Slav shooter thread

Let's have a Slav shooter thread.

It looks like 4A will go to E3 this year (3rd pic). Will we get a new Metro game or are they just gonna promote that piece of shit movie that's coming up?

also I want to play some stalker, should I mod it right away or should I play unmodded first?

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What. Also besides those obscure tank games, Need For Russia, Escape From Tarkov, and Cossacks I can't think of any Slavic games.

Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be Hollywood trash.

You forgot about Serious Sam

At least it looks nice

They're not Slavic in feel, I wouldn't call shit Ubisoft Kiev makes Slavic because it's an international company and they're a branch. Not saying that they have to be about Slav shit, Stalker wasn't about Slavankia but it had a distinct tone not seen anywhere else but that was probably Tarkovsky's doing.

Oh it will be. Deep Silver literally said they want to attract a wider audience

All I want is a Stalker game set in 2033's universe with a developed above and underground region

Instead we're going to get wubwub the Nazis invade Hansa

Great. I can't wait to see niggers speaking with slavic accents crawling through tunnels n shit.

There's a movie coming out?

I'm reading the book right now, actually. Really enjoying it. I'm kinda sad they changed or left out some stuff in the game.

I haven't read them yet which ending is canonical ?

Also has 2035 been localized yet?

Haven't finished the book yet. I'm at the part where Artyom meets Khan.

I can tell you they REALLY changed Bourbon in the game.

Just wait for the open world with RPG elements

Me too, was pretty disapointed how the game handled it, but I can see why they did it. But it was cool to see some things that made it in like the monologue of the old man remembering the time on the surface.

I do enjoy how the living situation and overall visuals described in the book carried over to the game.
I also find it kinda funny the nosalises just plain don't exist in the written version. I guess they had to pad the game somehow.

come on user, have some faith

dark ones din du nofing
still got blow the fuck up with nuclear fire
Artyom an hero

I got 2033 and Last Light recently.

2033 was fucking great. Is LL as good? Please say it is.


Why do people keep saying he killed himself? Pulling you mask off isn't instant death you know. Also there is an Artyom in 2034

It isn't.

Is 2034 good?

So with stalker dead and metro being casualized, who's gonna fill up the post nuclear war niche? fallout can fuck right off

I mean there's obviously enough demand for it.

Pls explain, what even are Dark Ones? Psychic apocalypse niggers or something?


Nobody wants to make a proper survival game that's also atmospheric.


Well, that's a shame.

What happened to it user? Who is responsible?

fucking jews!

pulling out your mask and walking to a burning station looked like death to me, havent read any more books.

its almost the same gameplay with some be good be bad stuff, im a total faggot and liked it

with all the shit from the book and game, they are just some kind of super soldiers that can survive a radiated wasteland, they wanted to help humans, but always spilled their deadly spaghetti all over the place.
So they approached artyom when he was a kid, odds are he got molested and somehow got an immunity from the deadly spaghetti.

going full stealth made the game to easy
human ai wasnt that smart, at least the monster did what they do best, eat you alive
and some anons didnt like the story, specially the romance interest for Artyom.

user please. He's up there with several people do you honestly think they're just gonna watch as he slowly chokes to death?


It's mediocre

I think you need some new friends if that is the impression you got from your current ones


the tone of the book was depressing as fuck, what else could happen, if not that?

The metro slowly dies due to infighting, barbarism, disease and dwindling resources. Artyom falls into deep depression and probably kills himself having destroyed humanities only cance of salvation.

Not a shooter but…
What about polish RTS Polanie (KnightShift) first one from 1996, the second one from 2003. You play in Poland in year 704.

yeeeesh, how badly did they have to hack it up for censorship?

do they censor books? didnt that only happen for movies/tv/games?

Nothing was changed. Straight from the author.

I guess you're referring to our retarded vidya censorship? Because that only happens because vidya isn't considered art here and thus isn't under any protection.

I assumed you were talking about the game, but I did think your censorship extended to books too, weird. what about movies?

It doesn't. You just aren't allowed to write ""hate speech"". As for movies, they can't show them uncut on TV, only past 10 or 11pm. Theres also a list of 70 or so "forbidden" (indiziert) movies but there are tons of ways to circumvent that. You could just ask the guy at the counter for the uncut one and he will sell it to you for example.

that's… censorship. strong censorship considering "hate speech" can be court-roomed in to just about anything undesirable.

Yeah, but it only applies to brown people and gods chosen

You do realize Germany is fucked, right? You've crossed the Rubicon in terms of demographics.

As for the topic, you niggers go play Original War. RTS/RPG hybrid where every unit is its own individual (and if they die they're gone for good), choices have consequences, units level up and gain prestige classes, you can recruit proto niggers to do menial work for you and there is even a Russian campaign.

Please tell me more about my country. Let me guess you're a US citizen too?

Nigger, the mudshits and niggers outnumber you in the 20 to 30 age bracket. The only reason Germany is still majority German is because of old people.

You are fucked. Merkel fucked you in the ass and unless you're not cucked enough to make the trains run again you're done for.

There is no arguing against this, it's simple numbers.

Actually the ones that fuckes us were the USA and friends

And people with migration background "only" make up 20% of the population

Largely one particular (((friend))), methinks.

But how many of the migrants are males between 18 and 40? If the ethnic replacement turns (more) violent, that's the demographic that will determine who wins. And there, you're outnumbered.

Of course

Last time I checked it was over 80% and that's coming from our media. Honestly I'm not worryied about those though, I'm worried about my fellow germans who are just so fucking docile and passive.



any of you fellows play 7.62 highcaliber/hard life?

theres a thread on right now, slow but the last one reached 300 posts.

5$ for a pretty excellent, aged game. i'm 50 hours played, and have not finished one of the three campaigns

The nuclear one

sounds a bit too buggy to be fun for me

no one mentions this
The only slav game worth looking into

you should save amd restart the game everythree hours or so, the game has memory issues.

but it has an autosave system that you can set to save often, so if you do run into a bug (ive found 2 in 50 hours), you can just reload a couple minutes.


I'm looking forward to Tarkov.
that said, go fuck yourself