

I choose Sanic. Every time, I'll choose Sanic.

This. Also means I get all the anthro pussy I want.

Why would you ever want to go anywhere besides twin seeds? Nights is a cute, you can fly and transform, you're immortal, and the only downside is you have to occasionally help out a badass evil dream-wizard with too many hands on his hands. I don't see any problem here.

Flying is the only real benefit. I'll stick with the anthro pussy.

I choose sanic, but I've never played Nights.

I love these choice images. Any one got some more vidya ones?

pallet town, go to hell.

Pallet town, I would walk around with an erection 24/7.

Nights is whatever gender you aren't, or agender because the creators didn't think that far. Also, wiseman may be a dick, but he's a badass looking dick who abuses nightmares and darkness. if you could learn shadow magic, I'm sure you could make your own waifu just like how nights is actually a creation of wiseman alongside realla

Pallet Town sounds awful, that's barely even an option.

This is a tough one. I've never played NiGHTS but being an immortal dream being sounds cool if I get to look stylish enough. Could handle the Wizeman thing when it arrives, possibly (probably not). I'm not really a day person either. Collision Chaos sounds nice but a utopia (where it never rains?) would get boring in spite of befriending strange animal people.

I guess I pick Twin Seeds and hope nothing bad happens.

Also seconding this. I enjoy these things because I am a huge fag.

What the fuck kind of retarded ass options are these you fucking sonic autist shitfuck??

Pallet Town, join Rocket

Fug yeah pallet town
I'd be the asswipe who narcs on the pokefuggers with my team of spooky, bad feeling eating ghosts.

The creator of this image seems to really hate Pokemon.

Pallet Town, because the clever use of pokemon abilities can make it so that I never get caught.
Fucking police can't be everywhere at once, and I could probably kick their asses like a random trainer battle

Fucking awesome.

dump incoming

I'd choose pokemons pretty easy to avoid people and shit.

and you get your pokewaifus

twin seeds

Aren't they both guys?

Collision Chaos is my choice. As much as I want Twin Seeds, that one bit sounds way too fucked with risk of Wizeman attacks.

They don't have sexes, I think.

How do you fuck it then

In your dreams?

yeah it is.

Remember though, in Pallet Town's case, becoming champion makes you in charge and means you can change much of that.

A life sentence of what.

Pokemon don't have genitals, retard

No wonder it's such a dump.

Pallet Town.

A life sentence of having to live the life of really poor quality pornography. So basically a fate worse than death.

collision chaos, see if i can find me a zebra twink


Where's the rabbit girls?

Shut your whore mouth Zeebs are hot

10/10 option.

7/10 option.

2/10 option with many hoops needed to persist.

Give me the Collision Chaos.

yes, yes, anus and everything… needs more rabbit pusay!

Pallet Town

Im sorry user you've been diagnosed with shit taste. I'm afraid its terminal

Where do the eggs come from?



Ok, maybe horse pusay is good too.



Calm down sperg. I bet you like anal vore too you pervert

my fetish is transformation

I'll just live a life of secretly fucking pokemon in Pallet Town

Really, why bother catching the Mons? You could probably just ask them and they'd jump at the chance to help you create your new world order.


Sally is overrated also

Is that pic the author or just a reaction? If the former, who is it?

I remember in Journey of Dreams that despite NiGHTS sounding like a girl, I believe he was referred to as "he" and Reala was his brother. So I assumed they had dicks.

Fuck you, give me one goddamn instance of this happening in the games.

yeah i'll take option number 1

I guess I'd chose furshit 1. At least sanic's world is filled to the brim with random things that can kill me every few steps. So I'd make suicide very easy and quick.

I feel that OP is making us chose Sanic but pokemon is still a good option if i don't get caught.

Webm related.

Nights, easily.

On my Holla Forums.


Time to join the criminal underground
>Rob little shits rape is a option as well
>Get to fuck QT members like James

With or without the strap-on breasts?

Good luck with that, the Pokemon League will slap your shit before you even get started. Don't you understand how government works in the Pokemon universe? The League IS the government. Their purpose is to keep all the mob in line, and the Gyms are their provincial arms.

Thats a tough one, on one hand you have Pokegirls teenage pussy and on the other anthropomorphic pussy.
I really cant choose.



I need to beat Project X for the gallery

Pallet Town. They'll never catch me.

I choose Hell.

Is there any way to successfuly play Nights on PC? Are there any Saturn emulators? I've always wanted to play it.

Option #1

Of course he's making us choose Sanic, if he could he probably would have added extra stipulations to Pallet Town like "Can only ever have one or two Pokemon ever, and they are never the Pokemon you want" and "No entertainment outside playing with your Pokemon, so if you get bored there's nothing you can do".

He might as well have just said "If you choose Pallet Town you will be miserable for the rest of your life".


Let's think of it this way.

1: No stipulation to stop me from catching a legendary mon, and thus no stipulation on finding a method to travel between worlds and reaching a much better world for waifus.
2: Walking around is good for your health scrubs.
3: Gardevoir is probably the only mon that I would dick.
4: Don't want no slut on my dick.

I choose this

All jokes of "Tom Nook will break your knees" aside, an Animal Crossing town would be pretty fucking fantastic to live in, all things considered. If you just want to live out a comfy life, you can't do much better than Animal Crossing.

people who make Tom Nook jokes obviously never touched money in their entire life.
oh yeah, I guess that's important too. I just want to fuck qt animals

Same, it sucks that there is barely any good art for it though.

What the fuck is this bullshit?
There's not a single slut in all of the Pokeworld?
Fuck you, OP, your choices are shit.


Couldn't agree more. Living in a world like Animal Crossing's would be the fucking best.

Also, that rabbit a cute
I want to impregnate Ankha though.

Palett Town
It's like free slave labor and all the slaves are 50 times more powerful than niggers, it'd be wonderful

I'm not sure if you can impregnate the animals. Scientists irl have a hard time breeding goats with sheep. I think sperm banks would be pretty popular in this world.

Or actually played the games, since Tom Nook is as hands off as one can get when it comes to your debts to him.

I'm with you on the qt animals as well, it's just also nice to know that in the world of Animal Crossing you can do pretty much whatever with little consequence, and that there's relaxing stuff to do when you're not fucking Freya or Ankha.

Check 'em


don't take it so literally. Ankha is just fuckable, impregnation or not.

Besides, I'd never use a sperm bank to impregnate my wife/girlfriend. That's like a second-hand cucking.

Good taste, mein neigger

nice singles, fag

A risk I'm willing to take. I'll just live in the mountains and surround my home with 2 foot tall ledges.

Pallet Town.

If you're a lazy fuck, just choose collision chaos, because you could pick a post-scarcity meritocracy that worships males.

There you go, the most able, most beautiful women are the important ones, and since they worship males they're the ones that would be most worthy to get fucked by you.

I'll leave that up to him he's the expert

Pallet Town because nobody said anything about the illegality of fucking the underage trainers.

Also, I wouldn't get caught.

How the hell am I gonna get caught fucking my Pokemon anyway? It's not like I'm gonna be fucking them in public. Even with out plowing a Pokemon, it's kind of a nice, happy-go-lucky world. I'd head over to Johto and make a living beating people up in battles.
Plus I could probably rape some of the female trainers when they're alone.


Psychic, Dark, and Ghost types will rat you the fug out.

That's capitalist as fuck, user.

Good luck ratting me out when you're inside a ball on my belt 24/7. But, really, it seems like it would be pretty relaxing. Wandering around, fighting with my best bros with the radio on, all that. Not my number one pick of all-time for a fictional universe, but out of the choices, it's definitely on top.

You do know Dawn is 10 right?
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I would guess that's a picture of "future" Dawn, then.


don't get caught

I don't have loli art of any of them because all I have right now is Terufuu's stuff, and he draws cowtits. May is best girl though.

+Catch and raise powerful creatures
+Oogle at pretty girls
+Use said creatures for every day life
+Befriend them and maybe even get to fuck them, if not caught
-Have to live amongst nature
-Bug-types crawling all over me and biting me
-Crazed gangs running amok, with the police force doing nothing but letting children handle it

+Crazy technology and pseudo-anthro creatures that could be super models
-Autistic dreamworld

•I actually don't know shit about it.

+Own my own house
+Have cute/cool animal neighbors
+Go around doing whatever you want 'cause you don't essentially have to pay bills if you don't want to
-Have to work hard to get the items or house expansions you want
-Have to socialize with the neighbors

Just live in one of the big cities, man. That one in gen 1 even has a gym with the gimmick of being staffed entirely by cute girls.

I actually have fond memories of 2nd gen (even though I played 1st gen plenty in my childhood), so I'd prefer Goldenrod.

You're gay.

Me too, but I figured since you made a point about looking at cute girls, that might be preferable. Gen 2 was my favourite growing up. Still is. I wouldn't mind being in 3's region but 2 has a special place in my heart. I remember I had a magazine that did a big preview of the games a while before they came out, and I read that preview religiously for months. Don't remember which magazine it was, though.

My friend is obsessed with Gen 3, and they even made a romhack of Emerald as a hobby.

Their passion outshines mine, though. Depression is a bitch.

It sure is. Hard to enjoy much of anything nowadays, for me. Pretty much just porn that I still like. Might replay the Gen 2 remake now, though.

I was pretty disappointed with HGSS. Not only did they use it on an engine (?) that's sluggish and buggy, the GB player was a disaster and barely caught the nostalgic feeling of the GameBoy's sound chip. Plus, they decided to keep Red's team's initial levels, despite the battle system's huge revamp; which means your Lv. 40+ team is shit compared to his 80's. It was fine in GSC, because I think power creep wasn't all that much of a problem back then. I even fairly recently went back to Crystal and was able to beat him with my 40+'s.

I sorta wish they waited until after BW2 to make it. It would've been my favorite remake.

They all have this shitty vanilla fetish feel to them. That portray all of the Pokegirls being 18, even though they're children or teenagers like Rosa or Serena. It's like those normalfags who fap to Misty's anime design with huge ass tits or whores who cosplay as her to get some attention from posers who can't get pussy. Or internet artists who have to age up the characters so they won't be lynched on Tumblr. It makes no sense, May is 12, she would have 38As at most, not fucking 38DDs.

Not to mention flying sex user

Do you live in the most conservative small-town on earth, or something?

Pallet Town.

didn't you play White and Black? There are nods to this happening all over the place

At most, they are closet lovers of 3D loli. Cuckservatives and libtards both hate 2D, which is the much safer option.

I liked it well enough. I actually just dug out my old DS Lite charger and CycloDS to replay it, since my emulating tablet isn't working right now.

It's not even tumblr, man. A lot of sites that will let you host your own porn like hentai-foundry don't allow loli or characters who look underage anymore. Huge crackdown against it on most sites.

How so?

Rosa, Serena, Hilda and all them I can see having sizable tits considering they are teenagers. Hell in their official artwork they have some kind of a bust going on. Definitely C kind of girls. Besides, the milk in the Pokemon World probably has growth hormones like our milk.

Goddamn I love donuts.

I seem to remember reading something about Miltank's milk in one of the games years ago. I don't really play anymore. Gen 5 was okay, but 6 was boring. The female designs are still top-notch, even for generic girls, but the games don't really do it for me anymore. Pangoro is pretty cool, though. I wish it was in Pokken because it's the best part of Gen 6 for me. Happened to catch its unevolved form with a good nature early on, and used it the whole run.

One of the only good things Gen 6 did right was the Pokemon designs, it's a shame the game had to be so easy, even for Pokemon's standards.

I think that was a side effect of them trying to remove the need for HM slaves in your team, at least partially. You've got all these cool rivers and stuff you can't surf on. They really would have been better served by maybe making HMs into tools or something. The old Medabots games on the GBA gave you different vehicles as you advanced which was cool. I don't like needing an HM slave but I really don't like not being able to explore because they don't want you to need HMs.

goddamn… those Sallys.

Furries are a blight.

some say that being white is a blight user

You're both right.

Pallet Town. Hot bitches errywhere. Imagine.

I hear that. Even Blue's sister is a full-on semen demon.

I want to make that cat my Killer Queen

It's called pedophilia, user, and it's only being seen as unaccepted just now, because it's not their main focus, as they are still pushing general faggotry on society, with bad results.

Conservatism is the new Liberalism.

what are you, gay? you tellin me you don't wanna live in autismland with a zebra cuteboy

why is collision chaos autism land

What is the story of Nights even about?

Even if it lacks a pinkhole, it can't go without a stinkhole.

I'll take the zebra without the boy.


According to Journey of Dreams, Wizeman being evil, NiGHTS touching kids, and basically NiGHTS being a rebel to spite his dad.

Choose Pallet Town, import a Ralts from a far off land, raise to Kirlia, have it make me a Loli harem, raise to Gardevoir and have it raise my harem while I'm being the best no one can ever be because everyone in this universe is retarded.

you're immortal, even if you weren't stylish you'd have an eternity to figure it out.

But have you considered Pokegirls look nothing like lolis? They are tall, and some of them even have breasts, like Touko, Mei or Serena. Fuck if Touko doesn't look like she was at least sixteen.

It's only normal Pokegirls are depicted as teens in porn. They look like teenagers, and in order to make them look younger they would have to lolify them, which is some really specific fetish porn inside what is already a niche.

Reminder that in the past in poke'verse Humans and pokemon would bang all the time, if anyone bitches tell them that your a traditionalist and stop oppressing you and your beliefs ;^)


sonic, in general, is considered autistic because of the audience it attracts

this is the internet, this question will have already been answered in illustration form.

The PC version is on Steam or you can emulate the Saturn version in SSF.

It says "pallet town," not "entire Pokémon world," donguses. You're stuck in a tiny village.

Twin Seeds

That was literally team Plasma's plan

Oh yeah the bunch of idiots that do jackshit about gangs that put the entire continent in danger and rather leave it for kids to do the hard work

Doomguy pls go and stay go

Pallet Town because Pokemon still has video games and computers. It would be similar to normal life but with a few bonuses. I'll probably do the same shit I'm doing now but with a pet that seconds as a transportation.

Why does the best western furry art pale in comparison to eastern furry art? Then again that's 2D in general.

Or maybe they just like the costume. You can not care for a character's proportions but like the outfit.

Gardevoir doesn't have tits, and


I have no flat Gardivoir.

There's a reason you can only give a pokemon so many pokeblocks.

eh, some western art is hit or miss