And why?.
Mine's this bad boy, i grew up with it and spent countless hours on it, it seemed that back then even the mediocre games had more love put into them. Say even licensed games were playable and enjoyable, unlike now.
Don't get me started on the low-poly graphics and lowres textures that are just so great to look at. I remember playing CTR with my folks for hours and hours back then, before my family went to shit.
Favorite console
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Dreamcast or PSP
The Dreamcast was the last console (and last "modern" - I.E 3D) to really make games that were designed primarily to be fun games, and not just casual spectacle. PSP because it's comfy as fuck, unless you're playing something like MonHun where the D-Pad controls the camera, has a pretty great library, easy as fuck CFW and Homebrew and it has a shit-ton of emulators so you can play GB, GBA, GG, Gen, NES, SNES, etc - plus native PSX support.
Also, those dual SDMicro to MG2 cards giving you over 120gb of storage space.
DS had the better native library and GBA BC, and comes in a close second, but you can just do more with PSP.
every time
I don't know how it was possible, but I've had more fun playing Blaster Master on PSX than I have playing modern FPS games with lots of creature comforts.
And the Blaster Master game isn't even that good.
No competition.
The one game I can say I'm good at in a quantifiable manner is CTR. I'm up there in the time trial records. I barely get to play nowadays but that's my shit.
Crash 1&2 (3 was mediocre,) CTR, Twisted Metal 2, Resident Evil 1&2, Jade Cocoon, Tomb Raider 1&2, Parasite Eve and Dino Crisis. Goddamn Medievil 1&2. That and Pandemonium 2. Fucking Pandemonium 2.
Them's the real shit.
Yeah the PSP would be my pick too because it's like having both a PSX and PSP on the go.
Gonna have to go with the good ol SNES, my first console and with amazing shit like DKC, SMW+All Stars, Sim City, Illusion of Gaia and fucking Link to the Past .
I remember just being disappointed as fuck with that thing, everything just looked, and with that awful no analog piece of shit that came with a fucking 3d console controller, played like shit, save for games like FF Tactics and Namco Museum. Didn't help that at the time i had, like, a shit ton of worthwhile game for the n64, and almost all the amazing PS1 games were incredibly hard to find back then.
Excellent taste.
Story time?
Nigger if you could find FFT you could have other great games too.
The PS2.
I still remember the day we got it. I was still rather young, in fact too young for Spiderman 2 even at the time. It way the game my older sibling wanted to have as his first game, my first game on the PS2, and probably still is my favorite open world game. I don't want to play it again, because it is one of those childhood memories I want to preserve.
So when we (father and I) entered the store and looked around and eventually asked a store clerk for the PS2 he pointed out that it was probably not a good idea for a child as young as me to play Spiderman 2, because of the violence involved. My father reacted annoyed (understandably) and said :"Just shut up.". That was the first and the only time in my life I have seen my father get "rude" in public.
My cousin came over for unboxing, and we had a great time setting it up and exploring Manhattan.
I never really played anything BUT Spiderman2 on the PS2. It was so much fun, had so much to do, was so challenging and unique (and I was not able to buy any other games). After a few years (two or three maybe) a friend of my sibling brought along Splinter Cell, Pandorra Tomorrow.
The two played the first few levels and were absolutely bad at it. They lacked the patience, the feeling for the shadows, the accuracy. They got frustrated and handed the controller to me, probably expecting me to fail miserably. I played through that game in one sitting. It was amazing. The story, the gameplay, the graphics (not too impressive, but everything looked so very fitting).
To this day I have not found a stealth game that quite captures this feel. Although that may be because I never played another Splinter Cell game (besides one of the newer ones for 5 minutes at a LAN, where there was a Russian equivalent Stealth team of some sorts, and a really nice looking cover system, but far too much focus on combat).
Those two games were revelations to me, and I will keep them in my heart forever.
Not only that but you couldn't find wortwhile games on a consoles with one of the biggest catalogs ever?
I'd get lucky every once in awhile and find some good games in a sea of shit and broken games(Some faggots would treat them like bootleg CDs and others would just smash them to pieces on the pavement, RIP that copy of spyro 2 and tales of destiny i found), plus my friends hooked me up with a few good ones. Pics related.
My favorite console is one I didn't own, but bought for my younger bro.
The Gamecube.
I only played a few games, eternal darkness for one, on it but I liked the design. I thought the N64 was unappealing compared to it's predecessors.
Favorite games console is the ps1. So many good times.
Other than maybe Deception those games were easily to find when they were new.
Did you live in the boonies?
That one hurts.
The Gamecube has some worthwhile games, but the library of them's a bit small. You should give it another look sometime if you haven't yet (though you might want to do so via dolphin or a modded Wii; a good amount of the games can be rather expensive now).
Only got a PS2 a few years back; really nice that I still have a lot of stuff on it to play as part of my backlog since current gen hasn't done too much of interest for me at this point.
Been meaning to emulate Terranigma sometime. Considered it didn't come out here in the US and frequency differences between NTSC and PAL back then, does it emulate well enough as is, or has someone patched the Japanese version with the European English translation?
It emulates just fine, just go an play the PAL rom rite now.
I was think of looking into Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia first. I know the games aren't directly connected, but share elements or something; figured I might as well play them in order when I get around to them.
The small library didn't matter to me. It had enough games that I didn't notice at the pace I bought them.
This thread is dangerously close to being console war bullshit
My vote goes to the entire GameBoy Line, a line of backward compatible handhelds that stretched from 1989 to 2003 when the SP came out and combined sold over 200 million units, if we include the entire gameboy and all its successors as one continuous console it would be the second best selling in history with the 3DS+DS selling together about 210 million units combined
One could debate about just how good the consoles themselves were, but no doubt they are perhaps some of the most influencial machines made in the moderm consumer electronics era
For me it was the PlayStation 2.
Full backwards compatibility with the PS1 (a concept that was alien at the time) so you didn't have to just abandon your old library (if you had one) and if you never had a PS1 and wanted to try the games it was as easy as picking them up at the store or finally being able to borrow them from a friend.
It had a long long lifespan and a very huge library that had a whole lot of rather excellent games.
Some game series that fell apart in later generations were started or at their peak best on the PS2 (or at least during its lifetime).
Lastly, it was the last console (and console generation) where games had to be actually fucking completed before they were shipped out. Where there was no jewy DLC schemes and games were just video games and nothing fucking more.
you didn't have an uppity hipster crowd guilt-ridden and ashamed that they had never accomplished anything trying desperately to be considered an art critic because they blogpost about video games.
I guess it was just a better time.
Anyway, my second pick would be the PSP:Go, not because it was the greatest of all time but because I think it was the last true handheld produced with actual portability in mind.
Got rid of the stupid UMDs. Had a compact design. Didn't waste a lot of space. Fit nicely in your pocket.
It had its flaws..but fuck carrying a DS around is like stuffing a big cellphone in your pocket that's covered by an otterbox case (which are designed to clip to belts, mind you) and you can't carry a Vita in your pocket because you could fuck up the joysticks so you got to put it in a case and at that point you are looking at stuffing it into a backpack or something.
Nigger, you're the only one who's baiting for console war faggotry.
How is being forced to download your games superior to having the option of a physical medium, even if it's the UMD?
I didn't personally, but i never really wasted my time with retail stores, i usually looked through flea markets, pawn shops and yard sales to get the shit i wanted.
In other words; "Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."
This patch converts the pal version to NTSC, so you don't have to deal with 50fps
How is the lack of UMD (physical) support a plus in any way?. Are you dumb?.
I'd say he works for sony, but not even sony gave a single shit about the psp go, as far as i can tell it was just made as a fuck you to pirates.
Cool, thanks.
Alrighty fam, I'll tell you I had the fondest memories overall between the PS2, DS, and Wii, I fondly remember using the Wii to play YouTube on our old CRT and staying late night at friends house because that shit was a big deal back then, we'd all spend the day trading Pokemon and playing Pokemon Battle Revolution, Brawl, and Mario Kart, I made a Wii steering wheel mod that mounted it to a tripod with a doorknob joint so it can rotate and return to rest position like a real steering wheel, GameCube backwards compatibility was a plus because a huge chuck of my experience with the Wii was playing GameCube games, I even got the GameCube version of Twilight Princess because I really didn't like the waggle bullshit, then there's the PS2 where it was MGS, Rayman Hoodlum Havoc, GTA SA, Destroy All Humans, all day every day, its really hard to pick a particular console based on what I had the best memories with, my top 5 would probably be;
I love everything about the PS1. The charm ofunfiltered pixely gamey graphics. The colorful and bright cheerful games for it.
Even darker games like Tenchu and MGS had a special optimistic campy quality to them like 80s action movies had.
The CDs allowed for plenty of content but the low poly restrictions meant the devs had to be creative to make thongs work and in budgeting their resources focued in wjat made games good. I seriously love exploring PS1 game's environments like Namco Museum 5 or Ape Escape or Flying Spark's DOS-like aesthetic. Rodge Race was beautiful.
I also like the JP Sega Saturn library, the JP Genesis library, and the Dreamcast was really cool despite having only a few games I know of that look like I'd like.
You are truly a man of patrician taste my fellow user, i couldn't have explained it better myself, also the 3D enviroments on the Namco Museum games are just beautiful, i'm also really fond of their opening FMV cinematics.
And is it even possible to buy games for the PSP Go anymore, or has that all been discontinued?
I think you can access the PSN through the browser and get the games there. But even so the Go had a smaller screen and a mono speaker which is shit.
How is that game by the way, i remember really wanting that game, but even back then it was really expensive and hard to find.
The psp store went down recently but you can still redownload your games, t's just more of a
Not sure how campy I'd call things like Koudelka. That game was dark as shit and had very little humor or anything light to it. Still good though if you ask me, but I know it's a pretty hit or miss game overall.
Not sure. I know the native PSP PSN is being removed out here like it was in Japan, if it hasn't been already.
Not sure why it's expensive exactly (these days it's still a good $30 where I live). Might have to do with having the only Legend of Valkyrie game the west has ever officially seen on it.
Low sales, i imagine. They put all the iconic recognizable games in volumes 1 and 3, so everyone just bought those and ignored the other 3.
I have to imagine there is a pure numbers reason as to why this is no longer considered a needed feature.
Like maybe they crunched the numbers and figured out that people weren't really going back to the older games in the amounts that would make the time and effort to create backwards compatibility on a forward-pushing project worth it.
Its also likely tied into the advent of the "HD Remaster".
From a business perspective it makes sense. People will generally put their older console away to save space (and to stop it from collecting dust on a shelf) and will rarely go back into their old library. If they do, its for only a couple old games they might want to replay. They already have them. on top of that, a couple years into the new console's life cycle the backwards compatibility just becomes a relic since nobody is PRODUCING those old games anymore so all the sales of old games are just leakages in the system because they're likely from Ebay or other used outlets (like gamestop). The only option against that is to produce a online store for these which costs money to create and upkeep and probably a bunch of other licensing and other fees that we don't even see.
So you produce an HD remaster. You make the game work on the current console and pretty up the game a little bit, maybe add a few textures or something, maybe give a few more options (RE1 and Zero remasters with their classic to modern controller options).
People will buy it either out of nostalgia or because they never got to it and now this is their only option of least resistance.
You say forced and I say liberated. The UMD itself was a monster and represented everything wrong with the original PSP. A bunch of moving parts that represented all manner of points of failure which would threaten the lifespan of the system. It also drained the battery. An electric motor and a laser will kill a battery quickly.
Now as far as having physical medium all together I honestly don't like to try to keep track of all the little carts/CDs/whatever if i'm going to be carrying this thing around. Remember, I stated it was the last truly portable handheld. Portable is a key word. My time with it was spent away from home, usually at college or on some road trip or any other number of things. So the risk of simply losing this small little cart while traveling is something I don't want to deal with. On top of that, I don't want to just shove a bunch of shit into my pockets as I already have enough things in there anyway and I really don't want to have to wander around with a backpack.
The only reason to need the physical copy of something is for after the system's lifespan as you run into the problems here:
Where the lack of a physical medium means that there is no after-market. No trade and no used stores that can be used. However, I see that as pretty much just an open invitation to pirate everything for the system. I mean really, what exactly could they say? They are no longer providing the content for sale on that system and in that format.
Now these days where i'm the one that is driving everywhere and when I'm away from home I'm actually actively engaged in something rather than waiting for the next thing I don't really mind the physical medium. I think maybe the Vita finally got it right as I think you can actually install the game from their little carts if you want to. Unfortunately it has its issues of being portable on its own.
Speed Punks is a really overlooked game. Its in the style of Mario Kart 64 and CTR. While it might not outright best CTR, its really does give it a run for its money.
speed Punks is beautiful, it feels great to play. Has top notch physics and feels great to race. Fun and memorable tracks too.
I thought the original PSP had access to the exact same online store as the Go. If that's the case, then how can removing an option, which you have the option of ignoring, be called 'liberation' in any way?
"This portable machine isn't portable because i keep losing the games"
Can't you just put them in a ziplock bag or something, i mean really, UMD is one thing(those fuckers are too fragile to go anywhere anyhow) how fucking big are vita carts.
There's a very small number of games i would ever spend that much money on, and this ain't one of them.
The Saturn is the fucking coolest thing, and I'm really sad I never got to experience it growing up.
Vita carts are pretty fucking tiny.
They are popular for a reason. I believe Vol 5 was the only relase of that Valkyrie game in English and the Gilgamesh dungeon game has an exclusive level expansion for this collection. They went out of their way to load them up with cool shit. I don't even like Namco games that much but I managed to accuire an incomplete set of the games as a kid and played them a lot.
Emulating a copy or burning a disc worjs great too you know.
Im burning an ISO for it right now, you sold me.
The exclusion of the option of the UMD meant you could take all that size needed to facilitate its function and chuck it out the window and you end up with, as I said before, the last hand held console to actually be designed for portability.
the DS and Vita are handheld, and are MORE portable but they're not really designed with being something you'll be including as part of your usual carry.
I mean unless you got cargo pants/shorts. I suppose they think the cargo-short wearing kid with the flame T-shirt is their actual audience.
Now the actual bigger problem was that the PSPGo store didn't have the entire library the PSP had. I still remember being pissed off that Crisis Core seemed to be Never Ever for digital download. Maybe because Crisis Core was perhaps the only thing they thought was selling the PSP and their awful UMD scheme?
Nothing's perfect.
Being really small is just as much of a problem as being big.
Big means they're clunky and unsavory to carry around. Small means they could far more easily get lost. Easily to be put out of sight and thus out of mind.
First would be the Genny. So many memories playing Sonic 3 and Knux, Earthworm Jim, Vectorman, and Streets of Rage. My dad was also addicted to World Series Baseball 95. Also Genesis games sounded better than SNES games
Second would be OG Xbox. Yes, it would introduce Halo and a bunch of 10 year old fucktards that would kill online multiplayer and casualize FPSes, but it was such a powerhouse and the non Halo games were goat. JSRF, Orta, Ninja Gaiden were stupendous. It also had the best snowboarding game with Amped 2, and the best racing game with PGR2. Also, custom soundtracks for games like GTA and Burnout, and the best multiplats.
And finally, the Dreamcast. Most fun came from multiplayer with Rush 2049, Marvel vs Capcom, and Soul Calibur.
Sound philosophy, but you being a cheap cunt isn't the consoles fault. Wait
And you bought fucking N64 games. Even at a flea market those things were more expensive than PS1 games if they were new.
Small. Maybe DS cart sized or smaller. Haven't actually compared both next to each other. Good reason to keep the cases around for both when not in use.
Well, it didn't help that every time i actually did go to a store, they only carried the most generic shit (Bowling and Billiards for 20 bucks each, what a steal!)
Either you weren't looking, or the flea markets where you lived fucking sucked. I paid 20 bucks for majora's mask a month after it came out, could've gotten a cib copy for 40 if i actually gave a shit. Also i used to buy shit from video rental stores when they would put that shit on clearance.
So you bought games long after a system ended its lifespan
Again, not the consoles fault. Also you could've got cheap good PS1 games on clearance at somewhere like EB games instead of some shit house flea market.
The gamecube wasn't even out yet you nigger.
Still a stupid reason to hate the PS1 because you were poor.