Julian Tweets Link To 8ch

Julian Tweets Link To 8ch

Proof it's his account: archive.is/rSdHq

Other urls found in this thread:


My face. I can't feel it.

who cares? He's done this before. He also calls out kike behavior on twitter. He's one of us.




Is this why we've had such an increase in shitty posts lately?

Fucking knew it

WHY DO THE ((( ))) always wear thick framed black glasses? Hehe


Stay strong Julian, you fucking faggot. Love.

Pure coincidence.

that tweet fucking rekt them

Perhaps it's a substitute for being unable to put ((( ))) around someone's face?

Strangely worrisome. I'm not sure hate/pol/ getting widely publicized is wonderful for us - we're supposed to have feeder/filter sites between us and the normalfags.

no. 4chan was apparently down a few days ago. CREW probably came as well.
Julian's linked to us before. /pdfs/ is a great board that isn't linked to as often as it should be nowadays. Really should be linked to in thread headers, like what /cow/ does with their bunkers.

God dammit, assange.

Now the newfags are coming. Fire up those redpill threads again.

People in the know, know that 4chan is just a regressive holding pen now.

If wikileaks or their twitter is compromised, this could be part of a push to fuck us over - get Holla Forums banned in Yurop or something?

Well we literally saved him from being framed by the CIAniggers as a pedophile.

I assume that he's grateful for our work.

It's fucking terrible, if 8pol becomes too popular too fast it will become breeding ground for shilling and low quality content, like what we're witnessing en masse during the last 2 months.

Between the 4cuck migrants and the shills it's getting harder to redpill and educate newfags, unleash again those redpill threads in a sticky and make sure newfags that come here read them before posting their stupid opinion.

This. I sometimes add it into my title and I think we should encourage it more. /pdfs/ is fantastic and the mods there are even more so active than our own. Sadly.

dubs don't lie

I was in a attention whoring thread the other day on 4cuck and was very pleased with the tits or gtfo posts I saw… Felt great

8ch is blocked in most every EU state and province now already. This isn't anything new. Thank God for proxies and VPNs. That being said why do you think CREW/JIDF and others Shill so hard to try and get all the VPNs banned from the board?

i'm from an EU state.
Is it true?

nothing good will come of this
we can barely handle the slow trickle from cuckchan.
hatechan is going to get over run with normie refugees.
where do we even build the fucking cyberwall to block them out?!
paid posting?

We need better mods or more volunteers period
The amount of slide threads and spam and raiding that stays up for hours and hours here is getting ridiculous

Imagine all those normies scrolling through /pdfs/ and finding all that anti-commie reading material including the stalag edition of mein kampf


He's done it before, same book too.


I guess it depends on your location
No doubt most businesses and schools etc already block such sites from their networks even in your region

It sure reeks of newfag in here.

No. There are some decent alternatives sprouting up though w/ National Socialists running their boards. Pay attention to the slow migration to those places.


He linked to a .pdf on h8channerx: haxxorz on steroidz a year ago.
Albino fucker always drawing normies to the underdarkwebz.

I don't really get why this is a bad thing. It's just more people we can red pill without having to stretch out to other platforms. They take what we give them and they spread it when they leave.

got that feeling this wasn't the first time.

He's a good lad. He dances like a fag on MDMA, though

That doesn't surprise me, in my country they passed a law that makes all ISPs ban all piracy sites and shit. They update the list like once a week.

What? I'm in the EU, but we're too shit to block websites, we don't even have enforced piracy laws.


We always need a redoubt. Normalfags can overrun anything; there are more of them than there are of us.

True, but their attention span is much shorter in any case. If they see what they like, they'll stick around and lurk. The rest will eventually fuck off. It's a time game mostly.

Are cuckchanners into wikileaks shit too?
It's easier to integrate basic bitch normalfags into one of us than a cuckchanner nowadays tbh.


Just great. Now am I to expect the Hannity insanity to come shitpost on here? We really are some rival intel agency.
the heat is supposed to go to reddit or cuckchan

probably nothing out of the ordinary. 8ch has been mentioned by the media numerous times now, and fags on /hwndu/ as well as general chatter on twitter/tumblr/faceberg.
Normalfags are tourists. Redditchan are refugees shitting up everywhere they go.


that's just his
cant stump wont stump dance

It's called creating your own subboards to redirect the stream.

Normalfags reduce the quality of the community they enter, as they did to halfchan until we had to leave.


Listen to this then

The last thing we need right now is more newfags. We're barely holding this place together as it is. Another migration from cuckchan or Reddit will be the nail in the coffin for this place.

how much time would it take for the irradiated wasteland known as cuckpol to be inhabitable?
how has that worked out for the many places before us?


Wikileaks is like the Alex Jones of conspiracies. It's a good place to start till you run into the Jewish question. With Julian posting h8chan it keeps a fresh supply of people that can be turned to our cause or what have you.

True but from time to time I always see threads about how to red pill people en masse across multiple platforms without being banned. When they get here, they don't stay long and if they do they end up going on to create their own boards or fuck off back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

OC from goybook

Would imkampfy even allow a moderator who wanted to actually do his job for free?

reddit fags have always been an issue with imageboards starting all the back on 4chan when they used to only have black and white vectors of actors as their memes while 4chan had lolcats and other shit. Then reddit stole those memes from 4chan and not only used them and abused the punchline incorrectly and made them unfunny, but also had the audacity to claim that they invented those memes and that 4chan had stolen them. And now the tension continues to this very day. Moot's first mistake was allowing reddit refugees to migrate over and shit up the place and turn the boards into a sprawling shithole, but that's history. there's more issues that could be discussed as to why reddit and imageboards can never truly get along, but that's a different topic

Pretty sure Wikileaks have linked to 8ch pdfs before.
I actually thought this was old news when I looked at it.

Because have been saying that since 2005

you forget anons can create their own subboards. Redirect the flow of newfags, user.


Bullshit. 8/pol/ was linked to and talked about over a dozen times this summer and the traffic barely increased. Just keep a close eye on the board numbers and you'll see it's been between 2200-3000 the past year straight.

Every time this happens, everyone freaks out, and it's all for naught.

I'd take the job tbhfam

People have been saying that since 2005.

Also people who follow Wikileaks closely are hardly normalfags.

They have.

Checked. He will prevail


It's because faggots keep clinging to 'muh sekrit club' despite the fact that this site is more well known than most of them want to admit. As it was with a lot of us, people find their way here for one reason or another, and eventually end up integrating into the community itself because the truth will always appeal to their subconscious more than the brain-fudge-pounding of (((college))) will ever hope to enforce. Normies are becoming more aware of things, and we did get a substantial bit of exposure throughout this election season.

When it boils down to it though, having people flooding into the site will never be a bad thing because it means more people are discovering that there are better, non-censored alternatives to their social media hugboxes. Trump, in particular, has been a good source of this eye-opening for the last year and a half because of his no-apologies, blunt way of speaking!

True that we will get more shills trying to scare users away. But as I said, the truth will always be more appealing. It will always feel right to people because the truth gives credence to their own thoughts and suspicions. It clarifies while assuaging their doubts. And with how many anons there are on this board who have grown accustomed to seeing shills, new users will be guided and shown examples of what to look for, until they eventually can spot and dismiss a shill on their own. If you want my honest opinion, the shills are good for this board in the sense that they keep our senses sharp, and remind everyone of what it is they stand against. If there is no opposition, then anons run the risk of getting lazy and stupid while the new blood serves to expand the sphere of influence of this place even further.

more than a decade later, on a different board, you're still the worst kind of autist, fuck off.

Were you on cuckchan before the migration ? This is just a gentle breeze, we can handle far worse.

If newfaggers just lurk, and keep their fingers off the keyboard it's alright for me.


No retard what you're talking about is Cuckchan's purpose.

Our purpose is to maintain user culture.

You're exactly the kind of person we need to remove.

Just like an infinite number of shitskin immigrants is okay, too, because they'll eventually immigrate and become as good as whites, right, Moishe?

Calm your shit, nigger. More people are a good thing!

normies following the links will get sent to pdfs, not pol

i'm more worried about that board getting shitted up, traffic is too slow there to handle any influx of shitposting

besides that, most anons here don't seem to remember that the longer people lurk and stay on here, even shills, even bluepilled libs, the redpill sets in and roots its way in. It creates doubt in their illusions, and before they know it, they become one of us, and they can never turn back to their original lives. No matter how hard they try.

Oy vey, fake news!


Rule 1 and 2. Don't talk about any chan outside of it. No matter how obvious it becomes. It wouldn't surprise me over half the people that knew what it was -didn't raise their hands.

Yes yes good goy…we should stay isolated…we should be contained


We are the CIA now :^)

he linked to /pdfs/ calm down

>>>Holla Forums is over here you autistic children, have fun playing in the kiddie pool, but stop coming to the adult boards and thinking your garbage applies here.


Wew lad

user culture needs to stay user culture, and you do not fit in with your posting style. Lurk for 2 more years

Buddy look, I get that you want to flood this place with newfags. I get that you want to achieve what is the imageboard equivalent of mass immigration, with the same excuses like "they'll assimilate eventually!" and "we need them for continued growth!". But you're not fooling people. You should really either go back to the drawing board or just tell your boss it was a bit too tough and ask to be assigned to reddit or something.

I don't think this is the first time he has done this. I am like 89% sure that he linked here in 2014 regarding gamergate an also in 2015 about something else I cant recall too.

Cool regardless, heres hoping no normalfags modify his link and discover what this site actually is.

He didn't even break the link.


False equivalency, Shlomo. Nice try.

All three of you faggots completely ignored the point. If anyone is cancer, it's you since you can't formulate a coherent argument.

cuck/pol/ acts as the introductory course for newfags. Their exposure to the user culture gives them the taste, and will ignite the desire to find out more. Full/pol/ is the master that teaches when they're ready to move on. As I said, people find this place when they're ready to.

Which is precisely my point. Thank you.

Who cares about assimilation or growth? We exist to spread an idea, but you know that moshi, or you wouldn't be trying so desperately to stop people from coming here.


Probably into firm asses too:

This is what i expected when i went into this thread.

What's with archive.is ? It's triggering malware warnings from my antivirus.

bad eyes is a genetic problem

Holla Forums is where we formulate our ideal. We spread it in a hundred million other ways, ways which don't include mentioning the site to millions of people at a time, ideally.

You've been virused

(((Establishment Climbers)))

Also, avast is a virus.


What? What country are you in?

He's tweeted out a link to >>>/pdfs/ once before that I remember.

You seem to, mr "muh sekrit club" faggot. You think ideological exclusivity is a bad idea because you are an alt-right faggot at best, and a shill at worst. You want the equivalent of The_Donald, endless compromise for numbers while losing all ideological purpose in the process.
And you seem to think the only way that can be done is by inviting newfags here. You're simply the dumbest motherfucker.

No it's a valid comparison. Spouting "muh logical fallacies" doesn't lend credence to you not being a newfag m8.
You are supporting a scenario in which a flood of newfags comes forth and creates their own sub-culture within broader user culture, talking amongst themselves and growing until they push out the original propagators.

Suggest an alternative.

There's no http:// referrer, he broke the link…

avira, malwarebytes, spybot search and destroy

Sound familiar?

It's a link to a file not a post. Full link is: media.8ch.net/pdfs/src/1418471749543-0.pdf

I've used Malwarebytes & SBSD. Might try Avira then.

Link to the post
I thinkit's at least the same pdf…

I thought he died?

That's news to this Fingolian

As soon as alt-right will flood this website, we become culturaly enriched with them, we stop being nationalist and become moderate conservatives.

And this is a good thing. Here's 10 reasons why:
1. Hitler propaganda doesn't benefit Trump, it only creates hate
2. There are some good jews out there who support Trump and moderate right wingers like Nigel and Lepen
3. Holla Forums is too weeaboo, more non-weebs on this board will cure it
4. More people is generally better, and they will save memories of Holla Forums through generations
5. This is the only way to redpill youth
6. Non-whites who support our causes shouldn't be alienated, a lot of them can't admit they aren't not white just because we worship natsoc
7. Holla Forums will become completely dead, because alt-right hates socialism more than we do
8. It will help Holla Forums to get loads of money from visitors, and keep it alive longer
9. alt-right is generally more procreative than Holla Forums, normalfags breed more, it will help to get rid of last people who are still mgtow for some retarded reason
10. More new fresh memes from here being posted on facebook and twitter.


Reported for not even trying to hide it.


Try to debate me on points i had made then. I'l read.


Mods please ban for d&c shilling.

Holy shit TRS, I know you're dumb, but this is just priceless.

(dubs bait)

I dont think you have to be worried of a massive influx of newfags since this board is pretty edgy and will drive out vast numbers of newfags pretty quickly for various reasons.

goreposting is pure

I'd prefer never having to deal with it. HWNDU was a headache.

Caution is key.

This is some weapons grade bait

(wasted, consider suicide)
We need more hate, Trump is a band-aid not a solution. Hate is that solution
Anime is WHITE and REDPILLED and it keeps away normalfags and goons
These "people" are not quality posters and will ruin the imageboard, making it cuckchan2.0
PRfagging like this doesn't redpill anyone you dumb nigger
Non-whites should not even be in this country to begin with.
Holla Forums is irrelevant
Aut-kike is also significantly more gay than us, and FAGS CANNOT RAISE CHILDREN


and I'm a weapons-grade autist :^)

hitler dubs check

I will murder you and anyone involved with this the moment you try to take away Hitler from Holla Forums, the very mention such a concept shows how retarded you people are.

I dont like the "gas the race kike war nao' folks, because they bought into the american WN meme created by the alphabets, but if you think anyone here would ever throw the Fuhrer under the bus you are delusional. Hitler was a hero and a legend regardless of your political views, any person or movement who seeks to perpetrate the lies about the third reich and the national socialist is my enemy.

Nice bait.

Well it isn't blocked in England, m8

Dude he's a high level NEET if I ever seen one.

no, you're shilling for a jewish "movement"


Julian isn't a normalfag but tons of normalfags follow him
Julian is also probably dead.

Assange has been fucking blackballed, he's not one of us


OP isn't one of us either.

this would actualy be very nice, did he respond yet?

Then why the fuck aren't you saging faggot

How do you feel about Hitler, user?

Dubs of utter stupidity

Noice (((trspacing))) shill

bumping so a vol might actually check this faggot's post history, as well as visibility.

I want the JWO dead at any cost, and I think enough of us here are passionate enough about that that we can handle the incoming flows of newfags.

There's never going to be a tidal wave of people coming to Holla Forums where we couldn't handle it. It's just too out there for most normalfags to comprehend or bother staying here. we need to post more of the Fuhrer though; I've missed his presence on here

He never said that, stop using this pic.

And 4chan hit eternal summer in 08, you're only proving his point.

Kill yourself goon. Newfags: dropping the standards for immigrant assimilation is the surest way to kill any imageboards. Never fall for this shit.

Also all the fucking newfags pretending to be oldfags ITT, Assange already did this shit before on the wikileaks main account. Lurk 2 years faggots. God this whole thread is filled to the brim with fucking cancer.

It checks out.


wealth beyond measure, outlander

http:// is not the referer ya dingus

/new/ and 4/pol/ were pretty edgy too. Look how that worked out. If our "edginess" kept cancerous newfags out, why are you here?


Quality over quantity
if you want some cuckservative tier civic shit you already have plenty of options online, subversive kike

moot and the mods were the ones that made 4/pol/ fall into a state of decay. It wasn't just waves of newfags, it was manipulation from the very top. We were all newfags once, most of us assimilated just fine. God I still remember how I was before the 2012 election. I didn't even know who Ron Paul was. It feels like a lifetime ago now.

I love you Julian, but wtf man?
Couldn't you host the documents on your shit and maybe not direct link like that?

If you are an weapon grade autist then you would write something that will stick everytime to anyone.



That game is absolute toppest. I was digging through my old videogames and I found some alchemy guides I wrote for myself since the crafting system was so complex. I even had a potion called the 'sun potion' that increased the light in the area by ~6000 which turned the entire visible landscape snow white. All of this on xbox too so no cheats.

My history shows that I shill for Wikileaks. Pretty sure that's still allowed.

Didn't mean to reply

The faggots who post about "muh sekrit klub" are cucks (most likley TRS infiltrators) who want to flood 8/pol/ with cuckchan rapefugees. This is very bad ass seen by the hwndu disaster. They just come here, post their cancerous low res memes, treat the native Holla Forumspulation like shit and steal our waifus. They do not and never will fucking assimilate. Believe me. I saw it first hand. It was/is so bad that the effects of this still remain even today by clueless new friends posting a bog meme or some faggot creating another "pol redpill me on x" thread.

Nice bait, faggot.

It's not in a state of decay, it's an undead zombie revived to be controlled opposition, body hollowed out with redditors, goons and shills.

You still are. You never did.

New. /new/ suffered from the 'only being nazi ironically' meme that ended up consuming the board for a point where the majority of posters actually believed it was ironic. Cuckchanners now come here because 'nazis are cool' with no respect for anything beyond lulz. They're cancer brewed in a controlled opposition - if they actually bothered to lurk and assimilate, you wouldn't notice, but the cancerous ego of modern cuckchan has developed far beyond any sense of humility.


God bless you Based Wizard.


Nigger please.

This thread is full of shady faggots and I suspect you of being one of them.
I want to see 729d2a's history a lot more than yours anyway.

It was both, it was newfags as well as mods that actively hated us enabling them.

sekrit club shit was mostly goons getting pissed off about 4cuck's culture deviating so far from theirs and simultaneously turning on the goons once enough people that hadn't shelled out the 10bux found the place.

…would come in the form of him cryptographically signing some recent data. Like he always said he would do as proof of life but now refuses to do. Daily reminder that "Assange" won't establish proof of life using his own predefined protocol and refuses to give a plausible explanation why.

Obvious newfag is obvious, but just to give you an idea what it was like here 2 years ago
Can only imagine what it will be like 2 years from now if cancer like you gets its way

Nowhere in my post was the word "4chan" only "4/pol/" because clarification was required to differentiate between what are truly two different boards at this point.

How obvious can you shills get?

The only people that ever supported milo were ni/gg/ers who were mostly self-admitted leftycucks. Most people saw right through his charade and only were tolerant of his presence on the board because he was sympathetic to certain causes.

That's the same thing, redart.

Everytime I feel things will be fine, shit like this happens.

What a waste of fucking dubs.
The Albino Dingo is alive and well and a still a fucking drama queen.

things will be fine, user

were 200 HWNDU threads fine? That's the kind of shit cuckchan thinks is fun these days lad.

He also posted on the board a few times and Holla Forums due to Gamergate, and there were times where thread would be full of "SENT IT TO MILO" when something happened, like one user who made a thread about his boss being a pedo who asked him to set up some kind of "secure" network for his illegal activity.

Holla Forums is always in flux though, there have been people complaining about Kek posting belonging on /fringe/ or /x/ or whatever, but back in late 2012 you had plenty of "Mayan Doomsday" threads and in early 2013 you had "the Pope is the Antichrist as told by [insert prophecy here]" and so really it just feels like we came full circle to me.

All cuckchanners think anime,Kek and natsoc is all just epic ironic maymays xdd. We must protect this board from those faggots at all cost

Tell me about the goon. What triggers him?

Yeah I'd volunteer too. Mostly I just lurk, but wading through shit threads lately sucks. Thought about volunteering before but idk….kampfy man….I got banned one time just for calling him out as rachposter and saying it was annoying when he derails threads….wtf Jim….there are plenty of us who would pick up the slack quite easily if he just lost all board privileges one day….

It's probably a weird reason he can't just flat out say.

Why don't space elevator threads happen anymore? how did I get to a point where they don't even cross my mind without someone else mentioning them?

I'm not familiar with HWNDU but can't you feel the winds of change? Things are looking up, finally.
I can feel it in my bones.

If I recall correctly, the last time someone tried to re-start that tradition, the thread got
and to this day i have no idea why.

(wasted dubs)
Capped for future generations to see what the (((alt-right))) really is.

people will say animu, but any brief glance at wherever /int*/ hangs out now will prove that incorrect.
From what I've experienced outside of memery any sense of serious discussion or expressing genuine care about pertinent issues(white genocide for instance) makes them see red.

I think a few got bumplocked and space elevator bailed, I'm not sure really. We had one here a while ago that went fairly well but I don't know if it was the same OP or not.

quality over quantity, user.

without http:// there's no way to send it though…

mods were/are bumplocking when not outright deleting space elevator threads, that's why they're gone.

I honestly think it's just some good trolling, but I enjoy the levels of meta

Fucking this x1000. Is wizchan really the last bastion of us on the internet? I'm starting to feel out of place even here now too with the influx of subhuman cuckchan normies.


You just wasted double sevs you low-life piece of shit.

Go do your D&C shekel-shilling elsewhere. Fucking Jewcuck.

To everyone else, 8ch is not that secret anymore. The reason it succeeded is because the High IQ demographic from 4chan fled here. And as this place becomes even more popular, it's only going to get worse. There'll be another exodus to elsewhere.

8ch has no borders so all refugees and terrorists (shills) can enter and fuck shit up. Eventually, more-difficult-to-find communication channels will arise and the High IQ's here will flee there and use this purely as a propagation ground, the same way this uses 4chan as a propagation ground (who, in turn, uses Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc).


It's bait.

And in my haste I fucked up my post.
I guess I'll redirect myself to >>>/oven/ now.

Explain Holla Forums then. They are redditors, 4chan lefttards, facebook and twitter normalfags who only exist to annoy normal users. They couldnt even exist on the same board as people who have an opposing viewpoint to them.

Check and mate. You disprove your own suble "refugees welcome" subliminal messaging propaganda by omission. Also how is it going fredrick. Also our sphere of influence is already so large that all the governments of the world are aware and scared of the power of these kinds of website which is why they keep trying to make it illegal to be anonymous.

Someone worked hard on that bait… too hard.


even if he is being an ironic shitposting faggot that's still the real reason that aut-kikes come here for.
They come here and express incredible disdain for the native users because they want this place to be exclusively populated by their ilk.
I also noticed they completely discount genetics and are fine with someone like say stefan molyjew just because he panders to them. They don't care about anything that genuinely matters and conduct themselves like a bunch of snarky goons.
Maybe that is what goons put all their fucking "internet space game xD" money into

I figured as much, some asshurt vol has been bumplocking everything that isn't explicitly pro-trump or drama-inciting news.

they'll leave within the first week because the sudden spike in traffic will have that dell dimension 1000 jim calls a server is on fire again.



Because (((space))), also it's a retarded idea anyway…

librechan is kill m8

If anyone says "normie" in a thread, shame them for being the subhuman they are, report, filter and move on.

InfinityNext is going to work great when it finally releases.

Who heard this? Post it pls. This fucker could have done this shit long ago.

I can appreciate a high effort bait here and there.

the only reason people say normie is because they originate on a site that censors the -fag suffix.
I think the term started on the 4cucks subreddit where people tried to emulate /r9k/'s culture but had to be PC about it.


Tried Avira. It fucked up the TAP drivers for OpenVPN & I had to re-install them in safe mode before my VPN would work again so that kinda sucked. I practically never have to install anything in safe mode.


can we decentralize from 4 and Holla Forums now? I miss 420chan…

Holy fucking shit you nigger faggot kill yourself neocon

the nextchan admin actually made it functional 2bh - infinity never textboards a best




Give me back my

From all that bitching I've heard that's not an exclusive club.

Imkampfy bumplocks them, along with literature, natsoc philosophy, fitness, etc. threads. Nobody told him this is Holla Forums, not /new/.

We don't need better mods, we need to remove the mods who are outright actively working against the board. I'd post the incriminating imkampfy/moonman photos, but I'd just get b&. Imageboard's resilience is in our decentralization, but that's why the centralization (read: circlejerk) of mods is always the vulnerable point that fucks everything up. The other vulnerable point is lowering standards on assimilating immigrants; all imageboards naturally develop methods for newfag screening for a reason, all imageboards fall when those methods are removed either naturally in cultural decay or forcibly by faggot mods (see: 4chan, 4chon)

It's much more of a joke than a troll. It's a sign of how fucking cancerous imageboard's userbase in general has become that we can't even appreciate sarcastic shitposts for what they are, instead forced to pre-emptively call out the obvious "bait" lest newfags fall for it.

if we're going anywhere we're going to 76/new/ because flags

I have a theory - kampfy is a headcase more than he is compromised in any conventional sense of the word.


Space Elevator was a pop-sci faggot, but his threads weren't bad enough to warrant deletion.

Never. Not without a fight. This site will live a thousand year life.

Just like half life 3 is gonna come out or how communism works, right?

think i'm gonna puke.

Sup imkikefy


Give me back my
Right now or I'll
And then you'll

Kill you

And they'll say Holla Forums is a bunch of nobodies and move on.

When dunce newfags come, use gore.
When gore fails, use more gore.



Tfw you used to be blissfully ignorant and okay with just getting blazed and posting in bump while high threads…

I can't die you idiot.

You died in the car crash.

You can call me a lot of things, but a TRSodomite you cannot.


I got shot in the head, time skipped out, I woke up with a head injury. I was retarded for like months.

You sucka my dick.

If your body walks this mortal plane of existence then it can die. Your spirit may live on , who knows.

Is there anyone here that hasn't died at least a few times?

I can say your reddit spacing makes you incredibly obvious

Probably, but the actual question is: why is he still kept as a vol? Despite his faults, the damage he does to the board, the complete lack of support he has by the users?
The only is we're compromised.
And being compromised by an incestuous irc circlejerk doesn't mean it doesn't count. Was more than enough to take down 4chon


I also turned my own face red, but I did it so hard it felt like my brain inflated, and then the same thing happened. I didn't wake up though I was just sitting on the couch thinking that didn't make any sense at all.

Kek laughs at us.

If he said he destroyed his key due to concerns he was being raided, at least that would be *something*. Right now it's "I could totally do it—I just don't want to. Believe me guyz!"



This shit spoops me out fam.

That's stoopid.

He's all over Sky News now, they are trying to say alt right is anti semite when we all know yet another group of deceptive jews started the whole movement to garner sympathy because so many people are realizing they control the fucking lot.
Cue images of a jewish cemetery that has just been desecrated by obvious Nazis.

All wars are bankers wars.
All bankers are Jews.
Jews and their arrogance once again bring the gentile to the brink of war.

Not this time jew cunts, not this time.

I hate naming myself, but I'm the /trs/ BO lmao, so ease up

Meh, you get used to it after a while.

I've been shot in the chest with a shotgun, laid on the ground drowning in my own blood coughing and trying against all reason to stand - then woke up perfectly fine in my own bed apart from sweat-soaked sheets. It doesn't take too many experiences like that to start seriously questioning reality. And to get seriously paranoid.

Honestly, I keep trying to figure him out. But there's always something that suggests to me he's more fucked up than effectively compromised, though I can't explain my reasoning in any rational way.

Not this shit again, I still haven't completely gotten over the mental breakdown that I went through after I killed myself one way, woke up in the hospital from failing to kill myself a completely different way.

I have four letters for you.

I died in a dream once. Fell from a really tall cliff and hit the ground hard. Splat. Woke up in a garden that had hardwood floors and potted trees all around. It appeared to be right at dusk. Everyone was there. Hell you fuckers were probabaly there too. Everyone had this Jubilant feeling of something fucking awesome that was about to happen. It looked like a hard wood floored grove of potted trees at dusk as far as the eye could see. Strange to die Kek

Well that'll teach you.
I keep telling people not to do that or weird shit happens.

Gunshots/shrapnel/etc are among the most unpleasant ways imho.
Electrocution strangely enough, not all that bad.

>I died in a dream once.
Lucky you. I did it four times in one night when I was in high school… "slept" with my light on for a week after that, by which I mean, mostly laid awake in bed and hallucinated.


That can't be true because I'm too far big to fit in your perspective without removing the bodies of everyone else by comparison.

Kek agrees. Kms now


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange used data from the blockchain as a "proof of life" during an ask-me-anything session today.

For months, some of Assange's ardent Internet fans have been theorizing that he had died. However, Assange responded in a livestreamed talk, calling the theories "silly" and confirming that the video wasn't prerecorded by reading off the most recent block hash (a string of letters and numbers, unique to block 447506 on the bitcoin blockchain).

Source: coinbase

I'm pretty sure you're right. Everytime he's been outed in a thread, before he'd been revealed, I'd first noted some of his posts as a vaguely schizo/deranged poster. He still clearly harbors an antagonism to the board and its culture.

But again, the point is, why is he still kept as a vol when he's systematically damaging the board? Why wasn't he removed a long time ago? It's his handlers who are compromised.

Sometimes I really do wish Death would take me so I would have some relief from this idiocy

The source would be a recording of the readout, faggot. March it out or KYS.

Any whistleblower that exposes the truth is undoubtedly one of us. We are the ultimate keeper of truth due to anonymous nature. All inquistive minds are naturally drawn here.

The block he read was just slightly more than 5 minutes old from memory. So there could've been a discrepancy of, at maximum, ten minutes (though I suspect far less).

If he was under duress and was giving out info that could be damaging (clues into the DMS), then a thirty second delay would probably do to cut him off in time. He should've used a different blockchain really where blocks are found more frequently (e.g. Ethereum). Possibly even read a few blocks as they landed.

Guy's alive. But he should explain what happened in October and the reason for all the inconsistent behavior. For example, an explanation was never given for why they Live Streamed that "Whistleblower" song for hours on their Facebook at the time. It just made things all the more suspicious. And made leakers weary in fear that they might now be leaking to a honeypot.

I thought all that IRCfaggotry died when hotwheels stopped making "official" boards and a bunch of globals quit when the pedo-purge happened.

word, I remember you. I don't think that guy is TRS. TRS adopted the "mods are compromised" talking point because they thought they could colonize other imageboards and raid us with them.
they didn't account for endchan and polchans more unique users and got chased off quickly
You're effectively the only reddit-spacer I let pass because you're clearly on the right path and want to keep 8ch pure.

This. aut-right idiots don't realize that jews play both sides
alt-right isn't even trying to be third position either, which tells me they're at the very least complacent in remaining enslaved.

link to the source? Nothing on their twatter or news section.
also why won't he use his public key that would put all this to rest in a heartbeat.

Now now, there's no reason to assume death will improve matters at all. For all you know, you'll wake up in a situation ten times worse.


Julian assange tweeted about my chatroom once :(


They flirt with third positionist ideas but thats mostly because of (((dugin))) and (((eurasianism)))


Somehow still heard the maaagaaaaa in my head

You think a heroic death of one who has sacrificed much for others would find himself in a situation far worse than the one he faced in spite of his hard work?

Flirt with, yet never fully engage.
Just like how they pitter patter around race realism and many other issues that would theoretically "alienate" all those based shitskins they've been accumulating.

I have often found that in life, the reward for work is usually just more work. What reason do you have to assume that the spiritual universe is not just as predatory as the physical one? Now, I don't want to convince you to be an incurable pessimist, but it's always a good idea to remain skeptical and wary, until you're well and truly certain you're not getting a bigger dildo up the ass than the last one.

Do those who sacrifice do so for their own gain?
Of course not, it is not done so that they may have a higher station, it is done because it has to be done.

Nah he's prob not TRS, just someone who is well versed in the TRS drama baitposting. It was pretty good too so I enjoyed it. Yeah they've been pushing the 'mods are compromised' line for a while now. They made a post on /sudo/ bitching about mods the same day the whole TRS drama started. I'm definitely not the biggest fan of the mods either, but I don't hate them either. I love my home though, flawed as it is. TRS the website is dying anyway. They went from ~38k global alexa rank to their rank yesterday of ~84k global rank. Their userbase cratered.

They also talk shit about democracy but laugh about authoritharianism. They don't offer any real solution.

Rest of your post discarded because you can't read.

Willingly chaining yourself to a money scheme is not work, it's slavery. If you want to be a lazy imbecile then you really don't deserve anything more than what you get, which will be more suffering unless someone better than you decides to be merciful.

Why? Julian assange mentioned my chat rooms and I was like oh hell no and left

The assumption is that the 'for others' bit somehow accrues some kind of… karmic currency or something to that effect.

I always hold on to the fantasy that Tucker lurks 8ch as well. Along with Don Jr.

A hero faces many deaths and many strange coincidences.

Push forward and take your existence as more fundamental as time!

the eternal 24/7 assblastery from that site's owner while Holla Forums grew was pure cringe.

this tbh

And they seem to think any authoritarian sentiments mean you also share totalitarian sentiments.
It's fucking pathetic, entry-level shit.

or he's one of the original shit-stirrers that figured out something shady was up with the mods and went full muh exodus with no good destination in mind.

because you're a lot-effort shitposter who posts like a cuckchanner and that shit is killing this site.


Barron and spicer post here.
They are literally both anime fans (not even joking)

That's some fucking bullshit man. I bring hard gay chats and hardcore truth.

he reads the hash at 1:20:00

I miss lainchan tbh.

The TRSodomites seem to have control over polchan (haven't proven it) so I've seen them pushing that with their calls for muh migration. It's funny, had these dumb cucks used this website back in the Jewsh days they'd know how bad it was and we still stayed here.

Right on. Shits fucking funny man

yea I heard she got arrested after patreon, dam shame tbh

Those faggots are heretical and don't deserve that name. They never let any disussion on natsoc cuz muh raysis and promote anarkiddism and kurdish commies.

Fucking Grigori.

reported. ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironically making a community shit still makes it shit.
braindead cuckchanner kill yourself.

lainchan was SJW as fuck from the get-go and would ban you for bringing up the swastika in cyberia mix - mostly /cyb/ faggots who wish they lived in a dystopian society so they could look 'schway' or something.
As for polchan it seems the owner is just really inexperienced and open to being influenced by the community he maintains, he believes in National Socialism but I don't think he realizes all it entails / might not have taken some of the more final redpills.
It's definitely going to be if they flood the place though.

I don't know if anyone likes these, but I made a thing.

Jesus christ can't tell if he's a shill or just a dumbass. We don't need normalfags here to tell them about our ideas.
Anons here lurk and post and then we find other ways to disseminate information. If the person you're trying to redpill is at or above 3-digit IQ then they'll find this place eventually.

He's undoubtedly the greatest neet of all time. He's lived in the Ecuadorian embassy shitposting on twitter at no cost for 5 years now

Not all of us are mad 24/7 and like to immerse ourselves in other topics sometimes.

Lainchan wasn't natsoc paradise but it was an interesting place.

He pissed me off after several years ago because it seemed like he just wanted to push anit-american bullshit which was trendy during the Bush years, and continued into the reign of king nigger.

When he got Hillary ass-blasted over the cable leaks he regained some of my respect, and 2016 he totally reclaimed himself imo as someone who just wants to expose shit and not topple ebil murrica.


That shit is fake

I'm just really butthurt over /cyb/'s prevalent mindset regarding the impending technocratic/transhuman dystopia. Probably too much of a luddite for lainchan at the end of the day

still find it hilarious someone painted that shit in a poor attempt at calling a ten-year-old an autistic traplover.

Shut the fuck up newfag.
I was on alt.news.black helicopter before you looked at your first loli

or, probably being a faggot on purpose



what the fuck do you know about beavis and butthead newsgroups?

Point it out, I can't see it. I've listened to that album a lot.


Are we not in a technocratic dystopia already?

probably a 30-ish yo with a DA account and posts on reddit/SA

Nice try, kikes.

since you got dubs



Not the fun kind.

The source of that being Barron is a goon. Go away cuckchan

expertly crafted

holy fuck I wouldn't have even thought to look for that.

t.projecting cuckchanner

C'mon, that's just Lain's hairclip.

don't start it, faggots


we're close, but the "internet of things" needs to really take hold before it really gets bad
read Industrial Society and Its Future for a better understanding of where we're headed and why we're headed there.

the x in 'cyberia mix' lad. it's not in the image.

>mfw I've been around so long I still have SA watermarked images I saved before 4chan even existed

Holy fuck its a swastika

If the cuckchanner kills himself i'll stop.



imagine all the hilarious booter names though

here since you are retarded

That's not Assange doing the vocal, he's just miming it because Assange can't sing.

if you ever watch camsluts, dildosec is already a reality

That image is older than most people who use youtube at any given time.

The Robo 3D R1 is alright. you're talking about inkjets aren't you?shit is fucked

Oh shit, it's just stretched.

Yeah inkjet. Figured I should get a 3d printer eventually but with 3d printers getting better every year and me not having a use for it yet it's really tempting to just wait. I want a ghost gunner.


What the fuck am I looking at and how are they related.

Going to need a mill for that, I suppose you could do something like lost wax casting though

That feel ain't gonna get away anytime soon. Consumer-grade printers have always been shit, and they'll always be shit, because they're a fucking con trick.

Lain's hairclip is a cross.

I just think it would be hilarious having 100s of women organisming on various livestreams at once while a server goes down.

read the posts by id 585433 and you'll get it newfag

I would wait until powder-metal printers are readily available, which can't be that far off. I have seen jewelers use gold ones.

Are we really winning? It all seems like such a long way from here.

If this namefag is /ourguy/, can we possibly find vault7 by simply pressing the random board function?


kek it's not a great casting method, would drive my autism wild

Cool ID. Also been having a bunch of luck on craigslist lately. Got a $500 bose sound system for $50 not too long ago.

i wouldn't surprise at all if he has a secret board on here

Nigger a simple link to our library isn't going to cause Newfags to flood in you stupid shits.

They'll have to go out of their way to look at the board that the pdf is hosted on and then they'll have to find their ways to the boards page and then finally here. Nobody is going to do that when someone linked a pdf to a goddamn book.

More like we're just taking over. Obviously from this thread alone many of us have been paying attention to the internet long enough to know how shit works. Sooner or later we outpace the faggots who proceeded us as well as anyone younger who cannot into basic internet skills. We start going after opportunities.

Almost nobody argues against Kek anyomore, he's the heart and soul of our culture now.

He's the heart we always felt but was never aware of.

niggerfaggot, you have yet to respond to And btw b1db4e, you may be a weapons-grade autist, but that post was massively underrated and I'm surprised it hasn't been capped yet for newfag training munitions.

And Jim, if that really was you behind >>9329467 then I call you a niggerfaggot only with the utmost love for another niggerfaggot. Please stop with this bullshit though, let us take the board and let it's true powerlevel take form. Like the creator in the matrix, you may have all power, but you cannot truly control it….ever. Let us have our book threads. Let us be without the suppression of kikakmpfee so we may truly blossom. Anons would step up in an instant and you know it. Be not afraid Jim, be not afraid. (((They))) may come after you and your blood fam….but you are forever our fam….and if they kill you I promise we'll build a statue for you in the Muesuem of Memetics someday. But we really need to step it up, and only you can un-cuck us P.S. You can always come live in hiding on my reclusive farm

P.S.P.S. - fuck kampfy. beta faggot. fucking kike Ban me again faggot, I'm just itching for an excuse to get a VPN

It wasn't blocked for me when I lived in Germany tbh fam.

Get off my board, I still have gopher:// links bookmarked.

Don't blame me just because the album jacket artist decided to use something I'd expect to see out of a 90's faggle, I wasn't looking for it there.

wtf is polchan?

Though if he did run a board I would expect something totally random like /gondola/.

Luckily I think you're right. If they've never used an image board before, and even if they have used something like 4chan – this shit will be hard to navigate for them. It took me like a solid week to find the catalog button on 4chan back in the day. Before that I was just clicking back on the pages and looking at old ass threads lol.

I think we're safe.

Goddamn it Julian's tweet won't bring in newfags but we have to remain vigilant and extremely abrasive all the same.

It's not complex

Do you think the CIA likes my oc?


I wouldn't use "agents" tbh, they refer to themselves as officers, and we refer to them as niggers. I feel that "CIA niggers" would be more fitting.

aside from that I'd rate it 8/10

oh and



(self checked)

Care to explain your 1px.png Chaim?

I've seen this around quite a lot lately.

Any thread that mentions that monotone albino faggot, dickileaks, or Blowden brings in the same amount of shilling and cancerous shitposting. it's as if their names trigger some alert somewhere and brings in all the AIDS. been happening for years m8




Checking ID dubs

I like it



Is Lain secretly esoteric Hitlerism?

If you made that then it wouldn't be so low res and artifacted.

t. guy who makes memes

The food of the gods 2.
Watch The Food of the Gods 1 for some rat-exploding action.


Made it in paint. Resized it to make it smaller because there was too much empty space at the bottom.



you must have been smart and put your images in an album with those waterproof sleeves or something, i've been carrying mine in my pocket all these years. it's the only physical reminder i have left from those days.

Certainly, more than a little could be said about übermensch theory and Lain. You know, it's a goddamn shame NatSoc Germany was a half dozen decades too soon for the internet… but it's up to us to turn it into what they would have wanted it to be.


Newfag detected. Read into how that stat works.

MS Paint is the way to go most times. I have Photoshop, and I find paint more useful for that nice pixelated look.


God damn it I just turned off Dark Souls I didn't come here to be trolled by stat scaling again.

You're going on the list


Yes, people share the same IP and so on. I think the most reasonable guesstimate I saw was that were around 100k lurkers and 10k or so posters, but no one really knows to my knowledge.

Dubs confirms I'm going on the list.

y? Also, I'm not good enough at art to make nice crisp images free hand. I'll make some high quality memes in photoshop, but when it comes to renditions I do from paper, I usually use paint. I have better success with that. Here's what I drew that image from.

Checking the List

Can't argue with those dubs, rip user.
Praise Kek!

That's good though.
If we can't get an accurate count, then no one else can either.

The amount of newfags we have on this board seems to have increased exponentially now that HWNDU is back.

I drew this stupid shit like 5 years ago and now I can just google it

It really does make me think how cheap it would be for a friendly government to just bring us all on board.

Each 'UID' is a unique /24. I'll let you figure out how many people that could be.

Potentially 1/8 of all possible IP's. But realistically nowhere near that.

Is it really? I thought it was dead anyway so it didn't matter. If so i think it might be time to give their precious board a visit :^)


they're blasting Vanilla ICE now.

There are 7 million lurkers site wide every month. We currently make up 16% of posts every hour(Combined with HWNDU it's 32%). So i'm estimating that we have around 1.1 million Holla Forumsacks on our Holla Forums every month combining lurkers+posters.

Holy fuck just imagine how big halfchan is. These numbers explain why we have such massive influence over the world lately.

I meant 7 million unique IP connections not just lurkers. My mistake


So that's why the party v& are on OUR side for once.

How are you concluding that?



Gonna go spam their shit board now thx

Consider suicide, friend.

This board would have unlimited potential without these kike mods trying to herd us.

Holla Forums offical transparency report. Sadly hasn't been one since December.

That's why I said "if you count HWNDU" you retard


It's no secret the mods are fuckups. I just doubt anyone could moderate this board without being fucked up. Holla Forums needs 10x as many janitors but the people in charge have decided to retain disproportionate power at the cost of pissing us off, but not pissing us off quite enough to bail. It's a line they've become sickeningly good at treading tbqh

admittedly this image is quite dated

that's why i called you a friend and not a faggot, friend.


You're right tbh.

Why are we talking about Shia "don't let your streams be memes" Labof in an Assange thread?

because I'm Assange and it's my fucking thread faggot

If we were to start adding new mods or janitors as you're suggesting, how would we screen them to make sure SJW/SRS types don't get the positions? They have demonstrated time and time again that they excel in subverting existing communities via mod positions. The mods here aren't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than 4chan's subverted goons.

If they didn't bumplock or delete all non-MSM news threads (anything from self-improvement, philosophy, raid ideas, and so on), I could maybe agree with you. But that they try and block anons from where they naturally want to express themselves, I smell classic jewish subterfuge. Look how quick they've deleted this user who was just posting ban caps in this very thread. Poof.

[Reees in German]

Thanks, mate. I can see how you got those numbers then.

we monitor their behavior and ban them once the faggotry pours out. it's not completely impossible, if I can handle ADP protocols just to fire lazy niggers that work under me, a board Mod can boot a volunteer.

That's my opinion.

The chance of infiltration is to high.

As you say. I don't actually know how the mods here were chosen, in fact. I do know I get banned from here all the time. A bunch of bullshit gets banned from here. A bunch of things that damn well deserve to get banned get banned too. I know how to dodge bans, and anyone not smart enough to know how to do that doesn't deserve to post here anyway, so while I occasionally get pretty assmad about what I consider an unfair ban, I also know how to avoid getting banned again immediately by making a big show about how mad I am about it. In all honestly I don't know what conclusion to draw other than I know they're not as bad as I can imagine they could be.

No fuck 420chan, and not for "dude weed lmao" reasons either. I made one single fucking post critisizing socialism and I got banned for being a "little nazi." Whoever is the child who runs that site can't handle any type of different opinion in his hugbox. They did have a nice selection of some cool niche boards, but go into their news or politics boards and just marvel at the poz. These types of people give fucking hippies a bad name if you can believe that. Intellectual cowards!

lol I didn't witness this, but it probably makes them take nazis personally. Fuck them.


I got banned recently for spamming a cancerous hwndu thread populated by cuckchanners.

You mead double 03's or the Quint Palindrome?

Because I didn't get dubs


I forgot the faggots twitter account but it was pure salt over hotwheels and Holla Forums from 2014 migration up until I stopped giving a shit, which was when Trump announced his bid to run.

God fucking damn-it Julian.

You just brought a shitton of normies here you know that, right?

That faggot owes 10K
Vid Related hxxps://vimeo.com/191605515

Twitter @timodc

Reported and Filtered

tell me about this woman
why does she wear the mask

is it bad that I've been here since 2014 and never knew of that board?
jkIDGAFWhat you tinyfaggotsthink

not really I'm sure most of that shit was laced with malware

It would be nice to see the post which caused a ban.

Can we lobby Codemonkey for this feature.

Someone make a thread over on /sudo/

any evidence of this or ?

I doubt you even have the link.

You sound like you want a little more power over this particular board. I understand; I empathize; I share your feelings. I'm just another lonely anonymous and I have absolutely no authority or pull beyond that of our collective anonymity. It's no little power when you think about it. How angry are you, really? And at whom? We talk a lot of shit around here, and for good reason, but what I really want to do is grab a machine gun and fire at jews for at least fifteen straight minutes. Let's always keep the big picture in mind even while we rightly criticize the muddy boots on our floor.

3 seconds on google

Also you should download PDFs and not open them in browser, even better is to use a VM when downloading and scan them for malware. Even TOR dev faggots warn about this.

This post sounds extremely suspicious to me.

Says the faggot that doesn't know about the public ban page.


I've been here since Holla Forumsharbor faggot.

Here I fixed the image for you.>>9330499

Subtle shilling won't work either, Ivan.

He's a RIDF Shill.

Suspicious in what conceivable way? Am I going to cut your power lines and disable all the cell phone; landline; and high speed internet cables in your vicinity and slit your throat?

Are we back on old /new/ now?

"question-chains" seem like kike-speak to me.

that means you code monkey

Not an argument fam


I didn't really lurk /new/ but I am completely unsurprised that FUD was posted there.

I dunno if there's a formal name for it, but it's when a statement contains a series of inane questions back-to-back.

It's kind of comparable to shotgun-argumentation, it's how kikes talk IRL. NYCfag here.

So the most subscribed youtuber loved by kids all across the world, and the worlds most famous neet are both /ourguys/?

Is that a trap?
Was getting me to dream about making a healthy traditional family with this trap part of your plan?

I only ever noticed e-celeb shit threads getting locked and TRSfanboys/literal kikes getting b&. I was honestly never b& on Holla Forums, I only got b& on Holla Forums for trolling pedo threads.

Absolutely degenerate.

Felix is more 4/pol/ than us but he's still an user.

If the meme, or its thumbnail, is rendered on your screen then you owe the tax.

Spam/sagebomb should be warrented if the thread in question is cancer.

thats how RIDF faggots speak in every thread.

Cuckchanners aren't anons to me. I would kill them irl because of their cancer and heresy like hwndu or kekistan shit

stop being butthurt about your ban, dodge it, and see how long it takes to be banned again. I almost left when that span was measured in hours. When it fades back to weeks, I ignore it again. Thus far, I've stayed here, though I can't guarantee that will be a truism forever.

Filtered and Reported for cancereous tripfag

I've been away a few days, what's imkikey been up to now user?

polite sage for off topic

I hate to suggest this but if you look up youtube videos of kikes arguing you'll see what I mean. They barrage you with fragmented questions.

Found your highschool year book photo…

Like h3h3,fine bros or that hipster jew yorker faggot?

I wish I could still enjoy playing video games.

8ch confirmed for normalfag meme site



To be fair Kekistan has gained zero traction on cuckchan and they hate it and Sargon as much as we do.

They're still faggots who care way WAY to much about E-celebs though, that's honestly my biggest problem with cuckchanners.


Kill yourself tripfag.

First of all how the fuck are you going to produce children, second-
Looks like you need a visit from Dr. Pence.

FFVI, now there's a great game. They don't make them like that anymore… I saw footage of the newest shit from Squeenix and it was literally a bunch of fuckboys rolling around in a sports car. And when I pointed this out, most of my shitty blue pilled friends look at me like I'm crazy. It's the same look they gave me when I tell them anything Holla Forumsitical…

Nope. I've seen quite a few of them post kekistan shit. I have no sympathy for cuckchanners in my heart.


Well we must be looking at different cuckchans.

I know the modern cuckchanner. Believe me. I had to endure like 250 or some shit of hwndu threads created by these subhumans.
kill me.

well fuck, doesn't he know rule #1? Goddamnit Assange.

I'll keep that in mind next time.

I dream of it daily.
But Satan demands I remain, to torment you.

oh fuck. incoming newfags.

Don’t listen to that other user he is a faggot, some of the best memes of all time have and continue to be created in paint.

Keep on making that OC, most of us here appreciate it.


(id trips check'd)
Let me clarify

Bad idea, most likely the new mods will be infiltrators it would go the way of halfchan.

You have to go back

The dude saluting has his hand on backwards.

If there is one redeemable thing about the negro's lack of abstract thought is that he's protected from mental illness.

He also did this about a year and a half ago too


traps being gay should not even be a meme and it says a lot about cuckchan that they have to keep reminding themselves that liking dicks or things that once had dicks is gay.


They aren't called cuckchan for nothing.

Is it just me or are there are a ton of shoahed posts ITT?

A meme crafted in MS paint is much more likely to be good than one in illustrator. overproduction and trying hard is the mark of reddit's shit tier memetics. more often than not their shit memes wouldve been decent if done with 10% of the effort

Honestly that's a Holla Forums meme and Holla Forums is super gay

This is what I call a philosophical distraction scenario. They are frequently thrown around in order to demoralize and confuse those in search of motivation or those on the verge of finding a concrete goal. I call it a distraction because it is empirically worthless and untestable, so it only serves to generate unproductive chains of thought.

thanks, doc.

Who do you work for Julian?

I'd say that malik obama is doing a fine job, hes proud of his kenyan heritage and is staying in his own country so he'd be doing fine by hitler's standards you fuckwit

god damnit that was instinctual and I was typing a post out.
that meme has hijacked my fight or flight response.

No one who witnessed Super Bowl Sunday 2017 could ever doubt his existence.

The mercenary, the masked man.

Spoiler that shit you subhuman.
Also yes,the Holla Forums bo is a fat kike and they have a lot of nonwhite users who also crosspost on cuckchan as seen by hwndu.

HWNDU and the TRS debacle showed us that there's still a lot of cancer that needs purging.

Come on now

Or someone who doesn't like competition.

thought this was old news
time flies m8

Fuck off, everyone has a right to their own country. George Lincoln Rockwell was friends with plenty of black nationalists you edgy 14 year old

Go away cuck.
King nigger's brother will be gassed along with the reat of the nogs and Africa will be more clay for the future reich.

Hello, TRS.
And GLR was taking advantage of the nineteenth century idea that muslims and whites could unite against the jew which has proven both historically and functionally impossible to carry out.
Not niggers lad, they've proven time and time again they can't handle their shit without aid and Africa is ripe for some new oil pipelines and ore mines.

Are you genocide user?

This 100%

Go suck mugabes nigger cock. You disgust me.

Is that why hitler kicked all the niggers out with the gypsies?
That's just common courtesy you dipshit, not respecting niggers and congratulating foreign athletes are not mutually exclusive. Plus, Hitler was far too tolerant
And neither does thinking niggers don't have a right to exist. Do jews gets their own country too after Israel has proven itself a den of vipers?

There is nothing wrong with committing genocide if it means securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Yes, that's what taking advantage of the nineteenth century idea that muslims and whites could unite against the jew means.
wew fucking lad

I agree with this IF AND ONLY IF there is strict moderation on newfagposting, and it is made clear that you need to lurk here for a few months minimum before even thinking about posting.

So do you still think that we should kill all the Japanese Genocide user?


There you go again, you TRSodomite.
Nope. They werre a tiny minority and were not fighting
These are entry level "redpills" you TRShill. They are used as propaganda, do you honestly think hitler would let niggers live in a thousand year fucking reich?
wew lad.


Start redpilling the newfags you motherfuckers
Lead them to the nearest redpill thread

The japanese are not subhumans and have respect for aryans unlike niggers so no.

kill yourself.

to further that because it didn't make sense - GLR wasn't taking advantage of black nationalists and muslims, he was taking advantage of the idea that that muslims and whites could unite against the jew to further both their ends.
This idea, historically, has not worked because muslims are across the board morons who fall for the kike's tricks every fucking time

No, I think we should leave the majority of Asia, Indians, most Arabs, Arab north-Africans(like /egy/), slavs, Spaniards, and every SA country that isn't socialist/communist alone.
VIETNAM FUCKING SHITs get the rope though

Where the absolute fuck did I imply this - I'm clearly referring to the same thing as you, the meeting between GLR and Elijah Mohammad. Or were you referring to his meetings with MLK(cancelled), or Malcom X(who were both Abrahamists of some ilk)?
You implied this by saying everyone gets a shot at a country, if niggers get one why not kikes? :^)


going to report every post you've made and will make in the thread and get a vol to ban you out of laziness :^)



Batul Brothas!

Spehss Mahrens, todeh the enemeh is at oua doar! We know oua duteh and we will do eet. We fight for our honor as Blod Rehvens,
as SPESS MAHRENS, and we fight in the nehme of the Empra!

And if we die this deh we die in gloareh, we die heroes' deffs, but we shall not die, no! It is the enemeh who will tehste
deff and defeat!

As you know! Moast of oua battle brothars are shtehtioned in SPEHSS, Pruhpeared to deep strike! Oua perimeter has been
pruhpeared in the even dat oua enehmies should be so bald and so foolish. We have plehced numerous beacons, allowing for
muhltiple, simuln-tehneous and devashtehting defensive deep strikes

The Codecks astartees nehmes this maneuvah Steel Rehn. We will descend upon the foe, we will ovawhelm them - we will leave none
alive! Meanwhile oua ground fawses will ensue the full defense of oua headkwaters

We are the spehss mahrens! WE ARE THE EMPRA'S FUREH!

ally != friend


Posting Fourth Reich material to trigger the nigger loving TRSodomites in this bread.

Stop posting, newfag. You're not fitting in at all.


I advocate for primitivism in nonwhite nations, under muh colonialism said nations were forced to industrialize and as we all know that has horrible effects on human conditions.
There is a hierarchy of races, white, nonwhite, and subhuman. Whites should reign, nonwhites should be systematically deindustrialized, and subhumans should be systematically eliminated. I mostly want to do this because I am first and foremost a naturalist and have some desire to see them attempt to survive without white aid.
If they attempt to go anywhere near white nations, or even other nonwhite nations there should be rather final consequences though.
Fuck vietnam for being a bunch of fucking subhumans that fall for China's tricks every time. China and Vietnam are effectively the only Asian countries I take issue with and all China really needs is deindustrialization and balkanization.


If he could be cool about it, I'd fucking love to see him shitpost h8chan memes and here him spew the more sanitized Holla Forums phrases for his shows

At least you learned to sage, now work on your lurking.

Shitskins don't need all that fancy stuff
We have the tech to wipe these shitskins off the face of earth and repopulate that land with good aryan people, why let them live? Because muh feels?
Yes. They need to be put under jap rule again. Also Russia needs to be balkanized since its a multiculti asiatic soviet shithole.

Why the 2bros out in force?

[/spoiler]thanks but no thanks :^)[spoiler]

inb4 u cant spoiler xd

u cant spoiler xd

Logically there's no reason to and I wouldn't mind it one bit if they were - it was a bit of devil's advocate lad.
Fully agree, would love to see this as well as Russia.

is this bait?



I'm on to you.

I guess we agree on pretty much everything
What's your opinion on german domiance of europe/the west once the kikes are nonexistent?
its whatever you want it to be :^)


I come from a first-generation German immigrant to the USA who married a second-generation scottish immigrant. I'd fucking love it.

So you'd have no problem with this?

USA-GER alliance against the international jewish cabal followed by an eternal reich maintaining that alliance would be ideal.

Good to know that not every americanon is a cuck. Lots of faggots who claim to be amis say that "nazism would never work" in the us and talk about muh constitution and muh masonic founding fathers!

8pol is one of the few boards I trust to maintain its ideological integrity through anything short of societal collapse or being rounded up for "fun camps" and for most of you it wouldn't even give up at that.

archives for Holla Forums monthly ebook series:

Hail Assange, hail our People!

Good, we don't need moralists and moderates like lolbergturdarians on this board, anyway.

Granted, I think the actual outcome will be Balkanization along heritage faults with the original colonies going British, Midwest Germanic, etc.

i love the random final fantasy 6 screenshots that get posted here sometimes. its my favorite game.

The mods are one of the only things stopping Holla Forums from becoming 4chan tbh.

Nothing wrong with a little flood control. Opinion threads are cancer tbh.

welp. im afraid so too, this is a fuckyou move from cia to flood Holla Forums

Sounds decent enough as long as they are fascist/natsoc nations and are aligned with each other and not that heimbach eurasianist crap like "we'll let the niggers take half of the country and we'll have a tiny ethno state!"
I think balkanization of the US is bad imho since the US can be a great ally against the kikes if its strong and united and we have enough smaller countries already.
Also the ethnic divisons between whites wouldn't exist if natsoc is truly implemented and the country was cleansed of non aryans.
Nicely designed but i'm still triggered.

this place is pretty defensible. i was away from here for a year and on coming back found it feeling completely foreign. took some time to acclimatise to it again. to someone completely new to places like this i don't know how they'd ever settle in.

massive floods of people coming here will still ruin it though, rather than integrating they'll just swarm in and take over. they would also bring shills and everything would turn to shit.

I supported Assange when I was a libertarian. Now that I'm a National Socialist I still support him.

I wonder if Assange is redpilled now or still a communist. The whole liberal order came out against him to take him down. That would be a redpill like none other. The people in his organisation are communists.

It doesn't really matter what he believes, though. As long as he continues to undermine the system that's fine by me.

This gets me every time, they defend a constitution founded on false premises like equality. There is no way to spin all men are created equal even if you only apply it to whites. Maybe all whites are equal under the law but that's not even what they meant - they were talking about the Goddess Columbia who is a manifestation of their GAOTU.
They only say this because of the high concentration of nonwhites we have and the ideals that are shoved into every American kid's head when they go to their state-mandated education. we're all Americans, we're all equal, muh freedoms muh freedoms they would say and the vast majority bought into it.
Think of the pledge ,they make us recite it in school. liberty and justice for all - a lot let the "for all" control them, even bringing it with them after they "take the red pill". It is a form of meme magic, as well as a form of mind-control and gaslighting(justice for the ALL not for you, whitey), a subtlety a lot let seep into their subconscious and carry with them for life - it only takes fifteen years to subvert a generation.

This, combined with a high population and high population density(because in-group preference is fine when they do it) of subhuman scum has made the average American complacent to things he should be made sick by and is the prevelant reason behind the majority of "right-wing" movements that crop up in the USA either go the way of the tea party, or the ronnie raygun personality-cult(the aut-kike is headed in this direction like one of those gook bullet-trains without breaks).

the absolute final redpill about the USA is that it's not a Republic, it's a Columbian Theocracy

But if the mods are on our side, wouldn't they just crash the board with no survivors if that happened and then move to another site/board?

They talk about how communism and fascism is bad because muh brainwashing and indocrination but these patriotards seem to be like that themselves. They are close minded as fuck and treat the constitution like how commies treat the commie manifesto. America is also a freedom utopia which political system will never change! (in other words they are delusional.)
I cant wait for when Trump declares martial law with no end in sight so i can see them get BTFO and cucked by their own leader.

If you look at what's been going on in the crypto scene social justice has been used to take down several high profile figures. First Julian Assange, then Jacob Appelbaum (a communist Jew) that worked on the Tor Project. Along with several other people. It all happened rapidly like it was a hit by government operatives. If you see targeted hits like that so a lead developer gets forced off a project I would be wary of using whatever that project is.

Operatives infiltrate organisations then accuse people they need to get rid of of rape. I don't believe for a second all these people did what they were accused of. And it's all happening inside of a sphere that intelligence agencies have lets say a great interest in.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Bumping this reply for interest. Could be LARPy but I need a new book to read.

Holy shit. I was just thinking about this scene last week. You have good taste.


Did someone mention weedchan ?
Reminder this bitch ruined that place,right now one of the cuckchan pol mod is a canadian female some say she maybe a turkroach.
Never put a cunt in any position of power and also beta orbiters always compromise things.

endchan = autism, the imageboard


assange is top cunt fuck off poofter cunt

Have a comic that explains it perfectly.
Exactly, we made the same mistake France did by making equality our national religion(our version is "liberty for all" but it's the same shit).

I formed it on my own through a lifetime of research into the American mindset and the mindset the founding fathers possessed. I will go in-depth on this tomorrow if this thread is still alive(exhausted, been awake for nearly 20 hours trying to build a network of SJWpi's to test things on and gitgud at memory management in the context of a limited ecosystem with networking capabilities) but I'll try and pump out a quick summary now.

It starts in the 1600s, when adjudicator of witches began referring to the new world as Columbia - this would later take the form of the goddess Liberty and be deified given the name Columbia
In effect, Columbia was the meme driving the American Revolution, a nice way for the American populace to adopt an identity so great it would be impossible to escape from. It's also easier to pronounce and more romanticized than America - has roots in christopher columbus's name as opposed to Amerigo which became America - it was the perfect memetic construct to unite the colonists behind.
It's all disguised in Roman garb and symbolism(much like how the alt-right is all about emulating rome rather than emulating the NSDAP) but its roots are masonic and the intent driving it was the destruction of the British Empire.
the devil builds his house inside out and traps you inside it

What's wrong with paint.net?

also an aside before I sleep.
Why do you think early-America was so concerned with witches?
It was because the founders themselves were into some deep occult practices and wanted to stamp out any potential opposition before it arose - witch trials were really about scaring the genuine occult practitioners into hiding and establishing a medicicnal monopoly on allopathic practices whilst simultaneously eradicating homeopathic medicine
It didn't work, clearly

Go suck some kangaroo balls, ausie. Asssange is still a newfag.

this isn't what it seems. assange was killed oct 16. cuckchan was killed by attention driving normie and shill invasion, now they're trying to take down fullchan with attention


jesus how is that a real fucking person

I sure am glad that he's raising awareness about how Sweden sucks. Cheers to Assange! But damn it, he's also raising awareness about a great board that's full mostly-copyrighted books.

Doesn't matter. We had a federal judge's home address stickied for days.

They could try reading the fucking sticky

There is no proof he was killed. No proof of anything happening actually, just a lot of circumstantial evidence and suspicious happenings that led people to speculate in that direction.

Not saying nothing happened, but I'd wager it's more likely that he is alive, given the recent video evidence. Also APPEARS to be in the embassy still. Perhaps he was taken and replanted there, I don't know.

Either way, Based Wizard is still doing based things, so we should get off his back and start throwing support his way again. I'm sure that whatever happened in October will come out eventually.

haven't you seen the video analysis of the hannity interview faggot?

i laffed


i agree. let's start with you.

Not the Hannity, only the Pilger (definitely edited).

Link to the Hannity analysis? I think I heard that the lighting "may have" been suspicious. And the framing (Based Wizard was huge in comparison to Hannity).

I still do not think that's evidence of him being DEAD. Perhaps he has fled the embassy (hence the talk of a Hannity Green Screen) and is launching his own disinfo against CIA niggers to make him think he's there?

Or maybe he is there but wants to make them think he escaped?

I just don't think they have the tech to fake him as well as they have. And surely someone from WikiLeaks (or a family member) would have spoken up by now.

search youjew for it, something like hannity assange interview visual glitch

Fucking this. If newfags would just keep their mouths shut and lurk some year like it was approproate back then…but they keep shitting every place up

some of us shuts up. i've lurked 8pol for a couple years. i can't fucking figure this place out. when i first found cuckpol it took me a couple of weeks. you guys are a different breed. hats off for you fags, i respect you.

Well sometimes people wanna change it up you know. I will say nigger but sometimes i just want to say negro or spook or coon or porch monkey etc. to not sound repretitive. There are so many different denominations and all are beautiful. Enrich your vocabulary.


All these plebs need to lurk more.

shit cunt, go down another piss beer yank

Stay Strong Julian
Don't let the Jews grind you down.

I had a dream a week ago, that symbolized how we are.

You see, the reason why we are winning is because we are like one of those great landkreuzers, but even then just ten times larger, with lots of turrets (us) on this giant beast, destroying the smaller tanks around us (leftists), while we slowly move forward as this giant mass of metal and hate.

Didn't 4chan ban those HWNDU-threads which lead to a shit ton of them coming over here?

Diversity is out strength!

Always to the opposite of cuckchan.

Bad vision and/or to appeal to young goyim.


as much as I appreciate the golden aussie shitposter browsing Holla Forums, I'd like 8ch's/pol to stay more under the radar and governing behind the curtains


I just couldn't help myself from making some OC

You just wrote a pretty good Holla Forums FAQ

Free lesson to the newfags in the room….this is what a shill looks like.

3d printing is a gimmick.
People with actual machine shop skills realise this.
Show me a "3d printer" that can print a cube within a cube within a cube.
In other words, a skilled MSN can still do more with his bare hands, mind and a manual lathe.
It is cheaper and faster to train a monkey to operate programs on a CNC, such a person is NOT a machinist, he is JUST a machine operator.


Also does that make the british empire the slightly lesser of two evils?

Not even the good stuff, it's dark magik tier shit.
Patriotards insist the US was founded as some "god fearing country" but nothing can be further from the truth.


That has been finished on a lathe or by hand.

And more importantly, its fucking plastic.



couldn't find footage of the turners cube, but here's a gyro thing that's equally as impressive being printed. No reason the turners cube couldn't be printed in the same way.

no shit retard. 3d printers are primarily plastic. The user above even said powdered metal printers haven't been really developed yet.

It is not finished on a lathe more like an end mill.
But I can't figure out how the fuck it was made.
Fire up the internet search engine.

What's face?

Yeah, that thing is pretty cool I guess, but not a cube.
The context was kind of metal printing though, as it was a post about metal printing I replied to.
I know context is difficult for autists to grasps and I should have been clearer.

I think he must print the cubes stacked on one another then remove the connecting material.


That's were you are wrong. In USA you can keep your kid out of state run prussian brainwashing system.

I'm in frogland and all the chans are working without any proxy. The only trouble was some Hitler-related youtube videos that were listed as not available in my country.

Let me guess your the same clown that got banned off endchan for creating a thread on me apparently believing I was Luke Skywalker? Along with thinking it was hilarious for someone to be concerned of the wellbeing of their family members, after my sister & father's cars were smashed into in the space of a few months of it occurring last year. It doesn't really matter. What does is that you're a punk with more or less the same mentality as the said person.

Naturally raising up all types of questions as to how and why it occurred upon looking closely at facts such as knowing the reliability of their driving skills and the situation your in at large.

Firstly, Moran I never got into the whole star wars trilogy.

Secondary, nope, don't have a large ego but have seen occurrences that make you ask strange questions. But you do.

Thirdly, I've came across insider information of lists of them orchestrating certain disasters and other means of silencing those with dissenting opinions.

Fourthly, I would attempt to kill you or seriously wound you if you made a joke of his 4yr old nephew, with his mother and sister being crashed into inside the same car immediately after it had occurred. The same with his father being crashed into on a motorway.

Fifthly, You're clearly a complete and utter hobbyist that isn't motivated by any true and pure cause but instead would wave under any banner ideologically speaking that you deem to be the most enjoyable.

Not politically motivated in the slightest. Not serious about anything. Rather with the I'm still in the playground mentality where he plays the fool. That or you've the read rules for radicals book on your bookcase and have certain passages close to your chest in utilizing what you strive to accomplish.

The whole reason this fool makes this comment is due to the fact of me writing Milo bathes in pig blood during the same time I'd write a certain comment to downplay what others may raise up.

Thus, the clown attempts to think everything I say or do revolves around me in life, who tries to play on my vanity, is a view I truly believe. Yet the person - he predictably attempts to imitate through buffoonery - has known what has occurred that any ordinary person would deem to be insane upon being informed of these occurrences.

Stopped reading there.

I think tiredness comes into play here, when the person may have insomnia on occasions. Maybe not. Not that I'm really concerned about a slight grammar mistake and neither should you.

Actively misidentifying what people you don't like believe doesn't help anyone but the people you don't like. Reaganfags would not agree with any of the statements presented in the side meant to 'represent their ideas'. Great for shitposting, Quentin-tier for 'explaining'.
Liberty for All != Equality,
in America, and not even then. If that was even remotely the intent, I guess it was an absolute failure of a job-despite the false-flag revolution going swimmingly?- since British power did not fold until nearly 200 years later.
This is not heinous or descriptive in any way. Principles of freemasonry influenced the revolution and formation of the US, but they were combated carefully every step of the way.
It is not a coincidence that the names of masons come up frequently in history books- Some, like Benjamin Franklin, were incredible talents and strove to great heights. Others rode the coat-tails of their acquaintances to the top. Of the 56 to sign the Declaration, 8 of those were masonic. You portray it as if they all are, and as though it wasn't mostly the southern colonies that had any notable Masonic power structure (coincidentally where revolution took hold last)

Really now…

What is going on here?

The only place where 8ch is specifically banned is Russia, maybe China too with its firewall. Still doesn't stop RIDF from posting though.


Spreading ideas is done off site, you brain dead nigger. By opening the floodgates you assure our demise, dumb faggot. Go back to reddit and stay there, we don't need your kind here.

I'm honored

Blame kamphy, he first started to bumplock then eventually deleted any space elevator threads made.


Thoughts on the blockchain LARP?

it's YOU that has to go back

breddy guud

You're funny, the post you originally replied to said, and I quote:
Guess you should go pick up your diagnosis already.

Theres a difference. You cant call every normie a 'normalfag'.. thats just in poor taste. There are many of normies who just havent seen the redpoll but arent at all gay… calling them a 'normalfag' is a misnomer. Thats like… You wouldnt call every black man a nigger.

goreposting a Holla Forums tier faggotry.

post red pills instead, you double nigger.


It is painfully easy to figure it out on your own using context clues.


It's a /16, not a /24.


Everyone on imageboards is a fag.
newfag, waifufag, mods are fags, oldfags.
normalfags are board users who have normal lives. /r9k/ hates normalfags because normalfags get laid, meanwhile robots don't.

Normies are everyone else. You fucking newfags are such a goddamn pain in the ass, and your stupidity (because you're just going to screech autistically at my post) is why I left cuckchan in '07

They look lovely.


webm related

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


i use Ubuntu mate, am i a cuck?

get on my level
If you're not dying at least twice a week in your dreams your doing something wrong.


Holla Forums is my main board and I have been banned the least times for it and half of them were almost fully justified. ironically the most times I had been banned for was for standing up with the mods when Holla Forums was spamming "rulecukc"

Was it walnut?



That's a fucking lie.

Also this is real account you faggot twitter.com/JulianAssange_


Dying was based as fuck. There was nothing and it was peaceful. Only way I can say is that it was like finally relaxing and sinking away and darkness. All black. No muh angels and muh Heaven or Hell bullshit. Then I woke up in a hospital and wanted that peace back.

God damn, I'm hard right now.


Shills btfo!

classic pasta is classic

Space Elevator's threads got swarmed with shills. Shills really, really hate anything that would cause the average Holla Forumsack to learn science. Just look at the "more earthlike planets" thread, it was absolutely swarmed with flat earth shills.

Except that never happened.

Leave now, you don't belong here.

Except it did, numerous times.

danke AfD-chan

I personally saw Space Elevator threads get swarmed with shills, I never saw them bumplocked, let alone banned. If you have caps that'd be great though.

Julian Assagne is dead or in prision

Get out newfag

I like to think that as well. We can only ever surmise.

There is a difference though. Ben Carson is a negro. You are a nigger.

Are you trying to culturally enrich me?

Oy vey.

I just came from 4Chan Holla Forums they keep shilling. The kikes keep shilling, deleting red pill threads and bumping pedo shill threads. Right now that place is CTR heaven. It's shit. Maybe Holla Forums should do something about that?

normies aren't really much of a problem. a bit, but not much. they just need to lurk a bit. everyone had to start sometime.
it's subversives. they actively try to destroy.


pic related.

No it isn't. The one in the OP is the one wikileaks retweets. It has also been featured in news articles.

You do know that we're called the Internet Hate Machine, right? If not, search the web for the history.


Are you saying that this GNU can run on a computer without linux underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?

That sounds preposterous to me.

If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a linux. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that linux is more than just Open Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.

The Linux Foundation just spent $9 billion and many years to create Ubuntu, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with linux. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and BSD.

Its just not possible that a freeware like the GNU could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of Linux. Not possible.

I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.

I would also theorize that the mods/janitors are treading this line to troll everyone on Holla Forums, as some kind of salty hotpocket for them to ingest.

Newfag here. How do I redtext?




Just like the other formatting. '[red]This is red.[/red]'
Use single quotes around something like that to escape the formatting.

Pay for posting would drive out 90% of our posters.

What a waste of good steel and cutting-tools.

Nice try goon but you can't fool me.

Says the newfag

Is there some reason you think you have to "obey the rules" that are 100% arbitrary? If not forcing your daughter to be raped by a nigger was made illegal, you'd be out looking for Jamal in 5 minutes. You're told to lurk because you need to observe the interactions we have on here to better understand the relationships we have with one another.

Mostly to understand that you are completely fucking anonymous, and, barring any extremely unusual circumstances/flamboyant actions of faggotry

Once you understand that, sure, you can shitpost the day away, dox random people, bullycide, hack, all kinds of fun shit. You'll still be told to lurk because you're a juvenile fuck who hasn't realized morality yet.

In fact, you'll be told to lurk forever; because you should. If you have nothing good, interesting, or pertinent to share you should lurk and read your fellow man's writings and see what he believes/how he thinks.

There's nothing to figure out. Holla Forums is an eclectic bag of individuals who through decades of shitposting together have started to share very similar personality traits. Until 2015 most of us were demoralized and just looking to end the world entirely to prevent the slide into a degenerate hell. Trump gave us hope and now we're back to shitposting for keks and giggles after completely annihilating the entire political and media establishment and intelligence agencies while they come here nonstop sucking our cocks trying to figure out what happens next to reclaim their title as king of the shit pile.

Actually, there is one thing to understand. You need to understand why we did it. Why did Holla Forums completely over turn a centuries old political establishment, completely destroy hundreds of corrupt politicians, expose satanic pedophiles in our government, completely polarize the entirety of the United States setting it down a path of war and eventual rebirth while also fucking up ISIS as drug cartels as a footnote? Why?


Lurk moar faggot ;)

Good post.