I'm near dry anyway
yeah you're just starting drama because daddy didn't give cummies while growing up. stop derailing threads you stupid nigger.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley is the Daughter of Gwynevere. Of course she is going to be sexy.
the snout is out rule has been up there since the board started.
I dont know how delusional you can get with this revisionism.
Your rules are utter shit when the rules sticky has a crop from a doujin that breaks two of the rules.
True, but it was not a serious rule, you fucking newfag krautmunch.
It was never once enforced, nor was it seriously considered. Hell, it wasn't even an official rule, for that matter. It was a "rule of thumb" set along the existing rule.
My nigger.
nice you got triggered, now your going to bring up monster meta on Holla Forums because of butthurt like this guy
you guys are such fags. Next time just post as anons instead of bringing your fetish identity polotics to a board about videogames. Seriously it makes you both look like people from FA.
Your other posts show you're a furfag so your opinions are automatically wrong.
Armless robots are nice as well, though.
You actually want to get bullied, don't you?
Try harder.
Holy shit you are just as entitled as fucking BLM protesters. Just gas yourself or keep your shit taste to yourself holy fuck.
Does Elesh count?
Why is GLaDOS porn so rare?
so rare but so good
He enjoyed a doujin with furshit and a trap enough to crop it.
Nice to see you can't into context.
It was never a serious rule at first. In fact, it wasn't a rule at all, like I said. It was an elaboration on an existing rule.
Pardon me for getting annoyed when gookfuckers make up bullshit anyone what was around would know is total rubbish.
Not a boss, but the weaponless goats from DSIII. I mean, what other games apart from alien series have enemies that try to facefuck you?
It's kind of amusing though, how'd this get past censors?
look guys your little anti content separation circle jerk will keep talking about /monster/ till the end of Holla Forums. If you hate them so much you should just ignore them, bringing it up just makes needless meta that doesn't add anything to Holla Forums if you want to complain about Holla Forums boards then I would suggest you go to freech.
Can you piss off, already?
This ain't a /monster/ thread.
I ain't the one what brought it up, you gook.
You misunderstand me. I don't mind /monster/ at all and I don't want the boards to mix. This form of segregation is perfectly fine and /furry/ works quite well as the underage faggot containment board. It's just the high and mighty attitude of them claiming how they are not weirdos annoys me. As if something like a lamia or a dullahan is perfectly normal.
I don't know
She had lots of children, its hinted that shes queen lothric and the season pass shit is about her and the 'angels' frampt and kathe and why hollows are mutating into primordial serpent abortions and hy her husband turned into a mini seathe and took her lastborn 'ocellotte' inside himself like a male seahorse after she was 'hidden away' after he was born.
It isn't an attitude liking /monster/ is a vanilla circlejerk with monstergirls. Pretty damn normal.
Furries are foam tier degenerates with all of their characters being homo or neon colored.
A valid comparison would be someone getting a parking ticket and another person being a spree murderer and then thinking there is no difference between the two as they both committed a crime.
Does that make it clear?
Gwynevere is defiantly not the Queen Lothric. Gwynevere married the flame god Flann. However the Queen of Lotheric could be one of Gwynevere's daughters because of the Hidden Blessing. BTW Gertrude was the queen Lothric's hand maiden not the queen and the Angels are in the service of Gertrude. However, gertrude is also possibly a daughter of Gwynevere.
But who the hell is Yorshka? She say's her father was Gwyn but she is a fluffy tailed grill just like Priscilla. Did Gwyn fug Priscilla before he lite the kindled the first flame? Wasn't Priscilla sorta his grand daughter or something?
Exactly. In the end, they both violated the law and should at the very least pay a fine.
Think back to 2, they all fucked it up by creating shanalotte how?
Dark Souls 2 never happened…
I bet you good money the season pass dlc reveals the reason its all fucking up is because a reborn seathe took the research from the emerald herald project and stuck his pale nose into shit nobody was supposed to know. Probably about the world pre age of fire.
I hope its full retard.
I would say that's a generalization, but if we look at the /furry/ you are probably right. I am talking to you right now and I'm not one of the things you mentioned. It's nice that you mentioned stylistic stuff like the godawful neon colouring since a bunch of monster girl designs are pretty bad. The Cheshire Cat and the other similar KC stuff being the best example of poor design and terrible proportions.
That makes no sense to me since it's just jerking off in the end and you are focusing on the loud cunts like the bunch from /furry/.
/furry/ is such a pozzed shithole, I can't stand the fucking place. Most the shit there is either furfag drama and shit, gay shit, or shit fetishes exclusive to fucking tumblr or DA (diaper and vore, seriously goyim?). Even the sfur threads are fucking garbage because all they do is choose to hang out on a shitty board and do nothing but dump porn in their one tiny and slow thread while faggots and "women" complain about people posting lesbians "hurr durr dis is not straight guise".
Problem I have with /furry/, and honestly furry shit in general is that they've got some kind of rampant gay nonsense running about.
It makes ever speaking with any of the lot just straight up horrible, because they never shut up about how they want to fuck butts, or how weird it is that you don't want to.
Only good thread I've seen is one talking about welding.
That was rather entertaining.
Then there's my already mentioned issues with the group as a whole besides. Like I said, mostly just humans what have funny colored skin and a weird face. 'Fur' is a stretch for them. Then there's the cultural issues, as they're literally 100% human every time.
That's why they are so easy to photoshop into humans (thread on that somewhere right now). The artists are fucking lazy cashwhores.
I suspect part of the problem with /furry/ is that disproportionally to most of the other major boards, it attracts people from offsite, because is only accessible via that board.
And there's also the legacy of people like Bui, which doesn't help with the amount of shitposting.
Why is dog/fox related furshit the fucking creepiest yet most popular?
Because canines are familiar.
Let's just say that everything furry is awful, especially the gayshit.
Always nice to see the second best praetor get some love.
Why do you think foxes and dogs are creepy? There are far worse things out there.
You still have gwyndolin you degenerate.
oh wait :^)
There was one decent thread more than a week ago. It was the Kemoket 5 thread and it was only good because it was about kemono.
that is some cool looking armour.
Humans and dogs evolved together. They are the most relateable animal in the world for us so it shouldn't be surprising at all.
lots of loyalty for someone who faps to furryshit.
Tell me about the man, the man in the fursuit.
If you pull him out will he yiff?
Perhaps he's wondering would you yiff a man, before throwing him out of a plane
Lotta yiffing for a low quality deivantart commission!
dogs aren't creepy, dog furshit is extra creepy to me though, I guess because they are familiar
I would go so far as to say vore is worse than feet.
I'd rather feet than vore, inflation, fat, unbirthing…
well, he IS analogous to Zeus.
she was supposed to be a human/dragon hybrid who was able to act as a infinite fount of humanity to fuel an eternal age.
but alas she is another in a long series of failures, only you who take the crowns do you become an unhollowing undead.
Quentin pls. Thick is still preferable to "LOOK AT THOSE WRINKLED SOULS, I JUST CAME MYSELF"
Define thick.
Anything over 200 lbs is too much.
150 is probably my limit.
I don't really get the foot fetish shit myself.
A girl can be fat as fuck as long as she doesnt have a doubel chin, cellulite or a body that looks like a melting candle.
Its rare but it happens.
Bless this mess
sorry, i just remembered there might be a chance that priscilla might be velka's daughter and not gwynivere's.
actually i never understood why the fuck gwyn had seath's daughter, even the painting guardians are best equipped to deal with seath with their high mag defense and flips.
the fuck gwyn you threw havel out for him and then do this?
I love you guys sometimes
A shame it has to come to an end, so soon.
There will be another time.