I bet Texans will love that as much as they love sassy black actresses and other paid Hollywood bobbleheads lecturing them on how they should run their state.
Daniel Cooper
The whole world is an illusion.
Nicholas Moore
In ostracizing all right-wing people from hollywood and television, the media are now almost entirely disarmed. They are incapable of producing anything that a conservative-minded person would be even remotely interested in.
We're surrounded by leftists and liberals daily, we probably work with them, we have family members. Same with cuckservatives, they're all around us. When we have to, we know how to talk to them, we know how to get into their heads.
But they are fundamentally incapable of doing the same for us, or even of getting into the heads of a normie-tier conservative.
They're going to blow all their money on this bullshit and then screach about how it's not working.
Lincoln Morales
lel These isdiots think Texans will go for that shit? Who knows, maybe the diehard lib pockets will make a turnout. I swear, Houston/Austin/Dallas/San An are a blight on this state.
Dylan Parker
I like their liberal "average Joe" guy
Austin Perry
I fucking hate niggertech.
Jason Thompson
Landon Ross
God fucking damn it. Fuck Dallas, fuck Austin, fuck every big city in Texas.
Time to start digging? We've got a list of names of the people behind this retardation.
William Diaz
what the…
David Anderson
I'll get the truck…
Adam Nelson
Brody Rivera
Oh fuck no. Get this degenerate garbage outta my city. Also, that old fuck wearing a cowboy hat, thinking he's fooling anyone with his libshit ass needs to get lynched.
Evan Ross
Stage a counter-protest.
Dylan Miller
Said no one. Ever.
Brayden Thompson
"And that guy…" - Butch lez coming out of stall.
Need to work on your gaydar there chief.
Luke Cox
Comments not disabled yet: "I'm guessing 'Poo for LGBTQ' didn't work out?" - classic
Jose Lewis
We're infested by illegals and commifornians who abandoned their state but not their voting pattern
Hudson Peterson
Nicholas Phillips