Another player had complained about the power level of the game previously, as absolutely everything we were up against were munchkinned to shit. All corpsec always had hardened military armor, grenades(in fucking 5e, Jesus), and battle rifles. We were dealing with dragons(you never make a deal with a dragon), and all of the GM's NPCs were special snowflakes that were perfect at everything, and we frequently questioned why they kept hiring us for work, when they could very easily do the job themselves.
I made a utility mage with a couple of neat tricks, with some emphasis on being a face. I was a better face than a mage, mostly because the spells augmented my social skills.
The GM kept having enemies punch(with their fists) through my overcast physical barriers and constantly having me lose all social tests because it got in the way of his plot.
Meanwhile, another player(a really, really close friend of the GM's) was constantly ignoring weapon ready rules, automatically drawing weapons without a quick draw test or using an action, wielding a katana and a sniper rifle at the same time, switching them freely, and acting like a fucking murder hobo to absolutely everybody, with complete disregard for human life.
Finally, I asked the GM if I could work toward making my own spell formulae to cook up some fun spells. I had asked him if I could work out a ritual to allow me to fly at speeds nothing too serious (like 25 mph) just to go from point A to point B during down time and in between runs, and promised I wouldn't use it during combat, and would stick with the standard levitation spells during runs(it's absolute dogshit in 5e).
He outright told me no. That I would never, ever be able to craft my own spells, and that all magic that has ever existed in this universe has already been found.
I explained to him that my character sucks, and he told me that I built it wrong and picked the badwrongfun spells, and suggested I outright munchkin a different mage, instead of playing the one I made. I brought up the fact that he ignored the other player's concern about his campaign power level, and brought up the fact that sniper rifle guy was constantly blatantly cheating. I then said I didn't want to be in a campaign where I have to cheat and munchkin to be viable, to which he kicked me out of his home. We had been friends for 15 years.
Consider sanctioned games, then. Games like D&D and Shadowrun have pregenerated modules that are used to attract new players. Your local gaming store likely facilitates these, and there's almost always group that plays these. These generally house people who like to game the system, rather than play a character.