Endless Space Thread


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Is this a thread about Endless Space 2 news and shit or are posts about Endless Space gameplay and shit welcome?

I would use it as an Endless-setting games thread in general.

Anyone know any good tutorials on how to learn shit quickly in Legend? I'm really bad at reading and remembering the rule-descriptions in-game.

Endless General :^)

I preferred Endless Legend.
Will Endless Space 2 let me make a death cult in space?

Hissho now a minor faction.

I hope Amplitude make a good species for replacing the Hissho. The militarist birds were a good concept.



Cravers Master Race

No, they arent. And go back to fucking camels, Roving Clan inbreed fuck

yeah sure
i will trust the one who want to control all the other empires

you smell of jewery you fucking lizard

Aren't Roving Clans the ones that use market manipulation to get other countries to fight their wars for them?
Who does that remind you of?



How can one be so wrong?

Oy Vey! Nobody of course, goy!

I'm really new to the Endless Space, I only played it like 2 hours and it was to learn the game mechanics. It was on the easiest setting IIRC. I played it as those white/blue midgets who were good at science.

Are Hissho good for serious first play? I want to get into this game

Bretty gud.


Thought there would be more support for the Hissho?

Stellaris is shit

Ah, is it getting a little too popular for Holla Forums's taste again?

Hissho are the fucking best, since they don't need to eat 20 planets a day like the cravers and they can murder fucking everything without having to tank a single shot, unlike the real humans.
Everyone else is for bullying.

What are you doing in an endless thread then?

I am one person, not a collective. It's shit.

I bet there would be if they'd take those fucking helmets off for once.

It's just a bad game.

I want a modern take on privateer

Is there anything out there?


Sure thing, champ.

Guess I should finally play Endless Space since it's been hanging in my library for a while.

What are good map settings, and how do I master the crappy combat it apparently has?

They've been really slow with info on Endless Space 2.

Allayi porn

On a more serious note…

The default map settings are good to ease you into the game. You are unlikely to find another empire until you have a firm footing on game basics and research as you need to take Applied Casimir Effect (or whatever it was called) to travel to explore the rest of the galaxy.

Honestly, I just automated battles. I couldn't stomach ES after EL spoiled me on the superior combat and gameplay.

How do you expect their dicks to look like?

Depends on whether or not you see them as more moth-like or bat-like.Bat penises are surprisingly human-like.Moth penises are two-pronged barbed aberrations.

Where'd you get that high res art?

Wait moths have two dicks?


I've seen moth sex in-person. It's weird, it looks like they're going ass-to-ass.


When do we get the Endless Scrolls?

God damnit I realized I missed the spoiler option. Ooos.

thanks user

I'd be down for it so long as it is not Bethesda of Bioware who make it.

Interesting, but I think I'll stick to mammal dicks. I think it would be very hard to incorporate something like that into a humanoid design without making it too alien.

I see them more as bats than moths personally. I guess I just get too attached to the face and expressions.

Mmwell, yeah. They are completely humanoid, after all. The only truly insectoid feature would be the wings, and even that is some sort of technomagicbullshit.

While on the subject of the Allayi…
Holy fucking shit the Skyfins are broken as fuck to explore the rest of the map this is turn fucking five

bump to this nice game

They've been sort of teasing something like that for a while.

You lie, they have not.

Discussion of it is sadly very small. This is current Holla Forums: shit nonstop on bad games and little talk about good games.

We still need Allayi pornRule 34 can't fail us now damnit

I have been genuinely thinking about a tabletop system for the Endless Universe though, using FIDSI as stats instead of the general "strength dexterity intelligence" shit. Putting points into "Food" would let you choose between being strong, tough, speedy or a mix of everything, and so and so forth.


Seriously? I can't get burned out even if I tried. I need put an alarm so I can go to work the following day or else I would just ruin my sleep schedule and productivity at work. Fucking 4x and GS games exist to make you binge play.

Better quality versions; strangely enough can't find the Guardians one.

some first turn guides here but to can apply most of the stuff to any race
if you can stand the guy


hope you dont spawn too close to any neighboring players and then kill everything at turn 200 or something

I was watching this guy's in-depth guide earlier. The accent kinda makes it hard to just listen it on background while doing food or exercising, but it's not too bad.

That is honestly the good kind of youtuber. Informative and helpful and not "OMG LOOK AT ME IM FUNNY GAI PLAYAN GAEMZ" kind of guy.

Welp. My dick is hard.
Gonna keep these for inspiration on designing a xeno race.

Actually now that I think about it it's already been done. Luminoth just need a larger abdomen.

Don't just leave us hanging here user show us your designs.

Give the poor user his porn if possible

What the fuck
What would sex with a large moth female be like anyways
HumanxMoth female when?


Are these games always so problematic to pirate or is this one source shit?

I think you are fucking up your pirate somehow. Have you checked the installation for steam.dll crack?

who ever revive this thread need to stop

Holla Forums doesn't want to talk about video games anymore


Tell me this isn't real and is an elaborate edit.

You're right. A game that people on Holla Forums actually enjoy has no place in our Holla Forums hivemind. thx for bumping btw :^)

I didn't know wht to expect, but I was not disappointed.

It's real, user.

I can confirm this.

???? sorry?

+i bumped this thread because i love this game and
how about we make an Holla Forums online match user ?
the host is anyone with all of the dlcs installed

God fucking damnit Holla Forums you made my friday morning.

I think some anons made a match a few threads ago. I would do it but I don't have time to sit through an entire game. Which is a shame because simultaneous turns already make this infinitely better than Civ multiplayer.

i don't have the last moth dlc
but i have the time

Anyone reading up on Endless Space 2? It looks like Amplitude studios are moving in the right direction, seriously it's looking tight.

I may just have to day 1 this game.

I hope they keep this up for Endless Legend 2 and I hope they don't pull some shit out of their arse for Endless Space 2 that completely ruins the game.

Also Hissho are now a minor faction in case OP didn't know.

I'll finally be able to DEUS VULT in Endless Space. That's great

Allayi are great at early game scouting! But they feel lackluster otherwise. Their units are kind of shit- they're both fragile and don't deal enough damage to really justify themselves. Furthermore, their heroes just don't synergize well with their armies; I feel like you'd want a melee fighter to make them more tanky. A ranged hero doesn't give their units any sort of benefit.

Their winter bonuses are nice, but you're going to be expanding too slow as a result of their slow growth and their growth disapproval. This game relies too much on your empire going wide for that, unless you're the Cultists who have a whole host of their own problems to deal with.

Don't forget about shitting on good games and saging discussions of games I don't like!

Sad state of things how rare this is nowadays. The improvement between Endless Space 1 and Endless Legend was massive.

Any info on combat?


Do you want them to turn into a second CDP?
Just fucking wait a week or two to be on the safe side than to throw your shekles at something that sounds good.

This nigga gets it, no matter how succulent that fruit looks, don't bite without looking; the last thing any of us need is another rotten apple or 60$ down the drain for a game that doesn't work for a month.

That said, I do have high hopes for this game.

AA devs are the best devs user
they care about the games they make

Best song coming through.

There's a whole lot but I didn't read it because Combat in EL and ES was a bore, I mostly just auto that shit except in one game where it would severely miscalculate my chance of victory while playing as the Broken Lords so in order to survive I had to manual 2 battles every turn for fucking forever.

I don't think Day one buys does this. I think it's caused by popularity and company size.

A lot of this has to do with their consistent Quality, I mean Endless Legend was a great step up in terms of complexity and polish between Endless Space and I have no reason to expect that Endless Space 2 would be anything otherwise. Although 3 titles would make this pretty solid.

I just want to cast fucking fireballs on Auriga and not be a total degenerate.

Well Dust bishops of the Broken Lords basically suck the dust out of their opponents and use it to heal their allies if that is your kind of thing.

I can't fucking play Ardent Mages holy fuck their pillars are so stupid

But they're not a society of wizards, man.
They're the noble knights caught in an ethical dilemma, and while the Broken Lords are pretty cool, they're not what I'm ultimately looking for.

My biggest issue I have with it is that the combat they are planning is still using the card system.

Though, what they are doing that is not related to the cards is really fucking good sounding. I love games that have areas become effected by battles being fought there.

t. jewhan

They should really copy and expand on the Birth of the Federation battle system. That shit actually made combat very interesting. Shame no decent vids of people showing off proper moves and positioning and countermaneovuers, mainly cause most vids are from awful players