ITT- Ask a Bethesda Shill anything

ITT- Ask a Bethesda Shill anything

How much do you get paid and how do I become a shill

why do you do it





How can we deliver devs we hate to Todds devgaschamber?
EA has become lazy. In the good old days Bioware would already be 6 feet under for some years, yet it's still shambling along. I'm convinced Bethesda would be at least as fast as old EA, maybe even faster.

I'm paid over 30 bucks an hour to shill games like Doom on Holla Forums and Holla Forums alone

By sucking lots of dick.

Is the NuDoom really shitty?

How long have you shilled? Did you ever do it to Fallout 3?

Why am I not allowed to buy your game? I like Doom and want to give it a shot, but everyone here thinks it's an awful idea.

Should I ignore them and just make up my own mind? Should I dare to like things again?

do the people paying you have any idea of what exactly they're getting for their money

yes because you need to become less gullible and this a cheaper way to become jaded than buying timeshares or whatever

Yes, it's awful so awful, you should go out of your way to belittle anyone who is thinking of buying it, they're most likely shills anyway, I'm not the only person posting here.


That is not a remotely worthwhile investment, you are full of shit.

prove it, shitposter.

Sounds like you're a shill faggot. What's wrong, don't want the truth getting out?

prove that you're not a shill first faghat

False alarm everyone its just some bored asshole shitposting.

Found the shill!

15 rubles/post
Go on Russian Holla Forums and say that you don't dislike Russia

You're the shill here, buddy.