And all you fags do is roleplay all day. I made the same post on half chan and it 404d
The world is flat
Other urls found in this thread:
Wasted Hitler trips. Kys faggot.
OP is a nigger
Why do you stupid niggers keep replying to these threads? ==DO NOT REPLY==
Why don't you go back to shitting up halfchan
Do you guys love roleplaying that much? The universe is conciseness based and the creation conciseness gave us these things so we could all live in peace and emphasise with each other.
Nothing to do with Holla Forums. Check out /fringe/, they might take you seriously lel
Too many redpills even for Holla Forums
It has everything to do with politics because if you examine history with the lens that you're well aware is real, none of it makes any sense.
But why
i cant hear anyone's thoughts. checkmate.
Space is probably real and the earth probably isnt flat but everything else you said sounds right
Were you molested or something then? Everyone's parents tells them.
you don't deserve those trips
nod bolidigs :DDDDD
Too many red pills at once, causing choking. Many people here have only recently taken their first pill regarding the JQ. In time,OP. In time.
Kill yourself.