Google image results for "European people history"

Looks like our children will be well edjewcated from now on! Try it for yourselves.

Its so funny but at the same time you know that docile goyim children (especially girls) will eat it up. They're already trying to erase Europeans from history.


even startpage gives the same results
shit's fucked

Jesus fucking christ what the fuck Google

Just tried it, same fucking result

They won't win, obviously, the Neuropean is simply better, but fuck if it isn't going to be goddamn glorious when it finally happens soon

fucking hell, this shit is absolutely fucked.

We had threads about this a while ago.

Startpage gives you the exact same results without letting Google finger your butthole every time you want to look something up.

bottom first image is actually white.


This is about the fifth time this exact topic has been discussed on here and it never goes beyond we wuz kangz memes and the plan of manipulating Google's search algorithm to display more paintings of white Europeans. What else did you expect from Google at this point?

Rewriting history. The best part is Jews hate revisionists.

Old news.

It's almost as if they're the revisionists and we're the honest students of history.



If you really want to push this meme you need to take it to the normalfag social media like kikebook and shitter and plebbit etc. If you're a Eurofag or just a relatively newfag I'm glad you're awakening but this timeline is one most of us lived in a few years ago. Also its great starting fluid to redpill the family as well. Good luck, I hope you push it on those platforms. You're speaking to the choir here though.



who gotz da gtz?

Try searching things to cleanse your regional profile
"white power"
"deport niggers"
do so until your results run pure

this seriously works
if your ip is in a commie city, your results will be polluted

if you use an austrian vpn your results will be much more appealing

by searching extremely racist shit, you shift the results median curve

google's primary focus now is geo based results

google had a conference where they explained the enjoyability of a trip is more important than the actual distance or time necessary

anti nigger sentiments have altered suggested google maps routes to minimize time spent in downtown traffic

That's Captain Cook, well-known shitlord.



Descartes seems pissed off for some reason.

It's because of that fucking tumblr Medieval POC run by some fat nigress who loves those Medieval larpfests.

Probably the most spammed ""source"" by retards that think WE WUZ YUROPS

You know these threads make it worse, right?

I say it every time this thread is made (what is this the 1000th time), you get these results because of these two sites.
ht tp://
ht tp://
Also the use of the term people (as in people of color that they use to tag shit) is the problem. See pic 1.

Try "happy white couple" then look at the black couples they come from threads and sites pointing this problem out see pic 2.
ht tps://
ht tps://

the way this works is they name things "happy black dude with smiling white teeth"

The problem is that Google, for fear of being racist, does not allow its algorithms to be aware of the concept of race. Thus "white" and "black" refer not to skin color, but to any other feature in the photo, the filename, or the website the photo is on.




jesus fucking christ, what the fuck

Spread it on twitter. Contact Barebait or Fox news or whomever.



8/8 m8

They couldn't have picked a better white dude. You can tell he's pissed about being surrounded by niggers

Part of it is Google's new retarded algorithm, which seems to enjoy leaving out or putting in words that I did not include in the search bar. Anyway, Google as a search engine fucking sucks now and has since they changed it back in September 2016.

We don't make anything worse. Nothing will wake up normalfags to the blatant propaganda than searching on jewgle for "white people history" and seeing nothing but niggers. We want the jewry to be as obvious as possible.

Oh gee a jewish search engine giving you some incredibly multicultural and enriching images of early european history? Youre retarded OP and this thread is just as retarded. As others have said we already had this thread. The only discussion that will come of this is people calling jewgle jewish, niggers niggers, and posters calling other posters shills. Kill yourself you stupid kike.

If you look at the sources of the images it's pintrest and tumblr.

This is unacceptable.

Look at the search for "happy white couple" the black results come from places pointing this out. People are making the search results worse because we are relating the term "happy white couple" to black people by pointing it out. This gets posted so many times with the same results I'm starting to think this is an op to get us to do their work for them.


I just searched "happy nigger couple" and now i want to puke and punch something.

Deleted chrome after reading this thread. Using yandex browser now. Very good.


nigger stole my history

Captain Cook sealing in black seas of the pozzed internet.

I don't think this is Jewgle, I think it's just that some shitty blog spams WE WUZ KANGS-tier images.

Report it as a bug to google, see how far it goes.



google shows every person something different based on 57 different personal identifiers
only one of many can identify you on its own
-screen rez
-mac add

this is then used to sculpt a world view tailored for you, refined in time with an ultimate goal of bringing your objective world view in line with what they desire your world view to be.

for an emotional analog, see Fakook. Its implications are far more frightening.

Yeah, Duck Duck Go has the same results too.

Startpage uses googles results you mong.


Yes, correct. Search engines give to much weight to tumblerinas and similar, same reason google search results are now 90% pinterest, tumbler or some other god forsaken blogg.

Real sites don't get as much traffic, so in essence, trash is filling up the system.

Two shitty blog sources and hundreds of reblogs on pintrest and tumblr.

ht tp://
A shit tumbler run by a retarded nigress who thinks women and niggers were the most important people in European history. This place has been cited by places like gawker/jezebel, wehuntedthemammoth and even huffingtonpost as justification for putting more niggers in video games with medieval or fantasy settings and as proof that Europe was always multicultural. It is concentrated cancer. It is beloved by liberal retards and nigresses who reblog it on tumblr and pintrest.

ht tp://
A revisionist history black supremacist site. Hardcore WE WUZ KANGZ shit. According to this place niggers were all cultures in all parts of the world. I once looked into it and it's hosted in canada right next to the offices for vice.

So I've been red pilling tons of Singaporeans this way?


haunting tbh fam

What the fuck??? I seriously didn't expect that.

Fucking hell just as I was about to go to bed I see this bullshit. Now I'll have angry dreams.


Holy Shit OP swear to Kek i thought you were kidding. All niggers a a few smiling jews wtf!

Ok lets make lemonade - use this to subtly redpill.

Combine with other pics like


It is unfortunate how tech illiterate many on Holla Forums are.

Here is an outline for an op to steadily fix these results:

1. Create a personal blog, tumblr, twitter, facebook page
2. Post a picture of a white couple every day to your personal blog and include all the search terms you want to target.
3. Have your tumblr, fb page and twitter repost the personal blog post including targeted search phrases.
4. Do this everyday for 2 years and recruit a handful of Holla Forumsaks to do the same, each linking and reposting each other's stuff.

Of course, rather than worrying about a retarded quirk in google search algorithm for contextless phrases, how about dominating the search engines for questions that lead to redpilling? Imagine if Holla Forums had the top link in google for something like "who started isis?" for example.




fug forgot redtext


5/5 saved

Seach "american scientists" and obama comes up… wtf is up with jewgle?


This might be potato enough to work.
1.( normies who are sick of hating themselves will wake up and smell the shitskin

2.) if we push this hard enough, and make a stink about it, google might attempt a clean up to stay relevant, at which point we insight a chimpout from the "we wuz" crowd.

yeah… that sounds way more fun than waking up normies and causing a chimpout against a kikecompany like jew-gold…

but thats newton

This appears in the sea of nigs.

Do you faggots keep forgetting that jews started google and they started alphabet and that owns jewgle and that owns kiketube? or are you just sliding again, moishe?

Sheeeeeeeit this might be crazy enough to work. Bump


this is somewhat old, but I haven't seen a good jewgle thread in a while.
I wish it was just a quirk with their algorithm. ("black" having stronger association than "white" with "people", ironic I know).
Millenial Woes did a video on this ages ago and he came to a sane conclusion, but I still don't trust google at all.

Better than saving this, you faggots better spread this to the normalfags.

9 and 0, the highest and the lowest

Kek confirms yhe jews are trying to erase our history

they ate him

quite literally cooked and ate the poor son of a bitch
rip in peace based shitlord