White People Shouldn’t Breed Race-Hate Attacker Who Spat At Baby Avoids Jail Sentence

White People Shouldn’t Breed Race-Hate Attacker Who Spat At Baby Avoids Jail Sentence
More multikulti love. The normies are slowly getting what they asked for.

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Meanwhile whites with poor opsec are liable to be imprisoned for "inciting racial hatred"
No amount of voting is going to save Britain, every single party is equally corrupt. Imagine if a white man did this to a mud, you would be hearing about it every single day for weeks.

When are the British people going to rise up and uncheck themselves?


Imagine if this was the other way around, if some white spat the face of a shitskin child and said "blacks shouldn't breed"?
It would be fucking national news.


Feel safe, do you? If not for the fact Infinitychan displays the exact date and time of your post. Information we can see in the node and use to find which Tor IP was used to visit Holla Forums and to make a post using your very unique date/timemark. Now we're just waiting to see which exitnode you use when logging off after shitting your pants realizing this is not a joke. We'll tie it all together and find which IP ranges used that specific node to post on Holla Forums at that very specific time. Lastly we'll reduce it to ISPs, to a single ISP and then to a single customer: You. I hope this was worth it.

You're fucked, kiddo.

Shit, user, you just broke my autismometer.
Is this the new navy seal pasta?

There will likely be a civil war which we will win, but until then we're still going to try the local politics route. It's the best way, just in case a war doesn't happen.

We are on the right track currently, more and more are growing sick of this shit. Remember that this is a vocal minority who have control of our institutions. Most of the rural areas are still based. You'd be surprised what people have to say once they open up.

The English deserve everything they are getting, and more.

Kill yourself shitskin.

he's right tho. Britain has been pretty shit since before WWII


You can say of the Americans tbf, and never forget that we resisted the Jews for a long time while 'muh based poles' had hate speech laws in the fucking 13th century.


hitler wanted to exterminate a fuckton of slavs and that isn't historic/culturally valuable?

I know plenty of people who are sick of the current situation and I rarely have trouble convincing people who haven't already realized. I know people are getting fed up, they just don't seem to actually be doing anything about it. If marauding gangs of Pakistani child rapists aren't enough to cause an insurrection what is?

Not that I'm blackpilling, things are looking a lot brighter recently. In regards to the average persons views that is., the government is as cucked as usual.

How did the father of the baby not kill the negro on the spot? As a father I really cannot comprehend how other fathers don't immediately kill any and all who lay hands(figuratively as well as literally) on their children.

Fuck off inselaffe scum, it's bad enough I need to learn your language in school, but I have to pay the jew-state you created for muh holohoax.

I do say the same about Americans. But yes I realize the U.K. has a great history but that is long over, England is fucked, as is my country, but fought for this.


lurk moar, newfag

nod an argumend

They can vote. If UKIP push forwards, they can influence more policy and start making positive change. And change begets change. Even if we can't go straight to deportations, we can certainly start encouraging them to go by measures such as banning halal and kosher, for example.

You can fuck off if you're going to be that way, I will never stop fighting for my country, and things are just starting to go our way.

They excuse this because they think along the same lines as my cunt mother does.

"That's what always used to happen to minorities. This is just white people seeing what they suffered for decades and centuries."

Even when I bring up incidents of intentional non-white on white violence in urban areas she'll justify it by saying stupid shit like "well maybe it's deserved for all the things that happened to them". They truly believe the crimes of the father are the crimes of the children. Believe me, if shit goes down I'm personally throwing her out of the helicopter.


Fuck off.

So this is where equality had lead us to. Wonderful. /s

Either a jew, self-hating woman, or nigger judge.


Did they call him an asian?

Hitler did want to destroy Slavs because they were considered an inferior race.

no u

How is pointing out simple cause and effect defeatism?

You are clearly new

A bunch of kosher cuckservatives who completely ignore the race issue? How is that going to help? Accelerationism under a cucked government would be preferable to that.

Here's the truth about equality/egalitarianism/feminism/any of those other identity politic movements claiming equality:

1) People aren't made equal, so they'll never get an equal outcome. It's like trying to put square pegs into round holes.

2) When people say they want "equality", what they really want is more power. They will never complain about "equality", when they're at an advantage, unless they just need to make a concession because they're forced to.

For example, you'll never hear blacks complain that they're over-represented in basketball, music, and media. You'll never hear them talk about the fact that blacks are 27 times more likely to commit crimes against whites (see the link below), you will never hear them talk about the fact that there are a lot more blacks on the planet than whites, making whites the actual "minority" in the world. You'll never hear them about talk about Africa not being accommodating enough to immigrants. You'll never hear them complain about affirmative action, which is quite literally state-mandated, institutionalized anti-white, anti-male policies.

What you're seeing is just the facade of leftism crumbling, and it being exposed for the anti-white, anti-male, anti
-West ideology, etc. is really is, subjected to the same biases as everyone else, but hiding behind "equality" and "liberty" to make it more morally sound.


It's like Vilfredo Pareto said that Equality is related to the direct interest of individuals who are bent on escaping certain inequalities not in their favour, and setting up new inequalities that will be in their favour, this latter being their chief concern.

And yet Poland was to be the first German ally after Hitler got to power…


I'd say they built the same story of being Aryan as some other allies.

Because you want us to give up and you shill against your own country.

NF never got anywhere by being openely racist, so the best option is to use UKIP as a vehicle for change, then we keep pushing for more radical change. Think of us as the Bolsheviks and UKIP as Kerensky.

That pic is a bit inaccurate tbh, pic related.

It's probably just /britpol/s BO he wants us all on his cuckboard.

Women and children can't feel safe anymore in their own native countries. I wonder if other women go "what have we done?" or just me. I wish white men were men again like during the 19th century and lynched child hating fuckers like these.

I've already been there. They want to stay seperate from Holla Forums but this is still D&C to the brits that decided to stay here


Yes, which is part of his plan.
Fuck him.

They've already been raiding us plenty, you're just jumping to conclusions there.


I don't think Anglo Saxons have it in them, they are probably going extinct, much like white Americans, who I thought would be more willing to fight for their race, due to their greater component of German ancestry, but I don't think that will happen either.

They come out in every thread about white countries being destroyed, whether it's Swedes, Germans, the French or the English. Just ignore them and don't fall for the D&C it's probably JIDF anyway.

Times were very different when NF were around, people were not aware of paki rape gangs back then (outside of the affected areas obviously). Hating white people wasn't anywhere near as popular and obvious as it is today either. The BNP did pretty well considering the kind of opinions they had and that was before the current wave of anti white propaganda. An openly racist party would do better than people think in the current age, take Trump as an example. The media did everything in their power to portay him as a "hatefilled bigot" (he isn't but that's unimportant, the point is that they portrayed him that way) and he still won.

UKIP are trash, they are just cuckservatives. You can only use them as a "vehicle" for kosher civic nationalism, you'll get kicked out of the party if you are openly "racist". They are only useful for pushing the Overton Window slightly to the right.

t. knows nothing about races

It was more acceptable to be openly racist and they still didn't make a dent.

Because they used localism, what we advocate. A new BNP of sorts is the long term goal, after we abandon UKIP.

The reason their claims fell flat is because they flat out weren't true. If you run on an openly racist platform you only confirm the media's claims and thus hinder our progress in opening people's eyes to MSM propaganda.

You're not wrong, but I think you miss the point. UKIP is not our party of choice forever. A time will come when we abandon them for a new, more explicitly ethnonationalist party. But the overton window has not shifted far enough for that to happen yet. So we help UKIP progress until we've shifted the window far enough to be more racist openly. Remember, the left didn't get to this stage by being open communists. They took small steps, pushing for more and more change where and when they could, but never overreaching themselves. We must do the same.

Does it look like pasta faggot? As we speak right now the entire EU racial hatred Army is preparing raid your chimney like Milo gets his asshole invaded. You're going down fucko.

This we need to take small steps to make sure we win, and don't get cocky because that is how the commies are losing let the results speak for themselves.

Wow. It's ok to spit on white babies, but if I called someone a nigger I'd get v& for hate speech

The Slavs have a huge amount of non-white in their countries. Mongolians, Turkish, Arabic, etc. Russia is actually the most non-white European country and has the highest number of Muslims in Europe. Hitler was doing the right thing, he actually went out of his way to save the white looking lLavs who had blond hair and blue eyes and gave them to German families to raise.
Can you imagine a non-white like Stalin doing that? Now maybe if you (((white))) Slavs didn't embrace the Jewish white racial hatred of communism you would not have (deservedly) suffered under world war 2, but considering how you willingly killed multiple times more of your own people in the Gulags and the Holodomor for your Jewish masters, you don't have the right to complain about "le ebil Nahtzees".

Really, I thought it was because Russia had been completely subverted by jews and he was trying to save them; which is why


I could have worded that point better. What I meant was that most people didn't have to actually experience "cultural enrichment" and "diversity" at that point. It was a small portion of mostly working class folks who bore the brunt of it and a lot of those people were open to the NF

I think there are actually a lot of Americans who would have voted Trump specifically for his opinion on immigration and Muslims. In modern society these views are considered to be "racist" and people still voted for him. I genuinely believe that a large portion of people have had enough "diversity" over the last few years and would be willing to follow an openly racist leader if they were given the opportunity. The problem is that such a leader isn't even given a platform, they are only ever slandered or ignored.

I get it, I just think it's a little too late to rely on that kind of tactic. Within 50 years the majority of European countries will be irreparably damaged, we really don't have time for subversion of political parties and such. If this disaster is going to be halted it needs to be done within our lifetime. Aside from the hostile aliens that are already in our country breeding at a ridiculous rate we are still accepting "refugees" and immigrants. How long do you think we have? Decisive action needs to be taken soon.

Good job buying all the post-war shit your arms could carry. Hitler canonized Józef Piłsudski and was at least upset with his demise. Pictures have shown Goring as having been at the funeral. Hitler actually thought well of a lot of Slavs.

You are right to an extent and no doubt increased numbers of xenos will result in more redpilling but there are also still huge numbers of liberal cucks.

Trump wasn't racist. If you listened to him he said repeatedly that loved immigrants if they came legally. The claims of him being racist were just shrieks coming from the left. The vast majority of people that voted for Trump did so because they didn't believe these claims, not because they were racist.

You're jumping the gun. People are still comfy right now and while they're waking up, they're not there yet.

And that problem will remain. It's not going to be solved unless you circumvent it by going the localism route.

You may be right. I'ts possible, even probable, that violence will be the only answer. But we don't know for sure, so we have to focus on legal, electoral means until civil war is inevitable, because it may not happen, and if we sit around doing nothing (or LARPing about a non-existent civil war) then we won't get anywhere.

Don't be antiwhite lad.


I thought britfags didn't like the Polish? Anyway the Germans were saving the Poles from themselves. Poles were going to fucking crash and burn if they hadn't stepped in.


We don't. We don't like the fact that the war happened. Unlike Holla Forums, we don't agree that Germany winning would've been especially good. Both sides were doomed to lose once the war started. Which is why we get so annoyed that Hitler invaded Poland when he knew we had promised to defend them. The government never should've given the guarantee, but Hitler was wise to the Jews and should have been smart enough to see that invading Poland gave them exactly the casus belli they were looking for.


Haha, I used to be a Poland supporter. It's hilarious seeing them crash and burn. But seriously we can't let them get ahold of Pinsk.

Daily reminder that the anglo loves to destroy his own countrymen. Daily reminder that British nationalism is the same as kosher nationalism. Milo is the perfect representation of the English.

A bit late in Tel Aviv atm. Shouldn't you be asleep?

If you aren't Holla Forums or you don't support Germany winning then why the fuck are you here?

I don't like them in my country in the same way Americans don't like Mexicans in theirs, I've got no issue with them if they stay home and build their own nation up instead of leeching off mine.

How did the Germans save poland from itself by killing probably 50,000 polish and 100,000 demons?

Didn't the weakness of Europe and eastern europe after ww2 allow the soviets to take over poland and genocide their shit?

Christ, do you even think before posting?




You might be more sympathetic when the Mexicans take over.

Germany had a retarded foreign policy and had it's own subversive elements. Don't think you wouldn't see opposition to the NS regime that may have eventfully succeeded. The Third Reich likely would've broken up on Hitler's death anyway, and in any case, as a nationalist I could never fight against my own country - that would be a traitorous act.

You can argue whether it was justified or not, the point is that Hitler aggressively invaded a country he knew we had promised to protect, thus starting a catastrophic war that has led to today's current state of affairs.

It actually 12 million Polish Jews, get your facts straight, Moshe.
Then why did the British help the Soviets so much? Remember, the Soviets were our allies, comrade. :^)

It was pretty much all the Americans that did that.

I'm not defending or condoning that but

This is true too

If Germany never invaded Poland then the Polish wouldn't have been taken over by communism and genocided.

By supporting Germany in their invasion of Poland you advocate for white genocide.

If the Polish miltary hadn't mobilized against Danzig then Poland wouldn't have been invaded. I do agree Molotov-Ribbentrop was a mistake, though.

Ok, so if England was killing millions of white people in Rhodesia for by being only loyal to the Queen? Would you still be fight for England?

This, and remember the invasion of Poland was coordinated by Germany and the USSR.


They why was brit/pol/ banned for wanting to kick them all out of our country?

I would fight for this country even if it had a communist government. - Enoch Powell

Rhodesia is different since it technically is British too and I'd be fighting against my own countrymen. So in that case I'd refuse, and Ian Smith makes it clear in his memoirs that the British Armed Forces never would've agreed to fight against Rhodesia. But a foreign country? Yes, I would fight against them.

You sound one of those Rhodesia LARPers. At most there were only a few hundred thousand whites in Rhodesia.

Why do you lads call everything LARP? Is this the new buzzword you replaced cuck with?

It is LARPing, though. That's all this board does.

Sorry, are we supposed to be reporting everything we do to the nearest police station? Stay salty Agent.

What are you even trying to say? I'm talking about how this board constantly LARPs about shit rather than trying to make a real change.

You could try engaging in the real world as apposed to sitting on the board doing fuck all. Go set up an organisation pressure congress into deporting all Mexicans instead of just the illegals Trump wants to kick out.

Do something for your people, we are for ours.

What LOCAL changes has /brit/ done then?

Nice reading comprehension. I said that many of us here do do things, we just don't feel the need to signal to 3,000 people for confirmation when we do.

Some of us have been up to Stoke to help with leafleting and shit. Better than LARPing about 'muh white revolution', that's for sure.

Nice cop out

Spent some time in the Stoke MP election for their leader, handing out leaflets and getting him votes.

I've also done some work with BASC, the UKs gun rights lobby.

Including you, right?

You're the only cop here.

How many people are you actually convincing though. It's better than thinking memes will change things but it seems trivial when the population will wave you off.

Labours own internal polling is telling them that UKIP will win by 10 points, 63% of them voted to leave the EU. The labour candidate was strongly anti brexit.

Hes got it in the bag. Shouting white jihad at old people doesn't do anything but harm.

I miss when spitting in public was illegal.

Be fair, we had been fighting persistent attempts to be subverted by commies while continental Europe let them just walk right in fuck them up…

She'd be singing a different tune of it was targeted at you. though you might only hear it as you push her out the helicopter. I hope it doesn't come to that though user



The soviet's took the eastern half of poland when hitler invaded… No one talks about that.

Holy fuck, that little girl is the most adorable thing ever. The mom looks like a nutjob, however.

I'm not a britcuck

Holy fuck! The amount of new-fags here. You clearly know fuck all about how WWII started, please go be a newfag elsewhere.

One way racial tolerance is suicide. The Swedecucks and fognogs are proving this time and again.

When are the brits going to start killing these "people"?

Britfags see Poles and even Baltics as racially threatening. I have no idea why. It may just be Jews pretending to be Brits to start infighting.

Its about time we all faced the bloodshed. Don't blame others while you sit on your ass. Let's impale all these nigger kikes.

Also, huge fail by the OP for not posting the pics of the arab and girl. What a total fucking failure.


Did that bitch put a fucking earring on a goddamned baby?

He has the most punchable face. The way the fat encompasses his head while still retaining the outline of his chin, his beady eyes, his bulbous nose, the fucked up hairline, it all just comes together perfectly.

MGTOW kike detected.

You should be plotting to kill these fuckers with your own hands. That youre trying to subvert the rage towards the result of capitalism and a thousand years of christcuckery.

Not only that, but the baby appears to have lipstick, and has some shitty hairstyle. The mom has a fucking annoying face, on top of all that.

What? It's just kike degeneracy undermining our appreciation of the natural beauty of our children and ensuring their proper development. She's most likely a single mother. This shouldn't be normalized. It's not as big a deal as the story, but it's still part and parcel with the same degeneracy coming from the same source. Unless your rage was mislead to the stop only at the shitskins, and not their handlers who've allowed them to terrorize our people, there's no way it was subverted.

Die kike.

shut your fucking mouth, slut.

Not all whites are perfect, I can hate both the shitskin, and realize that the mother is retarded and turning her daughter into a future whore.

Our hatred lies squarely on the jews, user. Blaming the faults of society on women is a kike meme.

Sounds like something I would say.

To be fair she is pretty scary.
Maybe he meant white women that are the product of cultural marxism shouldn't breed, but couldn't express it properly because he's in the wrong country.

Why was her sentence suspended! She had TWO prior convictions!!

Don't defend Churchill's cuckoldry or spread JEWISH LIES about the Fuhrer.

Czech and Silesian people were living safe and sound in Germany.
Germany was also allied with Croatia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and (disputable) Serbia.

Basically Hitler was a guy who somehow despised Slavs, even tho he was allied with half of them and some were living in his country.

Go read Mein Kampf, faggot. He talks about the slavs directly, and you can figure it out for yourself. The slavs are fine with their historically Germanic ruling class.



Der Untermensch (“The Underman”) is possibly the Third Reich’s most famous, misquoted, and misrepresented publication ever.

First issued in 1942 by the SS head office under the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, The Underman has ever since been portrayed as “anti-Slavic,” “anti-Russian,” and “anti-Jewish.” In fact only the third allegation has any truth to it. The “anti-Slavic” and “anti-Russian” claims are merely the product of postwar propaganda, reliant on the fact that almost no one would have the chance to actually read the publication for themselves.

Far from being anti-Slavic, the reader will see that the SS Head Office publication portrayed Russians as victims of Communism—and then specifically blamed Jews as being behind Communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on Europe which had started with Genghis Khan and the Mongols.

Nowhere in the SS book are the Slavic people denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional Slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater European family. European nations specifically mentioned in this book include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

The suffering of ordinary Russian people under the Soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of Communism: men, women and children alike. Special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the Soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of Communism.


Debunked again, kike!

I dunno, m8. Churchill wrote these after all

Winston S. Churchill.
Illustrated Sunday Herald February 8, 1920, page 5
jewish currents.org/february-8-churchill-on-jews-communism-and-zionism-3849

fpp .co.uk/bookchapters/WSC/WSCwrote1920.html

en.wiki source.org/wiki/Zionism_versus_Bolshevism

In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. -Sir Winston S. Churchill

Also this

Winston Churchill told Lord Robert Boothby:

Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit. So Germany’s unwillingness to be looted by international bankers was the reason million and millions of Europeans had to perish. The (((world elite))) definitely didn’t want the “Goyim” to get any big ideas after seeing Germany’s remarkable recovery under National Socialism.

Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, wrote: "We did everything in our power to starve the women and children of Germany."

Churchill, who was even then an influential English politician, declared in an interview in the London Times: "If Germany re-establishes her trade in the next 50 years, we shall have fought the war (First World War) in vain."

And most certainly this

''In the fifteen years that have followed this resolve he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very large extent, reversed the results of the Great War Sir John Simon, as Foreign Secretary, said at Berlin that he made no distinction between victors and vanquished. Such distinctions, indeed, still exist, but the vanquished are in process of becoming the victors, and the victors the vanquished. When Hitler began, Germany lay prostrate at the feet of the Allies. He may yet see the day when what is left of Europe will be prostrate at the feet of Germany. Whatever else may be thought about these exploits, they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.
One may dislike Hitler's system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.'' -Sir Winston S. Churchill
Hitler and His Choice, The Strand Magazine (November 1935).

Keep in mind there's a lot more too.

It's a lot like how General Patton said that we fought the wrong enemy.

Churchill betrayed Europe into the hands of the Jews. He is the incarnation of Ephialtes from 300.


Yeah, you went too far. Children and especially infants are off limits in regards to abuse, physical or mental. They are the apotheosis of innocence in a human's lifetime. You should express more sorrow over this story instead of saying "haha they had that one coming". You also remind me of those retards who laughed at the Bernie Baby death just because his parents were left-wing.

This also applies to Rezzas who is so pathetic he had to assault a kid because he is too scared to spit in a grown man's face in fear of getting his head kicked in. The main thing I notice about liberals is that lots of them are cowards, like the milksop who sucker punched Richard Spencer. The biggest cardinal sin is dishonor, ladies and gentleman.

Those are fucking mass killer eyes on that woman.

Your cities are pozzed as fuck though, wew.

I'm not surprised.


She's an Anglo, lad, we all have those eyes.

Mosley got shut down by the kikes who were too dug in and the politicians too corrupt even back then.

what a faggot, go away

whats with the butthurt, this is factually correct, and deserved.

I'm not sure that photo is of a 9 month old baby… Unless this is from some time after the attack?

Be wary of these stories lads, there is one doing the rounds on social media that is attempting to show how the right-wing are fabricating stories, while using a fabricated story to compare. The obvious one is the mental case one where a man is supposed to have bitten a 3 month-old baby's face, but they're using the picture of a 4 year old girl from a dog attack news story from 2007/2008.

Some of our politicians and Lords were pretty red-pilled before we got cucked by the aftermath of WW2.

>It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century;
Nesta Helen Webster. I don't know why her books haven't been banned by (((TPTB))), World Revolution is full of red pills when it comes to all the subversion attempts made over the last few centuries. And the same tactics are used every time! It really pulls together all the red flags that even normalfags can see but they can't piece together into a coherent single thought themselves. Like how the attitude of "ultra rational atheists" cultishly following some bastardised rule of science rubs people the wrong way but they can't articulate why. Or how people are naturally averse to "the ends justify the means" but can't argue with the supposed righteous and just arguments on the lefties.

That's so fucking stupid.

Probably a tumblr faggot into white genocide fetish.

fuck off agent

Why would any fucking adult spit at a baby? Let alone a fucking shitskin?

Do people have the mental maturity of a potato nowadays?
It's fucking pathetic objectively. Race shouldn't even come into it.

Race is important because white people dont do this.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


We know that, but why isn't the media raging about the fact that a full grown adult spat at a fucking baby?
I mean that's fucking outrageous. What is going on in this person's mind to spit at a fucking baby? What are you trying to achieve?
What did the baby ever fucking do to you?


Feel smug, do you? If not for the fact Infinitychan displays the exact date and time of your post. Information we can see in the nude and use to find which Tory IP was used to visit Holla Forums and to make a post using your very unique date/timemark. Now we're just waiting to see which breakfast chode you chew when logging off after shitting your pants realizing this is now a joke. We'll tie it all together and find which IP ranges used that specific nude to post on 8chins at that very specific time. Lastly we'll redact it to ISPs, to a single ISP and then to a single cocksucker: You. I hope this was worth it.

You're cucked, kiddo.

Is normal.


Why does the government even prosecute their idols? This could literally be Martin Schulz or Gregor Gysi. They can't distinguish between Europeans defending, representing themselves and "racism" as if everything you contest about the presence, immigration and overall "being different" of non-Europeans is "racism" rather than them attacking and abusing us.

Why these people get to live in our country, at all is beyond any level of justice.