El ou ech el

el ou ech el

Are they different? They look identical to me. Except one has the juggernaut "Blizzard" pasted to the side so it's inevitably going to have ten billion people playing it.

back 2 8gag user

Overwatch is a re-skinned TF2, Battleborn is assfaggots+borderlands.

They're very different, but they're both shit.

Why bother with the fucking panel format when they ignore it and draw over the panel outlines?

It's innovative.


It's too early in the thread to be whipping out material actually worth a laugh son

I literally lost myself there…


la li lu le lo

design ur skelly v/v



I no longer want to fuck Erin.


Did somebody rip the skin off of her nose?

It's a tumblr thing, their noses are red because they're all raging lesbians on the rag thus they get blood on the nose.

The new artist stitched a pig nose and ears onto her

where did game genies site went off anyway

it would be sad for this masterpiece of 7th gen go away forever



Why didn't RWDS become a thing? Holla Forums, hurry it up please

Why even have 3 panels when it has no use whatsoever?

This thread needs some rabbit.




This is now a quality thread.

Nice user.

Gods work.


Erotic Taiwanese fingerpaintings don't really do much other than leave a big spoilered block in the middle of the thread and encourage more big spoilered blocks to be posted.

Might as well just spam Buckley edits at that point.

But user, I'd be more than happy to see more spoilered blocks of erotic nepalese wood carvings in these shit thread.

I didn't ask to feel this way

What a nose.


Wouldn't it be more productive to make a thread specifically for pornographic Xinjaing tapestries, rather than ineffectually overtaking one designated for a different topic?

You're hiding your material from the people who would be interested by posting it here, and displacing the subtlety of LOL threads with just just crude image dumps. These usually involve sparse completely unrelated strips mixed into a very specific flavor of crude image dumps.



We art critics now.

it started out as me wanting to poke fun at how huge the finger is, the 6 fingers on gabe, and the ass shading but I just kept finding more shit that made it ugly.

I welcome this change. The only thing funnier is when someone reacts to an anime image with the WHERE IS THE ART meme

Fuck me

The fuck is the point of that third panel. God damn, this should be comic writing 101.

Spiked hat > Nonspiked hat


I actually find this premise amusing, even if the art is god awful.

Chuckie had a hard life.

I prefer this version.

Don't worry, they just released a new comic

But user, the PS4 is already 3 years old.

Can you believe it? They just released even newer comic!


This is some impressive autism user.

Truly, a timeless classic.

I made an edit of it with xbox one (haha one good game get it)

I think it would be still revelant since PS4 has at least two games by now

Yeah, I bet we can think of TWO good exclusives

bloodborne, shitran kagura if we ignore the vita port, soon gran turismo

xbone has sunset overdrive and had killer instinct but it's getting an pc port

Very funny, tell me how did you become such a great jokester?


There were some written stories related to these, anyone got them?

Don't fret, user.
At least you'll always have a genuine nigger in your local monetarily disadvantaged designated living area.

You mean, Japanese Assassins Creed?



Nah, I'm in Russia and I keep seeing niggers walking around for no reason. I think they come here from Africa for education, or something.

Which part of rooskieland? Kinda hard to imagine nignogs rolling up snowmen.

There's actually a fair amount of nogs in Moscow, they're all exchange students and that means they either have to go back or stop being a nigger and become a decent human being with a tad bit too much melanin.

that europoor tenchu?

Dwarf, top hat, super strength, spooky tomb, Eric Von skullkill, Patches, diary and the mad scientist as quest.

Now what?

Siberia, actually.

By the way

Well ain't that just the darnest thing.
Exception makes the rule, I guess.

That's not what exception makes the rule means.




Now listen here, vladimir, you are not going to lecture me on amerirunes in a LOL thread, you got me, tovarisch?

I was thinking of suggesting some central america country, but I wasn't sure if those guys count as niggers.

nah, those are just dark brown indios

In South America they use the reverse "one drop" rule so only niggers are niggers, and sometimes not even then.

Of course, of course, lecturing other nations on their own culture and history is exclusively American thing

You were partially (vanilla) correct though, I'll give you that:

“The exception [that] proves the rule” is a saying whose meaning has been interpreted or misinterpreted in various ways. Its true, or at least original, meaning is that the presence of an exception applying to a specific case establishes (“proves”) that a general rule exists. For example, a sign that says “parking prohibited on Sundays” (the exception) “proves” that parking is allowed on the other six days of the week (the rule). A more explicit phrasing might be “the exception that proves the existence of the rule.”

An alternative explanation often encountered is that the word "prove" is used in the archaic sense of "test".[1] Thus, the saying does not mean that an exception demonstrates a rule to be true or to exist, but that it tests the rule. In this sense it is usually used when an exception to a rule has been identified:[clarification needed] for example, Mutillidae are wasps without wings, and therefore are an exception that proves (tests) the rule that wasps fly. The explanation that "proves" really means "tests" is, however, considered bogus by some sources.[2][3]


The art wasn't all that great before but now it's just pure garbage.

Shut up, buttmunch.


Prepare the eye-bleach


It controls the flow of information, and helps the reader draw a picture of what wasn't drawn in their head.

Tycho pointed at Gabe and said something about comparing apples to oranges, and in response, while still being pointed at, Gabe said that Oranges taste like cum-covered shit.

The animation alone is enough to make me stop watching

At least your show has their main character show an ego.

Literally Regular Show, for girls.

More CalArts shit.

What the fuck is up with Gabe's hair?

Interesting concept, actually. Though they'd need to aim for a PG13 rating for it to take off.

It have some nice concepts, and the designs of some characthers, like Patty, are ok.

But it would need a lot to make it good.


The image I posted is shown like another one. I clicked, it shows what I posted. But non-clicked it shows a mand using a saw to cut a key board?!?!?


Thanks for showing how much of a newfag you are.

I have been using 4Chan and the Holla Forums for a long time, kiddo.

Yet it surprise me that this happens. Why?

The word was "blowtorch"

Oh gee, I don't know

That must be. Perhaps someone posted an image with the same filename, or similar.

nigger what the fuck is wrong with you

We could always use more stupidly bottom-heavy and/or cute short-haired girls, but sadly they've been wasted on this garbage, so now all we can hope for is porn artists re-purposing them into pure lewd with zero regard for the source material, similar to what the non-retarded artists did with "humanized" MLP shit (i.e. humans that vaguely-resemble the generic characters' designs regarding hair/looks/personality, but otherwise might as well be unrelated).

On that last note, I still hold to my long-time assertion that the revival of interest in ridiculously-thick, freckle-speckled rural farmgirls with very heavy Southern drawls is the only good thing to come out of that animated abortion.

I'm beginning to think 8ch swaps thumbnails on purpose with some kind of algorithm that makes them fit nicely with post content, because that's pretty fucking perfect for the topic at hand and the filename.

go back to reddit pls, it's painfully obvious


Don't lie nigger.
You've already made it clear exactly how new you are.
my guess is that is can be counted in hours rather than months or years



drama from the trans bathroom law thingy?
and why is the witch talking like a man?

It never ends.

This one at least has good animation and character design, even if everything else about it is boring.

I understand Patty from Back to Backspace (r34 when)….But do you find a chubby pink Laama/sheep furry sexy?

You should go to /furry/.


How do NEETs survive longer than a week anyway?

The only reason this shit got a pass is because it was created by a voice actor and animator for Regular Show. The same deal as Rebecca Sugar getting a show because she worked on Adventure Time.

More like Cartoon Nepotism :^))))))))

It's a man?

It's not being a furfaggot, it's just exceedingly-low standards that mean I can ignore the furshit side of it in favor of those ridiculous hips. I've gotten very used to the practice of scrolling down on randomly-posted furshit images until the head is no longer displayed, then pretending the skin isn't horribly-discolored, because I'm a complete faggot of the general sort despite not being one of the "bestiality retard" sort.

As I said, bottom-heavy girls are the shit, provided they're drawn by people with more of an art degree than "I went to california and sucked dicks for 4 years, now I have my own show, hooray for nepotism". If this were made by someone who wasn't a complete piece of shit, it probably wouldn't be even more talking animal-people like every unoriginal sack of crap.

I won't deny that I'm a stubborn idiot who'd be better off finding better porn, but at least I'm not a goddamned furry.

for what purpose?

Yes it is.

That have turned you into a furfaggot.

If you fap to furry porn, you a furry, faggot.

great content, thanks OP. Your contribution is noted.

What's your point?

why create a logo that looks almost exactly like the symbol of an oppressive political party?

parents, trust fund, pretending to be a girl online

although I consider that last one to be full time employment since that's a tough act to keep up

What the fuck is the points of these threads? It's always just shit posting. No one gives a fuck about the shitty comic ops post.

Please ban this shit mods


You can't even get dubs you big smelly willy.

It's actually a pretty common thing, user, and they actually used it well in this case.

But no one cares. It's literally shitposting general.

I don't care about op's comic either, I'm only pointing out that this is a shit thread.




Indeed no one cares. The lies are all shitposts or apes arguing about nothing.


depends how they portray them.
if positively for them and if negatively against them.

Cause it looks cool?

who is the artist and why can't he/she draw faces?

Its literally just a V

Also thats just an artist's depiction of the logo

Mamabliss. He can't draw faces but he sure can draw shit.

oh god, the faces look as if a retarded shapeshifter tried to pose as a human

lemonfont makes that.

you haven't seen the actual comics, it's borderline abstract art

God, Faggy Adult Chucky continues to be the single most baffling thing to me.

why is this man proud of what he does?

no fucking idea, prolly autism

i checked it and ironically enough it's kinda hot

Holy hell, I fucking hate modern western animation. The fucking commie faggot's putting up the money so the fucking commie faggots can produce this trash have 0 taste. At least the goddamn japs that aren't otaku-animators, understand that even when you're "experimenting" the result needs to not look like shit to sell. Fucking crash already western media. Vidya, comics, cartoons, the general economy, real estate prices. Fucking crash everything and let hell run over the land for a few years. When the dust has settled, maybe we can go back to production costs that aren't fucking overblown debt bullshit so the people with ideas worth making and the skill to do it don't get fucked over before they even get something done?
Fucking hell, man.


I wish this was the worst show on TV these days.
It reminds me of the time Pepper Ann was.

Because I actually kinda liked it.

Wh-Why was this enjoyable for me?


That girl in orange hoodie is fat in first pic but lost ~15kg in next two.
I guess it is fine to have fat characters until you have to look at them closer.

It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.

Their time is coming.


it's actually not that shit



has anyone made a webm for this thread yet?

it was posted in the thread fag

Also, the guy having the hability to transform, like have done to become a giant mom…thats would make lots of fetish art

I contributed to the thread, but didn't monitor it for very long

You say that like it's a bad thing.


trips of truth
only makes me want to fuck them harder

why do you have Hitler in front of the flag of Jew-occupied Germany?

Is it bad that I think that redhead girl is kind of cute?

Are you autistic? Do you see the face he is making? His pose?

I-it's a girl, r-right?

oh, i thought the joke was the original version's hand stretched out like that kinda looks like the nazi salute.

Its a edit of this

i avoided sponge-bob on nick cause i found the show annoying, i didn't get the reference.

You missed one.

Why would Hitler be saluting himself?

This was clearly made by a fellow ancestral bong


Has this bitch even READ ANY GREEK MYTHOLOGY. Zeus fucked whatever he wanted.

Not because they're making a point, but because they're trying to look smart. Remember sunset and there was an apartment full of books and pretension?


why is life bad

Here you go

Honestly, I sort of liked this one. It only needs a few adjustments to be something good.


and so begins the adventures of the bearded posthumous space pirate, serial space rapist and a mountain climber, going around the universe recruiting and raping new aliens skeletons to his crew, the crew that shall be know as the Lazy pile of bones crew


i liked that bobby turned out ok?


well done

The elusive snap wohooing cowboy horse megazord vs the lesbian feminist werewolf and her feminist gang, i think we all know the winner here

I asked the VA of squidward what his favorite episode was, he said it was this one, apparently somone at the office wanted a good excuse to have this song in an episode

the past is problematic, so we must edit it to be more safer for the future generations.

You're mentally defective. You are the reason that Marxists have taken over gaming.

Oh I just realized that's Bobby.

you could have fucking had something here goddammit

Got to push an agenda :^)

i kept seeing this but never reading it, i assumed it was all about group therapy since they are all raised in super dysfunctional families


I have this in webm, but because my internet today is complete shit, I have to put the youtube link. Im sorry

i don't think Bobby had a dysfunctional family, his life may have been a bit unstable at times but he had a great mother and his father was a good role model for him



true, but ive seen argument that he could have been "emotionally abused" since Hank kept trying to force him into the ideal he wanted because Hank was raised poorly by HIS father


I'm ruined


the end



Have we gone too far? Should we stop? CAN we stop?






I used to remember having some respect for Pigbald. Man, these guys suck now.

Each strip is getting worse.


I doubt Bobby would be mentally effected by anything Hank's put him through since Hank's definitely trying to push for his ideal son but at the same time he respects Bobby's own interests and hobbies for the most part

Nah, Hank never really tried to "force" Bobby into anything. Bobby ended up doing a lot of what Hank suggested he do because Bobby was kind of a pussy and too beta to say no. Usually it ended up not working out, and when that happened Hank didn't force him to keep doing it.

Hank even tried as well as he could to "understand" Bobby and his generation, and he tried connecting, but the show being what it is and Hank being who he is that wasn't ever really possible. Gotta give him props for trying though.

I'd fuck a buttwitch

It's actually kind of arousing


Could you do webms of the other shorts, please?

holy shit, what?

I shall be the most hairy and beautiful skeleton man to ever rape upon the earth

who the hell is Julia Vickerman?

I didn't make that webm but I can give it a try

Quick google search shows me a retarded haircut with a bright pink colour. Guess I know enough now


What does the second one imply?

wasted opportunity

Continue, please.

Althought this one have lower resolution compared to the other one, and both have the same duration…any reason for this?

can anyone be more beta?

I didn't make the other webm, watching the other webm you can notice a lot of artifacts.

I lower the res to help lower file size and there are a lot better webm wizards then me.

Its ok, user, your webms arent shit. They are good

The chick who made this was a guest on the Pizza Party Podcast once.

Shaved off the credits to help get it under 8mbs.

Any other shorts you guys want me to do?

The art doesn't piss me off nearly as much as the derivative writing.
The approach to humor is the same!
It is like a classic double act that focuses on the gag-man instead of the straight-man assuming such a character even exists.
It is Dexter's lab if it was about Dee Dee.

All 4 examples, female main character.
It makes me question who the demo is for each pilot?
Little girls would be the assumption but I'm not too sure.
Pretty sure they're more aimed at hipster shit millennials than kids and it is why we can't have nice things.

that looks aweful.

im scared to ask, any lewds?
i know you got them


So what do you think was Patty from? What kind of idea was she, and why was she discarded?

Your first problem is that you're expecting a woman to write about something other than herself.

I didn't actually

this is horrible

LOL in peace internet

After seeing all that shit I have to ask: you really believe that we can have another golden era of animation? I think that most kids nowadays don't even see television anymore they're more busy jerking off with their favorite youtubers. And adult animation is even worse if you can call shows like Family Guy "mature" with his jokes that look like they were written by a 12 old. Fuck, all I want is a series that doesn't treat his viewers like complete retards

Welcome to modern animation, goy!

That 4th pic is why children shouldnt be allowed on the internet

fucking amazing

why is everything western so hideous. Can't even watch this for more than a few seconds without being put off at how horrendous it is. Everything is so flat and geometric, nothing moves with intent or has any sort of character.

There's always next time.


plz no, i've been a good goy

what the fuck am i watching

I used to read them in high school, about 15 years ago, and I'm ashamed. What the fuck happened?



Dont mind me, will just be playing lawbreakers for free, instead of paying money to vidya megakikes.

but user this one is actually funny

That's the point.
2D girls aren't allowed to be attractive no more.
They have to PD like 3D or risk sexual objectification by philistines like me_.

Fictional girls have real feelings too ya know.


Are you denying that free feces arent better than paid for feces?


still true, game is a soulless, bland, SJW-pandering casual shooter.

There hasn't been a good PC shooter in a long time.

in lawbreakers?
dont you think that shit is a bit early to call?


Jesus christ I remember those things

have you even been following the game you're so hyped for

dirty bomb is pretty shit thanks to the level design being terrible, weapons being hitscan and boring, and despite the interesting movement, its never utilized due to the bad level design. class based shooters are pretty lame, especially when they force teamwork in such unsatisfactory ways as "stand near this person while this timer bar fills up"

strawman factory in full production.

you realize that isnt because they couldnt do physics weaponry, but that hitscan was more effective for the gamefeel? Its supposed to be a 90s style shooter.

You might just suck at it, mate.

I have no idea what youre talking about.

they're doing a poor job of it, and you fell for that marketing pretty well. Projectile weaponry is a big part of classic shooters, as is good level design and movement.

I actually first heard about the game when nexon invited me to test their new unreal engine game, playing an early build under NDA and giving feedback on it, so no, the only marketing information ive seen was the e3 trailer from last year, which was more trying to sell it as a tf2 type game.

yea, for rockets. There is nothing wrong with hitscan when you are dealing with close range shooter combat, and to bitch about it makes you sound like a parrot, hitscan was (and even still is) common because it provides instant feedback and hit resolution without a pointless amount of collision checking.

I wonder if you could even explain to me on a single map whats so bad about it.

What did they do to her?!?

They got bored or something and now have another guy from the clique making the comics as a "guest artist"


As i watch this, i realize something. Something horrible and worrying, but probably true. It's dumb, random, asinine, and gross; this might be the Beavis and Butthead for a generation, or possibly Ren and Stimpy.

Idea for a drinking game.
Everytime "Dude" or "Bro" is said, drink.

My appreciation amigo.
has this artist made a reisen/twei/user 3-way doujin

Burger here. I thought the brits shared that one



I seriously wonder why he(she?) draws porn. It's the least-fitting venue for their art possible.

The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows
The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn

We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death

The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

It went like this

The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble and pulled out their hair

The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze

I said, "Kiss me, you're beautiful..
These are truly the last days"

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it
Like a daydream or a fever

We woke up one morning and fell a little further down
For sure it's the valley of death

I open up my wallet
And it's full of blood

It was Coney Island, they called Coney Island the playground of the world.

There was no place like it, in the whole world, like Coney Island when I was a youngster.

No place in the world like it, and it was so fabulous. Now it's shrunk down to almost nothing…you see.

And, uh, I still remember in my mind how things used to be, and…uh, you know, I feel very bad.

But people from all over the world came here…from all over the world…it was the playground they called it the playground of the world…over here.

Anyways, you see, I…uh…you know…I even got, when I was very small, I even got lost at Coney Island, but they found me…on the…on the beach.

And we used to sleep on the beach here, sleep overnight..they don't do that anymore. Things changed…you see.

They don't sleep anymore on the beach.

They have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it that they would charge up and discharge

They have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it that they would charge up and discharge

They have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it

I see you're a man of taste

Welcome to Arco AM/PM Mini-market. We would like to advise our customers that any individual who offers to pump gas, wash windows, or solicit products is not employed by or affiliated with this facility. We discourage any contact with these individuals, and ask that you report any problems to uniformed personnel inside.

Thank you for shopping at Arco AM/PM, and have a pleasant day.


The art style just gets uglier and uglier to the point where it somehow surpasses the tumblr garbage standard.

Also their humor is uninspired as fuck.


peggy hirru go homu

Thanks man


TF2 wishes it were 10% as good as Overwatch.


Now I'm wondering why seemingly no one has turned this into a WoD campaign.
Gangs of supernatural criminals committing petty/violent crime for shits and giggles? Sign me up.

seriously, this.

I remember when Gabe got his graphics tablet finally and put a whole lot of effort into improving his art and they were doing commissions and working on games etc.

What happened?


Does anyone have the edit of the page where all those [lots of misogynist filth] came from to have actual writing? I think it included the guy calling Whor the Daughter of a Goat.


I've seen some horrible stuff in my time. This isn't so bad.
It's just slightly absolutely abysmal.

Pretty sure we had the Minions movie

Looks like the artist for undralterbach drew him

battleborn is in my top 10 list of worst games of all time
holy shit

While I admire the idea in principle, the nose is now off center.

Bad, humour non-existent and a awful art direction. 3/10

I enjoyed this actually quite a lot. Strong characters and honestly pretty good humor. 7/10

very run of the mill. characters are unexciting and art direction is nasty. 4/10

the worst. Stereotypical bland meta characters (the worst offender of this is the "boss"), bad setting, awful art. X/10

Why not just bring back Making Fiends and be done with it? this is trash.

I think Making Fiends was a Nickoldean thing the CalArt plague seems to be only contained on Cartoon Network.


That was an epic thread. I'm going to have to remember to take part in template threads from now on.

why is the guy on the left so fucking bald?


How the fuck do the people working at Cartoon network do that.

It's all about fantastical places and strange flora and wacky powers, but it's boring as shit.

How the fuck do you let imagination run wild yet come up with boring plots/characters? It's like you want to do more but you're afraid or something. Steven Universe has this problem too, I get lured in with all these cool stories and backdepth going on but every time I try to watch it it's like 80% filler and just boring.

You know, I really do miss the days when the only phase a kid would go through was goth or coming out of the closet to piss off their parents.
It was a lot more fucking simple then, life was simple, none of this "boy one day, girl the next day, boy again next week because genderfluid!" bullshit.
Sounds a hell of a lot better than
Can we go back to simpler times when goth kids got wedgies or beat up?

That stopped after the school shootings made everyone scared of the lone weirdos snapping and murdering the whole school.

Oh right, I forgot about that.

Post of The Day

I wouldn't mind a teenager rebelling against his parents and exploring his sexuality a little bit more if it wasn't reinforced and encouraged to the point of obsession by all the liberal fucking media

Shit's kinda fucked.

Pigbald became greedy, corporate fucks. They tried to keep their nerd cred or whatever with dumb shit like Dickwolf and trying to "hire" (note: exploit the living fuck out of someone) stupid "gaemrs" through shady & sleazy internships.

Talk about falling from grace.

Oh yeah.

Why do you think Jammers is batter than Backspace?

Jammers was complete shit. At least Backspace didnt raped your eyes, and had some sense.

i like these two. the girl in the last one is cute


Has anyone correlated goth kids and weirdos getting wedgies to school shootings? Because it seems to me like the amount of shooting incidents has gone up since that has stopped.

Maybe we should reinstate wedgieing of weirdos and see if the rates come back down.

no shit
after bulling was banned in schools = kids are faggots, trannies, furries, etc.
bullying just helped cull the herd of faggotry

There's something about Battleborn that doesn't engage me for some reason. I Redbox'd it over the weekend, and nothing about the gameplay, the visuals, the story strikes me as memorable. I don't know why. I mean, I hate Borderlands, but at least I know who the characters are. I'm having such a hard time remembering who the characters are in Battleborn (and one of them's a fucking Mushroom!)

Because its a soulless cash grab rushed to release before overwatch.

But there seems to be so much customization put in for just a slack job. They could've easily cut costs if they wanted to.


Videogame that couldn't be published because it starred a woman.