Fuck 1, Marry 1, Kill 1, Kiss 1, Befriend 1, Enslave 1

Fuck 1, Marry 1, Kill 1, Kiss 1, Befriend 1, Enslave 1

Shill 1

fuck off Shill

kill rocket chick
fuck de va
kiss widowmaker
marry mercy
befriend mei
enslave tracer

Worse than halfchan.


Kill 1, kill 2, kill 3, kill 4, kill 5, kill 6, kill OP

Fuck 6

Kill all of them because you have shit taste. Mercy is okay though.

Ignore all



Cancer fucks.

Too many options.

I'd impregnate all.


I just want the thick asian chick. I don't care about the rest.


Bumping a shill thread

Sage 1 Standing By

fuck the top left girl
kill the rest
sage this shit thread

Apply yourself next time faggot.

Due to the outfit she's wearing that blue/purple bitch should have a massive cameltoe.

kill tracer
befriend mercy
enslave the korean one with the robot and have her make food or drive me places I dunno
kiss widowmaker
fuck pharah
marry best waifu

that was easy also this game is mediocre I played the beta and got bored pretty quickly, it's just a simplified TF2 with less interesting characters and more waifubait that said though mei is a qt.

excuse me while I go laugh myself to death. Have fun with your fatty, user.

Fuck all of them

cant i just get enslaved by widowmaker? but only if she has a feminine penis

Kill Mei.
Kiss Windowmaker.
Befriend Tracer.
Enslave the armoured girl. (I'd let her free after like a day, I don't like owning people)
Fuck D.va.
Marry M.E.K.A


Still the best.

Fuck - Widow
Marry - Mei
Kill - Tracer
Kiss - Mercy
Befriend - Dva
Enslave - Pharah

Fuck Widow
Marry Mercy
Kill Mei
Enslave nobody I ain't into that shit
Befriend DVA
Kiss these dubs

So close to trips.

Holy fuck almost all of them have insanely long spider legs.

fuck off shill

Thic all the way.

Whatever your combination as long as you kill Tracer it's fine by me. She is one of the most annoying characters to have ever existed.

Kill OP and his thread

Red Sage 2 standing by.

Counter Sage standing by

More like shill all 6
Fuck off

Holy shill

fuck tracer
marry widowmaker
kill pharah
kiss mercy
befriend mei
enslave D.Va

Kill the fat chink
Fuck Widowmaker
Marry D.va

so this is how it all ends? with shilling?

I choose to take away OP's HIV meds, thus rendering me unable to choose the other options, as OP has died of AIDS.

Fuck D.Va (probably likes it rough but you know she's an attention whore and too much of a cunt to be worth marrying)
Marry Mei because she's qt and probably smart and sweet.
Kill the purple broad, I don't know all their names so I can't name her.
Kiss the angel-looking chick in the top middle.
Befriend Tracer because she's probably fun to hang out with. Tough call because I wanna get up in that booty.
Enslave the one that's left, I guess.

fuck the loli
marry the priest
kill the britbong
kiss fatass
enslave sasha gray

post porn of 1
post porn of 2
post porn of 3
post porn of 5
post porn of 6

kill 4.



oh wait does Holla Forums require spoilers for porn?


Yes, also you can posts multiple pics in one post and there's a limit on porn dumps, except for rare cases like Mark specified for DOOM threads a few days ago.

Just read the rules.

The animation quality for these two is absolutely stunning

fuck widowmaker
marry d.va
kill angel wing chick
kiss tracer
befriend egyptian space marine
enslave mei

ellowas is a genius

Your game is bad and you should feel bad.

overwatch porn on the front page.


Sell my seed, refund the wedding, sell my lips, use the time to befriend mercs, sell slave equipment, use the money to fund killing them all.