Webm thread

old one past page 13

Other urls found in this thread:























das it mang


There's a distinct lack of vidya games in this thread.

You sure are joking.


You're right

That video was great, especially the part about us being worse than literal murderers, serial child rapists, and that "Lolita doll" thing.


Fuck you, faggot, here's some video games.


This is good.



How about some videogames then?


That's taken, desu


did somebody say bird webm last thread?

Because I'm a nice guy.

Maybe another user will be inspired to WebM this, because I'm too busy to deal with that right now.



knife guys like you don't last long around these parts



Cockroach exterminator coming through





I am almost afraid to ask but source on the music?


russian national anthem you capitalist pig

I know that but I meant the lyrics




It's an Holla Forums anthem, but I don't have the webm on me. Someone on here most definitely does.


Someone post that autistic DSP acolyte bitching about the equipment menu in Dark Souls.


He has two more videos bitching about it some more. I want to find his channel.





Thank you kindly.

i wish i could kill this faggot

never thought i'd live long enough to see someone being more of a retard than DSP , it's impressive really i'm awestruck





There's a video around of him failing at the goddamn tutorial of XCOM.

I had no fucking words while watching it. I was absolutely speechless.

I thought that the Boondocks was pretty stupid, but Uncle Ruckus was a great character

Uncle Ruckus is the only reason to watch the shitshow.

this is videogames, right?

omg I have to know who he is. Does he even exist? does he have a youtube account?



Checking my own dubs.


fucking google ruined youtube

Don't worry, Youtube is dying.

We'll be back at square one soon.

I want to make an RPG with niggardry as a status effect

Yeah? Got an ETA on that? It’s not dying. It can’t die. It’s the only source for what it is.

True, Youtube Red stuff is garbage but people want garbage. It's shifting to a different market.


Mis lados.

/r/ing more yume nikki


Some user shared this with me.


you stole the file I was trying to upload and my dubs




Checkin them sweet digits, fam.


I see you're not short handed on dubs though.





That better not be a god damn US Cobra they just shot down. Fuck those guys, I hope they fuckin burn in hell.


An user asked this on the last webm thread but i couldn't post



vp9 GALO SENGAN following user's idea, too. quality is still shit

hope you like fooof

Now that's some cancer right there.




Here's one I made with the script I use. How did you get a 480p source?





Have some more.



I've always thought frank is a suicidal freak with severe depression
Is this video perhaps a call for help?



Nice trips but that's a Robin, not a Tit.

maybe but less people would click it if it were unusualrobin.webm behind a spoiler

the original post is full of lies isn't it

Yay, I can post again.


I feel cheated and rused…
then again, this is Holla Forums andit's not unusual



Well done on the split spoiler

I don't have a webm to apply here, and anything I could pick might cheapen the raised glass this is.




it didnt fly so well


Daily reminder, her voice actress is dead. She was going to get married when she got better too.






Song name?




long version of the second webm?

The Helicopter was Turkish apparently

I saw Polygon play new Doom.

Does anyone have the webm of the guy making airplane noises round the house until he finally puts in some woman's pooper?
When he puts it in he makes a FWEEEEEP noise.












from the kiketube original video



jesus fucking christ that was terrible, was it that shitty before monty got murdered?


source on the yt channel? I've lost it and google isn't bringing anything up

So what was worth fighting for in MGS? It seemed like Kojima never really answered that question.


His DS videos aren't even the his worst. The man is actually too stupid for reddit.


This is his old youtube

These people have to joking right? They have to be trolling right? Right?

**Also I'm up the ending deciding point in Overclocked, I can't fathom how people can legitimately chose Gin's or Yuzu's endings.


Daaamn this guy has a stomach of steel!

Just made this for testing purposes.

muh nig

Are you baiting me?

Welp I fucked up the spoilers.

Makes me sad every time



Holy shit I had no idea colored eggs were real. Nature is fucking crazy. It was have been even more crazy if the snake waited in the nest to eat the mom too


Here's something you might not know either.
Sometimes the creatures who eat the bird's eggs dump eggs of their own so the mother bird would hatch them. Later the newborn predator(s) will eat the mama bird and any of the surviving chicks from the mama predator.

If this guy made a game I wonder what it would look like?


bitch what the fuck is that pile of dishes doing back there you don't start the baking process without ensuring you have a clean workspace what the fuck did your mom teach you was that lazy bitch a fucken commie and made you into a fucken starchild

Test 2


What is this French bullshit?





trying some gameplay

those physics look horrible. please tell me what game that is so i can vehemently avoid it

she sucks

That line is too perfect

The Crew

it's an arcade game so by definition the physics are horrible, if you mean how weirdly crashing shit reacts it's because me and the other guys are really really far from each other. i'm in south america, the yellow guy is german and the mini cooper is american

I haven't posted this in a while.

Let's see…what else haven't I posted in a while…

Anyone have webms for the South Park episodes dealing with SocJus and Safe Spaces?

I've had it on me since the day it was made. Good shit.

bonus hotwheels

this was a guy from 8/pol/

never forget

this faggot serious?
90% of boards in Holla Forums is dead

they are afraid of our surplus of meme magic

What's wrong with Gin's route? It's essentially returning everything to how it was before the demons came, and demons were only summoned by shomonkai trying to defeat god's ordeal, which ironically started god's ordeal.

atsubro has a point when he says there's much power to be had by controlling demons, but there are plenty of ways their power could be abused too.


Those games had the best fucking music.

Whoever made this clearly wasn't trying.

fuck i think it was from Holla Forums's singalong threads back in December/September? i dunno
i think they also sung holding out for a hero


not on my /d/ick girls







Nice! Have a webm of a jaguar as my gratitude.

is this an act or is this retardation?




So we tried to get tekken 5 running on my pc. We injected a save file of some forum goer because we couldn't be arsed to unlock everything ourselves. This was the result when playing Cathedral.

Correction: She wasn't going to get married. She wasn't even engaged to anybody. She just wanted to get married, in order to fulfill a lifelong dream.

I needed this laugh, but I overdid it and now I have laugh cancer.




With that filename and thumbnail, I would have been extremely surprised if it hadn't been crab-related.

I liked controlling rockets a lot more before they nerfed quickly tapping a direction to get a little more boost out of it than just holding it. With efficient and correct mashing, it was pretty easy to keep something flying perfectly stable when it was spinning around at 120RPM, smacking any troops in the noggin as you just barely avoid touching the terrain.

Why are people still talking about phil cuck?

She just deserves to be raped

you mean hatefucked, and you know she's going to like it


I only save animal webms

Apparently vaporwave has gotten into the watter.

shit those were soundless webms (aside from the first one)
my bad!

hatefuck implies you asked for it, you slut

Rape is just me on you

Any more of that seinwave?

no more seinwave, but there's more vaporwave-like stuff from the same guys here: abelard.bandcamp.com/

what was his name Holla Forums?

Anyone have the webm I saw yesterday about trump leaking tapes. I recall there being music overlayed, too.

Unruly Urbano?




Episode 2 is slightly better

I don't understand what he said.


Thank fuck i grew up in a time when my autism wouldn't be permanently available for everyone to see

fuck, i enever noticed "the memer" is a rip off of filthyfrank


I grew up in such a time as well, but I was raised with the assumption that it would change and that it would be a stupid fuckin' idea to put anything out there that would be inconvenient if it showed up at a later time.

I have never done anything stupid or of any consequence and I am a very boring person.

dam that hurt to watch

The fact that someone thought this shit was perfectly-ready to be shown to the world as-is makes the parts of my brain responsible for a(r/u)tistic knowledge and comprehension of QUALITY weep. I already knew the full show was shit from seeing it myself and seeing what massive faggots the general over on halfchan was comprised of (only went back to that shithole of a site for the thicc threads, sue my dick), but this is somehow even worse, which should be an award-winning achievement in animation.

I can't say for sure if I know if Monty was keeping the cancer at bay, or just a milder part of it himself, but it sure as shit hasn't improved in any remote sense of the word since his passing.


Do you guys remember when you'd log onto a chat service and the first thing you saw was an automated message warning you not to give out any personal information or pictures?

Now people primarily use facebook for communication, which, when you make an account, harasses you until you fill out every piece of information about your life anyone could possibly want to know, in a public profile anyone can see.

The jews literally did this.



They are blueberry flavoured


Experience has told me that these people are the worst kind of players.




As far as I remember, investigations into Monty's death turned up that while he certainly was autistic, he was not cancerous in actively spreading shit over the internet, unlike other fandom creators. I'm still stupefied on the willingness to not rock the boat on both Rooster Teeth's and the fandom's part to not call out on the unjust circumstances of his death, more so on RT since they already had another probable prevention before this.

I love shit like this.

you can almost smell the northern european autism dripping off of him

fuck this video.


That entire series was a stupid clusterfuck of writing.

Anyone have any experience converting mkv files into webms with ffmpeg?

Every time I upload a webm made from an mkv file, I get "invalid webm". Anyone know why?

You failed to mention the insanely shitty "depth" or whatever its called when the voices coming from the characters are all playing from the same distance/position regardless of the character's actual distance/position. RWBY and all the shit that branched off of it is truly awful, and I honestly don't understand how it even has a following.

Has he never played an RPG where you select the equipment slot before the item itself?

I don't understand how roosterteeth are still in business, they started off making shitty halo videos. They where amusing for a while but got boring quickly and they milked that shit out for years. Now they are making shitty animations and people eat that shit up.








Fuck you, Jack. Always a buzzkill. Always.

I wish Rich would break away from those Disney Shills and started his own show.




Leave it to halfchan, turbonigger.




thanks for reminding me this exists user

he goes off into being AVGN at the end there

You're welcome.

Well in the original draft, the machines were harvesting humans to use their brains as processors, which makes more sense overall. But someone was worried audiences would be too stupid to understand that, so it got changed to batteries instead, completely disregarding how much you'd have to put into keeping a human alive and how little energy you'd get back.

I mean, there are more flaws to the story, that's just the big "why'd they do that" one for me. It's much easier to just pretend that was the reason they harvested humans in the first movie and that the other movies don't exist. Animatrix is pretty good overall at least, even if there's still plot holes.


That would make a bit more sense, but why keep the whole body and not just the brain in a jar?

fuck off back to whatever shitholes you regularly post on

Rich is the best one from RLM

It just seems like a bad idea, you're basically ignoring what happened, demons and therefore God's ordeal can just happen again, and humanity therefore has gained nothing at all from all the shit that went down. I can see where he's coming from, but unless there's a permanent way to keep demons off of the human world, it doesn't really solve anything. I haven't played his ending yet though, so maybe things turn out REALLY well for the world.

Having demon's would kind of be like having guns, but if the guns could heal people and provide energy as well. Sure there are a few fuckheads that would try and ruin it for everyone, but you can't just say "no don't use them" and expect everyone to listen.


Rich would be way fatter than that.

Stuff like this makes be believe Holla Forums about propaganda, not once did he mention these are user created boards.

anyone wanna webm this?

Processing now.

This is fantastic, but how did it come about? How was it organized? and when?

wow this guy is a faggot


The Guy is Barbecuing Hot Dogs and he is Cooking Hot Dogs on the Barbecue and He is Putting the Barbecue Sauce on the Hot Dogs and He is Preparing Hot Dog Buns and the Hot Dogs are Ready and They Said I want you to Eat 100 Hot Dogs at Once Eat them all Right Now then he started to eat 100 Hot dogs and he kept on Eating Hot Dogs until his Stomach got Upset then they Said That's Too Bad Eat 20 More Hot Dogs and he kept on Eating Hot Dogs and he is nearly going to Fall Down and they Said Stand Up and He Finally eat 100 Hot Dogs.

Freedom from the false consciousness constructed by and around you.

Everyone else from Big Boss on down ends up getting duped and controlled by the machinations of others and all their suffering and agony was ultimately to create a world that not only had no need for them but eventually imprisons them as the ideology they created grows beyond their means to control it.

Aww, mine just finished.

Make sure you have subtitles disabled and that the first channel is video. Other than that, I don't know. What kind of .mkvs are you converting and what program/script are you using?

nice one guys


Disabled subtitles and it worked, thanks.

What is that, stage 7 anime eyes?


Give me the sauce, boss.

Probably just easier that way. Avoid potential brain trauma from removing the entire brain from the skull, plus you can use the body's natural plumbing to feed it as opposed to figuring out how to feed a brain in a jar. Why go through all that extra effort and the potential of fucking it up when you can just shove some spikes in their nervous system and feed them nutrient goo?

I mean, they probably could've figured it out since super advanced AI, but it would also have been a much shorter movie if, upon exiting the Matrix, you found out you were just a floating brain in a jar.


What game is this?


Ok everyone has their own tast-

I fucking hate this faggot.


stage 2 is best for anime stage 3-4 is best for hentai

got you, fam.


what a fuckin casual


Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I’ve even forgotten my name

northern whitey here

can confirm

hey user

I've been encoding them lately and posting in Holla Forums

Those are some seriously clumsily-set lyrics. The stresses fall all over the place.

Nukes generate EMPs

only if they detonate in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, though.

why is that user?

the only funny part was when he made the not a number batman before he screwed it up with watman

Has to do with gamma rays interacting with Earth's magnetic field.

Here± en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_electromagnetic_pulse

Requesting the webm about how to make webms, please.

that guy has the reaction times of a sedated sloth, did they feed him retardation?



Everyone has their own idea of when the meter goes, and you can here people falling back and catching up, but i feel like that gives it charm. Everyone can sing to the beat of their own drum, beholden to nobody but themselves. Very Holla Forums, when you think about it. Beholden to our ideals even as the things we create are kinda shit, but it's our shit.

i want to hold hands with her

I honestly doubt she is representing her own opinion, she is probably just a tool that repeats what they tell her and says what she is asked to say.

Probably just a experience to see if people will support those opinions.


source on that? She has a yt acc?